I have the flu, as well as a number of thingsgoing on. I hope you enjoy Tim’s website the next few days.
Open Thread
by John Cole| 37 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
by John Cole| 37 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
I have the flu, as well as a number of thingsgoing on. I hope you enjoy Tim’s website the next few days.
Comments are closed.
Mr Furious
Sorry to hear it, John. Take care of yourself.
Richard Bottoms
Another moralizing conservative asshole breaks the law. What a surprise.
Passes John a box of Kleenex
That sucks.
grumpy realist
Hope you feel better soon, John. Sip lots of liquids and don’t forget the usefulness of chicken soup during convalescence.
Take care of yourself, John. Best cure for illness is daytime television. Watch enough of it and you’ll be on your feet and out the door, well or not.
Tax Analyst
John, hope you feel better soon. Reminds me, though…in high school (40 years ago!) I felt sick one day and went to my English Lit teacher. He wrote a note for the School Nurse and sent me off with it. I didn’t open it. When she did she started giggling…I just stared at her. She goes, “Didn’t you read this?” Then showed it to me…”Kid with the crud – take care of him. J.Freesius”. Sick as I was I still managed a weak chuckle.
Richard Bottoms,
Pass the popcorn…
That explains so much! You see, I’ve always thought Mallard Fillmore wasn’t remotely funny, but now it occurs to me that I was never drunk while reading it! He must be targeting the Stormy audience…
Yeah, get better John.
Sorry to hear it John, get well soon.
And look on the bright side! I’ve got to watch the Houston Texans for 3 more games.
Anyone interested in a slightly used Carr? Will consider a trade.
Yeah, I think the highlight of that Titans/Texans game was when Vince Young publically disowned the Texans as the team from Houston. I mean, ouch.
Also, I still say Carr would be worlds better if we had an offensive line that was worth a damn.
Chicken soup is the miracle drug.
My wife makes the world’s best. All from scratch, and homemade noodles. I will get her recipe and email it to you.
throw in a few matzoh balls and you’ve got heaven in a bowl.
Mr. Cole, whatever you do–whatever you do–DON’T EAT THE SOY!
Just don’t .
Incoming Democrats promise to slash pork; Conservatives express outrage at the lack of reckless spending.
Read the whole thing.
I know what I’m getting for Christmas
Wait, which administration is this?
Clearly not enough soy in his diet.
John who?
I hope you feel better soon :) I miss you posts!
Some great wit from Will Durst. I love the ants analogy.
John, see if you can get some kind soul to make you chicken soup with LOTS of garlic — that’s the magic ingredient. Tunch will probably find you a great source of warmth and cuddling while you’re recovering, and I doubt the garlic will faze him.
John Cole
Thanks for al lthe kind words, but it is not that kind of flu in which chicken soup is helpful. It is the other kind. Eating anything is not a good idea atm.
You ate those damn scallions from Taco Bell, didn’t ya?
In Blogenfreude news, has anyone else been following teh stoopid surrounding Althouse’s desperate need for affirmation? I fully endorse this
and bonus fun:
To quote Omar Little, “Indeed.”
Passes John a porcelain idol
That super sucks.
Ah, that kind of flu. I recently had this adventure myself. Nothing to do but try to stay hydrated and tough it out for a few days.
Even though you may wish for the sweet release of death for a while, within a couple of days you will likely feel better.
Oooh, those kinds of flu really suck.
Try to starve it out by consuming nothing but water for 24 hours.
Considering how miserable you feel, that actually shouldn’t be too difficult – esp. if you take something (Benedryl, or Nyquil) that knocks you out for a few hours of it.
The Other Steve
Old Russian cure for being sick.
Take a glass, fill it full of water.
Now add a little bit of Vodka.
Take a drink.
If you don’t feel better, fill the glass back up with Vodka, and take another drink.
Repeat last step as necessary.
The Other Steve
Pooh: althouse is a centrist?
I thought she was just a nutcase.
Get well soon, John.
I recommend Theraflu and sundry other chemicals to take the pain away until your body fixes itself. Your immune system is churning out reinforcements to turn the tide in the battle; nothing for your brain to do at this point but hunker down and await final victory.
Well, he is NOW. (SPOILER ALERT) He used to be gay, but creepy Haitian guy accidentally rejiggered his sexuality when he erased his memory…
Poor John…I hope you feel better soon.
/lays cool washcloth on John’s forehead, pours him a glass of flat ginger ale, tucks his blankets around him, puts a bucket next to his bed, and finds something entertaining, but not too mentally stimulating, for him to watch on TV.
Therein lies some of the humor of the situation…
Oh, and John, if you can find someone to get you some Pedialyte frozen pops, that’d be awesome. They’re not all sugary like sports drinks, but they’ll help keep you from getting dehydrated. And if you’re anything like me, it’s very soothing to eat something cold when you’re feeling pukey.
Ah, Krista, someday you’re going to be a wonderful mother. (Pedialyte is pure infant care goodness, for those of you are interested.)
John: Hope you get better. (I find the flu and excellent opportunity to shed a few pounds – though they come back in short order.)
Did you get a flu shot this fall? I always do.
Richard 23
You just have to read Day by Day. Talk about unfunny! Drink ’till you pass out. It’s still not as funny as Mary Worth, Apartment 3-G or Mark Trail.
Best of luck, John. The blogger, not the, erm, you know. Eh, never mind.
Day by Day is just about the unfunniest comic on the planet.
And the Mallard Fillmore guy – hopefully he’ll drive drunk again in a couple of weeks and that will make it 3 strikes. Asshole.