There are few things that make me warmer and fuzzier than this Newsweek story about Michael Schiavo campaigning against the assholes who chose to inject themselves and the federal government into his marriage. Let’s start with a real profile in courage, Marilyn Musgrave:
Last week Michael Schiavo took a seat only 15 feet away from Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave—all the better to taunt her. She had been an outspoken advocate of what Schiavo considered government intrusion in his wife Terri’s right-to-die case last year. When Musgrave’s camp objected to Schiavo’s presence, one of the event hosts tried, unsuccessfully, to have a cop force him to change seats. Though Musgrave wasn’t asked about Terri during the debate, Schiavo had already met his goal—evoking his wife’s case, and the privacy concerns it raised, for the press and the public.
During the height of the Schiavo affair, Musgrave had the following to say from the floor of the house:
“When we talk about a permanent vegetative state, I am offended by that. Terri (Schiavo) smiles and acknowledges the people that love her when they come to see her. She cries when they leave. How heartless are we to call somebody like Terri Schiavo a vegetable? What are we thinking?”
And now, the mere presence of the man she helped to villify scares her.
I love it.
Yes, I rather enjoyed that whole fiasco–Michael Schiavo posted about it on Daily Kos, in fact.
Read it all, it’s crazy. Actually, it reminds me of the Allen campaign, too–what is it with these thugs, and why do they hate The Bill of Rights (freedom of speech, petition, assembly, due process…) so much?
Mr Furious
John, be sure you read that Kos diary. It’s great. Here is a link to Shiavo’s PAC if anyone is inclined to donate…
The Other Steve
Further proof that republicans are cowards.
What’s neat is that he actually blogged about it at Kos the night it happened. His diaries always get a lot of attention – and whoo boy, do they ever bring the trolls out of the woodwork, even moreso than Cindy Sheehan. It’s amazing how some people have been conditioned to think of this guy as the embodiment of evil.
Not “conditioned” to think of him that way, but instead a conclusion drawn after watching him speak and watching his actions. I mean, taking a poke at her family even after death says it all as what a scumbag he is.
Seek professional help.
Wow, I’ve never seen that before. That’s terrible! I can’t believe he had a middle finger and “Neener-Neener-Neener” inscribed on the headstone! He really IS a scumbag.
Ha! What a cry baby…and she is going to protect us from the terrorists? She’s a classic example of the bed wetters.
Even better, she can’t even look the guy whose character she tried to assassinate in the eye.
What happened to Michael Schiavo at the hands of worms like Sean Hannity, Randall Terry and the GOP congress was truly disgusting. Congress passed what was effectively a bill of attainder (even if not actually such in the strictest legal sense). A pox on those cowardly Dems that couldn’t find the will to fight something that was both so immoral and massively unpopular.
Darrell’s affection for pies notwithstanding, it will be a beatiful morning next Wednesday when these authoritarian nuts have been thrown out on their collective asses.
Perry Como
As somone said (CNN talking head?), Stark had a back pack and therefore may have been a terrorist. He had it coming to him. Look at how he was dressed.
Sure, because the wishes of Terri Schiavo’s parents, and of her brother deserve to be discarded like the trash they are.. in favor of such a stand up guy like Michael Schiavo.
Please people, don’t feed Darrell..or scs if she shows up. This is too great a story to “Darrell” the thread. Thank you in advance.
What I want to know is, how do you get this issue so clearly (as you have from the get-go) and still manage to write the part of scs so effectively?
That is some serious spoof, my good man. Props.
Tim in SF
A few days ago, mJohnGalt posted:
I DL’d Firefox 2 (Mac OS X). There was no “script monkey” in the available extensions but there was an equivalent called Greasemonkey. I was unable to locate any “antitroll script” anywhere. I found a reference to a antitroll.pie.js on Balloon Juice which, with the “pie” inclusion, I assume is a script meant to shut Darrell’s pie hole. :-) Regardless, I was unable to find the actual script, just references.
Please help.
Faux News
He would much prefer to drink the Grape KCN Kool Aid
I’m glad Conscience Cole woke up due to the TS affair. If anything says “conservative” more than having the federal gov’t of the United States tell you exactly how you’re going to die, I dont know what that is.
Personally, I left the GOP tent in summer of 2003, when it became clear we’d been duped about WMDs, and there were no apologies forthcoming. I realize it took much stronger material such as the TS debacle for others to break their addiction to Kool-Aid.
In the end, mission accomplished, or so I have been told.
Perry Como
Tim in SF,
You can get it here.
The Other Steve
Darrell, I’m curious. Would you be willing to say the same thing to Schiavo’s face?
Or would you run away like Musgrave did?
I grew up in Oakland County, Michigan, one of the richest counties in America. Rock-solid Republican country. When we had a mock election in high school, Reagan beat Mondale something like 183 to 0 (I blame peer pressure for my vote).
One famous Oakland County resident is a man by the name of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who you might recall was pretty controversial back in the day. But where I came from – hardcore Republican territory – polls consistently showed that people supported Dr. Kevorkian by a 2-1 margin. In fact, when the Republican county prosecutor got overzealous in his crusade against Kevorkian, we threw him out of office.
These days, the county is pretty much 50/50 territory – partly because of migration from Detroit, partly because these solid fiscal conservatives simply don’t like the new turn the GOP has taken. It’s not surprising to me at all that so many traditional conservatives were disgusted by the Schiavo episode. They think the government should be staying out of these things, and so do I. Maybe I’m a Reagan voter after all.
Hey John,
Why don’t you get in contact with Michael and ask him for an interview? I’m sure he’d be very interested to talk to a fellow Republican who was drawn away from the party over what they did to him and his family.
Plus, it’d probably make Darrell’s head explode.
Tom Hilton
And now, the mere presence of the man she helped to villify scares her.
I love it.
That is awesome. Imagine how terrified she’d have been if there had also been gay people in the audience.
You seem to be forgetting the wishes of Terri herself. The issue has always been what were *HER* wishes, because you know… the entire issue is about her body, her life, her soul. It has nothing to do with what Michael wanted, or what Terri’s family wanted.
If you want to claim that Michael went against Terri’s wishes when he claimed he was acting in a way that was in accordance with Terri’s wishes, you can try do so, but you have to acknowledge the court found in favor of Michael on this particular point. We live in a land of laws, let’s not forget.
It wasn’t the Democratic Party’s right to have a position. They stayed out of it like the Republicans should have. They didn’t. Instead of another partisan squabble it became an eye opener to people like John Cole of how low his party could sink.
Much like polling methodology and cluster sampling, laws have a well known liberal bias
Something like 80% of the American people were against the government Schiavo intervention. The only thing that polls worse than Schiavo is Dick Cheney’s approval rating
And Darrell is here defending it.
We should be proud to have one of the crazies here to interact with, they’re pretty rare
There is no evidence whatsoever of Terri’s wishes other than what Michael Schiavo says they are you stupid jackass. Show us her living will or similar document.
Yeah, that’s what I thought
Mike S
It’s embedded in his genes. If anything bad is said of the GOP Darrell is compelled with evert fiber of his being to defend them.
Nothing gives me such delectation as the camaradie of this blog, despite the futile and orotund oration put forth by Darrell.
Yeah, I just read a dictionary.
To continue with what I was saying earlier, as it seems to apply again… why do some people hate the rule of law so much?
Dustbin Of History
The rule of law has a well-known liberal bias.
“Profile in courage” is about right. If marriage has ever truly been under attack, it was by those assholes during the Schiavo thing.
Conservative, small, non-intrusive government. Riiiight. Until it’s something that gets the Dobsonites pissing in their Depends then they bring the full force and weight of the federal government smashing through your bedroom door.
Like Paul L. in another thread, you too need to catch up on the newscycle and L2Google.
John, Darrell’s projecting again!
Becasue Darrell doesn’t trust or believe in the 15 years of State court rulings siding with Michael, we need to provide him proof.
If only somebody had been allowed to give Terri a bottle of water and a nice turkey sandwich–the only things standing between her and a full recovery–none of this would have happened. WHy do Democrats hate both life and turkey sandwiches?
Shit for brains, how does your link in ANY way refute my point.
Honestly, Pb’s response is the only sane one.
So, you haven’t read any of the court documents, yet you continue to argue in ignorance.
That tells us a lot about you.
You will have to Google but GOOD KARMA does exist. Seems Randall Terry adopted two children before he procreated with his current wife. Seems the adopted son is GAY and the adopted daughter is with child out of wedlock. He has done a Alan Keyes and disowned his children. Now that is FAMILY VALUES…..
And Darrell continues to project…
It’s like wiping your ass with silk.
Let’s all hope that if Darrell ends up in a situation with 50% of his brain destroyed (the outer, most dense and sophisticated 50%), and he can’t so much as follow a light around with his eyes because his occipital lobe is largely gone, can’t even swallow, etc., Congress is still willing to butt into his next-of-kin’s decision making process and make sure he stays hooked up to a feeding tube and his mindless body is kept alive for 50 fucking years. Or until his mindless shell inevitably finally dies from some bedsore infection.
Darrell has made his wishes known here, folks.
Sorry to paint too harsh of a picture, but for this fuck to butt his shitty ass into a single family’s extremely private and somber end-of-life decision is arrogance taken to the extreme. This story should never have been known about by any of us, but Darrell knows what was best for Terri, or at least he knew who should have determined it, you see.
If you don’t like the way the law in the state of Florida or anywhere else gives sole medical decision-making power to the spouse of someone who is in a vegetative state or otherwise incapacitated, Darrell, and you want parents to instead have that right, then launch a campaign to change it. But if you don’t think that’s a good idea, then shut the fuck up.
Let it be known, folks; if you don’t get around to putting your vegetative-state wishes down on paper, and it damn well better be something very legal, someone like Darrell will come along and find some way to make your spouse look like whatever he wants to in order to interfere with your spouse’s ability to deal privately with your situation. Your loved ones don’t know shit about what you want, but Darrell will.
The left loves the ‘rule of law’ only on a case by case basis. They love it with Terri Schiavo, but when Kansas AG Phill Kline enforces late-term abortion rules of law, they scream like stuck pigs.
Dishonest hypocrites to the core.
Except that dishonest jackasses like you don’t want to acknowledge both parents and brother as part of the “family” decision. How honest of you.
Damn, he continues to project!
I love this. The ever so eloquent left.
You must have missed the part that stated, “Testimony from eighteen witnesses regarding her medical condition and her end-of-life wishes were heard.” So in your world, 18 witnesses providing testimony does not constitute evidence? Glad to see you admit you’re obvious disdain for the rule of law.
Funny that he brings up the Kline thing, again. Take it away, brother Steve (from yesterday)
As to this:
What part of “take it up with the Florida state legislature” don’t you understand?
There were conflicting testimony. The judge’s decision was based on Michael Schiavo’s word, suddenly recalled years afterward. It is not “proof” of her wishes in any way. TS had no living will or any other written document.
The part about “but for this fuck to butt his shitty ass”
Richard 23
Hahaha Double D, you be teh funny!
But your diaper needs changing. It’s saggy and leaks.
This thread has been Darrelled…
Remember, it’s about a chickenshit politican who can dish it out, but can’t take it!!!
So when are you starting your campaign to change the fucking law, you meddling idiot? It’s the law in every state in this country that the spouse (or next of kin if no spouse) has the sole decision in pulling the plug on ‘vegetables’. Why do you think that law exists? Because state populations made a mistake who knows how many decades ago about who they wanted to make those decisions?
I knew the Darrell idiot was a Bush-blower before, but I didn’t know anyone sane was still willing to defend the Schiavo Presidential Intervention.
You used the word ‘family’ decision. I pointed out that the parents and brother are definitely part of her family.
I think you have eloquently made your point
Faux News
Darrell is the Sore/Loserman of 2006.
Tim in SF
Mike S Says:
To quote Dilbert writer Scott Adams this morning:
No. As has been explained on this thread by the articulate left, I am a “Bush-blower” “fuck” who “butts my shitty ass”
Here’s the relevant legal decision. Tell me why the judge is wrong.
“Because I disagree” is an F answer.
So when are you going to advocate changing the marriage law in Florida and everywhere else to make sure the decision isn’t solely on the spouse when there is one?
We’ve seen enough of your profanity in the past to know that this crap is silliness coming from you.
Folks, these Darrell types want the federal government to interfere in your spouse’s devastating decision to pull the plug on you should become a mindless vegetative shell on life-support.
Just imagine what that must be like without government interference, and then imagine it with Congress and the president getting specifically involved, and then remember that Darrell thinks that’s appropriate.
The first step is admitting that you have a problem. I think we’re making real progress here. Now repeat after me: I *am* an ignorant, dishonest, arrogant, lying, partisan, vindictive sociopathic fraud… and that’s ok.
capelza has a point. we’ve let Third Grade Darrell ruin a great thread.
Why was fucktard allowed to return? Am I missing something? It is the SOS with him and he needs to go again.
Darrell, don’t worry – after the Democrats win next week and I gay-marry you, I promise to involve your parents and siblings in the decision to pull the plug.
It’s still evidence, and the judge ruled based on the evidence. Many judges and many courts heard all sorts of evidence, and made rulings based on it. Once again, you prove you cannot engage in an intellectually honest discussion.
Mr Furious
Thanks for taking that one for the team, tBone!
Perry Como
The only reason Darrell would be on life support is because you force fed him too many blastocyst-Americans, moonbat.
It’s really a three step process.
Much like crop-rotation you need to change it up every so often to let the soil recouperate.
1. Ignore. When that stops working
2. Fillet. Really not that hard, so it gets boring. At that point.
3. Mock. Fun for everyone. Rinse, repeat.
False. I’m questioning whether this case, in which the parents and brother regularly cared for her, whereas her husband had long moved on and started another family, rarely visiting her… I’m wondering about the fairness of giving his wishes precedence over those of her parents and brother in this particular situation.
Darrell just doesn’t like marriage laws he disagrees with, which is fine. But instead of trying to change them, he makes people operating within them out to be murderers who the rest of us would regard as devastated people trying to do what they think their now vegetative spouse would want.
The decision isn’t solely on the spouse. If it was, there wouldn’t have been all these court proceedings, you see. The sole issue is the wishes of the patient, and the spouse’s testimony isn’t even entitled to extra weight under the statute.
During the whole Schiavo mess, the Republican-controlled Florida legislature considered amending the law to say that if there’s a dispute as to the patient’s wishes between members of the immediate family, then the courts have to “err on the side of life” and not pull the plug, period. Amending the statute like that would be a “rule of law” type resolution, as opposed to Congress meeting to grant a special, one-type exemption. The amendment didn’t pass, by the way, not that I’m sure it would have retroactively affected Terri’s case.
Anyway, I can’t say as I’m surprised that you guys are happy to rehash all this just to prove that you’re still familiar with the SAME facts you cited last time (which didn’t change Darrell’s mind then, either), but hey, we all have our moments of weakness.
It wasn’t entirely altruistic. I just didn’t want to get stuck with Paul L.
Who said anything about life support?
(I kid because I love, Darrell.)
It’s evidence, just that. Earlier you referred to it as HER wishes in caps and bold, as if there were no serious doubts. She left no living will or other written documents of her wishes, leaving only dubious 2nd hand testimony.
Numerous judges ruled the same way on this case, but I guess they were all left-wing extremists. They were following the law, you see.
Your fascination with ‘particular situation”‘s is not a right-wing tendency, didn’t you know? You’re supposed to want the government to butt out…
Now, now…don’t go criticizing other people for having potty mouths when you’re the one who started it in the first place.
And I find your arrogance rather breathtaking, in that you think that you are wiser than the state courts have been over the last 15 years, even though you have seen nowhere near the amount of evidence that they have.
As well, you seem to be saying that the fact that Terri did not have a living will is evidence in itself that Michael’s (and the courts’) interpretation of her wishes was incorrect. Why would ANY 26-year old woman in 1990 have a living will? The fact that she didn’t have one is not proof of anything.
Without a living will and conflicting testimony, there’s no way to know her wishes with any degree of certainty.
Anybody got any poll stats for the Musgrave contest? Last I heard, she was favored to win — but it’s on the other side of the country, and it’s not a race I’ve paid much attention to.
You’d think the Dems could get some traction simply by pointing out the sheer loathsomeness of the people who call themselves Republicans. Sometimes I think the GOP makes a point of recruiting people who’ve consciously chosen to scrap all those elements of basic decency that you learn at your mother’s knee. This didn’t just happen over the last month, either. Try to think of Limbaugh, Gingrich, Perle, Jesse Helms without having your skin crawl…..
Steve — where in Oakland County? My family moved to Clarkston in ’69.
Mike S
Xanax is your friend.
What I like are how liberals talk about how “wise” the courts are when they rule like they want them to, but in other cases when they don’t, like with rulings allowing Kansas AG Phill Kline to enforce late-term abortion laws, well suddenly you same libs call those type rulings a travesty of justice.
Whereas Phill Kline is just impartially enforcing the law, but all the courts who said Terri’s intent had been proven with sufficient certainty under the law, they’re all clearly wrong.
Terri’s mother and a close friend of Terri testified that Terri would have wanted life support. Three other witnesses testified differently: Michael Schiavo, his brother and sister in law. How convenient.
On the basis of those 3, judge Greer found “clear and convincing evidence”. It may have been legal, but it wasn’t right.
Perry Como
In a man-on-dog sort of way.
Back to the real issue, which got derailed after a few good comments: I think that an appropriate description of Musgrave’s behavior is moral cowardice. She essentially calls Michael Schiavo a heartless bastard, perhaps even sincerely thinks he made the wrong decision, and yet is afraid/embarrassed/ashamed to look him in the eye (literally!) All hat, no cattle, to use a phrase more commonly applied to Bush.
What happens in the privacy of the kennel is none of your business.
I don’t know how to go back and look, but I think it was on The Daily Show…a clip of all the GOP Congresscritters who were so concerned about her, but couldn’t even pronounce her name correctly…I wonder if this gal was one of them.
If nothing said poltical opportunism it was that…clawing up the back of Michael Schiavo to score some capital. And now she can’t even look at him.
Darrell here just doesn’t like the Florida laws or the way they were interpreted. It’s that simple. He considers Michael Schiavo a murderer. He would have preferred, (what do the conservatives call it when judges “legislate from the bench”, you know, when they sort of change what the law intended?), that’s right; Judicial Activism!
Richard Bennett
Darrell claims:
But you see it was right. In America, our legal system is based on something called “family values”, where the immediate family makes decisions for itself. Immediate family is husband, wife, and minor children. In this case, the extended family – parents and siblings of an adult – tried to butt in and take the decision-making authority away from the immediate family.
We don’t do that in America, and moreover we don’t allow the federal government to make decisions for the state government, or for the legislative branch to make decisions on individual cases for the judicial branch. This is called “the rule of law.”
The Schiavo case showed that the Republican Party has no principles, and the more you complain the clearer that becomes.
Mike S
Are you married, Darrell? As a married man I can tell you that most of us pick our spouses because we trust their judgement. We don’t pick our family.
My wife will make the decisions in the event that I end up in Terry’s condition. That is how it should be. And just in case you forgot, Michael was right about her condition and her parents obviously lied about it.
Or do you really believe that someone who’s brain turned to mush said “I want to live?”
Sir, I pray to God that you have never had the experience of caring for a terminally ill spouse. I have. Mr. Schaivo provided care for his wife for many years before “moving on” as you put it. Not that it would matter to you, of course, but he “moved on” with his mother-in-law and father-in-law’s blessing.
I held my wife’s hand almost nonstop for many months as she was dying. I did everything humanly possible to make her last months and days bearable. Even then, I felt a lot of guilt when I remarried over two years after my wife’s death. I will love my first wife forever.
How dare you assume you know Mr. Schaivo’s heart and level of commitment to his wife’s well-being. Sometimes death is the only blessing left in life. While I appreciate your commitment to making the world safe for your brand of simplistic conservatism, this might just be a good time to shut the fuck up for once.
You’re kidding, right? This bill was specially made for TS. It would have been as retroactive as they come. Would that have been legal? I dunno…doubt it. But in March 2005, just months after re-election, these fucks weren’t worried about “legality” and stuff…
I admire how Darrell turns a reply to Krista into a sweeping generalization of “liberals”. Following the same ironclad logic, I can only conclude from Darrell’s remarks that right-wingers aren’t too bright.
I agree with you, and I agree with the law. But the Schiavo case was a special situation in my opinion. The husband had long since moved on and started a new family, and Terri’s parents and brother were doing the day-to-day care of her. This was in no way a ‘typical’ case of this type.
And just in case you forgot, Michael and every Goddammed court in the state of Florida that heard the facts and saw the evidence was right about her condition and her parents obviously lied about it.
Faux News
Well then, I stand corrected.
But it’s true. Liberals really do use court rulings as “proof” of their points all the time, lecturing conservatives on how they should just shut up and listen to the court’s ‘wisdom’.. but these same libs scream over the ‘travesty’ of other court rulings that don’t go in their favor. And all the while, they see no inconsistency in their behavior.
Mike S
The fact still remains that Terry’s family and the lovely Randall Terry lied about her condition.
Except that all those “goddamned” courts didn’t review the evidence to any extent, they deferred to Greer’s ruling.
The Other Steve
Ted Haggard, head of National Association of Evangelicals has come out of the closet.
Apparently he had a relationship with a male prostitute(no word yet if it was Jeff Gannon) and a meth pipe.
Perry Como
She also watched a floating balloon, even though she was blind.
Perry Como
I question the timing. I bet the meth pipe has a book to sell.
Man, the Au jus on my French Dip doesn’t drip as much as the irony here…
My brother’s companion of many years died earlier this year, after a horrific battle with cancer. During X’s last weeks, she was confined to their bedroom upstairs. A week before she died, Y. carried her up and down the stairs, just so they could spend an evening sitting still together, one last time. She died, in their bed, at home, with him at her side.
No matter how much you like pie, and how much this is all about power, and not at all about people…this would really be a good time to shut up.
Don’t you mean “Freedom Dip”?
And my apologies for saying use “ScriptMonkey” rather than Greasemonkey to disappear trolls from your webpage.
Yes, because I don’t need to develop skin cancer each summer to prove that UV light is dangerous.
Some things have been proven, proven again, fully explained, reviewed, then reproven thrice. The appeals court wasn’t about to doubt the veracity of the well-accepted facts.
I’d love some reporter to ask Musgrave, knowing what she should know now about Terri’s actual condition (what Michael said it was), what she would say…and why she couldn’t even look at him.
How could she answer with a straight face? Please, someone ask her!
My brother’s companion of many years died earlier this year, after a horrific battle with cancer. During X’s last
that’s a poignant story demi, but it doesn’t have jack shit to do with any of the points I’m making.. which are ALL about people. So why don’t you STFU unless you can contribute something to the discussion.
It’s quite clear, folks. This guy likes judicial activism when it helps him interfere with determining someone’s end-of-life issue, but not when it comes to allowing gays to marry, or any other conservative bugaboo.
Was Musgrave quaking in her shoes over Schiavo, or did she just not want to be seated so close to the scumbag?
Ah, Darrell — they have everything to do with the story you are telling. I regret that you don’t know why, but, trust me, when the day comes that you do, you’ll understand exactly how those things are related.
I am not telling “stories” demi, I am simply pointing out that Terri Schiavo’s parents and siblings obviously cared greatly for her, and they disagreed with the decision to starve her to death.
Please explain how your brother’s loss relates to their situation beyond the loss of a loved one.
grumpy realist
oh heck, it’s not even worth it. John, can you please ban this person? He pisses over all the threads and does nothing but raise everyone’s blood pressure.
grumpy is about the third poster today, who has never posted on BJ before, except to insult me. Get lost troll
Man, Darrell sure loves to miss the point.
Which is a Shrill Republican trying to use the police to ILLEGALLY try to remove Michael Schiavo from a public debate.
But then again, Reality is a well known Liberal.
Wow, that would be a great last post for Darrell, now wouldn’t it?
I love how you manage to contradict yourself in the *SAME* sentence.
Darrell, read the fucking article. It said Musgrave didn’t want to have to *look* at him so she tried to have him thrown out of the public debate.
Then, when the police told her to go stuff it, she complained and made the debate officials move the time keeper so she didn’t have to look in the eye the man that she publicly vilified on the floor of our Congress.
She didn’t mind getting up and trashing this man and inserting herself and the federal government in this private family tragedy, but she can’t stand the idea of actually having to look him in the eye and face him.
What cowardice.
I love this – asking Schiavo to change seats is BREAKING THE LAW. You lefties are too stupid for words.
No, that is *not* what you are simply doing. You are here to try and throw more feces on Terri’s husband. The man that she chose to marry and spend her life with.
You’ve come here for nothing more than to spout crap about a man you’ve never met and give your worthless opinion about this man’s character. The man you’ve never met and who has done absolutely nothing to you. His only crime is trying to do right by his wife and honor her final wishes as he understood them.
Can’t you fucking read? Musgrave tried to have him thrown out of a PUBLIC DEBATE? But the police wouldn’t go along with her.
And she never asked that he change seats!!! The TIMESKEEPER was asked to change seats, *not* Terri’s husband, because Musgrave didn’t want to have to look him in the eye when she looked at the timeskeeper.
Cowardice. Try reading the fucking article you dumb ass twit.
Unless you’re talking about some other article besides the one John linked to at the top of this post, there is not one fucking word about her not wanting to “look” him in the face.
Cite the passage in the article where is says Musgrave didn’t want to look at Schiavo scumbag, or come back and admit that you’re lying your ass off.
Perry Como
Timekeeper seats have a well known liberal bias.
First person account for your stupid ass:
and after the police refused?
Get it dumbass?
Mr Furious
A hundred comments into the thread and Darrell come out with this gem?
Seriously John, I implore you. Ban him.
This is the very definition of “trolling.” He hasn’t even read or comprehended the most basic facet of this story, yet he’s in here shitting all over the thread and just flailing away.
At the very least, he deserves another timeout. Or did you post this in order to rehash eighteen-month-old bullshit with an absolute idiot?
The Other Steve
It’s amazing how much more they suddenly cared about her when they found out there was a malpractice settlement.
And how upset they were when they found out it’d all been spent caring for Terri.
More for dumb ass Darrell to stupid to read:
Marilyn Musgrave had the TIMESKEEPER move his seat away from Terri’s husband, because she didn’t want to have to look him in the eye. Get it now?
Now? Fucking dipshit.
So much for the myth of ‘civil’ Rightwingers. You sure made yourself a liar really quick.
They tried to get him REMOVED. I know this may be hard for you to understand, but it was the hosts who asked him to change seats after the Republican wanted him thrown out entirely.
This is the 2nd time you’ve been caught lying manyoyo. Like most liberals, you operate on emotion rather than brains.
Change seats = thrown out. Got it.
Uhm, because that’s what courts do. Appellate courts review trial courts factual findings for some variation of “clear error” (the exact formulation varies by state)
Meanwhile, there are principles of res judicata and collateral estoppel which prevent a party from re-litigating an issue that has already been adjudicated in a new action whether the attempt is in the same venue as the first case or a separate forum – the proper forum to question Greer’s decision was on direct appeal from that ruling. (see above)
Here endeth today’s lesson in Civil Procedure for Dummies.
Given John’s public comment to ignore the things Darrell says, and Tim’s question on how to reinstall GreaseMonkey to hide comments from Darrell, I can only presume they both have done a good job of ignoring the things he writes in the comment section.
I guess they expect us to do the same. Ah well… guess I gotta stop being lazy and deal with plug-ins and addons to solve the problem. /sigh.
Ban me? For what asshole? For asking a question for which you don’t a good answer? For catching liberals lying their asses off making false claims?
More of Marilyn Musgrave’s pathetic performance running away from the man she railed against on the floor of the house. As long as Terri’s husband was down in Florida, Marilyn had no problem getting into his families tragedy. She can’t so much as look at him or face him in person though:
This is the cowardice of the Republicans. When the man is a thousand miles away she can drone on and on about his personal private family tragedy, but when he is right there trying to ask her a question in return… she runs, runs, away.
manyoyo, the story linked at the top of this post says nothing about that. Did you copy and paste from Democrat Underground? Where is your source? You’ve quoted several times extensively without a link. How honest and credible of you.
Darrell, read for yourself you idiot!
Darrell, how many times do you need to read something before it sinks in and you comprehend? I know, I know, it is pretty amazingly hacktacular on the part of Musgrave, but a hack as big as yourself shouldn’t have a problem swallowing this down…? No?
Careful Darrell, Cheney’s Dick sticks out of your puppet mouth when you froth like that.
Mmmm Greasemonkey…
Ok, in lieu of Newsweek, you quote from an uncorraborated Daily KOS diary post from Michael Schiavo himself.
That has credibility written all over it, yesiree.
Because in Darrell’s little mind, host = Musgrave
The host tried to move him.
Musgrave wanted him taken out entirely.
We need more pie for Darrell.
I read the Newsweek story and comprehended it fine. No where did it say Musgrave didn’t want to even look at Schiavo. So why the bullshit accusations saying how she was quaking in her shoes over him?
From the guy who brought us Kline’s good intentions for women, folks, now that’s irony!
Darrell, ask yourself this? Why is Michael continuing? According to your stupid narrative, Michael never really cared about Terri and was all about the evil? Why do you think he is actively trying to make these people fess up to what they’ve done?
You think it might be because he was genuinely hurt and outraged that he was dragged through a swamp of invective for the only transgression of trying to honor the last wishes of the wife he loved?
That’s right, the host asked that he change seats. That’s a grand canyon of difference from what was claimed upthread:
Asking him to change seats does not = thrown out. Oh, and I almost forgot, it was also claimed that the request was “illegal”. Leftists are too stupid for words. Seriously.
Darrell, for the love of god, do you dispute that Musgrave requested the TIMESKEEPER change seats? Do you? Really?
On the off chance that you have even one bit of intellectual honesty in that cavernous cranium you call a brain, why on earth would Musgrave have the TIMESKEEPER move away from Michael if not for the fact that she didn’t want to have to look at him.
Just one whiff, the faintest trace, of intellectual honesty. Please.
Because he’s a certified douchebag.
Anyone checked into Schiavo’s finances to see how much he’s getting paid for these appearances? Now there’s a story the ‘fair and balanced’ media wouldn’t dare touch.
Motherfucker! Michael never changed seats! You get that? He didn’t fucking change seats!
First, he was asked to throw him out. They refused.
Second, he was asked to change seats. Michael refused.
Third, the TIMESKEEPER was asked to change seats. He… did *not* refuse.
Thus, we have that Musgrave *did* try and have Michael thrown out. And ultimately, it was not Michael that changed seats, it was the FUCKING TIMESKEEPER!
Why? Because Musgrave didn’t want to see Michael whilst looking at the TIMESKEEPER. Any other plausible reason that Musgrave had the TIMESKEEPER move? Darrell? Darrell?
When you don’t have facts or logic on your side, this is what’s left
Hey, there’s another Famous Jesus Person who’s been caught playing pokey with another man’s wrinkled star a few too many….YEARS…gone by.
Head of the Evangelicals? Check.
President of some ginormous Jesus Church? Check.
Best friends with Dr. Dobs? Check.
Married with kids? Check.
But banging a male prostitute…Hypocrisy, baby
Don’t blow a gasket there chief.. it’s public education’s fault, not yours, that you turned out so stupid.
You’re citing an uncorraborated Daily Kos diary entry from a guy with an extreme bias and history of lying as literal fact.
Is there a good answer for why Musgrave tried to use Law Enforcement to force a citizen to change seats?
It may not be illegal, but it ain’t right.
First, the Newsweek story says Musgrove’s “camp” wanted him to change seats, not Musgrove herself. Handlers make seating decisions like these at events all the time without the knowledge of the politician.
Second, what is so wrong and horrible about having an officer ask him to {* gasp *} change seats? Did they rough him up or cuff him? Or did they simply ask?
Not like it’s germane to the thread, but I’ve been looking over at Red State for any mention of Ted Haggard story, you know, even some
shrillrational remarks about sexual McCarthism, and have been severely disappointed.Mike
Darrell, when did you stop blowing goats?
Just wondering….
I think leftist Dems should give thanks for the many eloquent spokesmen that they have.
I’m sorry, when did Michael claim his wife was smiling at him and trying to talk to him? Oh right, when the facts and logic are against you, pure bull is all you have left.
Next on Darrell’s list of things he does not believe in: Gravity.
Wrong. The host tried to move him, but the Republicans tried to kick him out first.
Back to the drawing board, Darrell.
Anyone checked into Schiavo’s finances to see how much he’s getting paid for these appearances?
That reminds me, you get your check from the RNC yet?
Mike S
Just to make sure I have this right, are you linking to some assholes photo shopped picture to make a point that Michael’s a douchebag?
Darrell Is A Hypocrite
Hahahaha! Pot calling Kettle?? Darrell Says:
“…what a scumbag he is…”
“…what Michael Schiavo says they are you stupid jackass…”
“…Shit for brains, how does your link in ANY way refute my point…”
“…Except that dishonest jackasses…”
“…doesn’t have jack shit…”
“…why don’t you STFU…”
“…close to the scumbag?…”
“…there is not one fucking word…”
“…Schiavo scumbag…”
“…lying your ass off….”
“…Ban me? For what asshole?…”
“…So why the bullshit accusations…”
“…Because he’s a certified douchebag…”
Who told you to believe that? It certainly wasn’t in the Newsweek article.
So profiled in Time as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America looks for for Jesus while on meth doing a gay escort? Sounds about right for the Dobson crowd.
But no doubt that Patriot Pastor blew fire about the evil gays. All those gay bashing tighty righties that piss and moan about gay marriage? They’re all closet Foleys. And apparently all Republican.
The Other Steve
Nothing at instapundit either. I’m surprised, you’d think that these guys would want to jump on this right away and condemn it.
On Matt Lauer, Michael Schiavo claimed Terri is “up there praising him” for helping her starve to death. He is truly a shameless sack of shit.
Perry Como
I think it’s called projection. The more you stand on the corner and condemn something, LOUDLY, the more likely you are ashamed that you engage in that behavior. See: GOP screaming about people not supporting the troops; gay marriage; child molesters; etc.
Kind of like the lefties here, demanding that I be banned for daring to point out that there is no evidence Musgrave was quaking in fear over Michael Schiavo. Wasn’t that so very “controversial” of me?
Can’t have anyone upset the leftist groupthink, you understand.
Tim in SF
Pooh Says:
Hey Pooh,
I installed Greasemonkey (Firefox 2/Mac) so I can filter pie-man-Darrell’s deliberate stupidity, but I’m having a little trouble. In the menubar, when I hit [ Tools (dropdown) | Greasemonkey | Install User Script…] nothing happens. It’s not greyed out, it’s just non-responsive. I left a comment on the Greasemonkey website but haven’t had much response. Any light you could shed would be appreciated.
After seeing this thread go completely into the toilet because of this fucktard, I cannot wait to get this filter working so I won’t see him anymore. It will be like cleaning shit off my shoe! Yay!
Mike S
Dude, you are turning into a bigger asshole than ever. What you don’t know about end of life issues is obvious. I happen to know quite a bit. I would have helped my father but for the scum sucking, moralistic mother fuckers like you trying to destroy those that do help. Because of people like you my father had to endure several more weeks of the most excruciating pain you can imagine.
Shove your morals up your ass. Maybe Mr. Haggard can help.
The Other Steve
That would be Darrell’s style.
He also links to snopes myths and calls them truth.
Terri Schiavo’s parents, siblings and closest friends did not want her starved to death. Her husband wanted all tubes pulled.
To be analogous to your own situation, that would mean Terri’s parents, her siblings and closest friends were all “scum sucking moralistic mother fuckers” to use your words.
So instead of being based on actual facts and evidence, your claims on Schiavo are based solely on your petty emotional nuttery because you think pulling a feeding tube is ‘starving to death’ rather then a private decision to let one’s braindead spouse pass away naturally.
Matt Lauer interview:
I can play semantic games too.
Terri Schiavo’s parents, siblings and closest friends wanted to force her braindead living corpse to keep on breathing while basking in the limelight of the suckup media. Her husband tried to do the honorable thing and let her pass on peacefully.
Mike S
Scum sucking at least. Why else would they lie and hire one of the most disgusting political figures in the country?
They lied about Michael and they lied about “I want to liiive.” I had sympathy for them up until they hired Randall Terry. Then the sick mother fuckers tried everything in the book to make him look evil, which only worked on the dumbest of our citizens.
Yes, you are.
You may want to be kept alive after your brain is dead but…wait, too late.
Did they “hire” Randall Terry? Or did the publicity hound come on his own? Can you show where they paid him?
Let the true blackness of your heart show Mike. Terri’s parents who cared for her daily, her brother with whom she was so close, and her best friends – all “scum sucking motherfuckers”
Mike S
heh. The “blackness of my heart.” Riiiight. They were good Christians who accused Michael of murder. They accused him of not taking care of Terry. They accused him of keeping the money and putting her in sub-standard care.
And I have a black heart? Too fucking funny. Go sell your idiocy to someone who respects you.
C’mon Darrell, this article took me two seconds to uncover.
And that’s just one confirmation of the fact. I’m sure TEH GOOGLE can turn up some more.
Tim in SF,
click here, and it should install it automatically if you have GM running (make sure the little red monkey at the lower right of your browser window is smiling)
Darrell, I was just trying to get down to your level since you have so clearly shown utter cluelessness and vapidity when people have tried to have a discussion with you. Unfortunately after reading the full thread, I see that I still can’t get down to your level, so I guess I will quit trying and start using GreaseMonkey. You have a nice fulfilling life, ok?
And remember, Karl likes it when you swallow. Don’t spit.
If Michael Schiavo really wanted to help Terri die, then why in the hell didn’t he do it years earlier? It was only after he had an sudden about-face after receiving the big legal settlement 1993(?), in which he promised the court to care for Terri for life.. it was only then when Terri’s parents took legal action. Anytime before that he could have pulled the plug on his own without any such legal challenge.
The Noble Michael Schiavo: Terri is “up there praising me right now… and saying thank you”
Tim in SF
Everyone should run this script! It makes reading the comments a joy!
Denies All Relevant Reports Exposing Laughable Lying
Mike S
Christ! Maybe it could be that he still hoped she could be helped. It wasn’t until there was no hope for my father that it was even discussed.
You are a sad little boy, Darrell. It is my guess that you will remain a single boy for the rest of your life. If not I give my sympathy to whoever you are able to fool into marrying you. And I suggest that you make a living will saying you want to be kept on a machine for as long as possible. After any amount of time with you I can easily see any woman (or man) finding any excuse to pull the plug.
I don’t have the slightest idea what you find objectionable about this statement. If I thought my wife wanted to end her life, and I helped her end it, I’d believe she was grateful to me. I’d believe she was happy about what I did. If I had to fight with people to carry out her wishes, I’d believe she was happy I won. Would that be wrong of me?
How could you be right, moonbat?
That is incredible. I tried to get it to work with Netscape 1.5, but was too retarded.
As for pie-eating double-D, if he finds it unimaginable that Terry Schiavo would have wanted Michael to do what he did, and for him to start a new family with a woman who loved him, and for Michael to face down her objectively mendacious and morally vicious family, then I just have to feel sorry for Darrell.
Darrell has obviously never known the love of a mature, giving, and truly loving woman (or man, for that matter). I
Real war heroes don’t brag about their service, and decent sincere people don’t go on national tv proclaiming how their euthanized wife is “up there praising and thanking me now”.
It stinks of phoniness
I like Pie!
That is friggin’ genius!
Well done!
Tim in SF
So you it working? Isn’t it great? I can read the comments of BJ again without having to wade through all that Darrell crap! Every time his name shows up it’s the same happy message! The site is completely scrubbed of Darrell posts! I love this script! FireFox rules!
I can’t recommend this highly enough. Check it out.
Of course not. Murderer. It’s just be remarkable that you could take time out of your busy schedule of murdering to murder your wife, you murdering murderer.
Decenst sincere people don’t usually have mouthbreathing idiots being commanded to have their children arrested by Abortion Clinic bombers like Randall Terry. They’re usually not called murderes by pieces of Shit like Sean Hannity either.
Thankfully Michael Schiavo doesn’t give a shit what you people like them or nobodies like you think. Mind your own fucking business. Terri Schiavo was not your wife or your child.
Whose wish was to cut off her arms and legs if they had to. The Shindler’s very own breathing meat doll, to dress up and hug and kiss and call George.
Heh, reminds me of the Eddie Izzard bit (imagine a British Transvestite, if you will):
I like pie is awesome.
Ah yes, the ever so compassionate and classy left
There it happenned again, this is so cool.
Baby Jane
Hilarious and functional.
In all seriousness, what Jaime said was not one iota different from the hate you’ve spewed at Michael Schiavo. The only difference is that, being Darrell, you’re 100% certain your hate is justified, which makes it okay.
One thing that’s telling about this issue is that the vast majority of people on one side would never say anything like waht Jaime said… while the vast majority of people on the other side can quote you chapter and verse about what a horrible human being Michael Schiavo is.
That script is freakin’ hysterical.
Everybody has to do this.
Musgrave is an utter waste of space, time, and the space-time continuum. It’s not just that she’s a small-minded bigoted coward; she’s also dumber than a bag of hair. Who on earth is her constituency?
I realize there are about 30-odd % of the American people who have proven, by their continued support of all things Bushist, that they probably need professional help to feed themselves, but it’s amazing there are enough of them in one Congressional district to elect someone like Musgrave.
Richard Bennett
Hence the concern about the likes of Terri Schiavo. If people can have their hearts stopped simply on the basis of a total absence of brain activity, where does that leave the Republican coalition?
So it’s a matter of survival, pure and simple.
John S.
Darrell really does like pie!
Watch that moral equivalency – Lefty poster referring to Terri Schiavo as “the Shindler’s very own breathing meat doll, to dress up and hug and kiss and call George” is equalivalent to calling Michael Schiavo a “scumbag” or something similar for his behavior.
It’s truly despicable to try and equate the two in order to minimize and excuse the depravity of the comment about Terri Schiavo. Almost as despicable as the actual comment itself.
Richard Bennett
Darrell, let it go, your side lost the debate ages ago and you’re just digging yourself a deeper hole.
You either believe in family values, limited government, and federalism or you don’t, and the Schiavo Bill don’t.
Perry Como
I love how extremists like Darrell preach that they are Rational. Main stream. Sane. Even when 80%+ of the people in the country disagree with them. The next time Wingnutistan needs an Emir, Darrell should get the (whack)job. I hear it involves alot of pie.
Botha dead! Time for the Westmalle Tripel!
Yay, pie! Man, I’ve gotta start using firefox here more often.
You know, reading all of these Darrell posts makes me think he’s some kind of liberal plant. I mean, he really sounds like a character from Shelly the Republican, but I actually have to deal with these types of people that can’t see past “conservative” and “liberal” down here in the deep south. I used to get my blood boiled at them, but now I just laugh and sigh…
Back to the matter at hand, whether Schiavo is an evil bastard or not, if he followed procedure and not being disruptive, he has every right to be seated where he was.
Then again, it just shows how disconnected from the people our leaders are…
Gee, I wonder where she got that idea.
To this day, the only wingnut defense of this bullshit is a feeble “Clinton did it too!”
Why do you think that 47+% of all BJuice readers come here through the Fox? Pie, baby, pie!
they testified that she ‘would have wanted’ life support? jesus, that’s not even hearsay, that’s just conjecture.
fact: according to the law, he was her guardian.
fact: according to testimony, agreed upon by the courts, he was enforcing her wishes.
fact: her brain was puddin’. no chance of any kind of recovery.
you’re banking on testimony from her mother and a friend *not* that she stated that she wouldn’t want to have the plug pulled, but rather that “i totally know that’s what she would have wanted, i just know it”
man, you whiny-ass titty-baby righties are so cute when you get completely shat upon by the public on an issue.
jesus, what was it, like 85% of americans thought you all were completely full of shit on the topic? and yet you’re still fighting it, which is great, because it only makes you look dumber and more desperate to the public.
no, seriously, keep talking about terri schiavo, so all the rest of the country can point at you and laugh.
what, are you suggesting she’s roasting in the pits of hell? jesus, darrell, i knew you were a sociopath, but that’s just sick.
Why do you guys waste your time on Darrell? He’s the ultimate authoritarian. He only feels secure when people are forced to think and act the way he thinks they should. Differences of opinion scare him. It’s just the way he is.
Ned R.
Did the Greasemonkey install — ah Darrell, you sound so sweet and amiable now. I weep to think of the times I mocked you, when all you desired was the joyous taste of lemon meringue. (Please, though, actually eat it, rather than wearing it in your hair.)
Darrell’s response: “
Yes yes typical leftist response how come nobody deals with the issues only I’m realI like pie!”chopper
man, just installed the script. faaaaaantastic.
Ned R.
Meantime, back in reality, here’s a winner:
Investigations led by a Republican lawyer named Stuart W. Bowen Jr. in Iraq have sent American occupation officials to jail on bribery and conspiracy charges, exposed disastrously poor construction work by well-connected companies like Halliburton and Parsons, and discovered that the military did not properly track hundreds of thousands of weapons it shipped to Iraqi security forces.
And tucked away in a huge military authorization bill that President Bush signed two weeks ago is what some of Mr. Bowen’s supporters believe is his reward for repeatedly embarrassing the administration: a pink slip.
The order comes in the form of an obscure provision that terminates his federal oversight agency, the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, on Oct. 1, 2007. The clause was inserted by the Republican side of the House Armed Services Committee over the objections of Democratic counterparts during a closed-door conference, and it has generated surprise and some outrage among lawmakers who say they had no idea it was in the final legislation.
The termination language was inserted into the bill by Congressional staff members working for Duncan Hunter, the California Republican who is the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and who declared on Monday that he plans to run for president in 2008.
Ah, I feel better already, knowing these fine patriots are at work.
This is odd – all of the responses, with none of the original Darrell. It’s a kind of Picasso version of blog comments.
Still, it’s strangely serene…
It truly is wonderful.
It’s even funnier if you read the script.
Yeah, you are correct Ted, the source is just as funny.
So is changing the I Like Pie! saying to say make Darrell say “Dave is cool!”
I also like the script. I don’t get how to edit the troll list though.
John S.
My Darrell likes chocolate cream pie, to be specific.
If you are asking how to add more Trolls to the list I don’t think you can, GM_setValue only takes a two variables. Then again I just glanced at it. If you are asking how to change what Darrell says…change “I Like Pie” to whatever you want.
It’s step 4 I’m curious about.
Steve, if you followed the link that Perry Como provided at 1:32, that script already has Darrell (and only him) in the troll list. He’s so famous, he has his own anti-spam script.
Then if you feel so inclined, you can edit it to make Darrell say whatever you want when he posts.
If I read that right, it takes a comma-separated list. But yeah, I haven’t tried to change it, nor have I had reason to do so yet.
Excuse me? Where am I wrong in my anger? Am i wrong about despising Randall Terry? Am I wrong about the parents who sent their kids to get arrested with bottles of water that would have KILLED the woman? How am I wrong, Steve?
The Schindlers wanted a pet. She was never recovering and THEY ADMITTED IN COURT that they would cut off her limbs and keep her “living”; not as a person, but as an object. She ceased to be a person 15 years ago and they were holding on to a heartbeat and involuntary movement. They couldn’t let go. And it led to this whole circus.
Don’t insinuate that I’m some extremist. I didn’t accuse someone of murder. I didn’t use lies, and innuendo to cast doubt on science and the courts.
The Schindlers allowed themselves to be used by Charlatans, liars, and swindlers and a dangerous precedent was sent; That the U.S. government can stick it’s nose into an individuals life or death choices. I think most people felt as angry as I did about this. I just use have a more vivid way of writing.
Perry Como
You’re right. The easiest way to add pie lovers to the list:
– type about:config in the address bar
– find the value
– double click it and add whomever (no spaces between the commas and names) — Darrell,Perry Como,TimF
Then alot of people will like pie!
Jaime, the “George” remark was a little nasty.
You rock, Perry.
“How dare any fellow leftist suggest that I’m really a freak”
jaime, I’ve got news.. you are a depraved freak. I’m not joking, and it’s a safe bet that neither was Steve. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE making the posts you were making about taking off the limbs of Terri Schiavo so that her parents can make her the “Shindler’s very own breathing meat doll, to dress up and hug and kiss and call George” is a depraved piece of shit who does not deserve to breathe air on this earth. Please don’t comment anymore like you’re some normal human being.
Yes, those good ‘ole times. Ted, isn’t it a fact that this the first day you’ve ever posted on Balloon Juice? You’ve certainly never addressed me before. Tell us whackjob, about all those “times” in which you mocked me before… my poor memory.
I can see how that could be misinterpreted, but I’m sure it was meant to be an innocuous Warner Bros. reference (“I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George”)–jaime isn’t just some pie-crazed lunatic, you know.
The “George” part itself was funny, and yes, I caught the Ab. Snowman reference, the part that led up to it though…
That said, it’s redeemable because Jamie brings other things to the table. Senator Pie? not so much.
Ah yes, because a fellow leftist brings “other things to the table”, it’s ok to overlook or minimize his freakish comments on cutting the legs off Terri Schiavo to make her the Schindler’s “little meat doll they call George”. I think that position speaks so well of you Pooh. So principled you are…
We know, Darrell, we know.
Was an accurate if brief characterization of this:
Also note, later, for what it’s worth:
Hehehehehe…now Darrell likes pie and gay monkey sex. This is awesome. I am learning so much from this thread.
How do I write my own script for other people. Would opening this in wordpad and chanign the name and saying, then doing a save as work. I’m computer illiterate.
I know this was mentioned before, but I wanted to update it a little…
I left out all of the bon mots he had for Michael Schiavo, because that would just be overkill.
Contrast with:
Darrell is truly a human dynamo of insults, misinformation, and hypocrisy.
And now that I have Firefox, he really likes pie.
cassidy…If you want to pie-plonk other posters, what you do is open a new tab in firefox (I usually type ctrl-T), and then in the address bar for that tab, type “about:config”. A bunch of text will pop up.
Deep in the list, you’ll see a line which says “greasemonkey.scriptvals.“. Double click that line, and add your trolls, as comma separated list. (And, yes, you can remove Darrell.)
Oops, sorry. That’s the earlier version of the script. The variable is named “pielovers”.
Speaking of depraved, anyone remember a certain poster here actively encouraging another poster to kill themself a few weeks back? As I recall there was a whole series of increasingly creepy posts on the subject. You’d think that person would be awfully cautious about calling other people “depraved freaks.”
So let’s see, John Cole loves O.J. Simpson and Michael Schiavo. I guess John Cole may have an attitude in common with many convicts. I heard if you come into prison having hurt a child, you are targeted. But if you come nto prison having killed your wife- the attitude is “it’s noboby bizness but your own.” Seems like John Cole would fit right in.
Yes, Jaime. What the Schindlers said in court was quite macabre. And I don’t think they did the right thing by deciding to make a national media spectacle out of their family situation, by spreading lies and hate about their son-in-law. It was a terrible thing for them to lose their daughter (just like it was a terrible thing for Michael to lose his wife) and I feel they dealt with the difficult situation in a terribly destructive way.
But the thing is, there’s simply not an orgy of hate for Terri’s parents among the people who feel the courts did the right thing, as opposed to the clear orgy of hate for Michael Schiavo among those on the other side. Most of us have sympathy for these people, even if it’s hard for us to understand why they’d be so desperate to keep their vegetative daughter alive even to the extent of amputating all her limbs if they had to. In different circumstances, it would be their choice to make, and I might not understand but I’d respect that it was their business.
I just don’t often see the degree of callousness your comment exhibited from those I agree with on the fundamentals of this issue. That’s all. Most of us feel badly for everyone who was involved in this tragedy, period.
And I certainly don’t think anything Jaime said was comparable to Darrell wishing death on another poster, by the way. I really shouldn’t have drawn an equivalence between their comments in the first place, because I sense far more hate from Darrell than I perceive from Jaime, who simply seems to enjoy shocking rhetoric.
It’s pretty sad, really… most people would realize that when you regularly start wishing death on other commentors on the Internet, there’s something wrong about that, but in Darrell’s head, as we all know, he’s the normal, rational one and we’re all the extremist nutjobs. It’s out of my hands, but I just hope he’s not actually as disturbed as his posts make him out to be.
You’re not even trying anymore. On a Troll Scale of 1 to Darrell, I’d give that a 2 (Sherard).
Ah yes, Steve’s daily moving of the goalposts exercise. Here is what you wrote earlier
That is, calling Michael Schiavo a “scumbag” or similar names for his behavior is “not one iota different” according to Steve, than jaime’s post about cutting off Terri Schiavo’s legs to make Terri the “Schindler’s little meat doll that they call George”. Yeah Steve, same level, practically the same thing. Your repeated moral equivalencies attempting to minimize and excuse what jaime said are despicable by any standard.
It pains me that the parents couldn’t let go. I blame them for nothing except desperation. I don’t hate them. I hate what had circled around them…people like Darrell…to exploit the situation.
I can see how the comment I mad can be callous, but I usually don’t edit myself on blogs like this.
Yeah, I retracted that. Your hate is far more palpable than Jaime’s.
The only remaining question is when they will get around to installing Firefox 2.0 at work.
Darrell really does like pie, doesn’t he?
My new version!
“Plus, it’d probably make Darrell’s head explode.”
Perceptible only through the miracle of nanotechnology.
Darrell: “Without a living will and conflicting testimony, there’s no way to know her wishes with any degree of certainty.”
Whereas you have that polaroid of God with the tablets? Arguing with you is like unto pitching hand grenades into the fog.