You guys need something to talk about. How about more Barack Obama!
Mark Schmitt picked up an article that isn’t exactly piping fresh (1995?) but it does give some useful insights into Obama’s background. I won’t excerpt it because I’m a very lazy blogger the whole thing is worth a read.
Before anybody accuses me of being on someone’s payroll, I was a Clark guy in ’04 and remain officially agnostic about the ’08 race. Given the strength of our field this year I will probably stay that way even after Gen. Clark eventually decides to get off his duff and announce.
But hey, equal time. John Edwards picked up Balloon Juice fave Amanda Marcotte, Hillary Clinton needs a better joke writer and the only reason that Joe Biden’s presidential hopes aren’t worse off today is because you can’t subtract from zero*.
(*) Yes Demi, I mean excluding negative numbers.
Hillary doesn’t need a better joke writer. When the room laughs, that means it was a good joke. If she were to worry about the fact that the media psychoanalyzes every breath she takes, she’d have to stop breathing.
Damn, I just posted in the open thread re: Biden. What a doofus…(and not just for “clean”)
Biden is actually not totally stupid on foreign policy issues, unlike–say–Bill Kristol or Dick Cheney. But when it comes to campaigning, my take on Biden is that he’d probably do better in the polls (assuming they could go negative?) if he just tried to keep his trap shut a little more often.
Wesley Clark won’t run for President. He’ll sit back and fund-raise. And when the dust settles, he’ll get picked up as either the VP or the Secretary of Defense (hopefully Sec Defense because by god do we need a good one).
We’ve got a huge field of great candidates for ’08, and only one of them can be President. But that doesn’t mean we can’t fill the rest of the Cabinet and the political appointee positions with the remaining talent. If John Edwards doesn’t make it, put that man in charge of FEMA and Homeland Security. If Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton doesn’t make it, they’ll have warm chairs in high Senate positions for a generation. If Richardson wants to settle for Secretary of State, I say give it to him. He’s the man for the job. Al Gore should get whoever takes the Oath of Office to be begging him on bended knee to take over the Department of the Interior.
All these guys should have a place in the ’08 administration.
Rome Again
Gore/Clark = my dreamteam
Dug Jay
…to pick up on only one of her numerous inflammatory statements.
Her selection could give Edwards more than a small amount of heartburn with many of his targeted voters given that Marcotte has written quite a few things that look at the religious faithful with more than a healthy heaping of disdain, if not outright hatred…
Tom in Texas
What about Webb for SecDef? Not sure how VA works, but I think Kaine gets to nominate the replacement anyway, and I think the guy would be great in a Presidential Cabinet. Not that I have anything against a Clark SecDef posting, BTW.
Actually, I think Biden’s hopes were an imaginary number to begin with. So really, they’ve just been multiplied by the square root of a negative number.
Because sometimes you need to keep your Senators in the Senate.
As much as I like Obama, I’d prefer to see him as the VP this time. He really needs to spend more time building up a record so we know who he is outside the cult of personality. I have high hopes for him, but I’d hate to see him rush this whole thing in favor of making serious political change over the long haul.
And if anything can bring the GOP back from the brink of the cliff they are desperately trying to jump over right now, it would be Hilary Clinton. Not only would her run be bad because how of much poison it would bring back into the political discourse in the form of more shrill rightwing voices screaming, her run at President is bad for the country in the sense that we would be implicitly supporting an oligarchy. If she wins, it would mean there was a Bush or Clinton in the Executive branch of government (as President or Vice President) since 1980, when I was TEN years old. I’m now 37. That’s pathetic.
If Hilary is the Dem candidate in ’08, I’ll finally vote Libertarian for all candidates instead of just for local or state races. It’s not that I don’t think she might make a good President (I actually don’t think she will, as she seems more of a power hungry type than even her husband), I just cannot support voting for one of two families in something as important as the Executive branch of our government.
Actually, in thinking about, I bet a Clinton candidacy would finally make a third party nominee viable in our political system, so maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all.
many of the things she’s written are outrageous even by mainstream standards. i stopped reading Pandagon shortly after Jesse left because i just could stand reading Amanda. not everything is based in gender issues, mm k? she takes shrill and angry to a whole new level.
i simply don’t understand Edwards’ choice here.
Biden refers to himself in the third person! That alone should be enough to disqualify him from holding any elected office.
We already ran a sanctimonious windbag in ’04. Let’s run someone with at least an ounce of charisma in ’08 and stop pretending policy matters in the general election.
McCain/Lieberman in ’08!
Therefore, let the Republican win–nice job, Andrei. I just hope there aren’t many more like you in the swing states.
If Hillary gets the nomination she should pick Gore as her VP.
Then we could have the bumper sticker:
Clinton/Gore 08
Remember when things didn’t suck?
Rome Again
Hillary Clinton was just in my millionaire/gazillionaire town to pick up funding. More reason for me to not want to vote for her.
You sonofabitch! I posted that last week!
God damnit Jonathan, get your own material!
I go back and forth over this one. At first I thought, wait and play the long game. But on second thought, these days, the more record you have the more ammo the GOP has, so maybe a quick strike before the bastards get a chance to rip you up. And then, the third thought is, hell, the bastards running the GOP seem quite proficient at making crap up, so there’s really no need to give them ammo, so maybe he should wait until he’s more seasoned.
Then I get depressed and think, this is the way the candidates are picked in a major democracy?
Thanks for that link. Any link to a Mark Schmitt piece is a good thing. I think the guy is THE most astute oberver of American politics around. Why he hasn’t replaced the wheezing Broder escapes me.
It’d be foolish to be anything but agnostic at this point, but your link, and what I’m hearing about Obama’s Iraq withdrawal proposal, is really stoking my interest in the guy. If he can use the latest Fox smears for some creative jiu-jitsu against that disinfo operation, I might actually be sold.
Hey, scarshapedstar — are you the same ‘scarshapedstar’ who’s been joining me in harassing the yahoos at that Riehl clusterfuck?
If you don’t want the Republicans to win, then don’t select Hiliary as your ’08 candidate. I don’t vote to help the candidate YOU prefer. I vote based on who I believe is best for the job. Period.
If you don’t like, then feel free to try and get the election laws changed and the Constitution while you’re at it to force me to help your cadidate win against my own free will. Otherwise, don’t you ever dare try to attempt to scape goat me for your party’s lack of providing a viable Presidential candidate. (For the record, I’m a registered independent, so I won’t be voting in either the D or R primaries. It’s annoyinng in some ways but I prefer to not be beholden to any policial philosphy in the same way many others do so they can root like they do for a sports team.)
Hilary Clinton would be the absolute WORST thing to happen to this country after eight years of the bullshit we’ve seen from Bush & Co. and the poisonous atmosphere four years prior to that during Bill Clinton’s second term. In that light, I would prefer to see Obama as the candidate because if anything, he might be able to heal the wounds. (But he’s a wildcard on what he’ll do since he hasn’t built a real political rcord yet.) But Hilary? If she really had the country’s best interest at heart and not her own power mongering desire to be the first female President, she’d announce tomorrow she’s not running until 2016.
As much as it pained me to see Al Gore lose in large part because many voted for Nader, and as much as it pains me to side with Nader on certain issues, in this he was right: Al Gore lost because of Al Gore, not beause of Nader.
It’s called Democracy.
Emphatically agree. Already Webb’s distinguished himself by daring to prod darling Condi over just what the hell she’s about in Iran. He could be a valuable addition to an arm of government that’s been debasing itself for decades.
You’re laughing at Andy Sullivan’s Dream Team?!?!?
As a registered Independent, I don’t have much of a role in that–but I’m not planning on voting for the Republicans, and if Hillary is the Democratic candidate, then I’ll hold my nose and vote for her rather than throwing my vote away on a nobody with no chance of winning my state.
No shit, and likewise.
I vote on that, but I also vote based on who can reasonably win an election.
I’d love to–first-past-the-post voting is a horrible system, and the Electoral College is ridiculously outdated. I’d like to see at least approval voting, but there’s no way any of this will get changed by 2008, so the point is moot.
WTF are you even talking about?
Ok, now you’re just being an idiot. Or maybe you started that way. Stop assuming/lying/shooting off your big mouth and don’t come back until you know what the fuck you’re talking about, because you seriously don’t have the first fucking clue.
What kind of “record” do you build as the Vice-President? A record of attending state funerals?
Actually Al Gore won because of Al Gore. Al Gore lost because the Supreme Court was successfully rigged with three partisan hacks and a blissfully naive O’Conner.
That’s your perogative. The difference? I haven’t tried to pin that on you in any form or fashion like you just did to me.
You started the fight, Pb. Wake up. You said:
Explain to me exactly how I’m not supposed to take that as some thinly veiled attack on I how I vote?
Too bad that the pronounciation of said tag-team sounds like some unfortunate soul reverse-eating.
Or some devious alien race from Star Trek.
I think we ought to go bipartisan ticket and get Wes Clark and Dunc Hunter together. That’s right, bitches:
Clark/Hunter ’08. Now say it out loud…(giggling uncontrollably)
Hyperbole only works when it’s in the ballpark.
The worst thing? Really? How about ?Duncan Hunter
Not my yardman.
A hat tip to Biden for providing some humor. He jumps into the race. Hell with the exploratory committee, he declares he’s fully in to win. Then immediately launches into a Jon Carry moment crashing and burning with his Obama statement. LOL. I think it’s going to be a short campaign for third-person Joe.
If what I read was an accurate Biden quote, then yeah, it was tinged with ignorance and racism. Give Limbaugh, Coulter and other brain deads a free bone. Let them chew on him for a day or two.
Did Bush’s “record” as governor qualify him to be President? I don’t know that traditional political experience really helps a person be a better President, and it might even hurt them after a certain point. But surely there are more important factors at work. I used to think the same thing about Obama (and Edwards)–that neither of them have enough “political experience”. But after pondering it for a while, what I think a candidate really needs more is life experience to make a good President. And then there’s having good judgement, being fair, listening to the people, respecting and upholding the Constitution, and all those other good qualities you don’t hear about today. And besides, if they can make the case well on the campaign trail and survive that brutal cauldron of spin, then they’ve probably got enough political experience.
Steve, would you agree that Cheney has built a “record” as Veep and you have formed an opinion him if he were to run as President? Would you agree that people formed opinions of George Bush Sr during his eight years out of major political issues in the Congress while he was Veep? It is possible to stay in the public light as Veep and build a record of some political import.
That’s certainly one way to look at it, Zifnab. And I would even agree. Another legitimate way is that Gore never built a true majority even though the country had come out of eight years of peace and prosperity. He was never able to rise over the GOP slime game, a lesson even I think he would admit to today.
Gee… And here I thought it only worked when it was ppGaz Approved and Authorized(tm) according the worldview of one single voice sitting in Arizona.
Hey, it’s your prerogative, and I never said it wasn’t–I just happen to think it’d be a fucking disaster. You go vote for who you think is the best candidate–but I’d rather not end up with the worst candidate.
However, you proved yourself to be a fucking idiot when you continued on with your bullshit string of false assumptions and outright falsehoods about me and about what I was saying.
What is wrong with you?
Seriously, you’re a fucking idiot.
Just remember, Andrei. If Hillary Clinton loses her Presidential bid by one vote in your state, and that state just happens to provide her with the exact number of electoral votes necessary to take the White House, and every other Independent in the state votes for Hillary while every hard-core unconvertable Republican votes against her, and there’s absolutely no voter-fraud on either side, it will be entirely your fault when dark horse candidate Rick Santorum becomes the elected POTUS in ’08.
Then won’t your face be red.
Hyperbole only works when it’s in the ballpark.
The worst thing? Really? How about Duncan Hunter?
This question really deserves an answer. Otherwise, Andrei, if you wouldn’t mind, we’re going to have to ask you to wear this I’m Stupid shirt for the rest of the semester.
Rome Again
TZ is God? Well, perhaps, but…
The way we keep up ending with the “worst candidate” is by constantly voting for “the leser of two evil” candidates while holding our nose instead of voting who we think best represents our own personal polical stances, opinions and agendas. IMHO.
Fine. For jumping to conclusions, I apologize then. I admit to being testy when people call into question to how it’s my fault for when bad candiates win elections instead of it being the fault of the party who props those candidates up and the candidates themselves for not mustering a viable political strategy to win a majority. However, I think you have to acknowledge that the way you phrased your retort at me was basically begging for a rhetorical fight.
On the plus side, that would be the cleanest American election evar.
You really think Duncan Hunter has any shot whatsoever at being the Democractic candidate in ’08? And you’re calling me an idiot? I didn’t answer your question because it was a stupid fucking question in the first place.
I am actually hoping the constitution could be changed to allow Bush to run again. I mean God would want it that way wouldn’t he?
You lost me in the snark… I don’t want Hilary as President. Period. Why on earth would I be fretting if she lost by one vote due to me? Even if she lost to an asshat like Santorum?
Maybe I was being coy… but I actuallly would be fine with another GOP President in the Executive instead of Hilary. Esepcially if it’s a Democractic controlled Congress. What part of the “divided government that operates at crawl is better for the country” do some of you not get about us Libertarian types?
I think a lot of Democractic operates need to take that into consideration before they attempt to prop Hilary up as the second coming of The Golden Age. If Hilary is put on the ticket, many of us swing voters will be put into a VERY difficult position of voting to hold our noses to prevent idiots like a Santorum type taking office or voting to keep divided government.
If I was a betting man, I’d willing to bet more swing voters will roll the dice for divided government. Oh wait… I am a betting man. Who wants to lay their money on he table?
Rome Again
Andrei, you need an optometry visit? The suggestion was posted above as Hunter being on a bipartisan ticket.
I don’t agree with it personally, but, please read before you look like an ass.
Rome Again
If God wanted Bush to be perpetual president, it would only be with the intention of destroying him.
No, not really. Could you tell me some of George Bush’s accomplishments as Vice-President?
Rome Again
Yeah, but Russ Feingold isn’t running. :)
Apology accepted, thank you.
Indeed, but after the primaries, we do have to vote for the people on the ballot (especially in my state, yeesh).
Well it certainly expressed my contempt for the possible end result. Unfortunately, due to the way our voting system is structured, (also the hand we’re dealt at the moment) a vote for the “best” candidate can result in a worse candidate being elected than would otherwise have been elected. I believe that approval voting (for example) would largely correct this, but we don’t have it.
Incidentally, I was planning to vote for Nader back in 2000, until I found out that I couldn’t due to state election laws–in North Carolina, even write-in votes for Nader weren’t counted. Why was I planning on voting for Nader in 2000? Because I was disillusioned with the two main parties and I felt that Nader better expressed my views. At the time I was something of an uninformed moderate with leftist and libertarian leanings. I figured that neither Bush nor Gore could really mess up the current peace and prosperity we had coming out of the Clinton years. Boy was I totally wrong. Of course, even if I had voted for Gore, there’s no way he was going to win North Carolina (he couldn’t manage to win Tennessee either) — but that experience really brought the point home for me. And of course if I had been in Florida, I would have felt even stupider.
Why, yes. Yes I am. Thank you for noticing.
But on which side? If you must have divided government, then vote for a Democratic President and against a Democratic Senator or House member.
Oh… I’m sorry… Of course… how could I be such an idiot? Of course that bipartisan ticket has a real shot to becoming a reality. It actually might happen! And more! They actually might WIN! What are the odds? The same as when pigs will fly?
And in case you didn’t read, ppGaz responded to my hyperbole of Hilary being President in ’08 with…
As in… “Come on Andrei! Isn’t Duncan Hunter worse than Hilary Clinton? You have to admit that you’re doomsday scenario doesn’t hold a candle to Duncan being President!” Show me where in this text he’s referring to some bipartisan ticket or whatever it iss you think ppGaz said.
Again… I didn’t respond to it because it was a stupid question. Hilary Clinton on the other hand has a very REAL shot at being the Democractic candidate for ’08, which is where I started my rant.
Rome Again
There you are, I got worried about you.
Maybe. Others can judge. But it can never reach the pinnacle of stupidity reached by your outburst, to which my stupid question was a response.
Point to me.
{ yawn }
What else ya got, big boy?
I had to do some driving through the traffic snarls of Phoenix. Lightrail construction here has turned the streets into Hell.
You’re German?
Didn’t know that. I mean, dat.
What made you think I was asking you? My second iteration had no reference to your post.
You’re so vain.
Rome Again
Yes, but that was not a Democratic candidate suggestion. You’re still in the wrong there.
If it was Obama running I might just do that. Regardless of what people think of me or my opinions, I do vote. And I’m pretty sure you’ll find a lot of swing voters like myself that agree with my point of view or have the same problems as I do when thinking about how I should vote in ’08 given everything that is going on.
In that context, the point I started with is that if Hilary runs as the candidate, I think it would be both extremely damaging to the Democractic party and further it would bring the GOP back from the brink of the self destructive path they are currently on. In that regard, she really should do the right thing and wait until 2012 or 2016.
At some point, if you were a Democractic operative, advisor or strategist, it is my opinion that people who think like I do are going to be your biggest hurdle, especially if there are more of us than some might anticpate. The swing vote in the country has been put under tremndously difficult moral and political situations with regard to how they should vote over the laast twelve years. Why on earth would you add further stress to those limits by putting both another Clinton and Hilary as the Presidential ticket?
Given the above, I hope Obama is the candidate, even though I think it’s premature for him.
Emphasis added. Proving once again how you’re more like Darrell than anyone else in these forums.
I’d watch that, even if it was pay-per-view.
You mean, not even Darrell is more like Darrell than I am?
Wow, aren’t you the Grand Master of Poorly Constructed Hyperbole today?
I await your next dumb gaffe with great anticipation!
Rome Again
Hey everybody, wave to Andrei, we’re posting on his blog now “Hi Andrei” ::wave::
This blog is not about you dude, get with the program. Anyone can cite someone or a number of someones at the same time. It has nothing do with ego.
You are the brave little soldier!
Rome Again
I don’t think I’d pay for it, but if it were blasting over my tee-vee, I don’t think I’d be able to turn and look away throughout the whole thing.
What on earth are you talking about? I made a claim that Hilary would be the worst thing to happen to this country if elected. ppGaz then decided he couldn’t resist the urge to comment on this without being totally idiotic by saying, “What about Duncan Hunter? Neener neener! Obviously there are worse things Andrei therefore you’re a fucktard. Neener neener!” (I’m paraphrasing obviously.)
You tell me Rome, do you think Duncan Hunter has any shot in Hell to becoming President in ’08? I mean honestly? We all know Hilary is more than a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket. And I still say that if she made the ticket and actually won, it would be the worst thing to happen to this country. At least the worse thing since Dubya took office.
The fact guys like ppGaz treat anyone who doesn’t think like them with such animosity is but a hint of the asshattery we’d have to suffer from 2008 to 2012 if Hilary became the next President.
I take it all back… I agree. Let’s get Obama on the ticket.
Rome Again
6:01 pm Andrei said:
That’s where I got it from. Now, care to back down?
Rome Again
God, I hate this mouse.
No, Andrei, I certainly hope Duncan Hunter doesn’t have a shot in hell at being president, BUT, you’re the one who suggested he might be a Democratic candidate.
Hold on, let me get my crocodile over here. He needs to see these tears …..
Firstly, I don’t think anyone is attempting to prop Hillary up as the second coming of The Golden Age. At the best, she’s the most “electable” (god, that word makes me want to vomit). People vote for her because they want an unimpeded Democratic Congress and a person of Republican-American heritage with the veto stick will make life that much more difficult.
Secondly, Santorum is batshit fucking insane. I understand your whole “balance of power is good” mentality, and on principle I’m with you. But Great Leader Bush has successfully proved that a President can give Congress the big middle finger, which in turn creates a great deal of corruption and anarchy, not balance. I don’t want to see another Republican-American invested with the “rights” our current President has laid claim on. If Hillary will do nothing else, she’ll encourage the bipartisan de-insanitizing of the Presidency. An opposition party president won’t let go of power so easily.
Finally, there’s a third branch of Government you’ve completely overlooked in this. We don’t need any more conservative judges on the bench. Four wild-eyed, kool-aid drinking authoritarian diehards is enough, thank you. Democrats will need two years of unrestricted freedom to unfuck everything the Republican-American majority.
So even if Hillary is the last (worst) hope for a Democratic President, I hope you’ll reconsider your vote. Sure, in an electoral college system, the vote doesn’t really mean a damn thing unless you convince a few hundred of your closest friends to vote with you. But on principle, I hope you take a second look at Mrs. Hillary and re-evaluate your position with consideration of the bigger picture. I’d much rather see Obama or Edwards or Richardson or Gore or Clark or Dodd or even Biden in her place, but she’s still better than pretty much every Republican-American in the field. Hopefully, with time, you won’t even need to worry about it. But at least consider it.
Richard 23
Biden said something stupid? No way!
J. Mark English
I love the blog that you have. I was wondering if you would link my blog to yours and in return I would do the same for your blog. If you want to, my site name is American Legends and the URL is:
If you want to do this just go to my blog and in one of the comments just write your blog name and the URL and I will add it to my site.
Rome Again
Oh, yes, the Lenape population has been exploding for years, didn’t you know? In Rehoboth Beach, perhaps, during summer tourist season.
Here ya go, Andrei …
Once more for the gipper.
I mean, gripper.
of course. otherwise all our ballots would be write-ins, because rarely is a person on the ballot better than anyone else you could possibly think of for the job.
Then that’s a mea culpa on my part for not proof reading well enough. I meant GOP. And maybe because I thought this was obvious… but to me it doesn’t matter what party Duncan Hunter belongs to, he still wouldn’t have a shot at being President. Which is not the case for Hilary.
Now… go back and read the progression and tell me how ppGaz is relevant and not obvious asshattery.
It’s because I have a sense of humor, you silly goose.
I don’t know, is that something you can have pumped up, like lips?
Rome Again
Methinks Andrei doesn’t know the difference between snark and seriousness.
No offense, but I’d love to have whatever you’re smoking. 8^) We’ll have to disagree here, and think how you fall on this issue is somewhat key to the rest of the discussion. I think Hilary as President would seriously further polarize our country and in the long do far more damage than having a batshit crazy guy like a Santorum in place who would have to deal with a very antagnoisitic Congress.
Yes, that’s my opinion, and I can say that I’ll only change it if Hilary runs a campaign that proves me wrong. So if anything, the ball will be in her court but she has a very tall mountain to climb to get my vote. The past as evidence for how she polarizes people politically, her pro-War stance, and too much of her behavior says to me she’s not in it for the good of the country, but for her place in history to be the first female President.
Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but I imagine that a Democractic controlled Congress will not allow more far right justices to slip through. Justice Kennedy getting in comes to mind as does the string of justices that got stonewalled during Bush Sr’s presidency.
We shall help him.
Rome Again
::throws green jello at Andrei:: “laugh it up a little!
The world gasps.
I need a pause.
Rome Again
TZ, you’re pausing an awful lot today
Yes I am. I really need these pauses.
I know you like to think you’re the Great Communicator, but given how you’ve been a hardcore asshole to pretty much about everyone on these boards including Cole himself, I’m not sure how you expect common folk to know when you’re being serious or when you’re being “humourous.” Your emotional state, snark to serious ratio and general demeanor are more high maintenence than Paris Hilton’s lifestyle. All of your comments blend together in tone to sound like Darrell equivalents to me in the end.
Rome Again
I know you like to think you’re the Great Communicator, but given how you’ve been a hardcore asshole to pretty much about everyone on these boards including Cole himself, I’m not sure how you expect common folk to know when you’re being serious or when you’re being “humourous.” Your emotional state, snark to serious ratio and general demeanor are more high maintenence than Paris Hilton’s lifestyle. All of your comments blend together in tone to sound like Darrell equivalents to me in the end.
::says Kate Winslet to Leonardo DiCaprio as she’s lying naked on a couch and he is drawing her:: “So Serious!”
Compared to you, I certainly am. But that’s damning myself with faint praise.
I like to think of myself as the guy who invented penicillin.
I didn’t, but hell, why not go for the gold? Right?
Well, you really have to read them in a mirror.
After looking at your blog… I try but all I get is more infuriated at how our government fails us. Sorry if that makes me a tad touchy. Consider it a character flaw.
Uh … Andrei as Kate Winslet?
Mmm hmmh. Uh …
I uh …..
Rome Again
Andrei, do you have a single funny bone in your body? The blog I attach to is for Darrell. He says I don’t care about whether people get killed or not. It’s not MY blog!
It has nothing to do with you. Would you like to start throwing darts now? Perhaps we could up the ante and start throwing bombs at each other instead?
We’re talking about people who we aren’t going to see in office for another two years, come on, it’s not all serious all the time. Geeeeeeze, man.
Rome Again
No, TZ, I meant to blockquote Andrei, it’s just that he reminds me of that statement so well.
Rome Again
TZ, level 4 hon
Common folk? Who let them in?
Andrei, you’re alright, despite all the things people say about you.
Seriously. Lighten up. I just come here for the entertainment these days.
I apologize for the “fucking idiot” remark, it was from an old beef we had and it’s time to let it go.
Ok. Deal.
Cool. Gotta run. BTW, I don’t like Hillary either.
This is one seriously boring thread, I can’t believe I read the whole damn thing. Handicapping presidential candidates two years out is beyond ridiculous.
Oh, and who in the hell is Duncan Hunter?
Who in the hell is Duncan Hunter?
He’s …. an anachronism. Andrei is right, he should have no chance.
Rome Again
That was my point as well, thank you for confirming.
Wait, you saw my crocodile?
True enough. I obviouly need to stop reading DailyKos except maybe once a month. Then I might not feel like every week is an election week.
i prefer kneecapping candidates two years out.
From Duncan Hunter’s site:
I wonder what his stand is on The War On (some) Drugs?
Bet he believes in bigger, ever-more-intrusive government in that case.
Rome Again
Personally, I think the war on drugs is a lost cause. I’m fighting the war on rugs myself. (True story, I used to work in a custom rug factory, and had an email address, ‘[email protected]’ (the boss wasn’t too happy, but…).
She got me back later, she went out to deliver a rug one day and her husband died right in front of me.
How about the war on Dougs?
Crocodile, alligator, cayman, all the same to me.
Rome Again
Monitors? Gilas? Them too?
In more ways than one.
It’s lead to “the land of the free” having the highest incarceration rate in the world, bar none.
Amusing anecdote.
A friend of mine about thirty five years ago was a herpetologist and worked at the zoo. He and his wife lived in a five room apartment that was in an old Victorian style house, they had two rooms for people and three for reptiles. Cages stacked to the twelve foot ceilings, at least half of which had the label “venomous” on them.
Anyhoo, they had a five foot long Nile Monitor lizard in one large cage. Somehow the thing managed to escape one day and got out of the house. It spent six months wandering around a somewhat run down, turn of the century neighborhood in Atlanta. Eventually they found it and brought it back home, but we always wondered if anyone had seen it and just how they reacted. Probably thought they were hallucinating, eh?
Newport 9
Rome Again
Not FIXED, but I wouldn’t expect you to know that.
The Other Steve
Exactly! Like John Kerry, Al Gore and Michael Dukakis!
Rome Again
Reminded me of when I took a trip out to Texas to meet up with a bunch of online friends from a game I played (Acrophobia) and as soon as arrived from my destination (a duplex home) I was informed that the next door neighbor’s snake had disappeared into the plumbing. I had a very difficult time using their facilities after that. ROFL
Rome Again
arrived at, time to go to bed LOL, sorry
Allen/Rice. Or Rice/Allen. It would be good for laughs anyway.
Yeah, I bet. :-)
We were living way out in the sticks in an old house on fifty acres when my daughter was five years old. One day she came to me and told me quite seriously “Daddy, there’s a snake in the kitchen”. Well, of course I thought she was imagining things but I went into the kitchen and there was about two and a half feet of black snake sticking out of a partially opened cupboard drawer. I recognize most of the poisonous snakes in my part of the country and could tell it wasn’t poisonous so I grabbed it and took it outside and let it go. My wife and daughter were both quite impressed with my derring-do.
I don’t think Hillary is going to get the nod anyhow, and actually I’d prefer that she didn’t. However, I don’t know that a Hillary Presidency would necessarily end up being such a disaster, really. But you’re right, it would embolden the
terroristswingnuts–not that that’s ever really been a reason not to do something. I also wonder where this extreme fear of an ultra-authoritarian Hillary comes from–maybe I just don’t know that much about her, but… what is it that makes people think that she’s Giuliani in drag (err, metaphorically speaking)?Pb
You know who else has a lot of political experience? Dick Cheney.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the words of a leader. Something sorely lacking in our recent politics. I’m happy to call him my Senator, and I’m even happier to see that he’s not afraid to propose concrete and sensible alternatives to the idiotic foreign policy of a bunch of craven war-profiteers.
His legislative proposal today is exactly the right tack for Democrats to take to stop Mad Cowboy Disease. We don’t need another Clinton, or another Gore in the White House. We need someone who has actual ideas about how to motivate and inspire the American People to create a better society.
I wish him luck.
Richard 23
Maybe, but why would Woody Allen run with Condoleeza Rice? Oh, for laughs.