Looks like it is time to start smearing David Iglesias and other USA’s for speaking out. Via the Carpetbagger and Digby, a new attack ad running on radio stations in New Mexico:
Former US Attorney David Iglesias wonders why he was fired. He says it was politics. Well, let’s look at the facts.
Iglesias brags he won a huge corruption case but he cut sweetheart deals with those involved and then lost 23 of 24 counts at trial (voices: NOT GUILTY!)
In 2004, 3000 suspect voter registration forms turned up. But Iglesias did nothing even when a crack dealer was busted with them and even when political operatives took the fifth and refused to testify about their fraud. David Iglesias just looked the other way. No wonder a criminal defense lawyer just praised him. He let her client walk.
While he looked the other way on fraud, Iglesias did prosecute a girl for putting bubble gum on a speeding ticket and he did find time to take dozens of taxpayer funded junkets around the world.
Meanwhile his own prosecutors criticized him and a former state supreme court judge publicly called him an ingrate. Now Iglesias is even trying to play the race card. David Iglesias. He still can’t figure out why he was fired.
C’mon David, isn’t it obvious?
A couple questions are in line. First, you might ask what office Iglesias is in the running for in 08.
Well, he isn’t.
In other words, this is nothing more than a flat out attempt to smear and bully anyone who dared deviate from the company line.
A second question- who are these New Mexicans for and Honest Court? Who knows- all we can find on the name listed on the wesbite, Linda Chavez Krumland, is that she was a Republican Delegate and a donor to Heather Wilson.
Yes. That Heather Wilson.
They aren’t even trying to be subtle anymore. They just don’t care. This is clearly nothing more than payback, punishment, and a message to others. Der Commisar gets it, though:
I’m trying to put this in some words that are not way, way over the top. They pressured this guy Iglesias (a Republican) to harass opponents baselessly. He demurred and they sacked him. And now, public attacks on his integrity and honesty?
What the Hell kind of a country am I living in? This is beyond bullshit.
But hey- the Democrats are worse!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Yeah, well at least Bush didn’t whack him. Clinton was way worse- just ask Vince Foster!
Good job, Scruffy. We got the Clenis out of the way in the first comment!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Somebody had to do it. Better that it be dealt with promptly and responsibly than that it be left out in the open for one of the children (like Paul L. or scs) to get ahold of and misuse. That’s how over 95% of preventable blog accidents occur, you know.
Mike S
The new GOP is becoming more and more like the Church of Scientology, or most any other cult for that matter. If there is any comment detrimental to that cult the person making that comment needs to be completely destroyed.
I only hope that they keep this kind of shit up so that they are relagated to the history books once and for all.
Hasn’t Rove been doing shit like this for years, even prior to the Bush Presidency?
I challenged a moderate friend (who believes that both sides are the same) to compare Republican fear-mongering and attacks vs. Democratic fear mongering and attacks.
The only thing he could think of was Bay of Pigs and the Gulf of Tonkin. Nearly a half decade ago. Even if they were analogous, which they aren’t, the only counter-example he could point to was a couple of incidents a half century ago.
The majority of Republicans are vicious, horrible creatures. They just don’t care about facts, information or truth, only loyalty to their Bush and their Dick.
Oh hell, everyone knows that Iglesias is just out to promote his book.
Surely we aren’t falling for his victim act?
Who isn’t even trying anymore? :)
It always works out wonderful when the guys who probably have significant dirt on you, and a rather open microphone at the moment, suddenly are attacked so visciously. I bet this will work out well. I’m sure those US Attys are SURE to clam up now. Great plan.
Mike S
You need to differentiate between the political operatives/junkies and the rank and file Republicans. There is a huge difference.
Tempus fugit, as they say!
John Cole
My typing and spelling is at an all-time low. In my defense, I am working with a keyboard that is problematic due to soda damage from an ornery cat, I have thirteen IE/Firefox windows up and am scatterbrained as hell, and I am grading papers (and I lose my grasp on the English language after about ten).
“Dozens of taxpayer funded junkets”??????????? HE WAS A RESERVIST FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike S,
I am sorry, but these days I cannot make such a distinction. Too many regular Joe and Jane Republicans are terrifyingly loyal to Bush and Dick; they salivate at Ann Coulter, love Hannity and Rush for their innane, and insane, blather; openly call for the deaths of journalists, judges they don’t like, Jimmy Carter and all liberals; and are, in my opinion, enablers of what this country has become. Bush and Dick are not the problem, they are symptoms of the problem.
Those who disagree with the Republican party platform can leave, and indeed have left in droves. 35% of Americans call themselves Republicans, where 29% support the President. So my comment stands, except for those 6% who don’t know better.
goes to show that you can propagandize anything. My dad used to tell a joke about Pravda reporting on a two-man race between the USSR and USA:
Glorious Soviet Runner finishes in Second Place! American runner compelled to settle for next-to-last place finish, putting yet another nail in the coffin of capitalism!
Their spin machine is kind of like that.
Marcus Wellby
And why wouldn’t they go with the smear? Its worked for them in every other context and the basic formula is the same — create smear, media picks up on smear, smear becomes talk of cable news, original story dries up while smear lives on.
zomg Blondie, if those “junkets around the world” were actually more like “deployments to combat zones” that would be teh uberkewl.
1) It’s Republicans smearing a Republican. Vociferously. Think about that. They’re eating their own, very nearly literally.
2) Uh…Gonzo wont talk much, most of his cronies wont talk (Ed Schultz says that 2 more Gonzo clowns will clam up and go fi-vizzle)…they only ones talking are the US Attys. Since the microphone has to placed somewhere, I’m guessing the media will continue to focus on their side of the story.
3) This just reeks of desperation. Not of political savvy, not borne of political acumen…but pure desperation. Joe American is atune to this stuff. 72% of them understand this.
Mike S
My many Republican friends would find your comment absurd.
Hang on a minute. On what basis does Commisar conclude that Iglesias was “pressured” to harass opponents baselessly? Or did the Commisar simply make it up, with John Cole mindlessly parroting that Commisar “gets it” because it sounds so good and dramatic to say it? Where is the evidence? Because unless there’s more evidence, then let’s call Commisar what he appears to be – a lying smear merchant.
How about this scenario – Iglesias really was an incompetent prosecutor, and after he was fired for good reason, he went public screaming how mean it was to have fired him. A political group with ties to the Republican party fires back in response to Iglesia’s public attacks.
We don’t have enough facts to know one way or another, do we? But hey, who needs to wait for facts? The outrage must be summoned immediately!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I, for one, find it unlikely that mere coincidence explains how Darrell and BIRDZILLA can both return on the same day.
Could the greatest living poet and the greatest living spoof be one and the same person? The mind boggles at the prospect. It’d be the most astounding case of dual identity since Christopher Marlowe faked his death and became William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, AND Miguel Cervantes.
Centuries from now, students of literature and poetry will envy us the time we’ve spent talking to this Master of the artistic Era.
“A biographical sketch by Heather Jensen in the Winter, 2001 issue of the Wheaton College alumni magazine states,
“After graduating from Wheaton College and the University of New Mexico law school, David Iglesias ’80 began what would become a well-known legal career with the Judge Advocate General Corps. “In 1986, the year he joined the corps, he was called to represent two men accused of assaulting a fellow Marine at their base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.The case was the inspiration for the play and movie A Few Good Men. ‘It was one of those things when I look back, I can see the hand of the Lord in it,’ David says.”
Check out this comment by one of Der Commisar’s readers:
Boy, that is Grade A+++ spoof. Dick Numbers couldn’t hold that guy’s jock. Pure comedy gold over there.
By the way, when one goes Republican, do they steal your dictionaries and replace them with….bibles? Does spellcheck not work on righty keyboards?
Sam Hutcheson
We don’t have enough facts to know one way or another, do we?
Of course we have enough facts, Darrell. You don’t “have enough facts” in the same way you don’t “have enough facts” about global warming — i.e. the facts are contra to your ideological wish-casting so you pretend they don’t exist.
You want to see true lack of evidence? Take a look at the supposed voter fraud these buffoons trot out as an Iglesias “failure.”
Yes, I realize it’s pointless to talk to you as if your brain worked.
Where are these additional “facts” then? Mindreading and your “feelings” don’t count
The Other Steve
This is Doan from the GSA. This is your Government folks. Totally incompetent, totally inept, and totally corrupt.
Oh gee, where did that idea come from?
Read the paper once in a while, you fucking moron.
Yeah, right, Iglesias was a slacker.
The Other Steve
Oh come on. He obviously had a book he was trying to sell.
And it’s ok because Clinton did it.
Chad N. Freude
Yes, Darrell, how about it?
Washington, Post, March 19, 2007
The Other Steve
Are we certain that Igelsias wasn’t secretly working with the Democrats all along in a dirty sneaky attempt to smear the reputation of Alberto Gonezo?
If he wasn’t prosecuting cases of voter fraud where he should have been, then yes, he would be a slacker. He claims there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute. His boss disagreed.
The Other Steve
Sure, some of you are going to discount Darrell’s theories as luny conspiracy theories put forth by a Republican lap dog.
But as the man said in Falling Down…
“Think about it!”
They are possible, are they not?
If scs and Paul L show up, it would be like the Four Riders of the Spoofocalypse. Cower, mortals!
Still waiting for any evidence at all… anything to substantiate Commisar’s claim touted by John Cole, that Iglesias was “pressured” into prosecuting political opponents “baselessly”.
The Other Steve
Even if it’s true that those voter fraud cases had no substance, it was Mr. Iglesias job to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law!
You guys quit picking on Darrell. It’s not nice. In my family we play nice with retarded children.
Nice, which moron website did you get that from?
The fact is, the matter was driven directly from the desk of Karl Rove, like the other firings, for purely political reasons. Which is why Gonazales is a goner, why he lied about his involvement, why Republicans don’t want to support him now, and why you look like a fucking idiot here like you always do.
Darrell you got BURNT! (that’s how we used to say PWND back in the day)
The public are fucking morons to believe this during the Reign of Bush. Guilt and innocent based on some proper nouns found on your voter registration card…
The Other Steve
You know they aren’t going to do that!
Those leftist moonbats are still waiting for the evidence to support the charge that this guy was fired for incompetence.
And you and I both know, we don’t have to provide that because as a loyal servant of the President, the man can be beheaded for any reason. Er, I mean axed. Sorry, English isn’t my second language and I got my cliches mixed up.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
The end of Balloon Juice is nigh!
The Other Steve
Look, in this country the President makes the law. If you don’t like it, go move to Nazi Russia or something!
Bubblegum Tate
I believe you mean “the fizz-ifth” (or, perhaps, “the fif”), but your point is taken.
That Der Commissar comment is teh aw3s0m3. It even ends with “dey took ur jobs!”
Does that mean I should turn the pie filter off?
Tim F.
Still waiting for the negative performance reviews…the warnings that DOJ was unhappy with his work product…anything that would suggest that Iglesias’s superiors were dissatisfied prior to firing him. A single scrap of evidence would do. Otherwise Darrell has pulled this entire story of his 100% out of his own ass.
Ellison, Ellensburg, Ellers, and Lambchop
Well, if your friend couldn’t name more, I’m sure they don’t exist! Proof positive!
I’ll give myself 15 seconds for examples of Dem fearmongering, of the top of my head:
Global Warming Will Drown Us All!
The Patriot Act Gestapo
“Karl Rove is listening to YOUR phone calls!”
Bush will kick old people down the stairs and make them eat cat food!
“Reagan ’80, Nuclear War ’81 (amended to “Reagan ’84, Nuclear War ’85” for the next election)”
9/11 “Truthers”
etc. etc. etc.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
The best thing about his poems is that they work on any thread, in almost any context.
I don’t see why we’d need to do any fearmongering [sic] of [sic] the top of your head. The beanie you wear is either fear-inspring or not; our contributions won’t matter, either way.
(By the way: it isn’t terrifying, eEel. It’s ridiculous.)
What I find funny (sort of) about this smear is that even after Iglesias was asked to resign, Gonzales agreed to write him a letter of recommendation. That is, Iglesias’s boss, who presumably has access to a lot more information than has been made public, was perfectly willing to vouch for him. Does that make Gonzales an incompetent boob, a lying backstabber of a boss, or both?
I have to say, I don’t consider that one of his best pieces of work. It’s far too coherent, everything is spelled correctly, and there are no mystery capiTALiZATIONS.
He can do better.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
He was just trying to let him off easy. Nothing illegal about that, mind you. There’s nothing to see here. Move along.
Tim F.
Well gosh, why didn’t I think of those? Warming happened just as predicted and so did abuses of the PATRIOT Act. There must be some spoofy world where people who accurately predict the future count as crazy.
Nope, not at all. Just another SOP day in the life of the Christian centered honor and integrity administration and their supporters. These ads are what passes for sworn testimony; much better.
Now if Iglesias has a wife, she’s up next for the known truth channelers. No doubt like McCain’s wife in 00, she will be found to be an alcoholic drug abuser who looks the other way while brown babies show up in her home. Swiftboaters know how to deliver the truth.
Except that it’s not my story, it’s the zero-evidence smears advanced on this thread that Iglesias was “pressured” into harrassing political opponents baselessly. I am the one asking for “a single scrap” of evidence to support that claim, and as of the time of this post, none has been provided. Nada. Just more typical dishonest scandal-mongering with no substance behind it.
As for job reviews, many are rubber-stamped approvals made by bureacrats who don’t want to rock any boats. I’ll bet that’s been the case in the firings of government appointees for decades. Good job approval ratings and then they’re sacked for screwing up.
After 4 years, is it really so “controversial” that 8% of any group of appointees may not have worked out as well as originally hoped? Of course it isn’t.
But that doesn’t stop the scandal-mongers from summoning their righteous outrage. Truth to power!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Give him a break, he’s just coming back from a hiatus. He’s a little rusty.
Shorter Darrell: Quit stealing my riffs.
Too rich for words. No spoof can outdo the actual sincere words of the leftists on this site. Louder kooks, I can’t hear you!
I’m going to start a group called Americans for a Strong Society and if anyone, any where, says or does anything I don’t like, I’ll smear them like it’s 1999.
Watch your step, muggafuggas.
Let’s see, in the truth ads apparently we have this…
Ummm, wasn’t there some other political operative recently in the news who took the Fifth? So they’re saying testimony should be aggressively pursued in that kind of situation, right?
Perry Como
That’s completely different.
Hey, it’s Two-in-the-BrainPan Lambchop! Anyone you’d like to nominate for summary execution?
Also true.
A miserable lie. The FBI, yes. The NSA, yes.
I HAVE FUCKING SEEN THIS MYSELF! And he called his wife a c*nt!
Also a miserable lie. Ronnie was asleep for six of the eight years he was POTUS. He was never a danger to anything but democracy. A very witty, though incompetent, gentleman.
Tim F.
Spare me. If you have a faint shadow of credibility you would correct that to say that none of the various forms of evidence has yet satisfied you. Take for example the highly irregular calls from two Republican Congresspeople to Iglesias and to the DOJ just before the ’06 election, ending with a thank-you note directly from Domenici to Karl Rove after Iglesias’s firing.
Have even the tiniest shred of self-respect, Darrell, and admit that you simply aren’t satisfied with the evidence that exists today. You could even win points by admitting that no weight of evidence ever will satisfy you. In your little world Republicans don’t do bad things.
Considering how much he’s able to pull out of there…wait, is it possible to have a bottomless ass?
Perry Como
National Review says time for the AG to go. Why does the NRO hate America?
Ellison, Ellensburg, Ellers, and Lambchop
New York City will be under 20 feet of water if we don’t do something fast (no, wait, 20 inches)? The Patriot Act Gestapo is hauling your neighbor to a secret prison because of the library books he checked out?
It takes a special kind of partisan dementia to dismiss things like terrorism warnings as “fearmongering” (I’m sure the people of Madrid and London and India and Nepal, etc., etc., etc., will tell you all about the very real scourge of Islamic terrorism), but to applaud Al Gore’s discredited and dishonest hackery as “accurate.”
Wow, I wish I could live in the Bizarro World of the lefty loons for just a few hours — it seems much more exciting than Planet Earth!
Uh, Darrell, you irresponsible idiot, how about if the FBI Director says that there have been no FBI investigations related to election fraud that “should have resulted in an indictment but did not.” And that he was never consulted regarding the matter. If I wasn’t so convinced you’re dishonest, I would think you were brain dead.
Let’s see the proof that Iglesias’ reviews were rubber stamped by bureaucrats. Further let’s see the proof that the rubber stamped reviews were bad. Your ‘betting’ aside, you have shown us nothing.
The presumption here is and will remain that Iglesias was doing a fine job until and unless you can provide sufficient proof to rebut the presumption.
Ellison, Ellensburg, Ellers, and Lambchop
Nope, just Jose Padilla, for now.
Heh. Fearmongerer!
Tim F.
Lambchop, let me get this straight. Are you arguing that the PATRIOT Act has not been abused? If so I have seen more intelligent rhododendrons.
Are you arguing that warming has not begun to occur? Same story. Nobody but moron Hollywood producers and, apparently, you, thinks that a several hundred year phenomenon will reach its endpoint overnight.
“Could this local pub be the victim of a serial arsonist? The police say no but my producer says yes.” – Asian reporter Trisha Takanawa
Chad N. Freude
And those phone calls from Pete Domenici and Heather Wilson were just friendly chats.
Hard to argue with that. Consider, for example, Michael Heckuvajob Brown and Donald Rumsfeld, both given approvals by that non-boat-rocking bureaucrat George Bush. Their achievements are certainly as illustrious as, say, Carol Lam’s. So I guess it’s true, good performance reviews actually mean the opposite of what they say. This is consistent with the policy of the current administration.
Righteous Bubba
due to soda damage from an ornery cat
Stop buying your cat soda.
This has been “Plastic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions.”
I propose a new law:
The volume at which a troll denounces a story is directly proportionate to the volume of truth in the story.
Oh my Tim, some “irregular” phone calls were made? And not just irregular, but highly irregular phone calls. Well that settles everything, doesn’t it?
Chad N. Freude
Umm, the phone calls appear to be sufficiently irregular to cause Domenici to lawyer up. With Duke Cunningham’s lawyer, no less.
Why no, in fact, no it doesn’t. But there is a mountain of evidence, and several other phony firings, and a trail of deception and equivocation and mendacity here, that all points to one thing: Abuse of the Justice Dept. by the White House, for political purposes. In the fullness of time as it unfolds, even you will be forced to see it for what it really is.
wow, i figure you’d wait for the actual trial to establish guilt. i guess you know all.
Tim F.
In Iglesias’s mind it certainly did. A sitting member of Congress does not call a prosecutor to apply blatant pressure on an ongoing investigation.
So, as I said, evidence exists but it doesn’t meet your personal standard of proof. If somebody else made the same mistake you would call him a lying sack of shit. Me, I think that you just exaggerated in order to make a point.
stupid lack of ability to edit posts.
john cole, i hate you.
Chad N. Freude
Actually, TZ, the calls to Iglesias were from a senator and a representative. This is Abuse of the Justice Dept. by Congress. The judicial branch has yet to weigh in.
Perry Como
Congresscritters call US attorneys all the time to check on sealed indictments about political corruption cases right before an election. Moonbat.
Chad N. Freude
Of course, how silly of me. I guess I just don’t understand the relationship between Congress and the DOJ.
Please tell me you’re joking.
Don’t start that kind of rumor. Soon you’d have Matt Sanchez and Darrell picking out rings and moving to MA. Darrell would hate the weather there.
The Other Steve
Yeah, guys. Sheesh. What’s wrong with calling up the prosecutor and demanding he file an indictment on phoney charges? Clinton did it all the time.
Welcome back, you lying neo-Nazi piece of shit.
Iglesias didn’t initiate all this crap. He just concluded that he wasn’t going to investigate bullshit, trumped up voter fraud charges that had no chance of resulting in convictions.
I think, both, but answer the question, you teutonic twat.
If Iglesias is so incompetent, why did he get this letter? I think the real reason is that the President just couldn’t figure out how to fire all the people who were investigating corrupt Party of Torture members and get away with it.
If it weren’t so sad, it would be funny, because the President does have the right to fire all the USAttorneys if he so desires, he just can’t do it to specifically stop investigations.
Those conversations between Iglesias and members of congress are NOT supposed to happen, and if you had any honesty at all, you would admit that. Don’t you ever get tired of carrying water for people who hate our democracy?
Moll Slanders
I hereby request we consider the idea of changing the name “Darrell” to “The Bowels of HELL”.
Perry Como
I can’t help it if you are so unhinged from reality that you didn’t know this is a regular occurrence. How “reality based” of you.
Chad N. Freude
So Domenici decided he needed a lawyer after the story became public because …?
They’d make a lovely couple. But sadly, it would mean the end of Darrell’s career as a Boy Scout leader.
Not even the pathological liars at the White House have tried to make that absurd argument.
Dumb. Very dumb. That’s all you got? The shortest spoof career in history, I’m afraid. Buh Bye.
Chad N. Freude
By the way, Perry, speaking before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
So now he’s probably got the entire Committee thinking there was something improper about the sort of phone call that’s made all the time.
Perry Como
He probably doesn’t want to get caught in some sort of perjury trap set by the highly partisan Democrat congress.
Perry Como
If the calls were so irregular, why didn’t he report them at the time? Iglesias is just trying to get some payback for getting dismissed after being an underperforming US attorney.
Chad N. Freude
Dude, go back and read the posting again. Perhaps your sarcasm detector is due for service.
Faux News
“Darrell has pulled this entire story of his 100% out of his own ass”.
No easy feat given that Darrell has a 12 inch black dildo up there at all times.
Ellison, Ellensburg, Ellers, and Lambchop
Finally, you’re catching on, as thousands of others have.
Chad N. Freude
From a fascinating article in the Albuquerque Tribune:
The article details Domenici’s acknowledged lying about the matter.
if you consider underporfing to include
Chad N. Freude
Of course that should have been “underperforming”. I am an underperforming typist.
And I just realized that in spite of the DOJ’s high regard for his previous performance, the allegation of under performance must have been his failure to report the calls. Of course! That explains everything!
Or, you could label it.
Or better yet, a change of key?
I thought we were against torture here?
Chad N. Freude
Sorry, I thought it was apparent.
Not sure what you mean by this.
Chad N. Freude
But Darrell, Birdzilla, 28 percent, (the list goes on) all post here, disproving the hypothesis.
Chad N. Freude
I seem to have both ThymeZone and Perry Como pissed at me. This no small accomplishment.
I’ll be the judge of that.
I’m a cranky persona. The whole act is based on being pissed all the time.
Jeesh. Two years of fucking work for nothing.
Birdzilla is my hero-poultry. I aspire to be as good as he/she is.
Chad N. Freude
Won’t happen until you stop actually typing and just let your fingers wander aimlessly around the keyboard. Oh, and you have to stop thinking, too.
The Other Steve
Oh come on, that is only necessary in private industry.
In the government you get promoted for incompetence, and fired for doing your job.
Actually, you know what these attack ads DO remind me of?
Attack Ads Launched Against Ronald Earle
Remember back when DeLay got indited? They were running ads for weeks down in Austin trying to drum up support against the DA. It was completely insane, of course. But it appears to be a play they’ve decided to keep in their playbook.
Chad N. Freude
Aha! Wrong! Michael Brown and Donald Rumsfeld both achieved their positions before demonstrating their incompetence.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Oh, that ship sailed long ago.
“Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate” – darrell alighieri
Chad N. Freude
GQ has an interview with Iglesias that contains Iglesias’s explanation of why he did not report the call from Domenici.
Well may proceed from him all tribulation.
O, what a marvel it appeared to me,
When I beheld three faces on his head!
I’m surprised you don’t find it more tiring. You must go through a ton of Gaviscon.
What does it say about me that I find that phrase looks like a really delicious entree at a good Italian restaurant?
Typical Eye-talian, writing about lascivious things in *public*.
I eat nails.
Tom Beck
It’s okay. Iglesias will get a comfort job from some huge law firm whose partners are major league GOP…oh, wait, that’s what’s going to happen to Gonzales.
Never mind.
Finishing, roofing, finger, or toe?
Good god, check out that website
They make the drudge report look like it was designed by Michaelangelo
That’s the tattoo on Darrell’s lower back.
Linda Chavez Krumland, used car salesman? Well, I don’t know if they’re used, but…
{ spits }
Thereby bringing us back to the topic of smears.
Ah, jeez….(screws up face in disgust)
Although, I have to admit, I’d have thought that tattoo said
“Be Prepared.”
Just saying.
Just went back and read the top of the thread.
It just hit me: They’re running attack ads against a fired US Attorney?
Who the fuck are these buttfuckers running this country?
Good God almighty.
Good morning TZ. Would you like some coffee?
The Other Steve
Notice how Darrell disappeared?
Indeed. I’m still totally bewildered by “what were they *thinking*?” part of the whole thing. What on Earth do they expect to gain by going after Iglesias, anyway? Like Tim said, what’s he running for? Nothing? Then driving up his negatives isn’t doing anybody any good, is it?
I know, I know, but the bizarriness of it just struck me.
What the fuck? This has to be the most bizarre and blatant abuse of our systems I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a few.
They’re trying to smear a fired attorney so that …. what? What do they gain?
Either they are extremely stupid and crazy, or they are really covering something else up here. I could be persuaded either way.
He fell into his own ass and landed in the Signs O’ the Apocalypse thread where he’s pulling his Reading Comp Skills – Nil, trick.
This is funny. Not to mention, you said “but”. Which makes my inner 4th grade laugh.
Let’s take the title of this post and somehow involve the operational requirements of a dirty sanchez. And Darrell.
A nice set of Tupperware from the White House? I don’t know, man. I think it is a reflexive action [insert recently decapitated poultry metaphor here] because as an attempt to actually change anything it is Wookies on Endor. Iglesias does not strike me as the sort of chap who will back down because of some lame-ass radio ad in NM. He strikes me as a person who could make them rue the day their parents met without raising a sweat. But if these schmucks want to waste their cash and call negative attention to themselves (and their donors) I say have at it. Maybe there’s a trail of dollahs leading back to Rove’s pocket.
I’m wondering if this might count as interfering with an investigation or witness tampering. I mean, if you were testifying against one of my friends and I ran an attack ad against you, I would expect a visit from my friendly neighborhood P.A.
Not likely. He’s already testified, so the intimidation already failed. My guess is that the DOJ having threatened to say…something…if the USA’s went public, some nutcase decided to make sure that one of the USA’s was actually directly targeted. I will not lay odds on whether that nutcase’s initials are KR…
Yes, yes, that would be nice, actually, especially if it had the logo on it, and Laura’s signature.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Revenge, plus the others fall in line.
Why can’t it be all three?
Perry Como
Darrell work for the Texas Youth Commission?
Darrell Says: ‘Still waiting for any evidence at all… anything to substantiate Commisar’s claim touted by John Cole, that Iglesias was “pressured” into prosecuting political opponents “baselessly”.’
Frankly, I’m not convinced the prosecuters were even fired. How do we even know they had the jobs in the first place? What is a prosecuter anyway? I think it is just a made up word created by those with Bush Derangement Syndrome. I don’t think the internet really exists, or the guy in the white coat with that big needle rushing toward me…
Sleepy time.
Insanely, Republicanly yours,
Moll Slanders
Interesting how you phrased that with what appears to be a plural, as Darrell may not be one single entity at all, at least some around here think that.
Moll, Darrell could be a virus.
The sight of moderate Republicans being harassed by the right wing faction of the party is depressing, but maybe it’ll galvanize the large portion of the Republican party that believes in economic pragmatism, foreign policy pragmatism, and environmentalism will get together and force out the “wackos”.
Strange that the party of Teddy Roosevelt now is being represented by anti-environmentalists that support a heavy dose of intelligent design and creationsim.
As for the Patriot Act, why is the FBI being slapped around now for violating its provisos by spying on our own citizens?
Global warming? Why does this administration have to muzzle our scientists at NASA (because NASA is such a liberal institution *rolls eyes*)
The fact that two ambitious attorneys, one from a top 10 law school and one from a bottom tier Christian law school, were allowed to eviscerate their own party members in the public eye is something the RNC needs to crack down on.
Moll Slanders
Kind of like Hal when he decides to take over?
That fuckwit Darrell is STILL posting here? Isn’t there a dumpster he could be profitably rooting through?
Opportunity knocks, D! Get digging!
Will I dream?