My friend Fester has joined a growing crew at Newshog. The blog seems to be expanding its operations, and Fester is a sharp analyst, so check it out if you haven’t done so already.
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by Tim F| 5 Comments
This post is in: Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
My friend Fester has joined a growing crew at Newshog. The blog seems to be expanding its operations, and Fester is a sharp analyst, so check it out if you haven’t done so already.
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That first story about the Korean War veteran who was put on the Terror List because he dared make a speech to college students that the Iraq War was a failure is a good example of how these people operate.
They say they are waging a war on terror, but in fact, they eviscerate anyone who dares to call them on their most obvious failures. With these guys, it’s all about getting even.
Nothing this bunch does is a surprise anymore. I wake up daily expecting Martial Law to be declared.
Tim has friends? Mom wrote some checks again, didn’t she, Timothy?
Hi Tim — Thanks for the link, and I still owe you a beer, so drop me a line and let’s grab it sometime soon.
Yeah, a beer. And a check from George Soros, you damn hippie welfare queen!
Chad N. Freude
This may be a canard.