I am still swamped, so go back to these two threads, read the comments, and place your nominee for best quote. I will trim them down to ten we can vote on tomorrow or Thursday.
Open Thread
by John Cole| 67 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
Speling is ovrrated. Look, Ima blogar. “I will think them down…”? Lord.
I’m sending you a dictionary. And a pillow stuffed with Ambien. Tough love, baby. Tough love.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
i still go for the Ike reversal
Richard 23
I think you moonbats who love conspiracy theories will love this. Somehow I missed this “controversy:”
I found about this “story” while reading a review of John Carpenter’s “They Live.”
Zombie Santa Claus
I know it’s not from this blog, but I really like this one:
I liked other ones too, though. Like this one:
And this one:
And this one:
Honestly, though, almost all of them are really awesome. We should have a contest like this once a month or so. It was a lot of fun.
Zombie Santa Claus
The ending of that movie made me cry, it was so sad. A horrible alternate Universe where the Commies win.
I see some feddy court just upheld Bush’s law to deny foreigners held as “EC”s any access to US courts.
Which begs this question–why the fuck would any foreigner want to come here, knowing that at any given moment, for any reason, Bush could declare you an EC, and you’d have no right to contest it? In effect, you’re likely jailed for life?
Am I missing something, or does this not make him much like a King, able to decree who goes to the pokey and when, and not needing to show a shred of evidence for said detention?
Those non-existent pilots of those non-existent rendition pilots identified
Zombie Santa Claus
I just got to the other thread, here are some good ones from there:
Fuck it, they’re all really good. Those are the ones that stood out to me on this reading, though.
Why does the NRCC hate America?
A few more…
Zombie Santa Claus
Are those new ones, Pb? If they are, you’re cheating by putting them in this thread! No fair!
Zombie Santa Claus,
No, they aren’t new.
I’m in favor of the Scooter Libbey quotation about C’theney.
The Other Steve
I still love this one.
Zombie Santa Claus
Oh. Sorry, then. Mea culpa.
Now say ten Hail Dubyas.
Zombie Santa Claus
Hail Dubya, full of disgrace, blessed art thou among Virgos, blessed is the fruit of thy tomb, thine only son, Jihad. Holy Dubya, motherfucker of God, make us sinners pay now and forever, amen. (x10, plus with some other pseudo-Catholic incantations tossed in)
This is probably my favorite. So short and simple, and yet it says it all.
I’m with ZSC, though – there were a lot of great ones. Take a bow, you filthy moonbat traitors.
Zombie Santa Claus
You’ll note that I refrained from nominating myself. (hint, hint)
Seriously, though, my two favorites are the Cthulhu one and this one from the Poorman blog:
I like those ones even better than the ones I did myself.
Rome Again
My vote:
It’s the only time Bush will ever get my vote ;)
I found about this “story” while reading a review of John Carpenter’s “They Live.”
One of THE GREAT movies that for whatever reason is never, ever on cable.
Rome Again
It was on cable once about five years ago… I discovered it then. Awesome movie.
Zombie Santa Claus
He wins the WPE contest hands down.
Rome Again
Well, that’s certainlly true, I stand corrected ZSC. Thanks for making me look like a farkin’ idiot!
Zombie Santa Claus
Sorry. I wasn’t trying to!
I don’t know why I’m being such an asshole right now. It’s not intentional. WTF is wrong with me?
I should say some more Hail Dubyas. I’ll mumble them to myself, and avoid troubling the rest of you.
Rome Again
I thought it was just a “KRAWEN” prankster game.
Zombie Santa Claus
I don’t remember the game, but I do know the code in which you speak.
Probably, you and me are the only ones here who do.
Rome Again
I’m sure that’s probably true.
Newark has its own game?
And we hide it by spelling it backward?
Or ….?
Rome Again
LMAO, TZ… it’s the name of the NHS yearbook!
It was just code for “I know something you know”.
Blame it on the Bossa Nova.
Wouldn’t this be infinitely more funny and snarky if it said “in a text message” instead of “in a letter”???
Just the norm in the UK:
439,000 requests to monitor voice, email, snail mail in 15 months
Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy behavior. It’s a good thing we don’t have any real idea how prevelant this is in the US. They could tell us, but then they’d have to kill us.
Leahy is in town tomorrow, should I go heckle him?
h/t /.
No, it’s actually way more funny for teh intarweb speak to be used in an real hand written letter.
You mean, besides the fact that you’re a zombie?
Apparently, Yellowjackets are in abundance here. Odd.
Or, Gen. William T. Sherman to Gen. Robert E. Lee, in a note to pinned to the ass of a Confederate Soldier’s pants.
That would have been kind of funny too.
Rome Again
Isn’t it? Well, I’m not technically a yellowjacket, I’m technically a CHS Viking, but my siblings were yellowjackets.
Bubblegum Tate
Nada pwns everyone.
“I’m suspicious of anything with ‘Bill of Rights’ tacked on to it.” — Alexander Hamilton
The Easter Bunny
He’s always been an asshole. Don’t let him fool you with this “oooh, I got my fat ass blown up by the Canuckistanis and then I was reanimated by their dark science and I have to carry my empty head around in a glass jar so I’ve learned humility and I’m a kinder, gentler mythological being now” horseshit.
Say it with me, kids: Santa was an asshole, is an asshole, always will be an asshole.
That being said, at least he took the Canuckistani threat and the War on Christmas seriously, unlike you fetid little Pelosi-panties-sniffing pukes.
Peeps, bitches!
Rome Again
Peeps not only rot teeth, they apparently rot the brain too.
Yes, those friggin’ Georgia Tech alumni are everywhere….
Rome Again
Don’t quit your day job Punchy.
Although its rather meaningless in the grander scheme of things, I am obligated to point out, “Go Horn!”
Thank you and have a good day.
Tim F.
I nominate this from BrianJ:
It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world; it’s violence or nonexistence; that is where we are today. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tim F.
hm, missed the blockquote. Anyhow.
Count your legs lately?
I think I got one of yours on my keychain.
Rome Again
Does it contain a chemical repellant?
I like the Libby one especially since I originally thought it was Scooter mumbling around a mouth full of Cheney.
I gotta stop hanging out with Evangelical ministers.
Hate to say it, but I think it’s a rabbit bone.
Poor little furry sonofagun gave his all, I fear.
The Easter Bunny
I can grow legs back faster than Santa can suck down a jumbo Blimpburger and a gallon of fries, moonbat. So keep it up and you’ll have a matching set, except you’ll have to pry the new one out of your America-hating ass first.
One of those Tasmanian Devil-Rabbits, apparently.
Sigh…alas, not for long…
One more gem here…from the HOLY NO-SHIT DEPT:
Just 2 in 4 years. Honest, responsible, accurate gov’t.
Just lost our last real ally in I-wreck:
Mr. Snow, first question: Why does the President insist timetables embolden the enemy, and then all of a sudden, our best ally announces a timetable?
The WH spin on this will be gut-wrenching. Tony may actually earn his paycheck if he can get out of this one….
The cancer which is killing the Tasmanian Devils is unique — it’s a contagious cancer spread by biting.
The Easter Bunny
Bitches shouldn’t have tried stealing my candy. They got what they deserved.
That is nicely done, isn’t it?
Love these two, however:
Good luck. All (most) winners. Here’z my topz, in order.
Dixie Says:
“In a time of universal terrorism, crushing dissent becomes a revolutionary act.” —George Orwell
Holy hell. It’s scary how easy it is to do this kind of shit.
February 15th, 2007 at 10:03 pm
TheOtherKen Says:
How about this fake quote? “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”—Allegedly said by George Bush on Sept 13, 2003 and quoted extensively on anti-Bush sites.
February 16th, 2007 at 8:22 am
jg Says:
There must be no criticism of the President, we are to stand by the President, right or wrong. It is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public to do otherwise.
Theodore Roosevelt
Actual quote:
To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
February 15th, 2007 at 7:32 pm
DougJ Says:
“There will come a time in this country, when men will be forced to give up their right to dissent in order that a larger battle against evil forces may be waged effectively. When that time comes, all who oppose our president must be imprisoned, for to undermine our leaders at such a time would surely be treason.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to Sally Jennings from Paris
dreggas Says:
Everyone loathes his own country and countrymen if he is any sort of Democrat. – Durrell, Lawrence
February 15th, 2007 at 7:55 pm
Richard 23
Richard 23
Leave it to Free Republic to rebut that hit piece by Dana Priest on the crown jewel of military health care, Walter Reed. The MSM always sees the glass as empty, not realizing it’s full of clear liquid. What a bunch of America-hating twits!
I think the biased WP was describing how things would be under Hitlery (HilLIARy) care. Socialist health care is the surest way to an early grave.
Richard 23
FREEP expert Albion Wilde (…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. -2 Cor 3:17):
Case closed! So much for yet another kook hatchet job.
Richard 23
More on the Washington Compost’s authors Dana anti-Priest and Ann empty-Hull here. Traitors to the core.
Luke Skywalker
I liked this one:
The British are leaving! The British are leaving! – Paul Revere (on Tony ‘Lapdog’ Blairs decision yesterday.)