Man, wouldn’t you kill to be a fly on the wall at the White House tonite.
Man, wouldn’t you kill to be a fly on the wall at the White House tonite.
I absolutely would, but Tim F, in trying to curry favor with the Insect Overlord Nancy Pelosi, is forcing me to toil in an underground sugar cave.
Perry Como
I bet the insect overlords have a book to promote.
Freedom! Horrible, Horrible Freedom!
Perry Como
Insect Overlord Nancy Pelosi
That’s Formian Queen to you.
Ken Mehlman just now on CNN, “Lou, we will work in a bi-partisan way”
Hell has just frozen over….
Ken Mehlman just now on CNN, “Lou, we will work in a bi-partisan way”
Now they wanna play nice?
Now they wanna play nice?
Of course not. he doesn’t actually mean that; he simply means that it is no longer possible to govern 100 percent within the GOP bubble.
My plan? Get a big tub of popcorn and sit down to watch Henry Waxman and his staff kick some ass. His website is just overflowing with possibilities for hearings. Give ’em hell, Henry.
1) Y’all are kidding yourselves that this matters
2) The troops will continue to die unabated
3) The commander-in-chief will ignore the House
(All you have done is give GW an out now)
4) Dems will avoid a Constitutional Crises, Article II war
at all costs (ie, Dems = Cowards with a big ‘C’)
The more things change, the more they stay the same. And be careful what you wish for.
CNN is showing that Webb is up by about 2500 votes over Allen. 99% reporting. This will probably end up in a recount.
Perry Como
CNN is showing that Webb is up by about 2500 votes over Allen. 99% reporting. This will probably end up in a recount.
I’m not sure…but I’m thinking that maybe I’m a bit uncomfortable with “Nancy Pelosi” and “sugar cave” both in the same sentence…but maybe this Margaritaville tequila (cheapest available that comes in glass in sizes more than a liter) is making her look…
Ok…never mind…er…go Webb! What’s the matter with Virginia? Why is this a nailbiter? I don’t think Allen could even win in Texas.
Ah, I’m sad for the Kinkstah…I think I’ll play The Ballad of Charles Joseph Whitman a few times to soothe the pain. Hmm…any relation to Marshall Whitman?
Step One of the plan to get President Polosi in 2007…complete.
Step One of the plan to get President Pelosi in 2007…complete.
yet another jeff
Nice victory speech, Allen…welcome to recount hell.
The Dems, with their majority in the House, will now in effect start the dismantaling of America. They WILL pull our troops out of Iraq. They WILL invite attacks here on American soil, and they WILL more then likely, start Impeachment hearing on President Bush. Not to metion they will also in effect, grind our Government to a halt.
The only good that will come out of this, is that they will have NO chance in ’08 or ever again, at least in my lifetime and I’m 43.
Truly a sad day for America, and I’m not ashamed to say that right now, I’m sheading tears. Nothing good will come out of this, so I hope that all Americans who voted Democrat will remember what will happen from here on out and never forget.
With all the republican losses tonight, think they’ll now support voter reform???????
Perry Como
Nice victory speech, Allen…welcome to recount hell.
33k votes yet to be counted from Fairfax. It’s a load of macaca.
Just heard on MSNBC that Fairfax hasn’t been counted yet. Looks like Webb actually pulled this off.
Jesus, that Red State blurb is one fucked up bunch of drunken crybaby bullshit.
What an embarrassment to the human race over there.
Now that the Dems have won the House, I hope you all understand that the Dems really lost, cause they didnt win enough and America rejects liberals.
I grew up in Fairfax. I can’t say that I’ve ever been particularly proud of that cultureless suburban hellhole, but I’ll promise not to badmouth it if it puts Webb over the top.
By winning all these seats, the Dems have really played into Rove’s hands and the grand republican conservative agenda… ok, ok, I can’t continue typing with straight fingers! :)))
yet another jeff
Love the redstate quote…new paradigm…Republicans whine about a lack of one party rule, Democrats want to prevent the Rapture.
Shit…call the wahhhmbulance for the redstaters…or…to paraphrase Dale Earnhardt, whoever wrote that needs to tie some kerosene rags around his ankles so the ants don’t crawl up to eat his candy ass.
Jesus, I just flipped over to Fox to give the old schaedenfreudometer a boost, and I get Shep Smith telling us that civilization is lost because of the Democrats. Please. Civilization is lost because of the gay marriage that the Democrats enable.
Baby Jane
A balloon lands at Redstate:
The Senate is lost
by kowalski
Steele is going to lose. Webb is going to beat Allen. Talent is not going to come through, and Bill Kristol is predicting a “tenuous majority” for the Democrats in the Senate even with the Republicans holding Tennessee.
It’s over. It’s been an absolute bloodbath. And deservedly so, because this was perhaps the worst collection of Republican losers I’ve ever seen, all the way up to the President.
Oh thank you Andrew. I didn’t think of watching Fox. I’ve been flipping between CNN & MSNBC
BREAKING (just like a KOS diary).
Kritsol just called the Senate for the Dems on Fox. Pending the envitable lawyering in VA.
I can’t believe that Dean wanted a 50 State strategy. How silly was that…
It’s over. It’s been an absolute bloodbath. And deservedly so, because this was perhaps the worst collection of Republican losers I’ve ever seen, all the way up to the President.
Isn’t that a flip-flop?
Baby Jane
According to the response he got:
Go to bed. You are obviously done for the night.
by c17wife
You don’t want to say anything else you might regret later.
And I say that as a bud.
We just don’t need this kind of talk at this point.
it’s just the blurt of a drunk.
I’m watching this incredible Republican shill on CNN right now. She’s trying to make the case that this election wasn’t a setback for the conservative movement because so many of the Dem candidates this cycle were conservative… one of her main examples being Sherrod Brown, who’s about as conservative as Ted Kennedy. She went on to say she expects Bush to be conciliatory and reach out to Dems… “just as he’s reached out on many occasions with respect to the Iraq war.” I almost lost it. Apparently anyone who wins an election automatically becomes a conservative.
Baby Jane
BTW, Redstate gave me the boot this evening for posting this picture there with a caption that read, “Hello, Ma?”
Perry Como
one of her main examples being Sherrod Brown, who’s about as conservative as Ted Kennedy
Straw, grasp. There are alot of “moderate” Dems they can talk about, Brown isn’t one of them.
I’m thinking of Rockford’s own Cheap Trick right now. Specifically Auf Wiedersehen.
Now that the Dems have won the House, I hope you all understand that the Dems really lost, cause they didnt win enough and America rejects liberals.
While I’m on a late 70’s early 80’s power pop trip, how about some Let’s Active and some PUPPIES! I bet republicans are opposed to poppy puppy videos. Bastards.
Shouldn’t it be “Blog” For Bush? Just a thought. I like how they include themselves in their blogroll
You’ve got to hand it to the dolphins, they just wanted it more…
Actually, I own a number of semi-automatic “assault weapons” ( Bought before 94 ban)
They have between them Folding stocks, pistol grips, Bayonet mount, Flash suppressors and 30 round clips.
Of course Andrew the spelling of arse indicates that you are in England where they arrest farmers for defending themselves with a firearm against criminals who breaking into their home and threatening them.
We’re quite content with our billy clubs and non-existent firearms murders.
You cowards shit your trousers over 3000 dead Americans in 9/11 and 150,000 have been killed by firearms since then.
Johnson’s desire to be armed is a view held by about 20 percent of police officers in the United Kingdom, according to a nationwide survey of officers in 2003. Right now about 6,000 of the approximately 142,000 policemen in the country are armed. A spokesman for the Police Federation, which represents all police officers, said the union wants to double that number. And even the Home Office minister, who oversees police affairs, told the BBC that he believed more armed officers were needed.
[Between 1997 and 2003] crimes with [banned firearms] have more than doubled…. In 2002, for the fourth consecutive year, gun crime in England and Wales rose — by 35 percent for all firearms, and by a whopping 46 percent for the banned handguns. Nearly 10,000 firearms offenses were committed….
Clearly since the ban criminals have not found it difficult to get guns and the balance has not shifted in the interest of public safety….
In the four years from 1997 to 2001 the rate of violent crime more than doubled. The UK murder rate for 2002 was the highest for a century….
A recent study of all the countries of western Europe has found that in 2001 Britain had the worst record for killings, violence and burglary, and its citizens had one of the highest risks in the industrialized world of becoming victims of crime….
10,000 offenses? That’s like a bad weekend in Los Angeles.
I’m notapussy like you Americans seem to be. Why don’t you go and eat your bowls of doughnuts and shoot your cowboy pistols.
Support for reasonable gun-safety laws is the majority position in America. Though lists no polls about gun control conducted since 2004, it shows that the Gallup poll has consistently found support for “more strict” gun laws to be in the mid-50s to high-60s going back to 1990. Those who think laws should be “less strict” have not exceeded 12 percent in any Gallup poll in that time.
Tax Analyst
Paul L., I think most of us are just looking for some small injection of reality, common sense and a modicum of integrity into Capitol Hill at this point. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. Maybe it’s not a sure thing at this point, but we sure weren’t going to get any with the Republicans still in charge. Do I favor gun-control? Maybe in some places and not in others. I don’t personally like guns, but I would leave it up to the States since it does not appear to be a “one-size fits all” matter. I WOULD prefer someone take YOURS away if you walk around with that mammoth-sized chip on your shoulder all the time…but maybe that’s just on on-line thing.
Yeah, that’s a cultural problem is what it is. You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development.
I WOULD prefer someone take YOURS away if you walk around with that mammoth-sized chip on your shoulder all the time…but maybe that’s just on on-line thing.
If you take my guns away, can you take theseblowhards guns too?
Tax Analyst
Paul L., What in the world are you talking about? I did not threaten you in any way. I merely suggested that if you are as pugnacious in person as you are on-line that you might be a danger to sane people. You aren’t showing me any reason to think differently. I don’t see where you come off accusing me of resorting to violence when I disagree with you. Now, you might keep in mind that “They” DO take guns away from people SOMETIMES in those instances where one appears unbalanced. So maybe you ought to work on “appearing balanced”, friend. But I don’t really KNOW if you are that way in “real-life”…and I have no posse or constabulary or desire to interact personally with you, or your guns, in any way whatsoever. Consider your weapons safe from the likes of me. IF the majority of voter’s in your State decided, in an Officially sanctioned State election, that you can/can’t have guns I would have to be OK with that decision, either way. You shouldn’t feel so threatened all of the time…it’s really bad for your head.
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Praise Jesus.
The Potemkin Government is dead.
Man, wouldn’t you kill to be a fly on the wall at the White House tonite.
I absolutely would, but Tim F, in trying to curry favor with the Insect Overlord Nancy Pelosi, is forcing me to toil in an underground sugar cave.
Perry Como
I bet the insect overlords have a book to promote.
Freedom! Horrible, Horrible Freedom!
Perry Como
That’s Formian Queen to you.
Ken Mehlman just now on CNN, “Lou, we will work in a bi-partisan way”
Hell has just frozen over….
Ken Mehlman just now on CNN, “Lou, we will work in a bi-partisan way”
Now they wanna play nice?
Of course not. he doesn’t actually mean that; he simply means that it is no longer possible to govern 100 percent within the GOP bubble.
My plan? Get a big tub of popcorn and sit down to watch Henry Waxman and his staff kick some ass. His website is just overflowing with possibilities for hearings. Give ’em hell, Henry.
1) Y’all are kidding yourselves that this matters
2) The troops will continue to die unabated
3) The commander-in-chief will ignore the House
(All you have done is give GW an out now)
4) Dems will avoid a Constitutional Crises, Article II war
at all costs (ie, Dems = Cowards with a big ‘C’)
The more things change, the more they stay the same. And be careful what you wish for.
CNN is showing that Webb is up by about 2500 votes over Allen. 99% reporting. This will probably end up in a recount.
Perry Como
With the winner having a mandate.
Of course.
Otto Man
John Conyers and Henry Waxman just got subpoena powers. Bend over, Mr. President.
Republicans? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon! …is what I’m drinking right now.
So is this (so far) a huge ass, blow out win for the Democrats or not?
Perry Como
The Dems haven’t taken 23,429,753,201 seat in the House, so, no. It’s just typical midterm voter shift.
heh, I knew I would get a snarky answer! But seriously, I’ve heard for a couple of weeks now that anything over 30 seats will be considered huge
Does anyone know where we’re at?
So, do we get to choose who we gay marry or do we just get assigned an illegal immigrant/fetus?
Bob In Pacifica
I guess the next hearings on the Downing Street Memo won’t be held in the House parking garage.
Pelosi actually promised a nude direction in Iraq
You just made that up, didn’t you?
As Charles Dickens’ editor said when he read that first draft:
“Best of times, worst of times? Really Dickens, can’t you just pick one?”
The more they change, the more they stay the same. That’s just nonsensical, man. We’re all into the hooch tonight, but please get a grip on yourself.
Perry Como
19 to 51. Still a big swing.
Bob In Pacifica
I guess the next hearings on the Downing Street Memo won’t be held in the House parking garage.
Bob In Pacifica
I guess the next hearings on the Downing Street Memo won’t be held in the House parking garage.
Baby Jane
DCCC currently has it at 19.
ah, come on, according to geedubya, if I win, thats a mandate!
yet another jeff
I’m not sure…but I’m thinking that maybe I’m a bit uncomfortable with “Nancy Pelosi” and “sugar cave” both in the same sentence…but maybe this Margaritaville tequila (cheapest available that comes in glass in sizes more than a liter) is making her look…
Ok…never mind…er…go Webb! What’s the matter with Virginia? Why is this a nailbiter? I don’t think Allen could even win in Texas.
Ah, I’m sad for the Kinkstah…I think I’ll play The Ballad of Charles Joseph Whitman a few times to soothe the pain. Hmm…any relation to Marshall Whitman?
Step One of the plan to get President Polosi in 2007…complete.
Step One of the plan to get President Pelosi in 2007…complete.
yet another jeff
Nice victory speech, Allen…welcome to recount hell.
Nothing like being overly dramatic.
With all the republican losses tonight, think they’ll now support voter reform???????
Perry Como
33k votes yet to be counted from Fairfax. It’s a load of macaca.
Just heard on MSNBC that Fairfax hasn’t been counted yet. Looks like Webb actually pulled this off.
Jesus, that Red State blurb is one fucked up bunch of drunken crybaby bullshit.
What an embarrassment to the human race over there.
Now that the Dems have won the House, I hope you all understand that the Dems really lost, cause they didnt win enough and America rejects liberals.
I grew up in Fairfax. I can’t say that I’ve ever been particularly proud of that cultureless suburban hellhole, but I’ll promise not to badmouth it if it puts Webb over the top.
By winning all these seats, the Dems have really played into Rove’s hands and the grand republican conservative agenda… ok, ok, I can’t continue typing with straight fingers! :)))
yet another jeff
Love the redstate quote…new paradigm…Republicans whine about a lack of one party rule, Democrats want to prevent the Rapture.
Shit…call the wahhhmbulance for the redstaters…or…to paraphrase Dale Earnhardt, whoever wrote that needs to tie some kerosene rags around his ankles so the ants don’t crawl up to eat his candy ass.
Jesus, I just flipped over to Fox to give the old schaedenfreudometer a boost, and I get Shep Smith telling us that civilization is lost because of the Democrats. Please. Civilization is lost because of the gay marriage that the Democrats enable.
Baby Jane
A balloon lands at Redstate:
Oh thank you Andrew. I didn’t think of watching Fox. I’ve been flipping between CNN & MSNBC
BREAKING (just like a KOS diary).
Kritsol just called the Senate for the Dems on Fox. Pending the envitable lawyering in VA.
I can’t believe that Dean wanted a 50 State strategy. How silly was that…
Isn’t that a flip-flop?
Baby Jane
According to the response he got:
it’s just the blurt of a drunk.
I’m watching this incredible Republican shill on CNN right now. She’s trying to make the case that this election wasn’t a setback for the conservative movement because so many of the Dem candidates this cycle were conservative… one of her main examples being Sherrod Brown, who’s about as conservative as Ted Kennedy. She went on to say she expects Bush to be conciliatory and reach out to Dems… “just as he’s reached out on many occasions with respect to the Iraq war.” I almost lost it. Apparently anyone who wins an election automatically becomes a conservative.
Baby Jane
BTW, Redstate gave me the boot this evening for posting this picture there with a caption that read, “Hello, Ma?”
Perry Como
Straw, grasp. There are alot of “moderate” Dems they can talk about, Brown isn’t one of them.
I’m thinking of Rockford’s own Cheap Trick right now. Specifically Auf Wiedersehen.
Oh, I thought that went without saying. This is a great time to be a conservative Republican.
While I’m on a late 70’s early 80’s power pop trip, how about some Let’s Active and some PUPPIES! I bet republicans are opposed to poppy puppy videos. Bastards.
Shouldn’t it be “Blog” For Bush? Just a thought. I like how they include themselves in their blogroll
You’ve got to hand it to the dolphins, they just wanted it more…
Paul L.
Congratulations, I await the resurrection of the assault weapons ban.
inanimate carbon rod
Did you see that Jonah stole your reference?
I oughta bash him good.
Paul, you wouldn’t know an assault weapon if they shoved an AR-15 upper receiver into your arse.
Paul L.
Actually, I own a number of semi-automatic “assault weapons” ( Bought before 94 ban)
They have between them Folding stocks, pistol grips, Bayonet mount, Flash suppressors and 30 round clips.
Of course Andrew the spelling of arse indicates that you are in England where they arrest farmers for defending themselves with a firearm against criminals who breaking into their home and threatening them.
We’re quite content with our billy clubs and non-existent firearms murders.
You cowards shit your trousers over 3000 dead Americans in 9/11 and 150,000 have been killed by firearms since then.
Paul L.
Enjoy your Utopia. You should work on banning Cars and Swimming Pools.
Britain’s Gun-Control Folly
10,000 offenses? That’s like a bad weekend in Los Angeles.
I’m notapussy like you Americans seem to be. Why don’t you go and eat your bowls of doughnuts and shoot your cowboy pistols.
Paul L.
I think I’ll have a Burger.
Via Fark
Paul L.
And so it begins…
Dems win big, progressive policies enjoy broad public support — but Wash. Post declares nation “right of center”.
Tax Analyst
Paul L., I think most of us are just looking for some small injection of reality, common sense and a modicum of integrity into Capitol Hill at this point. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. Maybe it’s not a sure thing at this point, but we sure weren’t going to get any with the Republicans still in charge. Do I favor gun-control? Maybe in some places and not in others. I don’t personally like guns, but I would leave it up to the States since it does not appear to be a “one-size fits all” matter. I WOULD prefer someone take YOURS away if you walk around with that mammoth-sized chip on your shoulder all the time…but maybe that’s just on on-line thing.
Yeah, that’s a cultural problem is what it is. You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development.
Paul L.
My guns are currently in a closet collecting dust. It has been a year since I last touched them. And unlike Lefties, I do not resort first to violence when someone disagrees with me.
If you take my guns away, can you take these blowhards guns too?
Tax Analyst
Paul L., What in the world are you talking about? I did not threaten you in any way. I merely suggested that if you are as pugnacious in person as you are on-line that you might be a danger to sane people. You aren’t showing me any reason to think differently. I don’t see where you come off accusing me of resorting to violence when I disagree with you. Now, you might keep in mind that “They” DO take guns away from people SOMETIMES in those instances where one appears unbalanced. So maybe you ought to work on “appearing balanced”, friend. But I don’t really KNOW if you are that way in “real-life”…and I have no posse or constabulary or desire to interact personally with you, or your guns, in any way whatsoever. Consider your weapons safe from the likes of me. IF the majority of voter’s in your State decided, in an Officially sanctioned State election, that you can/can’t have guns I would have to be OK with that decision, either way. You shouldn’t feel so threatened all of the time…it’s really bad for your head.