Planting bombs at abortion clinics is terrorism. Eric Rudolph and those like him are domestic terrorists.
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by John Cole| 40 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics, Excellent Links
Planting bombs at abortion clinics is terrorism. Eric Rudolph and those like him are domestic terrorists.
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Anything that targets civilians with death and destruction is terrorism, regardless of who carries out, and regardless of how it is carried out. Period.
That includes clinic bombings, and it includes mechanized bombing of civilian populations to achieve, or circumvent, political or military imperatives of any kind.
Without this truth in place, and discussion of terrorism or a phoney “war on terror” is just bullshit and manipulation. No matter the source, no matter the good intentions of the actors.
Jesus I hate the uneditable post. “Any discussion”, not “and discussion.”
Mr Furious
The only difference between bombing a clinic here and bombing a market in Baghdad (or Israel) is the fact that the bombers here are not as good at it. They plant shitty bombs and are too cowardly to blow themselves up. Otherwise? It’s fucking terrorism just like anywhere else.
Why don’t they call it “terrorism”? Why isn’t the press and everybody else shitting their pants like they would if this was at a school or a mall? I suspect it has less to do with the particular incidents (I mean a bomb is a BOMB) but I think the media is unwilling to call people in the pro-life movement “terrorists” even if that’s exactly what some of them are.
I mean, they are not shy about throwing the t-word around when some hippies sabotage logging equipment…”They’re eco-terrorists!”
But this is just women—and these women are asking for it… It’s like domestic violence—move along, nothing to see here…
Dug Jay
While I agree that such bombings constitute “terrorism,” I can’t help noting that the Congressional leadership in Washington doesn’t even want to refer any more to the jihadists who blow up innocent civilians as terrorists.
Perry Como
There’s a car being followed by 5 police cars at 20 MPH on MSNBC. Priorities people, priorities!
No shit John, just like there’s no outrage of Multiple Mitt saying it’s not worth it to catch Osama bin Laden.
See to live in a wingers world you have to have a complete and total disconnect. It’s not terrorism when a winger tries to blow up and abortion clinic, it’s a godlike act of providing protection to fetus’. It’s not something to get pissed about when a republican basically says it’s not worth getting the guy responsible for 9-11 it’s just a comment.
Fucking assholes.
Why is it the wing nuts only focus on Islamic terrorism? What Christian White Guy terrorism isn’t good enough for them? Only jihadists can be true terrorists? Sounds like racism to me.
Bubblegum Tate
No, it’s just a little too close to home for them.
Mike S
Remarkable. Or maybe not. There’s hardly any reason left for the 1st amendment’s protection of a free press. They only use blast faxes for sources of news stories and this appearently doesn’t register on eiother party’s operative radars.
Tom Hilton
This is something Dave Neiwert has written about extensively. For whatever reasons, the FBI and the news media and Gringolandians in general just don’t take domestic terrorism seriously. When you get a story like this, it’s treated as an anomaly–not something that is at least attempted fairly frequently, often by people who are linked to other domestic terrorists (and by ‘linked to’, I mean something more substantial than, say, ‘links’ between Saddam and bin Laden). People tend to consider terrorism something done by the Other, not by people like themselves.
Captain Avatar
Wrong. Eric Rudolph merely sufferes from battered wife syndrome.
And I’m not taking lectures on violence from a blog with a picture on it’s header of what appears to be a smiling young girl preparing to shoot a man in the head with a shotgun.
Man hating bitches.
So it goes with all crime. No one wants to think “Gee, I’m more likely to be killed/assaulted/raped/robbed by someone I know!” because your choices are: Take your chances or cut all contact with homo sapiens. So we pretend the Drug-Crazed Brown Guy Hidin’ in the Bushes is the real threat and ignore the stats.
Chad N. Freude
I think this is right. If a bomb is planted in or near an abortion clinic in the US, well, that’s part of life in these United States. It’s the combination of target (abortion clinics aren’t really innocent, so this isn’t really terrorism) and presumed agent. We assume that anti-abortion-clinic acts are perpetrated by American anti-abortion
maniacsactivists, but if a Muslim artifact were left at the scene, or it had been perpetrated in a foreign country, it would be seen as a terrorist act.Myrtle Parker
White Man’s Terrorism
Zombie Santa Claus
Eric Rudolph’s penis was cut off?
Where’s the man? I just see a woman with a shotgun. That’s just straight up 2nd Amendment, unless there’s a guy there and I’m missing him or something.
Where are the moderate anti-abortion people??? Why aren’t they denouncing these terrorists?? Maybe there aren’t any any moderate Christians.
Don’t ask Wiley Drake, a Vice-President of the Southern Baptist Convention, whose signature is on a
Well you know the last congress, in its wisdom, bestowed upon the office of the president the legal right to just scoop up anyone that they — at their sole discression — suspect of even having terrorist thoughts, hold them for as long as they want, wherever they want, without notifying anyone, without providing access to attorney’s or any other recourse and without having to prove anything to do it. So perhaps the next administration will just make make suspected abortion clinic bombers disappear down a black hole where they belong.
That’s almost as pleasant a thought as it is horrific.
Ummm…that just sounds so nasty….
Undeniable Liberal
How silly. Everybody knows that it can’t be terrorism unless we can pin a slam dunk of blame on somebody with brown skin.
Off to watch Fox “News.”
Well, it is–all terrorism here is, it’s frankly just not that common. However, much like school shootings, it does happen from time to time.
How dare you John. These are true believers, doing Allah’s bidding…I mean, the Lord’s work assassinating infid…I mean, saving the lives of unborn babies.
The difference is obvious to anyone who’s also a true believer.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Without a doubt, the PotD.
Perry Como
The President’s daughters have jungle fever?
I just wish christian terrorists had the balls to wear suicide vests. Bunch of fucking cowards. At least Muslims terrorists kill themselves at the same time. Small c Christians are murderers and cowards.
You’re partially right, and partially wrong, Mr. F.
Were this violence against good Christian women, say at a convent, an all-girls’ school, or some other such thing, then the media would be all over it.
However, in the minds of many (if not most, sadly), there are only two types of women who would be associated with abortion clinics, and neither type are good Christian, all-American women:
1. Murderers (i.e. the doctors) and those who aid and abet them, who secretly want every woman to have abortions, so that they can someday repopulate the world with the uber-liberal offspring of lesbian couples, all fertilized with the sperm of Al Gore or Tim Robbins.
2. Murderous, Godless, whores who can’t keep their legs closed to anybody with a stiffie, will likely have to be buried in a y-shaped coffin, and who view abortion as a handy-dandy form of contraception.
In other words, if any of the above two parties happen to be hurt or killed in the bombing…oh well. They deserved it, the sinners.
These people are just as crazy as any suicide bomber in Iraq. They truly believe that they are justified in doing what they are doing, because they think that they are doing God’s work, or that they are doing what God would want them to do. Just because they are highly selective in their targets, does not make them any less dangerous or insane.
Don’t be silly. White people can’t be terrorists.
Unless they are Democrats.
Rev Donald Soitz
No, you pro-abortion baby killing fanatics are the terrorists. What is a terrorist? Someone who murders innocent people. That is YOU. You pro-abortion babykillers murder innocent children each and every day.
Speaking of reckless dicks, a Bush admin. official will return to private life “for personal reasons” thanks to Madame Palfrey.
Note to people who use escort services: In this post-Teddy sHaggard world no one believes “There was no sex, just massages!”
Time to think of a new excuse, ‘k?
I love the Madame Palfrey thing — charging $200 an hour for a massage? No wonder he decided to save a little money by switching to an outfit that used “Central Americans.”
grumpy realist
Notwithstanding that quite a few “fine upstanding pro-life women” also use abortion clinics and then scream at the nurses for having to be in the same waiting room as those “godless sluts who can’t keep their legs closed.”
…..and go merrily back to picketing the clinics and screaming at any OTHER women that use them….
(One reason stated by the cynical to explain the discrepancy that a higher percentage of women have abortions than approve of the right for the “average woman” to have access to one….)
(“After all, it’s only MY abortion that’s moral….”)
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
There was no sex involved, according to Mr. Tobias. That must’ve been one Hell of a good massage.
Hiding from all of the immoderate anti-abortion people would be my guess.
Slight point of order: Christian is not synonymous with anti-abortionist. There are tons of moderate and even liberal Christians out there but they don’t make good headlines (“Christian man minds his own damn business, says others should do the same!!”) so you never hear about them. Like all sane people they avoid the fetus fetishist/bedroom patrol brigades like the plague.
Replace “Christian” with “Muslim” and “anti-abortionist” with “suicide bomber” and you should be able to see what I think Wilfred is alluding to.
All I know, that was a Republican talking point for many years now, and one that drove me out of the party entirely.
Gah, that should have been “one of many that drove me out of the party entirely”…
All righty then:
Nope. I get a WookiesOnEndor logic error.
Things have to fit the narrative for the news media to get all hyper about it. As the fearless liberal Dan Rather said in the Bill Moyers program to justify his courageous coverage of the administrations case in the runup to the war – its OK to be a bit ahead of the crowd but you don’t want to be out on a limb (not an exact quote but close). If someone who had at some point perhaps considered the possibility of talking to a Muslim had been discovered with
(a sodium cyanide bomb is classified as a WMD) that would be worth at least a year of coverage countless analysts, follups about the trial etc. etc. etc. But how many of you caught this
And dont forget that the infamous UNIBOMBER was a big time eco-freak who planted bombs at certian places including a logging facility and he is responsible for the death of GILBERT MURRY a timber executive and radical groups like ALF and ELF have planted firebaombs at certian places and four were convicted for these crimes
All hail Birdzilla!
In the midst of all the hyperventilating, I’ll be the small voice of reason-
Complaint 1: It’s not being called Terrorism.
As someone else pointed out, when AP, Reuters, and the US Congress have a hard time using that word when discussing truck bombs that kill dozens of civilians…
Complaint 2: Very little national coverage.
The damned thing didn’t go off, did it? No one was actually killed, were they? Sorry, but the “bleeds/leads” paradigm requires actual blood. There are lots of “unexploded pipe bomb found” local stories every year that never go national.
Complaint 3: Nebulous worries about abortion rights, etc.
No real connection to the original story.
My feelings? When they catch the shitheads responsible, hang their asses.
let’s see if it meets the definition:
`(5) the term `domestic terrorism’ means activities that–
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
`(B) appear to be intended–
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
`( C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.’.
why yes, yes indeed it does.