But none of the alternatives look any better. Mitt Romney is the most freakishly transparent liar I’ve ever witnessed. His party is desperately reliant on playing the Christian card on election day, but most traditionalist Christians deny that his religion counts as Christianity. He can’t decide which state he’s from, invested major resources in barely winning a Conservative Political Action Committee straw poll last weekend, and, for his trouble, managed to snag the endorsement of Ann Coulter at the same time she was calling John Edwards a “faggot.”
That was entirely too much fun to read.
Mr Furious
Indeed. Good column from top to bottom.
Hey John, I assume you’re not big on any of the GOP front runners, but what about any of the dark horses, see anything you like? Are there any “John Cole Republicans” in the race?
Otto Man
Terrific piece. This was just as nice as the Romney bit:
On McCain:
At this point a trained monkey could beat the field of Republican candidates (and probably do a better job). Of course the what’s wrong with Kansas crack will be open for discussion if and when brownback enters the race.
This is going to be an amusing two years. Between the republicans trying to outdo each other on who’s more ass backwards when it comes to social issues and who’s more christian (complete with one of them finally pulling off the grand daddy of them all…a self crucifixion and subsequent rising after day 3) I am going to enjoy watching the side show.
Mike S
I’m looking forward to Newt. He has it all in his arsenal. Affairs, divorce, hatred… I’m waiting for the commercial with his quote from the CPAC meeting about the people in New Orleans. I’ve already got my bumper sticker.
“Newt in 08. Taking the compassion back out of compassionat conservatism.”
Say what you will about the Party of Bush, they deliver on the comedy. Plus, I’m really looking forward to the Pub frontrunners finding new ways to fluff for the Jesus vote.
So far Dobson has said he couldn’t vote for McCain “under any circumstances.” I agree with him, but I think for different reasons. Recently a Southern Baptist leader said pretty much the same about Rudy. And straight talkin Multiple Choice Mitt the Mormon? Well, how could any keen diviner of character like Dobson or Falwell have doubts if/when Mitt says “Joseph Smith who?”
I’m predicting the GOP nominee for 2008 will be…Bob Dole! That would explain why he and Shalala are looking into Walter Reed instead of Bill C and GHW.
Really, though, as someone rooting for the Dems in 08, I’m hoping for Guliani. Why? Because the dirt that comes out on him in a national race will be epic.
Dug Jay
Not according to any of the major polls.
Hagel looked good till he Spectered away his credibility. I think John had some kind words for him right up until Senators started voting.
I know the dark horse wingnut vote is Duncan Hunter, possibly with Tancredo as VP to shore up an vestiges of sanity the ticket might have clung to.
It’s a sad day for the Bush lovers like Darrell, when their future cacidates all have to triangulate to the right of GW.
Too bad a Chuck Hagel will never run. For all his other faults, I’d at least know we don’t have a moron running things.
But I still worry old Dick will bow out and we’ll end up with the only woman who makes Hitlery look like Honest Abe – Condi.
Mike S
No worries with Condo. The propaganda pic “Path to 9/11” was proof that she has been thrown under the bus by the party propagandists. She’d never survive scrutiny of her boneheaded comments like “historical document” and No one could have imagined…”
Has the trained monkey entered the race yet?
The problem is that the incumbant is a trained monkey. We have to set our expectations lower now. And the field is obviously trying to meet that bar.
Speaking of dark horse candidates, here’s an interesting interview with Huckabee that I found linked at Ezra’s place:
Is there a poll he’s relying on for this little bit of info? I ask this because I grew up around a fair number of Mormons (more accident than geography, I grew up in the DC area) and I never noticed any traditional Christians take much issue with Mormonism. If this is true, it wouldn’t surprise me that much, but it would a little.
From that Huckabee story:
We should have that debate again about how music and math go together again, so ppGaz can have another meltdown.
I see that Huckabee is going for the Bowflex-TV-commercial-watching demographic.
Mark, this is about as unscientific as it gets, but I used listen to a lot of Christian talk radio, and long before anyone outside of Massachusetts knew of Mitt Romney, there was tension between Christians and Mormons.
I’m curious to know…
What would happen if Jeb Bush entered the race? He might gamble that having Hillary Clinton in the race might give him enough cover to do so.
What will Americans say? Will they say “no!” to dynasty? Or should we be ready for Lord-President-King Bush the Third?
I might prefer ShrewQueen-Hillary-Bride of the Lord Clinton on Earth to that, but not by much.
Huckabee is the kind of Republican I could have voted for (depending on the Democratic nominee) if the last 6 years hadn’t happened.
Richard 23
Uh, dreggas. Brownback is in the race. He’s in to win.
He announced Jan 20, 2007.
He’s the sole conservative running in the pack of RINOs. He finished third in the CPAC straw poll, with Rudy on top and McPain dead last. A RINO sandwich.
Even “progressives” like him!
I should say he sounds like the kind of Republican I could vote for. I actually don’t know a lot about him aside from a handful of interviews where he comes across as refreshingly reasonable and sane.
Richard 23
Huckleberry Hound is a non-starter.
Richard 23
Yes, sHrillary already announced. So has the pony, Silky Pony. Frankly I can’t tell the difference between John Edward (the biggest douche in the universe) and the Breck Girl (the second runner up to the biggest douche in the universe).
Actually I feel sorry for the Democrat party. Their candidates are about as lame as the Republican party candidates so far, excluding Sam Brownback, of course. He is Ronald Reagan’s heir apparent, IMHO.
See, and I was hoping that we’d lay off the obvious point that it already has happened twice, and then…Damn you SRV, damn you to hell…
Richard 23, are you being sarcastic? Sorry, I’m a little slow on the uptake today.
Richard Bottoms
It the Democratic party biatch.
And thanks for the Walter Reed/Wounded Vets debacle, aka Katrina 2007. The GOP is headed towards a no vasiline ass raping in 2008.
Richard 23
Wouldn’t happen under Brownback.
Yeah, I do know the difference between John Edward and John Edwards. I was just funnin’ ya’ll.
Oh he’s one of the bench warmers then?
Sorry at this point he’s about as much in this race as kucinich.
Richard Bottoms
If the GOP ran Jesus and the Democrats ran Satan in 2008, with 4,000 soliders dead and Iraq still in ruins, Jesus would lose.
The wacko Christian right wing insanity is past its freshness date with the 2% of swing voters that are up for grabs in any election these days.
It’s a 2% world and your cornpone southern fried NASCAR rivial tent bullshit just isn’t selling any more. Not with Jimmy Bob coming home with his head split open and 20% disability from the government.
At least it wasn’t Jonathan “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Edwards. He’d be a Republican, of course.
Richard 23
So let me get this straight, Richard, you’re planning on voting for Satan? You’re in luck. Hillary Clintoon is your top candidate! She may not be Satan himself, but she is certainly one of his minions.
I take it you haven’t seen this Brownback video. Even the PoliticsTV leftists can’t help but give Sam props. He (gasp) doesn’t hate poor people! Unheard of!
Kook-spinich doesn’t have a chance. RINO McRudy has nowhere to go but down. Brownback will only rise to the top if his message can get past the LLL MSM spin (an uphill climb, I acknowledge).
Now, if you leftist scum had your choice of GOP candidate and DNC candidate (those who have announced), who would you choose?
Tim F.
Hundreds of people would be hospitalized from laughing. The Bush name is dirt.
Richard Bottoms
This ex-Army leftist scum would eat glass before voting for any Republican, ever.
As for Brownback, yeah I am sure that your average Democrat, pro-choice women, and gays are just dying to vote for another conservative whack job, seeing how the current one has worked out so well.
You guys are fucking done.
John Cole, a conservative I have tangled with for almost three years can’t bring himself to pull the lever for anyone that continues you fools in power, and Democrats are going to switch sides like this is the second coming of Reagan?
You are truly hallucinatiing if you think after the utter wreck the GOP has made of the military, foreign policy, and the economy that there is a chance in hell of a Republican winning in 2008.
If you’re hope is Brownback, you might as well hang it up. Brownback is the true candidate of the Ks. repubs, who are so ethnically cleansed that they lost nearly every state level race in ’06, and drove anyone sane to run as Democrats. He’s said he only has one constituent (guess Who?), he’s a member of every crazed Dominionist gang he can find; he’s anti-science, anti-reality, pro-religion in the schools, he’s carried so much water for Bush one arm is longer than the other. If you think America is going for him, where have you been lately?
Richard 23
Thanks for your honesty, Richard. And thank you for your service. I understand your blind hatred for the GOP. You probably want socialism to rule supreme and won’t get that with the GOP. But what has the Democrat party done for you lately? What is their plan for Iraq? What is their plan for America? I haven’t heard it.
If there was a good Demorat, I’d consider voting for him (or her, if you must). But I’m still waiting. sKerry? He was definately not the best and brightest the left had to offer was he? If so, the Dems are toast. And I mean that in the most charitable way.
Who do you like on your side, Richard. Who do you hate the least on my side? Are any of them any good? (Other than Brownback, of course. He rocks!)
Thanks for the honest reply, les. But I ask the same question of you that I asked of Mr Bottoms. Who do you like? BDS is fine and all for the next two years. But what’s next for the left?
This is an honest question. I’d really like to know. All I hear from the left are complaints, but no solutions.
Prove me wrong. Propose some solutions for 2008. Thanks!
Richard Bottoms
I truly don’t care. There isn’t a single one of them who would do worse than anyone from the GOP. What I do care about is expanding the Senate and Congressional majority.
I don’t hate anyone on your side. I detest your party.
I am a capitalist and think getting rich is a wonderful thing. My income level is higher than 50% of the people in the US.
That you think I am for socialism is more a testament to 25 years of GOP brainwashing than anything else.
I thought the war was a stupid idea because I knew that Bush and his people hadn’t a clue of what to do after. It was never a question that we’d crush Saddam. And unlike almost all the gung-ho commie killin’ blowhards on this board I actually tried to re-enlist (which is 2 times more times than your average chickenhowk can boast).
The GOP made a pact with the theocratic right and they are paying the price for it. It was ideology that dictated stripping Walter Reed of funding to help the troops, opting for the private sector to take care of things.
Well we see how great that all turned out.
Pretending you’re serious, I’ll say there hasn’t been a candidate who represented me since I can remember. I will in all likelihood vote Democratic, as the best chance to end the reign of ultaconservative social pandering, insane economic and foreign policies, and unparalleled corruption, mismanagement and incompetence brought to us by the current administration, and which honestly represents the intents and abilities of the current Republican party.
Richard 23
Yeah, but millions would vote for him. And they’d be laughing out of the other side of their face.
Jeb is a better politician than George Bush and he still beat Gore and Kerry, the best the Democrat party had to offer.
When Jeb decides to run, be very, very afraid. Because he will win. And you will lose.
Richard 23
I think that’s the problem with the left, perhaps with the country in general. Rudy Guiliani? Mitt Romney? John McCain? Hillary Clinton? Silky Pony? Obama?
They all suck.
At least now we’re having a discussion. I hope we can at least agree that all six I mentioned suck. It’s not a question of who sucks the least. They all don’t deserve to be frontrunners for the Presidency. That’s my point.
Jeb Bush?
Yeah, but millions would vote for him. And they’d be laughing out of the other side of their face.bu
Yeah, and millions voted for Herbert Hoover in 1932, too. I’ll bet Jeb! could get as much as 35% of the vote in 2008.
But actually get elected? No, not so much.
Richard 23
Don’t you see this as a huge problem? Of all the candidates running, at least Sam Brownback is genuine. You may not like everything he says, but he is sincere.
Have you watched the PoliticsTV video? Probably not. I hope I’m not talking to a brick wall.
Bruce Moomaw
There is definitely a perverse pleasure in watching someone pander so transarently in a bid for the presidency as to make a fool of himself — the Democratic equivalent of Romney at the moment seems to be Bill Richardson.
But I also have a sneaking sympathy with people like Romney and McCain. It is, after all, the fault of our stupidly designed electoral system — which doesn’t allow instant runoffs, or even regular runoffs — that relative political centrists, who would win damn near every election in this country if only they could get nominated, have to sidle frantically and transparently away from the center and toward the Right (if they’re Republicans) or the Left (if they’re Democrats) of what they really are, and what they’ve been in the past, in order to have a chance at either party’s nomination. And the other natural result of our current system is that we ourselves keep getting yanked back and forth like a carnival ride between administrations somewhat to the Right, and somewhat to the Left, of what a landslide majority of the American people would really prefer.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
How about a Sam Brownback/Jeb Bush ticket? That’s one I can really see the American people going for.
Richard Bottoms
If you were a Democrat I might care what you think.
I told John Cole years ago I neither wanted nor needed his vote because it is fickle, it can be swayed again by some Republican who can pretend better that he isn’t a psycho surrounded by religious zealots.
The people I care about are 2% who are horrified at the GOP’s stupidity and will vote for Democrats. A 51% victory is still victory.
Fuck the GOP.
Seriously? Obama’s the best of the lot you named. Don’t go all “no experience” on me–more federal and as much administrative experience as King George; he can talk, which makes me hope he can think, and might be able to listen; he’s not irrevocably tied in to the Beltway madhouse; his campaign appears to pay attention to folk, as well as big spenders. We absolutely do not need some supercharged macho ideologue world changer again; we need someone who can run a fuckin’ government, and start to dig us back out of the endless holes the Bushistas created. If the next two presidents do nothing but repair work for their entire administrations, maybe we can get back to the stature and…dare I say…greatness this country had before Bush fucked us to the wall.
Richard Bottoms
For the love of Christ, John McCain is not a centerist and neither is Mitt Romney.
Haven’t you learned a damn thing from GW’s bullshit compassionate conservatism?
Yeah, representation would be nice, but I won’t hold my breath. I don’t believe B’back is sincere–he was pro-choice before Ks. Repubs went batshit–but if he is, that’s even scarier. I do not want another president who thinks god is talking to him about foreign policy, or anything else. Brownback, if sincere, is flat fucking crazy.
It will become a moot question once Chuck Norris enters the race. You may as well cancel the election at that point.
Chuck Norris doesn’t debate – he just crushes his opponent’s head between his biceps and forearm.
Neither does Chuck Norris run a campaign – he simply runs a single commercial of him staring down the TV viewers, who immediately either die of fright, or vote for the Norris party.
it’s a little known fact that Jeb Bush is, in fact, our president. However, Chuck Norris round-house kicked him back in 1999 in an argument over a pastrami sandwich. As a result of the ensuing concussion and permanent state of confusion Jeb was left in, his name was changed to George in an effort to cover-up the whole incident. The governor of Florida is simply an ex-con who’s had plastic surgery.
How about a Sam Brownback/Jeb Bush ticket? That’s one I can really see the American people going for.
Yes. This I would love to see.
Otto Man
Is Jeb really the best the Pubic Party has to offer?
Bubblegum Tate
I actually agree with this wholeheartedly. I consider myself very fortunate to have grown up in a time/place where music education funding was good and schools had high-quality music programs. I’m a very big believer that music teaches much more than simply music and that it holds a shitload more educational value than it is presently assigned.
This guy must be the poster boy for MSM approved frames…
Gore WON the election over Bush. He WON the popular vote. The Supreme Court elected Bush, not the American people.
Anyone who refers to candidates using oh so clever Maureen Dowd-style nicknames can’t really be taken seriously. I for one will not vote for the man (or woman) I’d rather have a beer with. That didn’t work out so well, regardless of what Chris Matthews says.
If you really want to know, I’m for the candidate who doesn’t want to be President. I’ll settle for Gore.
Sometimes we get the little gems that keep us going.
I wonder if anyone has ever converted to Mormonism just for the magical underwear?
Nick Kasoff - The Thug Report
I don’t see where that hurts him in a Republican primary.
Nick Kasoff
The Thug Report
The Other Steve
I’m thinking about it. These fruit of the looms kind of ride up in back.
Bruce Moomaw
To Richard Bottom: I said RELATIVE centrists. I’m well aware of the fact, thank you, that Romney and McCain are on balance conservatives (especially, as far as their actual personal pasts go, McCain). I’m also aware that we are (as usual in presidential campaigns) seeing them frantically grovel to make themselves appear further Right than they previously were in order to have any chance whatsoever at the nomination. (We have, God knows, seen the mirror image of this over on the Democratic side many times — and, no, I am not fond of Lieberman, although my animosity toward him is much more intense now than it was in 2004.)
After the nomination campaigns are over, we will (as usual) be able to look forward to the same spectacle in reverse, with both candidates frantically trying to mportray themselves as relative centrists again. This phenomenon is obvious to anyone with elementary common sense, and it’s a pain in the ass –but one that can only be corrected with a major Constitutional amendment (which I expect to see on about the same day O.J. finds the real killers).
Richard 23
See. That’s the problem. I asked for solutions and all you did was dribble and spit on me. Whatever happened to civility?
OK then. I’m a D-d-d-democrat now. So who do you like? Hillary? Silky, er, John Edwards? Kook-, er, Kucinich? B. Hussein Obama? Who?
Once again, plenty of anger, plenty of GOPDS, but no solutions. No suggestions how to move forward.
Sad, really.
Richard 23
You said it, les. Not me. Are you sure America is ready for a black president? I don’t really know.
He’s doing his best to pander to the pro-life and the religious crowd. Is he really your standard bearer? Is he your choice?
Said Les: “We absolutely do not need some supercharged macho ideologue world changer again”
I take it, then, that you are not a Hillary Clinton supporter?
– Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Richard 23
You say toe-mah-toe, I say toe-may-toe. Who’s President NOW? Who won, easily, in 2004? Don’t wait for the translation….
Well, you should like that. He’s got an open mind. Perhaps he can be persuaded on the issues you hold dear (socialism, abortion on demand, gay adoption, etc).
George Stephano, er, Stepchild on This Week tried to ambush Sam on the gay adoption issue hoping the Senator would froth against homos, but he did not. He’s a pragmatic man who isn’t afraid to leave controversial issues to the states. He doesn’t believe in using jack booted thugs to enforce Federally mandated morality by fiat.
That’s something that even liberals should be able to support!
I don’t want to hog this thread, so I’ll see if any of you wackjob leftists can debate 2008 without descending to insults and snark.
Good luck!
Wow. That link was incredibly racist of you. I suppose I could link to a site about serial killers (and the fact that they’re almost always white), but that would be equally idiotic as a point about white Presidents.
I hope you’re a parody.
Richard 23
Sorry, that wasn’t the link I meant to paste in. A black friend of mine was wondering if I knew of any sites that detailed urban crime news straight from the hood and I sent him email about Nick Kasoff’s extensive crime reporting site. My mistake.
Richard 23
Ah, glad to find another Chuck Norris fan. Have you read his column on World Net Daily? He’s come a long way since getting beat up by Bruce Lee!
Bubblegum Tate
Otto Man
I have no idea. I do know that Bush managed to win re-election by the narrowest margin of any two-term president since Woodrow Wilson, against an incompetent opponent, and during a time of war — when Americans have never voted out a president. And if 50,000 votes switch sides in Ohio, we’re looking at President Kerry. Bra-vo.
You want a slow golf clap for that staggering accomplishment?
No, you’re an a-a-a-asshole.
Richard 23
Sure, if it makes you feel better. I’m still waiting to find out who you lefties support in 2008, what your plan for Iraq (and the larger war on terror) is, and what your plan for America is, but nobody seems interested in discussing it.
I wonder why.
You guys are great at criticizing and snarking everything but seem to have nothing you support. No plan. No candidates. Sad, really.
The same reason I don’t bother to explain grown-up issues to my four-year-old nephew. You’ve made it crystal clear that you’ve got the intellect and the attitude of a child, and I’m not going to waste the time talking to you like you’re not a child.
Once you shelve the comments about Silky and B. Hussein and all the other third-grade bullshit, then maybe we can talk. Until then, I’m going to spend my time speaking with the 71% of this country that’s not suffering from Bush Bukkake Syndrome.
Richard Bottoms
Richard 23
Richard, Richard, Richard.
Ann Coulter is an ascerbic pundit/comedienne.
Howard Dean is the head of the DNC.
Can’t we move beyond the hate? My questions still stand, if anyone cares to address them.
Why should we? One should hate evil, even as one strives to forgive the evil-doers. For as long as you and yours still poison the nation and that world, we have a moral duty to hate what you stand for.
The left’s plans for getting us out of Iraq? Simple — get thugs like you out of Washington and withdraw. The larger war on terror? We’ll treat terror as a tactic our enemies both at home and abroad use, not as a catchphrase that we use as a substitute for policy and strategy.
And who do we support? We’ll support whoever comes out of the Democratic nomination process. Any of them will do better than John “Lincoln Savings and Loan” McCain, Rudy “ex-husband of the vagina monologienne” Giuliani, Sam “pro-life from the instant of conception until your first breath” Brownback, or Mitt “don’t worry — I don’t have any beliefs to impose” Romney.
My plan for the War on Terror is to declare it over. It was bullshit, fake, a marketing campaign. There is not, was, never has been and never will be, such a thing as a War on Terror. Nobody can describe it, nobody can define its boundaries, its goals, how to measure its progress, how to know when it’s being won or lost. It’s the biggest fucking scam in the history of this country, bar none.
There is no example of one in history, no model for one that can be shown to have been successful, no paradigm.
It’s over.
Richard 23
OT Alert:
Captain America – RIP:
I guess it’s too PC in today’s world to have a pro-America superhero battling the bad guys.
Fortunately Captain Islam is going to take up the slack.
Moonbats: she didn’t even call him a faggot, she just said that if she were going to discuss him she would have to use the word “faggot”. What freaking part of that does your puny reality-based mind fail to grasp?
And what about all the people Bill Clinton called faggots? Did you know that he taunted Vince Foster by calling him a faggot while he tortured him to death in an alley in Foggy Bottom before he moved his body to the Watergate Hotel?
Richard 23
Good to see the left is able to think for itself. Snort.
I guess demimondian votes for Hillary.
How soon they forget 9/11. But it’s over now. You might as well surrender to the Islamofascists and don a burqua and kiss the ring of your local imam.
Why not end the war on dangerous drugs while you’re at it? Apparently “ThymeZone” wants to tune in, turn on and drop out. Crank up the Greatful Dead, smoke a bowl and chow down on some wavy gravy.
But I appreciate demi and TZ’s responses. Where is everybody tonight? Is there a Drinking and Drugging Liberally party or an orgy or something?
Too fucking funny.
I notice that you omit most of my comment, Richard. I know — the facts about your “candidates” aren’t any too savory, are they? Mitt “Everyone should believe in something — but I don’t even believe I should have another drink”. Rudy “La Donna e mobile — cause I told her to”. John “That’ll be 2K a head to bail out my chums in the Savings and Loan business”. Sam “Pure as the chauffeur-driven snowflake baby”.
I’ll give them all this — any of them is a better man than Bonzo’s co-star’s co-star, the Selected Resident of the United States.
I love it when you channel Spiro Agnew.
I second Lee, I’m on with Obama, I agree with his proposed legislation regarding Iraq, I think he is a freaking uniter, not a divider, and I think I’d love to see him face off against Sam Brownback.
Let’s watch those debates..That will be fun.
He doesn’t have a plan? Har. If you’re too lazy to look it up, then too bad.
Captain America dead? Jesus son, you’ve lost the nerd vote.
Hey, at the very least, TZ isn’t pretending that he’s got “more important things to do” than “waste his life in Vietnam”. So, R23, what color is *your* yellow elephant?
I was 4F, dude.
What is it about conservatives that makes them think the Islamohordes are going to conquer us? This country fought Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan at the same damn time, and then stood toe-to-toe against the Soviet Union for five decades until they crumbled. But somehow a collection of cave-dwelling jihadists is going to bring us to our knees?
Sweet Jesus. Grow a pair, Dorothy.
What is it about conservatives that makes them think the Islamohordes are going to conquer us? This country fought Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan at the same damn time, and then stood toe-to-toe against the Soviet Union for five decades until they crumbled. But somehow a collection of cave-dwelling jihadists is going to bring us to our knees?
Sweet Jesus. Grow a pair, Dorothy.
What is it about conservatives that makes them think the Islamohordes are going to conquer us? This country fought Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan at the same damn time, and then stood toe-to-toe against the Soviet Union for five decades until they crumbled. But somehow a collection of cave-dwelling jihadists is going to bring us to our knees?
Sweet Jesus. Grow a pair, Dorothy.
What is it about conservatives that makes them think the Islamohordes are going to conquer us? This country fought Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan at the same damn time, and then stood toe-to-toe against the Soviet Union for five decades until they crumbled. But somehow a collection of cave-dwelling jihadists is going to bring us to our knees?
Sweet Jesus. Grow a pair, Dorothy.
Wow, I think that’s a record for multiple copies of a post to one thread.
Weapons of Mass Distribution! War!
Oh, Mr. Arizona, just revel in the repetition of sweet sugar:
Non-wingnut activists need to channel Truman, and that was Trumanesque.
Wingnuts: Fuck off!
Oooh, I’m so *SCARED* of those nasty Islamofascists! Why, if we don’t go over there and bomb them back into the stone age, why, they’ll SWIM THE ATLANTIC WITH KNIVES IN THEIR TEETH! And then they’ll sneak into our bedrooms at night and KILLS US ALL! SQUEEEEE!!!!
And they are so SCARY compared to, say, Imperial Japan, which had a bigger Army than the United States, a bigger Navy after they sunk a big chunk of ours at Pearl Harbor, better fighter planes… why, those mighty Islamofascist fighter planes uhm… what are they, again? And the Islamofascist Navy! What a Navy the Islamofascists have! ooooh I am just shuddering in fear of their awesome Navy, which is, err, a few fishing boats? WTF?! But I’m sure, sure I say, that they’ll sink every American naval vessel in existence and then land an enormous landing force on American soil and KILL US ALL!!!!!
And their tanks! Like Nazi Germany, they have the best tanks in the world! And their mighty million-man disciplined armies, every bit the match of those of Nazi Germany! Why, they’ll mount up their… uhm… Toyota pickup trucks with machine guns mounted in the bed? That’s the Islamofascists’ tanks?! But I’m sure they’ll just DESTROY all our tanks and land their tanks on our shores using their mighty navy of falling-apart fishing boats and KILL US ALL!
Oooh, I’m SOOOOO scared of those Islamifascists… mommy, come change my diapey, I be scaweed!
— Badtux the “Richard 23” Penguin
Richard 23
Yeah, everybody read it once. Does everyone have to read your dribble again?
erm, ye of little reading comprehension. I’ve already extolled the virtues of one Samuel Brownback. But you choose to ignore that and to click the link in my name. The truth is to scary to “truthers” like you.
A spoof with a sense of humor! I love it!
Spiro Agnew forgives you then. Thanks for your non-service. I was 4H btw.
Speaking of Fox, Matt Sanchez has updated his blog (and, as the name of the post implies, has this posted up at salon.com as well). Also, there’s an e-mail interview with him here. He mentioned that he hasn’t had any ‘boyfriends’, but somehow managed to gloss over his escort work (and his dating history…).
Richard 23
Wow, Marc’s about as anal as demi about quoting a whole damn comment. Three times makes it make more sense? Sadly, no.
But I’ll byte anyway.
Yes and we WON! (You seem to have forgotten fascist Italy.) So we can take on Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran…and WIN! If only you far left moonbats would support the cause. I know you hate Bush, but losing would be bad for both Red and Blue states. So let’s join hands and WIN!
Hahaha! Sometimes you leftist wackjobs can be pretty darn funny.
Now we’re talking! You do your best to get Brownback the GOP nomination and I’ll do what I can to get B. Hussein Obama the Democrat nomination. That would be one h-ll of a debate! I can hardly wait!
Actually Balloon Juice is pretty cool (for a moonbat site). I wish there were more principled conservatives here though.
No, that’d be more like taking on Germany, Japan, and Russia–so replace Iran with North Korea and then add 16 million more troops over four years, and we should be good to go… unless we’re going by population at which point we should add 40 million or so troops… and WIN!
Richard 23
Pb, you normally seem like a decent fellow. But in your last epistle you seem really unhinged.
Are you suggesting that Iran is somehow comparable to the former Soviet Union? D-mn that’s funny!
Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons yet, that we know of. The Soviet Union did (and Russia does). I say strike now before they do.
Do you really want to wait until it’s too late? I don’t.
And who in the Afghanistan-Iraq-Iran axis is Germany? Who is Japan? Posting drunk may make your prattling make more sense to you, but to the rest of us it’s just plain nuts!
But I’m glad you at least seem to want to WIN. That’s a good first step.
Otto Man
You really might want to read up on the history of World War II before you go making comparisons like that.
For one thing, it may surprise you, but we mobilized more than 140,000 troops for that war. We called for sacrifices on the home front in that war, rather than telling the American people they should go shopping. We broadened the income tax to include all brackets and encouraged war bond purchases to finance the war, rather than initiating the first-ever wartime tax cut in American history. We worked extensively with a broad network of real allies, rather than grabbing a hundred troops here and there for a PR “coalition of the willing.”
President Bush insists this is comparable to World War II, but he doesn’t seem to realize that there was more to that conflict than empty rhetoric. There was actual leadership, and sacrifice, and true patriotism.
Of course, we had Democrats in charge back then, so that makes sense.
Not during WWII it didn’t, unless you know something we don’t… The Soviet Union didn’t develop nuclear weapons until a few years later–now who’s posting drunk? :)
Why don’t you tell me, you started this ridiculous analogy, I just ran with it…
Otto Man
To quote from above, correcting this attitude would seem to be a good first step:
While the Decider has been busy wasting all our time, money and energy on Operation He Tried to Kill Mah Daddy!™ our real counter-terrorism efforts have gone to pot. Four different heads of the White House office of counter-terrorism have resigned in protest over Bush’s incompetent approach. Maybe once we get some grown-ups back in office, we can actually make headway against terrorism.
Assuming Bush hasn’t gutted the country completely by then.
28 Percent
Richard 23 is such a RINO – the “other” 23 percent that added to the SOLID TRUE CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY 28 percent of Americans who FOLLOW THE JESUS IN THEIR HEARTS and support the only REAL CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE in the race, Alan Keyes.
Keyes vs Obama rematch in 2008!!!
You can do alot in 2 years with unlimited executive priviledge and a blank check the previous congress post-dated for you.
Otto Man
Especially if you’re looking forward to the Rapture and doing everything you can to bring about Armageddon.
R23 is a close personal friend of Karl Fuchs.
Do conservatives really think we’re at war with Iraq and Afghanistan? That seems to be the assumption, but I don’t think it’s a great match for the situation we’re actually in. Sorry for intruding with a reality-based view. If we were actually at war with those two countries we’d be doing things much differently.
Otto Man
Glenn Reynolds insisted we’d been at war with Iran since 1979. At least until someone pointed out that if we really had been at war, then Ollie North had committed high treason by selling them arms.
I really weep for anyone who holds a law degree from Tennessee. That moron is ruining all they worked hard for.
Richard 23 Says:
I’m game, but first I want to know what the Right’s plan for Iraq is? And by plan I don’t mean platitudes like “victory” or “the surge”. What does winning in Iraq look like? And how does the US achieve it? Also, as far as 2008, with more than a year and a half to go, the consensus on who to support is not even realistic among lefties at this point, as well as, with righties.
Otto Man
My plan for Iraq was simple — don’t go there. I didn’t believe the WMD hype, I didn’t believe the 9/11-Saddam hype, I didn’t believe any of it.
The Republicans shat the bed, and now they’re getting huffy because Democrats don’t have a plan to unshit it. Sorry. This is your mess.
Richard 23
That leftists have no concept of what winning means says all you need to know. BDS is so strong that the only option, their only goal, is failure.
Are you calling me fat? That’s mean. How uncivil.
Don’t dodge the question. If you think leftists have no concept of what winning looks like, here’s your chance to educate them. If you don’t know yourself that’s fine, but seriously answer the question.
I’m telling you, once we add 15 – 40 million more troops, we can send them into the Middle East… and WIN!
Hey, Richard, why don’t you go to Iraq yourself and tell us what our current model for “winning” looks like?
What color is *your* yellow elephant?
Richard 23
I’d rather leave it to the experts. Besides, I’m 4-H.
Hmmm, I think this must be a trick question. So I’ve got to be careful here. I don’t have an elephant, let alone a yellow elephant, but if I did have a yellow elephant, it would probably be yellow.
This is one of those brain teasers isn’t it? Like where you stare at a picture with a bunch of dots and it eventually forms an image or gives you a headache. I hate those stupid things.
I do have two cats, though. One is black and the other has kind of a calico color. My cats’ breath smells like cat food. Does that help?