I can’t be the only one to think it was a little bizarre that Edwards called a press conference to let us know that his campaign will continue on uninterrupted.
At any rate, the juxtaposition is still pretty clear- Any time his wife needs him, Edwards will be by her side. Newt Gingrich bailed on his wife with cancer, and it took God to tell Tom DeLay to quit chugging martinis and to stop cheating on his wife.
Maybe that is why they are against gay marriage. They just don’t want anyone to have to go through the crap they put their spouses through. We’ll call that compassionate conservatism.
Mr Furious
It’s not so odd when you are aware that he only decided to declare for the ’08 race once his wife’s cancer was clear. Now that it’s returned, I think it was a reasonable and approriate response to set the record straight. As I heard the story unfolding on the radio, I actually fully expected the opposite conclusion and that he would be dropping out.
Her resurgent cancer is NOT considered curable. Treatable, yes. Curable? No. Whatever that means. My best wishes to the Edwards family.
Mr Furious
Newt actually served divorce papers to BOTH of his first two wives while they were in the hospital. The first with uterine cancer, and the second recovering from an appendectomy or something.
But Edwards has a big house!
I had wondered why the parking lot of the Carolina Inn was empty last night.
Doubting Thomas
I’d call Hagel’s presser “a little bizarre”, not Edwards! I tend to agree with Mr. Furious on this one. Of course, Edwards is my guy, so I’m totally biased.
John, your disillusionment with the Republican party is turning you into one of the funniest guys around. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Daily Shows writers steal it from you! Another reason to keep reading your blog…
Under the klieg lights of a Presidential campaign no behavior is natural.
I thought Newt dropped the bomb on his second wife by calling her at her mother’s birthday party. He wished his soon-to-be-ex mom in law a happy and then asked to speak to his wife, at which point he gave her the (good? bad? hard one to call) news.
I hate to laugh, but that is sadly funny. I knew about the cancer-stricken one where he was negotiating a divorce settlement with her while she’s lying in a hospital bed, but I didn’t know about the second one.
Note to future Mrs. Newts: Avoid the hospital. Unless you can’t stand the bastard then check into one immediately. Apparently the fastest way to get a divorce from one of the stalwart leaders of family values.
Mr Furious
Speaking of Newt…this is pretty fucking rich.
Tim F.
No kidding. I bet if you ask Mark Foley, child predation should be off limits too. Private life.
The Other Steve
What’s more striking about Newt’s first wife.
She was his high school geometry teacher.
Now granted, i though my high school calc teacher was kind of hot, but I never acted on that impulse.
So…lemme get this straight. The private life of Republicans is none of the public’s business. The private life of Democrats is fair game. Do I have it about right?
Did you see that Breck Girl up there with his cancer-stricken wife? What a faggot.
Sorry, I just had to do that.
If we’re talking about character, and how men behave when their wives are ill, it makes sense to revisit the full story of Newt Gingrich and Jackie – his high school math teacher and first wife.
what a guy, that newt.
Based upon the bedrock of Republican family values. I’m looking forward to that theme coming from Rudy and the maverick later this year. Let DeLay be their guide through the desert.
Screwing around with everyone and everything but your wife? Driving around on a daily basis so drunk you wouldn’t even realize you killed a family in another car? No problem. Whip out that Jesus card and accountability miraculously vanishes. Praize Jeeezusss.
Hamilton Lovecraft
I can’t be the only one to think it was a little bizarre that Edwards called a press conference to let us know that his campaign will continue on uninterrupted.
Seems reasonable enough to me. The news of Mrs. E’s cancer was going to get out, the immediate first question in everyone’s mind would be “how does this affect the campaign”. This way you answer the question once and put it behind you. Isn’t that what we want from a press conference?
Answers? In a press conference? You must be new here. Welcome to America, macaca, or whatever your name is. This Edwards guy obviously has no idea how these things are really done in Washington–Tony Snow could teach him a thing or two.
Hey, don’t forget the president’s smarter, more principled brother, Neil.
In a divorce deposition, after acknowledging companies paid him big bucks for consulting work in which he had no education or experience, he alerted us to the problem of strange women seducing and virtually raping the innocent family guy…
Women he’d never met before just happened to knock on his hotel room door and demand to have sex with him. That’s the kind of unvarnished truth you would expect from the Bush boys while under oath.
Devil's Advocate
I think the Edwards’ press conference was very well done. They came out with the news that the cancer is now located in her bones, and said that it was incurable but treatable. Elizabeth was feisty, determined, and spirited. She said that she wanted to show people that she was not looking sick, nor feeling sick.
They presented all the facts upfront.
I wish them both good luck!
Mr Furious
Newt regarding his first wife:
This was the woman who raised his kids and put him through grad school. He refused to pay alimony and child support, and tried to cut her life insurance coverage.
Mr Furious
I’m done. Didn’t mean to hijack the thread into a Newt screed. My first comment (the Edwards one) is the one that matters here.
By the wyay, the distinction between treatable and curable is pretty straightforward.
Mrs. Edwards’ cancer has metastasized beyond the region where it was initially discovered. I haven’t read the actual transcript, but one of the comments above says her bones, which would make sense. Once it reaches remote sites in the body, a cancer is no longer considered curable, usually; most treatments will still leave some of the tumors around. At this point, the cancer will be with her for the rest of her life.
That doesn’t mean, however, that nothing can be done for her except comfort care. Various therapies can slow the cancer’s growth, possibly for many years to come. In fact, with old enough men with slow-growing prostate cancer, the treatment of choice can be “watchful waiting” — don’t treat at all unless the cancer suddenly gets worse.
Hence, the cancer can be treatable (we can slow its growth, and possibly even reverse it for a while) but not curable (we can’t get rid of all the cells, and it will always be there, growing).
Heh, well, considering that John Cole makes the favorable comparison in the original post, I think you’re immune to any charges of thread-jacking.
Third Eye Open
If I may play the political cynic card for a moment; Just imagine the jump in the female cancer demographic Edwards will get.
It will totally erase the Male, Pert using demographic he lost when he began shilling for Breck
Newt won his first congressional seat by campaigning on the claim that the incumbent, Virginia Shapard, was a bad mother for leaving her three kids at home while pursuing a political career.
The country is in debt to the good people of Georgia who saw fit to bring a real believer in family values to the national stage.
Are you kidding? Poking their math teacher? Sociology, perhaps. English, most certainly. But who drops anchor in, and later hitches, their math teacher? (here comes Demi…)
I guess we can say he studied pi. he he.
Third Eye Open
I don’t know, there is something kind of sexy about a woman who can do vectors while in a back-bend.
It seems to me that he could have planned to withdraw or suspend his campaign when he first got the news and scheduled the press conference; but as each new test came back with better news, they decided to stay in the race. Once the press conference had been scheduled it would have been even stranger to cancel it.
My father had the same cancer. He lived for eight years undergoing a form of Chemotherapy every month. Eventually the cancer doesn’t respond to the treatment and it kills you. She is lucky it was caught early. Most of the time by the time you figure what you have, it’s too late.
Ellison, Ellensburg, Ellers, and Lambchop
HuffPo losers are waiting with baited breath for trolls to attack Elizabeth (presumably so they can fwd it to Sockpuppet and he can tar everyone who ever voted for Bush with a single slur), while they themselves post stuff like “I can’t wait until cancer kills Tony Snow.”
Stay classy, San Diego.
Contrast those vicious idiots now (not to mention how they dealt with the Cheney assassination attempt last month) with how the Edwards’ news is being dealt with by The Evil BushCo Cabal Vampires at Red State and Goldstein.
Well, EEEL, that settles it. The Republicans are good people because they don’t attack cancer victims.
Except for the fact that they want to deny health care to cancer victims.
So, in summary, go fuck yourself.
And don’t even get EEEL started on those 9/11 Widows who think they’re such tough shit. Bitches need to know when to shut the hell up and get back in the kitchen.
Besides, what do HuffPo folks know about being crassly generalized by the comments of a few, random people?
Of course you can be the only one. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
When I heard about the planned presser, I didn’t think it was bizarre. I didn’t see it, but reading the transcript, I don’t think it’s bizarre. Having thought about it now afterwards, and read others’ comments, I still don’t think it was bizarre.
There are plenty of bizarre things in life (witness the last 6 years in the WH), but this, not so much.
I’ll second Lambchop’s shout out to RedState on this. Nice to see amidst all the retarded bullshit in other posts at RedState, there is a classy, well-said post about Elizabeth Edwards. The author of the post even banned one commenter who suggested Edwards’ campaign might be using this to boost his poll numbers.
The family values people at Free Republic could learn a lot from those at RedState on this kind of situation. One post at the always brain-dead Freep posits the question…
I won’t bother quoting garbage in the comment replies. They run par for the course for the typical family values 28%er.
“I can’t be the only one to think it was a little bizarre that Edwards called a press conference to let us know that his campaign will continue on uninterrupted.”
It left a bad taste in my mouth too. Seemed like really ugly political pandering. Previously I’ve been neutral towards him but now I’m leaning a little negative.
That’s not really news. Red State bans you for looking cross-wise at the post moderators.
Richard 23
The “swiftboating” of Newt Gingrich has begun. Liberals are hypocritical to the core. Clinton smuggles cocaine, gets people wacked, rapes women and perjures himself, and nary a peep from them, except to leap to his defense.
But Gingrich (gasp) gets a divorce and the left goes right into pearl cluthing mode. Phoney as hell.
I know, they are being so “civil.” But it’s ok to call Edwards a “faggot” and ridicule his getting his hair arranged before an event, isn’t it? I guess the kinder and gentler Bush-fellators over at RedState just have a soft spot for the big C, eh?
Give them a few days, they’ll be back to spewing their usual lies and hatred, it’s what they do.
Haven’t seen you around here much lately, “two in the brainpan.” But your philosophy is just as abhorrent as ever.
When you guys stop advocating torture and start behaving like citizens in a democracy, get back to us and we’ll talk about how “civil” you all are. Till then, you’re dead to me.
Dick Numbers is so spoofalistic, I just cannot stop laughing. Good comedy.
Evidence please, you lying cocksucker.
Richard 23
I suppose you’d just turn them away. Come on (no pun intended), be honest.
In all seriousness I would like to wish the Edwards family all the best in what must be a very difficult time. I cannot imagine what they are going through outside of the political spotlight.
John S.
Even though I don’t believe in God, every night lately, I pray that the Party of Torture nominates Newt Gingrich for President.
This man doesn’t need swiftboating. He has swiftboated himself.
He is like the house in “The World According to Garp” which Garp and his wife are about to buy that gets hit by a small plane as they are looking at it. With the house seriously damaged, Garp says to the Real Estate Agent, “We’ll take it!” His wife says, “wait.” But he says, “It’s perfect, it’s been pre-disastered.”
That’s how I look at a Gingrich candidacy. It’s been pre-disastered. Bring him on, Party of Torture, please!
Dick23 has gone spoof too far. Fun while it lasted though.
Not really.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
BlogsforBush was pretty civil, too. I guess Mark Noonan’s a nice guy after all.
The crazy people over at Blogs4Brownback offered their condolences, too, but it looks like they couldn’t resist the chance to make themselves look better than Daily Kos.
From the comments:
These fuckers are a piece of work.
Nothing says “We’re sorry for your pain” like “We’re sorry for your pain, unlike those neo-nazi sodomite satan worshipping communists over there! Here’s a flower.”
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I know. Talk about “Klassy”!
No, not a spoof–that’s actually Ken Starr!
What trouble? You’ll have to do better than that!
“Red State bans you for looking cross-wise at the post moderators.”
Zifnab – I certainly don’t. Ask Cole.
John Cole
I honestly do not recall Mike banning people for no reason. I never saw him do it.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
He’s also much nicer than those Brownbackers, apparently.
I agree, I dunno why people at dailykos and other sites are worshiping this guy. Edwards co-sponsored the Iraq War bill , right ?
He may make a good president, but I believe Hillary and Obama will also do a good job.
I actually think that the Edwards announcement was handled with lots of class. The speculation about the whether or not he would continue his campaign probably came up because of the lateness of test results. Oh and one more thing to Richard at 23 Newt does not need swiftboaters. He takes care of that himself.
yeah, i wondered why EEEL conveniently forgot to sample the freeptards. those kids are always a laugh riot in situations like this.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, along with a host of others, etc., etc.
Of course, Krempasky isn’t the only one at Red State who can ban people. Film at 11!
Krepansky should be known by the company he keeps at Red State
He doesn’t have to “ban” anyone — his alliance with some of the most vicious and irrational right-wingers around tells you everything you need to know about him. (That’s right John, Red State thinks that your failure to support the war in Iraq is the equivalent of burning troops in effigy….and “Mike” is comfortable posting for Red State? And you are defending him?)
Of course, Krempasky isn’t the only one at Red State who can ban people. Film at 11!
I’d forgotten that Krempasky is one of the founders of Red State — and is now on wingnut welfare after selling “Red State” to the Human Events/Regnery Books people (Eagle Publishing)….
He doesn’t have to ban people…he has others who do it for him…
I was banned once several years ago for arguing with one poster over the virgin birth. On a lark, I rejoined a few months ago and I was banned inside three posts because I claimed the Georgia Voter ID law bordered on racism. Now, keep in mind that both these posts were in the context of the topic. One was concerning teaching religion in schools, the other concerning Red Staters taking exception to being called racist when in truth MLK was a Republican and Democrats lynched people in the 40s.
So yes, the ban early and they ban often.
nice. apparently, red state has a ‘no jews’ policy.
Nick Kasoff
You’re just jealous!
Nick Kasoff
The Thug Report
I’m amazed that bloggers, who should be in the business of understanding such things, act as though the vermin they attract are incidental to whatever they think they are doing. It isn’t who they ban that really defines them, it’s who they don’t { cough Darrell cough } ban that defines them.
My point, which I’ll emphasize for you in personal correspondence for just $100 per message, is that bloggers have these huge egos which apparently permit them to define their own reality simply by declaration.
When you’re a blogger, you’re always the decider!
“I am not a poopyhead! How dare you assert that I am!” Proof by assertion seems to be the first skill bloggers learn when they go to Blogger School.
Try it yourself, it’s easy:
I’m the Queen of Sheba. If I were a blogowner, I could say stuff like that and mean it and get away with it.
I guess. Is there another explanation? Anybody?
I’m amazed that bloggers, who should be in the business of understanding such things, act as though the vermin they attract are incidental to whatever they think they are doing. It isn’t who they ban that really defines them, it’s who they don’t { cough Darrell cough } ban that defines them.
I think the distinction has to be made between bloggers who have relatively unrestrictive comments policies (like JC here) and those whose sites ban those who don’t conform (Krempansky’s Red State).
Another distinction has to be made with regard to whom a founder of a blog allows to post on it. I think that Cole selected Tim F. and Tom from Texas knowing that they would play by certain “rules” — and Krempansky selected the vicious wingnuts he allows to post on Red State knowing exactly who they are, and what they will post.
Krempansky has had to tone it down quite a bit ever since he stopped working with dirty trickster Richard Vigurie and took a job with Walmart’s PR firm — Edelman (the leader in “astroturfing”). Basically, Mike is trying to maintain “denialbility” for crap like this while making sure it gets as much exposure as possible through Red State. Bottom line: Mike is a vicious — but highly skilled — right-wing propagandist.
Yes, exactly so. And he wants to maintain his “I am not a poopyhead” image — for some reason I can’t fathom.
Look, lefties know he’s a poopyhead. Righties don’t really care one way or the other. Propaganda is its own reward. It’s classic Ends Justify Means behavior. Sure, I have to resort to attracting the most vile and disgusting commentary in order to get traffic to my blog, but it’s okay because the underlying message is worthy.
That is the entire rationale for Red State. If you take away that deal with Satan, you have nothing left but the insane rants of a bunch of sociopaths.
Quite different from BJ, where the agenda is not the promotion of some “worthy message” whose “value” trumps any hideous crap necessary to attract attention to it. The agenda here seems to be a healthy appreciation for pure blather. That’s what keeps most of us here, is it not? The Hot Air.
I bet you can be a Jew for Jesus over there. Or Joe Lieberman.
it all about who is signing his current paycheck… wingnut welfare only goes so far, and like all PR firms, the one he works for is concerned with making sure the “We are not a poopyhead PR firm” message is not interfered with…
I am intrigued by your point and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
To be honest, that’s what attracts me to any blog – the lively debate. Post early and post often and you’ve got a readership even if you and the readership hate each other.
I can understand John’s need to not ban Darrell, as it comes from principle that he doesn’t want to quash dissent for any reason. I can also understand the lemming’s need to dive off a cliff, as it comes from the desire to stay with that herd at all costs, damnit!
But even then, its not who you allow on your site but who you catter to. Take Dan Riehl and his daily “I hate Al Gore and Polar Bears” posts. Or Red State and its infatuation with images of men in face-wraps waving guns and complete obliviousness to the irony of sticking a Sickle&Hammer next to the Democratic Party while refering to their site as “Red State”. John has the common sense not to feed the Darrells, even if he does allow them to wander about his domain.
And echo chambers are ugly places, so I can’t entirely blame him. The worst thing about Red State comment boards are the absolutely obsene number of “me too”ers. I mean, my god, could you be any more in total agreement with each other? :-p Ok, I’m ranting. /rant
John Cole
Actually, I approached Tim and asked if he would be interested in writing here, and offered him full access and equal ownership. There were no strings attached or rules whatsoever, and I don’t regret it for a minute. MY philosophy in life is you “hire” good people, you trust them, and then you get out of their way and let them do their thing.
You can ask Tim- I think he was a little unnerved by how much access (complete) I was willing to give him when he first started.
MY philosophy in life is you “hire” good people, you trust them, and then you get ouf their way and let them do their thing.
you are affirming my point — I didn’t say you told Tim and Tom what rules to follow, rather that you knew ‘that they would play by certain “rules” ‘.
This sounds an awful lot like gay marriage.
Tim F.
For the record, John listed two rules when he invited me – don’t say anything that we would ban a commenter for and don’t shit on the blog. Other than that he told me to write whatever the hell I want.
And for the record John didn’t invite Tom, I did. Now Tom presumably gets to invite whomever the heck he wants and John can switch to leveling his dorkwad elf mage full time.
John Cole
Shitting on the blog is my job. I was just defending my turf.
no. i do NOT appreciate pure blather. but i’ve learned to put up with it here.
yes, please, more lively debate.
Tell me more about this elf mage.
Mike, you certainly don’t, however, I’ve quit even thinking about posting there because I can’t toe a party line. I would say something respectful, but still my own opinion, and I’d be out faster than I could say “oops.” I like Ender over at Swords Crossed and at your place, but I don’t post at RedState. I rarely read it any longer, sorry to say. As someone upthread mentioned, echo chambers are boring and they really serve no educational purpose.
If you will forward me your credit card number and expiration date, and the three-digit code on the back of the card …. I’ll take care of everything. So to speak.
I must admit, that’s true.
Day in and day out, Andrew is still writing the funniest lines here.
Speak for yourself.
John D.
Looks like he did.
Is my mom paying you to write nice things about me?
Wait, maybe are you my mom!
Great, now I have to schedule extra sessions with my therapist.
And get a haircut!!
BE mages pwn cuz of mana tap and extra AoE silence. I’ll be impressed when he gets his to 70.
What server u horde on, John?
I’m with zZq on Mal Ganis.
John Cole
Are you kidding me? I didn’t reroll. Who has time to level a new toon?
Ewwww….no shitting on the blog. Now it’s all germy.
J. King
If Edwards had not given the press conference and said nothing about his wife’s health, the GOP or Hillary (I often think pretty much the same thing) would have revealed it and used it as a weapon. I think he had to do it.
Personally, I think he should get out of the race now, but it appears Elizabeth really wants to go forward and in the final analysis, it’s really her decision.
At this point, I have serious doubts about voting for somebody to cope with George Bush’s mess who is not able to give his whole mind to the job so I may not vote for Edwards. But I think all this mean spirited carping is repulsive.
Chuck Butcher
Whatever you might think about John Edwards’ politics you can have no doubt about his judgement of character. It never pays to forget that this is a working class kid who made good, and didn’t do it on the backs of workers. I’ve made no decisions other than NO HILLARY, but there’s some real class over at the Edwards’.