Via the Nitpicker, we see everything has been taken care of at Walter Reed:
Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center’s Medical Hold Unit say they have been told they will wake up at 6 a.m. every morning and have their rooms ready for inspection at 7 a.m., and that they must not speak to the media.
“Some soldiers believe this is a form of punishment for the trouble soldiers caused by talking to the media,” one Medical Hold Unit soldier said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
It is unusual for soldiers to have daily inspections after Basic Training.
Soldiers say their sergeant major gathered troops at 6 p.m. Monday to tell them they must follow their chain of command when asking for help with their medical evaluation paperwork, or when they spot mold, mice or other problems in their quarters.
They were also told they would be moving out of Building 18 to Building 14 within the next couple of weeks. Building 14 is a barracks that houses the administrative offices for the Medical Hold Unit and was renovated in 2006. It’s also located on the Walter Reed Campus, where reporters must be escorted by public affairs personnel. Building 18 is located just off campus and is easy to access.
Punish them for speaking out, then hide them from the media.
And again, this isn’t POWs or unlawful combatants or whatever. These are our wounded guys.
They were hurting troop morale. If soldiers in Iraq find out how bad Walter Reed has become, we won’t win the war. Don’t you want to win the war John? Or are you rooting for the terrorists? Like those bastard nurses who talked to the terror-huggers in the media.
Zombie Santa Claus
I can’t even spoof this. This is too depressing.
I’m sure Darrell still can, though.
I am just trying to imagine the media coverage that would have been stirred up over this issue if it had come up during the Clinton presidency. This alone would have had congressmen demanding impeachment.
At least the Republicans HAVE a plan for hiding the shoddy conditions of our wounded troops from the media. Let’s hear “Slow Bleed” Murtha’s plan, if he and the dhimmocrats even have one.
And as far as I’m concerned, they’ve earned the right to say whatever they darned well please, to whomever they darned well please, and to DO whatever they darned well please, up to and including bitch-slapping every last person in this administration.
Maybe if we lived in a Democracy, Krista. Oh well.
Newport 9
How come we never hear about all the wounded troops who aren’t being abused by the government, huh?
Gosh-darned librul media!
Is every high ranking officer just a huge asshole or what?
Classic punitive chickenshit. What happy memories it stirs! It’s stories like this — and our glorious Iraq adventure — that at least once a month make me deeply grateful that I’m no longer in the service.
Marcus Wellby
You are correct, sir. Yet the “Liberal Media” meme marches on and on and on. I don’t blame the GOP — it is really their “job” to spin for each other. This fucking fiasco is only possible because of the willful blindness of rank and file Republican voters.
There are various versions of “A liberal is a conservative who has been. . .” I think that we may have a new candidate: A liberal is a wounded soldier who’s been told to shut up about any shortcomings in his treatment. I hope, at least.
This speaks for itself. The whole idea that the troops are being supported is all lip service. To question GWB is to question supporting the troops…blah, blah, blah.
I used to respect McCain but if he continues to back this adminitration and the trained puppys still left in charge in the military, then he deserves to go down in disgrace. How can a former POW sit still for this. allowing it to continue, and not have sold his soul? I don’t know why i am blaming McCain first except that I have come to expect nothing but trash to come out of the WH and there is nothing they won’t sink to. He is enabling that scum though and I think that is the issue.
I suppose it is actually more fair to say that, in the end we are all going to get dirty for allowing this to continue.
Mr Furious
This on the heels of watching that Bob Woodruff special last night? What a clusterfuck.
I was waiting for Wooodruff to throttle the Sec. of Veterans Affairs on camera last night when he suggested the patient numbers were inflated by things such as dental care.
Woodruff should have grabbed this guy by the neck and screamed, “Dental care? Have you been to Walter Reed? You can do the dental care on these guys from the inside!”
The mistreatement of these soldiers is far and away the most infuriating thing about this bullshit war and the fucking phony-ass “troop supporters” running the show. I watch that shit and I literally wish it on Bush. Blow a fucking hole in his skull and make him learn to speak all over again. Make that asshole learn to clear brush minus a limb or two. He deserves nothing less.
C’mon, is anyone really surprised? When has the whistleblower not been punished in any kind of scandal in recent memory?
I guess they don’t call you Mr. Furious for nothing.
wait a minute; if soldiers in iraq find out how bad walter reed has become, they’ll be more likely to want to avoid getting wounded, making them better soldiers on the battlefield!
ruining walter reed may just win this war for us!
But hey kids, don’t let this stop you from enlisting!
So they’ve forbidden soldiers from talking to the media. Of course they can’t stop the relatives of soldiers from talking to the media (I guess) so I’m not sure what they hope to accomplish besides pissing off people a bit more.
From what I remember of the Building 18 article they already had to get up for inspection and then cross Georgia Avenue (speed limit Infinity in that neighborhood) for some sort of daily roll call.
Otto Man
I keep waiting for the administration to cover Walter Reed with a giant yellow ribbon sticker. Mission accomplished.
Mr Furious
No, not when it comes to this. These are twenty-year-old guys maimed and disfigured for life. Some more dead than alive, and you just know they are going to be fending for themselves at some point sooner then they should be.
Those men should count themselves lucky. They’re just one Decider brainfart away from being enemy combatantized and sent to Gitmo where they belong. If they hadn’t gotten killed and wounded, or at least had the decency to do so out of sight, our leader would be more popular. Such obvious disloyalty is not tolerated in the party of the uber Bush.
Rome Again
Well, they don’t want to give anyone the idea that they’re dealing in impropriety, except when they’re dealing in impropriety. Then somehow it gets displayed into the pages of our newspapers.
Why can’t we just do things the way we were all brought up knowing we should? Taking care of vets shouldn’t be a fucking shell game.
Why am I not surprised that the leftist aholes here would blame Bush for this, rather than the military officers in command of the situation. Good take here.
Perhaps Walter Reed could give some of you loons psychological treatment for your BDS.
Exactly Darrel.
You clowns need to realize that Bush only gets credit for the good things that the military does, like toppling Saddam and the resulting knock down of the giant Saddam statue. That was all Bush, baby.
The lousy things that the army does, like Abu Ghraib and the whole Walter Reed hullabaloo? Bad apples in the military. Bush had nothing to do with them.
In fact, they were probably stealth leftist plants who joined the military years ago, worked their way up the chain of command, got placed at WR, and then purposefully let the mold go unchecked so as to embarrass our glorious president. Just another example of how the left is dishonest to the core.
Rome Again
BDS isn’t in the DSM-IV (and I don’t see it slated for the DSM-V either), perhaps you should go back to college Darrell!
Un-fucking-believable….there’s just nothing else to say…
Mr Furious
Oh, shut the fuck up Darrell. If Bush is CiC, then this falls to him. They are blowing billions per day on this war, but apparently none of it is going into maintainence and cleaning in the freaking hospitals these poor guys are sentenced to?
He could fix this shit with a phone call. Period.
Rome Again
Only if we had a CiC who had real strength of character and not that pretend “balls to the wall” kind… I don’t see that happening.
As Abraham Lincoln once aptly described the presidency, “the buck stops over there.”
Sure the wounded soldiers have to stay in buildings that are falling apart, but at least they don’t have to endure the slings and arrows of the unhinged balloon juice commenters. Truly, President Bush is the real victim here.
Mr Furious
Credit to Darrell—his link is actually good. We probably agree with inverse portions of it, but it’s good nonetheless.
Otto Man
Once again, Darrell proves that a genuine conservatard response is much loonier than anything a liberal might have spoofed. Doug J is probably hiding in shame.
Well done, Darrell. When you remove your lips from Dear Leader’s ass, blow the crowd a kiss.
I put this under the wrong name. I made up a stupid name yesterday for a joke post and forgot to put my real name back. Mods please delete my other post awaiting moderation.
Leave it to Darrell to blame everyone but the people at the top. Nevermind that a republican congress paid nothing more than lip service to the troops and never mind bush did the same. It’s not like they had any power to fund an overhaul of the facilities to support the influx of casualties incurred due to a war they started…oh wait they did.
Personal responsibility out the window, another thing republicans can never again lay claim to since they take none.
Faux News
Zombie: we will always have the annual “War on Christmas”. I hope this helps cheer you up a bit.
Folks, please calm down. Darrell has a perfectly good explanation for all of this.
From D-arrell’s link:
This is actually standard Bush Admin policy. Now if the story continues its because of the liberal press making a concerted effort to damage Bush and the soldiers who talk are miscreants who disobeyed orders. All the nescessary points of dismsissal are right where a wingnut needs them to be. And once again an important story will be lost.
Remember when the buck stopped in the Oval Office? Memories…
I guess the Unitary Executive has his total control over the entire executive branch, except when he doesn’t.
Mr Furious
Think Progress has the video of the “dental care” excuse from Sec. Nicholson.
Rome Again
I was being nice and giving him the benefit of the doubt, okay so I was probably wrong…
Homeschool University. great basketball team. They’ve never lost a game, you’d only think so if got your news through the filter.
Gezackly. As every true patriot of steel knows, control and repetition of the message is the true measure of a nation’s worth.
And they say the “left” suffers from BDS.
This is actually standard Bush Admin policy. Now if the story continues its because of the liberal press making a concerted effort to damage Bush and the soldiers who talk are miscreants who disobeyed orders. All the nescessary points of dismsissal are right where a wingnut needs them to be. And once again an important story will be lost.
I agree. It’s hard to stay on message when the message is “We are screwing over our War Veteran’s so we can purchase $285 billion dollar planes that can’t make it across the International Dateline without crapping out.” That ‘message’ is crap. So instead you create a narrative that you know your base eats up with a spoon, “They’ve been given orders and a few agenda driven, renegade soldiers have decided that they get to choose which orders they follow.” Shift the story this way and The Corner and the rest of the followers of that ilk will nod in agreement about the myriad ways the MSM hates our military.
This is a brilliant plan. Hide the problems from the media and they won’t exist.
I see a Medal of Freedom in someones future.
Why am I not surprised that the leftist aholes here would blame Bush for this, rather than the military officers in command of the situation.
Of course. Bush has no control over the military and, therefore, no responsibility. Seems the leftist aholes are very confused about who is in charge.
The liberal media tries to portray these agenda-driven, Bush-hating wounded soldiers as heroes. Disgusting.
Bubblegum Tate
I like the way you think. Please report to the Heritage Foundation ASAP for your lucrative grant for “research” on “public policy.”
Rome Again
Oh SHIT! I just barely got that coffee down before it spewed!
I think the Pentagon should out source the running of Waleter Reed. If its going to be run in such a shoddy fashion it should at least be enriching an A-list campaign donor’s bottom line. Haliburton has the capacity to take this on right?
Unfortunately, it was sewn into a soldier during an operation at Walter Reed.
Rome Again
You mean there’s only one and they just kept passing it around until this unfortunate accident? Lucky soldier!
Oh my, the ignorant BDS sufferers continue to vent their perpetual outrage, facts be damned.
No other President in our nation’s history has given so much financial support to VA, but you assholes post here lying your asses off asserting that Bush is withholding funds from veterans, when the truth is the exact opposite of what you are alleging. Classic BDS talking points. Baseless and factless as always
Mr Furious
Can’t Bill Frist give these guys better care from his home in Tennessee? Send ‘im some videos…
Mr Furious
Darrell’s right. All these soldiers have to do is hold out until 2008 and there will be “a significant step forward…”
Care to explain the conditions at the hospital then, Darrell? According to you and your lying-ass source they could just paper over the moldy walls with hundred dollar bills…
It’s true, Darrell, Bush is generously granting medical care to the 100,000 Americans that have been seriously injured in his vanity war. He’s not paying for it, but that’s a different matter.
On the other hand, you don’t seem to understand the difference between active duty and veteran status, so you’re still a bit retarded.
Army Times has an article just as damaging as the WP.
Pvt. Rob Van Antwerp is a named patient in the AT article. His father is a general, the kid didn’t pull strings when the VA screwed him.
I wonder what the Army is going to do to Rob. Have his dad take away his ArmyTimes.
You know, the idea that you guys are going to allow Darrell to post here and do his worthless fucking BDS harangue for the TEN THOUSANDTH FUCKING TIME when it clearly has nothing to do with this topic or any topic, really, any more …
This is actually a topic that merits serious discussion.
Why should we support this blog any more? I’m serious.
Get rid of that fucking guy for crissakes. And if he’s you, or doing this at your behest, trust me, you are making a mistake keeping it up now. The joke stopped being funny a long fucking time ago.
BDS, for crying out fucking loud.
Mr Furious
The very next paragraph from Darrell’s source:
And, of course, the money Bush says he’ll spend in a budget proposal, always finds it’s way to where it’s needed…
Andrew, Andrew, I expected better from you. BDS tragically affects so many, yet Bush withholds BDS funding so that you all can’t get your needed psychotherapy. What do you expect from a President who wants our veterans to die in the streets?
Sorry, Darrell, I meant Bush’s success that hasn’t happened yet. If only the leftards weren’t committing treason with their minds on a daily basis, we would have won this thing already.
And your sorry ass keeps peddling this “no other president in history” horse shit. It’s as bad as republicans in the congress getting up and talking about how the U.S army didn’t have bullet proof vests in Korea so why should they have it now.
It’s pure bullshit Darrell and the fact that you keep buying into it proves you are the one living in some fantasy world. 87 billion might be great during non-war time but we’re in the middle of a fucking war, creating casualties that are costing a fortune to treat along with the fact that the sheer number of casualties cause an overflow that 87 billion won’t cover.
Of course you and your fellow Freedom Philators ignore this and continue to somehow make the case that Bush is the savior of the military when in fact he’s responsible for destroying it.
Well guess what your dear leader is a complete and total fuck up. Get used to it and welcome to the real world. Here’s your sign.
Citation please.. Because your righteous outrage (TM) doesn’t count as a “fact”, no matter what the voices in your head keep telling you.
What I found interesting about the linked blog entry was the idea that the 7:00AM inspections are to be viewed as a step forward:
Apparently the problems at Walter Reed are due to lax discipline on the part of the patients. Way to support the troops.
Obviously, the sale of Edwards’ house was a far bigger issue than this silly Building 18 thing.
People with their legs blown off really ought to spend their time in more productive activities than complaining about the wallpaper in their rooms.
Would you really expect more from a former chairman of the “Only We Support the Troops ™” RNC?
I especially liked his comeback that people would be pleasantly surprised at the “low” number of amputations. Only 600 or so. Why isn’t that good news being reported?!
Mr Furious
Pleasantly surprised or completely skeptical? And not to be crass, but to be exact, there is a difference between “amputations” and “amputees.”
I suspect there are more than 600 amputations, and he misspoke.
Seriously how has Bush or Cheney not been punched in the face by a wounded soldier yet? I mean seriousssssllly, how can a soldier without his legs meeting the pres for a stupid photo op resist the temptation?
lyingmisspeaking. Just creative bookkeeping.I especially liked the Rummy Pentagon’s Imminent Death Retirement program that went on for a while. That was an awesome piece of bureaucracy brilliance. Before he draws his last breath, retire that fucker. That way he’s a retiree that died, not KIA.
Mr Furious
I did some searching, and this is what I came up with so far:
From the June 2006 Congressional Report generated by the DOD’s own numbers:
Amputation and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Statistics for American Forces Amputation and TBI statistics are provided to CRS by the Army Office of the Surgeon General. These injuries may overlap, that is, a single soldier may experience both a TBI and an amputation. The Army has subdivided its numbers to show this possible overlap; according to their statistics in March 2006, of the total 1,124 Army soldiers injured in the Global War on Terrorism (or GWOT, which includes OIF, OEF and some additional contingencies that do not contribute large numbers), 895 (or 80%) sustained a single injury, while 229 (or 20%) sustained multiple injuries.CRS-4 Keeping these possible overlaps in mind, as of May 3, 2006, DOD reported a total of 674 amputations during OIF and OEF. Of the total number of amputations, 575 were sustained in OIF, 41 were sustained in OEF, and 58 were sustained during non- deployment. Of all amputations, 42.1% were caused by improvised explosive devices
So Nicholson is lying. Or, 75 soldiers grew their limbs back and were taken off the list. And remember, those numbers are nearly a year out of date.
Also, this report still does not clarify the definition of amputation as counted. Does a soldier who loses more than one limb count as one amputation? I want to know, because it’s the only way nicholson’s numbers could possibly turn out to be true (ie: soldiers effected might be less than amputations listed).
Mike S
I think we should all chip in and get Darrell a deprogrammer. His cultish worship of President Bush and the current GOP can’t be healthy.
I almost feel sorry for him.
Mr Furious
That appears to be the latest statistic available. That I can find anyway.
The answer is obvious, moonbat: President Bush is quite tall.
Well, at least you’re trying to acquaint yourself with some facts, which is a welcome departure from your earlier situation.
Mr Furious
It’s easy Darrell, you might try it some time.
I wasn’t always Bill Clinton’s biggest fan when he was president, but when he saw the enlisted family housing conditions on Pearl Harbor in the mid-1990s, he made sure the problem got fixed ASAP. The old houses were razed and new ones were built within a year or so. That raised my opinion of him significantly. The president did something that immediately and positively impacted our community and raised morale. It’s not that hard. If the President says, “This is shameful. Fix it,” it gets fixed.
Yes of course, it’s not inevitable mismanagement and screwups which have ALWAYS occurred in massive government-run bureaucracies, but a matter of President Bush just not caring.. it’s all a matter of the President needing to make more phone calls you see.
John S.
Darrell, who usually never links to anything factual, relevant or valid, chiding someone else for their lack of research and factual information.
You just can’t spoof any better than that.
John S.
Yes of course, because in the Bush administration the buck stops before it even starts – and therefore never makes its way to the top.
That’s responsible leadership for the future – Darrell style.
Bubblegum Tate
Geez, The Troops really do hate The Troops and want to undermine them as much as possible, don’t they?
Actually, I am the ONLY one here on this thread who linked to factual information pertaining to the funding of the VA.. a link which flatly refuted what every leftist on this thread had stated or implied..which is that Bush was withholding or cutting funds to care for wounded military. Complete bullshit. But leftists here don’t care about facts, only about what the voices in their head tell them to think.
Hey, I’m just wondering if a) he’s made any calls and b) if not, why he hasn’t. Even setting any moral obligation to the military aside, it’s a PR nightmare — and one that was totally preventable. If a president whose focus was decidely not on military affairs chose to affect those changes in peacetime, one who is focused on military matters should certainly be able to do it during wartime.
The comments here have become unreadable. There’s no discussion anymore, now it’s just trolls and people responding to trolls.
Balloon Juice used to have one of the best comment sections in the blogosphere, now it’s just a mess.
Either ban trolls, or ban people who engage them. Please!
Mr Furious
Sit down, Darrell.
You linked to Bush’s pie in the sky funding proposal for the future which bears no resemblence to what has actually been approriated or spent in the past or present. You could have linked to The Onion and gotten more “fact.”
Show us where you link to how much money the VA has actually gotten, and compare it to what it actually needs, and then you can pat yourself on the back.
Thread closed. Summary:
Cole made a good post, highlighting an embarassment to the people in charge of treating our wounded.
Darrell hijacked the thread with a multi-layered lie, which was made up the lie “leftists blame Bush” when in fact there was no such consensus, and the thread’s original post didn’t suggest such a “blaming,” and a link to something about funding, which has nothing at all to do with the story at hand.
The real story here is that the people running the Feelgood War are mortified with reality about this war leaks out to the public. Building 18’s, casket photos, stories about the real costs of war … all forbidden and subject to immediate attack.
LBNL, the fact that Darrell is even allowed to post here shows that even “the wounded” are now just snark fodder in the blogosphere. We’ve come a long way in two years. Two years ago on these pages, anything other than serious reflection on this matter was greeted with a blast of blogowner outrage. Now, it’s just a place for Darrell to come and squat and shit on the world.
That, folks, is some kind of progress. Isn’t it?
—-/ thread ends here
This thread has been bollixed by BDS – Bush Devotion Syndrome.
Rome Again
Yeah, that comment is just unreadable, there’s no discussion here anymore… it’s just a contest of trolls.
Time for Mr. Furious to get schooled once again. No resemblence Furious?
Feeling stupid about right now? You should learn not to talk out of you ass so much. You make it too easy.
Mike S
Haven’t you gotten the GOP memo? What Bush says is reality, regardless of what is actually real. When you finally get that through your “BDS” infected skull you will be as happy as Darrell.
You will also have the same dark circles and thousand yard stare he does but don’t worry about that. The Moonies proved that that can be fixed with a little make-up and sunglasses.
Mr Furious
I hear ya, Matt. I think TZ said pretty much the same thing fifty comments ago—too many of which have been sucked down to Darrell’s level.
Some days, I can cruise by and ignore him, and some days I can’t. This topic pisses me off too much to let his bullshit stand.
Any day John wants to keep the conversation at a higher level and shitcan Darrell, I’ll be happy and I’ll never look back and miss him. I suspect John won’t either.
Maybe JC prefers the quantity the trolling generates over the quality he’d have without it…
John S.
Yes, Darrell, we are all liars. The VFW must also be full of shit since they have repeatedly chastised Bush and the former Republican congress for doing the very thing you claim the ‘leftists’ made up:
Now why would the VA need emergency relief? Oh yeah, because they have been so lavishly funded by Bush over the years.
Here is the honest truth: Up until my appearance on this thread, a bunch of dishonest-as-hell leftist assholes were seriously trying to blame Bush over regrettable problems which ALWAYS have occurred in military hospitals, but with extra bit of juicy leftist truthiness suggesting (without basis) that Bush had cut or withheld funding for military hospitals.
I dared to link to, well, actual facts which contradicted that echo chamber consensus. So instead of ownining up to how full of shit you all were, you now point the finger at me for daring to say that you all really and truly were full of shit… Whatev
For context, it might be nice to quote the entire sentence above:
But I suppose the second half isn’t relevant.
Mike S
From Darrell’s link:
Maybe the saddest thing about young Darrell is that he is far more conserned with defending the leader of his cult than he is about the wounded veterans. But he isn’t alone in that. It is true of the vast majority of Bush’s current supporters, AKA the dumbest 1/3 of the American public.
If you had a shred of honesty, you would admit that you were proven dead wrong on the facts.
Mr Furious
Finish that fucking sentence you pulled, asshole, and tell me again how stupid I should feel….
Yeah, a real hero to the military wounded.
As we’ve seen over the last six years anything that follows those five words might just as well have been written by Darrell himself. Please, you fucking jackass, would you actually allow all the information into your head, I mean it was right in the same article you just fucking cited. Start with the headline: “Funding for VA slashed in 2009”
It’s all a fucking shell game for the White House, slashing one year to give “the largest increase ever” the next, only to slash again. Puffing up deficit projections so they can claim to cut them in half. THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT! Linking to a lie doesn’t make it true, Darrell.
More gems from the article:
“School” is now dismissed, and along with TZ and matt, I declare this thread toast.
Rome Again
I wonder if John Cole likes the crashes that occur on this site when so many people pile on to fend off Darrell’s crap.
Nope, not true, not even close to true, and the thread is right here for anyone to examine and judge for himself.
I count three mentions of GWB and none of them are “blaming” him for Building 18. Generally, it’s his war and he is going to be held accountable for what happens on his watch. That’s a given, and it has nothing to do with the lie you are telling, you worthless fuck.
You are a fucking useless lying sack of shit troll and ankle biter and you have no business being here.
Go away, everybody hates your fucking guts.
Richard 23
If Darrell had a shred of decency he’d stop trolling and spoofing. But he doesn’t so he won’t.
I don’t know why ya’ll want to chase Darrell away. He’s funnier than a darrell-full of jackelopes for roughly the same reasons.
I wonder if he even knows about them? They are so frequent now that I even have a drill for them, capturing the post that is about to be lost into Notepad so that I can retreive it and try again when the site recovers.
Between that and Darrell, this site is becoming more trouble than it is worth. WTF?
Why does a Republican close his eyes?
So that the room will be dark.
Mr Furious
Thanks, Mike S and RSA for getting your licks in while my comment spun around in the ether for some reason…
Faux News
I was a regular at f* way back in 1999. Great BB before it got hijacked by Turbos and Trolls. Stayed with for about 5 years. Now we had some REAL Trolls back then, some were even fun. I never once called for the banning of some of the worst and self admitted trolls (hello Uncle Meat!). But this cretin named “Darrell” needs to be banned out here forever. Period. Let him go to the circle jerk parties at Red State and Free Republic.
Prior to your first post in this thread, not one poster suggested Bush had cut or withheld funding for military hospitals.
What is it on the irony scale when you post “Here is the honest truth” and follow it with a ridiculously easily disproven lie?
Mr Furious
That’s exactly what I just did, threw it into an email and then came back…
Uh Bush won’t be in charge of VA budgeting in 2009, so why even bring up that year? Under his administration, the VA caseload for medical services increased by 22%, from 4.1M in 2001 to 5.3M in 2005 (last stats available). Bush increased the VA budget for medical services during that time by 83% + a whopper increase in 2008.
“But Bush hates our soldiers!”
“But Bush hates
Mr Furious
That’s right. After an election, we just zero out all the books. And all the soldiers will be healed too!
You complete shithead. Go away.
Mr Furious
And here’s another thing. Not me, or anybody else, has ever said “Bush hates our soldiers!”
He doesn’t hate them, it’s just that he and his ilk merely rank them somewhere below politics and electoral success. That’s all.
I knew you were too f*cking dishonest to admit how wrong you are. Here is what you wrote:
So full of shit, yet no doubt you think of yourself as some noble truth teller, speaking truth to power.
Darrell Says:
And if you had any integrety OR honesty OR brains you’d know that the words you’ve cited as ‘facts’ and ‘proof’ of your position don’t mean what you think they mean.
IT’s like having a conversation with Vincini…
This is his blog, dude. Darrell is the one poster here who can say and do anything and never be touched.
Try an experiment: Turn into Darrell, and go after John Cole on every thread. See how long you last here.
What part of 83% increase in funding versus 22% increase in caseloads are you having such difficulty in understanding?
What part of Building 18 do you have trouble understanding?
What part of the budget was slashed for the year before to make it look like this was some huge increase do you not understand?
36.6 billion in direct appropraites 7% increase
(in thousands)
2006 actual – 31.697.755
2007 continuing – 32.326.744
2008 estimate 36.789.140
that’s a requested increase of 4 billion
however that’s under budgeting according to the ARTICLE YOU LINKED.
also soldiers co-pays will go from 8 to 15, and enrollment will be from 250 to 750.
so yha. needs more funding.
also there’s abacklog of almost a million claims in bakclog, especially in mental health care.
so no, no 83% increase in funding.
per the actual budget proposal at the VA website.
I’m with matt and TZ on this. Darrell is a worse shrieking banshee than Michelle Malkin. He contributes nothing of value to the thread except calling anyone and everyone an “asshole” in damn near every post.
Mr Furious
It’s called hyperbole, Darrell. There is an obvious exagerration in my statement, that you are somehow twisting as being “dishonest.”
The actual truth of the statement still remains, however. The facts (decrepit hospital conditions) do indeed exist, and I challenged you to come up with an explanation as to how that is the case if the VA is rolling in cash.
You came up with nothing.
Well, i suppose blanket shit like “bureacracies suck” is a clumsy swing at it. All I said is the GWOT is costing us a half a trillion dollars and somehow not enough of it is finding its way into the hospital rooms of Building 18.
Prove me wrong.
Richard 23
Or limit him to 3 posts per day. The quality of his/her posts might go up and/or the wackjob leftist echo chamber may be able to ignore him/her during his/her google/masturbation sessions.
Why doesn’t the English language have a gender-neutral pronoun for cases like these? Actually, come to think of it, I imagine Darrell more as neuter than as masculine or feminine. How does one sex a troll?
Mr Furious
Some facts on what the state of VA funding actually was thanks in part to the efforts of accused war criminal Sen. Patty Murray:
Ok, so they needed more funding; therefore, the Republicans in power…
…hate the troops. However, at least they have a plan to win the war on terror: declare victory before the 2008 elections, huzzah!
Rusty Shackleford
Darrell’s tongue = Bush’s bidet.
Mr Furious
Oh, and by the way, at one point in this thread, I actually did give you credit for something.
That is the only place I was “wrong.”
Richard 23
I usually copy my comment to the clipboard before posting (or after the attempt if the page reload takes forever). I stoop to pasting it into a text editor if I try to do more than one without success. That gives me time to abandon them if they don’t quite work. Something that Darrell should consider — abandoning posts. Mostly because most of his suck donkey balls.
If I hear the “voices in their heads” line one more thyme I’ll scream.
Actually I may as well do it now, because I know how far out Darrell really is.
Somehow Darrell must have come to believe that this blog is a Bush shrine, because he comes here to worship quite often.
I like the ‘limit to three comments a day’ idea. He can still shriek, but the threads won’t be four times their usual, non-Darrellized size.
Rome Again
Actually SNL came up with answer several years ago, it’s Pat:
Beats the heck out of me.
That’s sort of how I picture him too. Sort of like Pat, but of course wearing an oversized tinfoil helmet with a toy gun at the ready.
Rome Again
Unfortunate Word Picture of the Day.
But funny.
I suppose a case is a case is a case, and a traumatic injury would by any other name smell as sweet, but I suspect that the distribution of types of cases has changed between 2001 and 2005. As one data point, the number of soldiers applying for a disability rating was 7,218 in 2001 and rose to 13,748 in 2005.
Richard 23
Rome Again and Tsulagi are apparently sharing a brain. Typical of the wackjob left. They want to share my money with poor people and are of a symbiotic (or parasitic) hive mind.
But whatever. At least they aren’t “three strikes” Darrell. Kinda like Arthur “Two-Sheds” Jackson but less funny.
Damn, Darrell. Even the conservative thinks you’re an ass.
OT: I thought this was kind of cool..Daily Kos now allows users have their own blog roll, and there’s a feature on the front page that randomly selects 10 links for all user’s blog rolls. So just now I scrolled down to see which sites were listed today, and what is the second blog? BJ!
Rome Again
Let me guess, alphabetical order?LOL
Rome Again
Well, it was just a momentary thing. I have only one person I’ll share anything with long term. Sorry Tsulagi, you’re not the one. It was fun while it lasted though, thanks for the laughs.
Richard 23
Rome Again and Darrell. Talk about “The Odd Couple!”
John S.
Yeah, sending troops into wars has a tendency to increase the caseload.
I’m going to rack up thousands in debt with my credit cards, then make a $10 payment. The following month, I’m really going to ratchet things up with a payment of $18.30. Isn’t that awesome?! That’s an increase of 83%!
My creditors will be pleased.
Rome Again
OMG, don’t even go there! That is simply nauseating.
Ted, FYI: “Richard23” is a spoof. I’m sorry you are too stupid to not have realized that fact. But it’s telling that the ones who most often fall for such spoofs are liberals.. undoubtedly because libs aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer.. which is why they are so attracted to the Democratic party where they would feel most at home.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ….
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Good one, Darrell. Your spoof radar is just about as well-calibrated as Cheney’s shooting reflex.
What Darrell doesn’t know about posters here won’t hurt him.
Gary Ruppert
The fact is that Darrell is a spoof. It’s too bad you’re all blinded by BDS. Maybe when the Democrat party is once again relegated to minority status (perhaps after the Democrat Congress puts an end to the abominable practice of bringing in voters from Mexico, but I won’t hold my breath) you’ll see that real Americans won’t stand for your policy of surrendering to the terrorists in Iraq.
Thanks, John, for clearing that up.
Gary Ruppert, eh? The well know man-ablut-blog spoofapalooza, paying us a visit?
Dude. You need to step up your game.
Bruce Moomaw
What do you expect in a government run by Nietzscheans?
Bruce Moomaw
What do you expect in a government run by Nietzscheans?
annie's granny
The Oval Office didn’t suddenly get worse at accepting blame. The American people just got a whole lot better at accepting excuses. We the people dug ourselves into this mess because a slim majority of us decided that a strong stance against gays and windsurfing was more important than competency at running a government or a war. The people who put President Jackass in office, the people who kept the jackass in office after 4 years of blunders are far more responsible for the mess this country is in than the jackass himself. You knew he was poisonous when you picked him up, so why act surprised that he stung you?
i love it when people hide behind political shell games with the budget. it’s like when the bush administration used to talk about how it created X jobs in a month, huzzah! not mentioning that the economy needed to create X+50,000 jobs just to keep up with population growth and retirement, so we effectively lost jobs. but hey, a big number convinces some idiots.
yeah, we increased VA funding a bunch, after slashing it a bunch earlier. what a bunch of saints. even the VFW, in darrell’s own link, states that it isn’t enough. and the conditions in building 18 demonstrate it.
promising to raise funding a certain amount after cutting it means next to nothing. the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the pudding our soldiers are eating at walter reed is old and moldy.
The VA budget was never “slashed”, or reduced at all during any year of the Bush administration, which makes this comment so ironic
I love it.. chopper knows better!
John S.
Your spoof is showing.