Ana Marie Cox, aka the lady formerly known as Wonkette, aka the blogger who brought us the sordid tales of DC slut Jessica Cutler, has taken a brave stand today.
In between detailing how she is in the “inner media circle” and gushing about her media eliteness, she has decided that now that she is a media superstar, she no longer is willing nor needs to put up with putrid filth like Don Imus, and instead will hang out with Joe Klein at Swampland.
And here is the link in case you think I am being unfair.
Mamas, don’t let you babies grow up to be media ho’s.
*** Update ***
Tom Maguire and I are eye to eye on this one, as he gets down on his knees (but not THAT WAY, you filthy Wonkette readers):
I AM BEGGING FOR A SELF-AWARENESS MOMENT HERE: Ana Marie Cox has an article about Imus in TIME where she explains she won’t be going back on his show:
But do I really want to give my tacit approval to someone whose greatest gift to public discourse could be fairly described as allowing pundits to get potty-mouthed?
Heaven forbid that the woman who rose to prominence on the strength of her anal intercourse jokes would do that. I stand by this rant from Nov 2004 and this beatdown from the post-mortem of the Dan Rather debacle holds up well.
OK, so Al Sharpton and Ana Marie Cox have been heard from. Once Howard Stern announces he won’t be appearing on Imus, my day will be complete.
I swear to God, last night I was lying in bed, and I thought to myself- the only person who could make any sense of this whole damned charade is dead.
I miss Hunter S. Thompson.
At any rate, it will be amusing to check memeorandum and see which blogs link approvingly to this latest bit of Cox self-promotion.
*** Update ***
In a clear victory for civil rights, race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and western civilization, a shock jock has now been fired for using the phrase “nappy-headed ho’s.”
I am sure that now there will be peace on earth and good will towards men. And somewhere, Glenn Beck is laughing his ass off.
Joke Line? THE Joke Line?
Anyway …. you nailed this one. She sounds very very sorry …. that she got caught out with the Imus crew. Luckily she was able to turn it into a plug!
Doubting Thomas
That’s what I love about this whole Imus thing— it shows the public who the true whores are: the “legitimate” media. As Wonkette admits (now that she’s made the club), its all about promoting their books and nothing to do with journalism.
My theory is that Hunter S. Thompson is orchestrating all of this from the afterlife, and he finds it incredibly funny.
“I’ve got it! Republican Congressman sending obscene IMing to pages from the floor during a vote!”
[takes another swig of whiskey]
“No! Wait! Head of the New Life Church outed by his gay hooker meth dealer!”
Notes in margin:
White House claims to have conveniently lost emails on scandal stored on a Republican server: Too implausible? Will people get the Nixon reference?
To Do:
Throw Scooter Libby in jail, make prosecutor give speech involving Shakespeare
Don Imus?
Get illustration of Cheney watching Bush from the bushes outside White House
Cheney shoots friend in face in hunting “accident,” friend apologizes
Former gay prostitute snuck into White House press room to ask fake questions
Hunter S. Thompson, yeah, miss him too.
My favorite line from “Fear and Loathing” was in the Las Vegas hotel, where he had drunk so much tequila and taken so much mescaline that he hallucinated his dead grandmother crawling up his leg with a knife between her teeth.
I like Ana Marie Cox because she doesn’t take herself too seriously.
You on the other hand, seem a little too pleased with yourself.
John Cole
Let me guess- first time here?
“I’ve got it! Bush puts a guy from… the… Arabian Horse Judging Association in charge of FEMA, and then we send a hurricane at New Orleans!”
“Hunter, that’s just mean.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tim.”
[ok, i’ll stop now]
Thanks, JC. I’m always embarrassed when fellow lefties link to Cox, or treat her as anyone worth a nanosecond of attention. She’s never been anything other than Maureen Dowd, version 2.0.
Bubblegum Tate
I’ll admit that I do find Wonkette do be funny sometimes (or at least I did back when I checked it out), but AMC is and has been completely full of shit.
Good One John,
Another beat down on a slut. First Cindy Sheehan, now Ana Marie Cox, you’re golden man, you sure can put those women in their place. Whose next? let me know the time and place and I’ll join you.
Once again another post defending a BIGOT. John just can’t accept that the man is gone. John, you may not like the way he had to leave but he had to go.
Way to stand behind your man Imus.
And yes it is personal.
Marcus Wellby
Ana Marie Cox is a red-headed ho!
Errrr….. Are you talking about the same post that everyone else read?
John Cole
You know, the one thing I am truly happy about is that every time I attack Dobson, Rove, Bush, Santorum, whoever, I don’t have some idiot coming in here claiming I am a sexist and hate men. Say something about women who are acting stupid, though, and all of a sudden you become Ike Turner.
Cox was a Mellon Fellow. Maybe she was a Mellon-Scaife Manchurian journalist plant.
Swampland is a fun blog – you get to harass Joke Line at length in the comments, and the trolls are so off the wall you can safely ignore them. Klein gets really snippy when the help gets uppity, too.
Bubblegum Tate
C’mon, Kevin Nealon! Ike Turner loves you!
Props to Cox for this, though:
John isn’t defending Imus, he’s condemning Cox’s cheap sanctimony and (bordering on legendary) self-promotion.
After some significant soul-searching, I have also come to the difficult decision that I will no longer be able to appear on Imus’ program.
Funny. But … he’s makin a comeback!
Let me guess.
You were at the Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner speech on March 21st, 1996?
I’d care more if she weren’t patently the best blogger on Swampland.
So lets look at a “Profile in Courage”.
ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE, I’ll write it slowly so you can understand.
I don’t give damm what Sharpton, Ana Marie Cox or anyone else says, all I care is that the BIGOT is gone. In two days John has seen fit to write at least three posts with over 100 comments combined on a subject that should have taken one post with a title of: GOOD RIDDANCE!
Why I take it personnaly? two reasons.
I have mother and a sister.
John Cole
Could you ask them to help you with your reading comprehension?
Don’t call it a comeback — he’s been there for years…
Uh, John doesn’t write the comments. There is no way to make sense of your rant.
If you don’t think it’s worth discussing you could — you know — not discuss it…
Thank you for your comments.
As far as comprehension goes; I know your not “defending” Imus, it just seems funny the way you keep attacking people who either distance themselves from him or protest against him. I mean Sharpton, Jackson, Ana Marie Cox, the Rutgers players (boo, boo); pretty bad rogues gallery there, in fact they’re so bad I think that Imus and his friends must show courage and fight for their jobs or the bad people win.
Give it up John, why keep calling attention to people saying silly things about a BIGOT, when the easy and simple thing to do is let him crawl back beneath his rock without further notice.
One more time, I glad the BIGOT finally got his. Don’t care how, who or why, he finally got his.
RIP (sort of) Hunter. May everything be too weird wherever the fuck you wound up. You’d want it no other way.
Put in a single sentence, that sounds about right. “Condemning” might be too harsh of a word, though. Maybe getting an easy laugh at her self promotion would be closer.
I miss HST too. He was shot out of a cannon too soon.
I am allowed a moment’s amusement at the irony of slamming Imus while calling AMC a “ho”.
But yes, Ana Marie is an egotist who has been and always will be all about the Cox.
Just got an e-mail from Imus has been fired by CBS.
Is this my first time here?
Nope. You just sound self-important and a little jealous.
But hey, I still like your blog.
grumpy realist
Ok, NOW can we finally put a bullet through this story? Ninnies like AMC have done their preening ego moments even though there is no way they are related. All the usual suspects have come out, done their Kabuki turns on the stage, the “mea culpa” has turned out to not sufficiently suffice, and the Sacrificial Goat has been pelted off the stage, to be (quietly) replaced in the future by someone who will be just as much of a twit but with a lower profile.
Dug Jay
Perhaps the best post in many, many months. VGJ
The Other Steve
There’s more important things to talk about.
such as Bush claiming to support the troops, and pissing all over them at every opportune.
The Other Steve
Honestly, the various attacks on Sharpton, Jackson, etc. over this seem to be attempts to distract from Imus un-funniness, and turn the attacks on other messengers.
It’s interesting in that I don’t really like any of them. But the story is about Imus, and it’d be nice if we could keep on that topic rather than trying to defend him with “But but! Ana Marie Cox is mean too!” claims.
umm, you mean, he shot himself out of a cannon too soon?
John Cole
I actually think AMC is funny from time to time, but this was the most brazen bit of self promotion I have seen in a long, long time, and only made more humorous by her new found distaste for puerile jokes. Hardly a distraction from the Imus affair, it is a well deserved thumb in her eye.
And Sharpton is scum. He amuses me from time to time, and I like it when he goes into Democratic debates because he raises a ruckus, but he is pure human filth.
this strikes me as hyperbolic.
but then that’s life on the intertrons.
(i sort of expected a communications guy to have a professional interest in discouraging hyperbolic expression. ok, he’s a jerk. ok, he’s self-important. but “pure human filth”?)
Everyone a question on “Profiles in Courage”
Now that he has been fired, how many of you think Imus will still meet with the Rutgers players?
John, what do you think?
Jim Treacher
I think Cox is going to find that there’s a lot more room under that bus than she thought.
Tom Maguire
I miss Hunter S. Thompson
LOL. And I have no doubt he misses us, or this, anyway.
Anyone who listens to Imus regularly knows he’s not a racist or a bigot.
Some of his regulars – Larry Kenney, Rob Bartlett, and Bernard McGuirk – do specialize in crude, inappropriate material. True, Imus does laugh at the crude, inappropriate material, but then again, so do I.
Imus almost always manages to stay out of the cesspool, but not this time.
Still, call me an Imus apologist, but I think the termination of this man’s career is a gross over-reaction to those comments, considering where they were given (a morning comedy talk show) and who gave them (a recovered alcoholic, a philathropist for mostly liberal causes, the man has made 2 racially insensitive comments in 35 years of almost daily broadcasting).
It’s almost enough to make you want to vote Republican.
(Not really)
Nah…John’s just an equal-opportunity curmudgeon. And he certainly doesn’t believe that the enemy of his enemy is his friend. He’s more of the “two asshats who oppose each other does not result in one of them being less of an asshat” school of thought.
[blockquote]He’s more of the “two asshats who oppose each other does not result in one of them being less of an asshat” school of thought.[/blockquote]
Bah. Blame the last bit of tag silliness on the fact that I’ve spent too much time on forums lately.
Ana Marie’s hypocrisy on the Imus subject is pretty embarasssing considering her career path… More at