This most likely has everything to do with melamine, the toxic coal byproduct that Chinese firms have begun using to falsify the protein content in wheat gluten for animal feed. However the Chinese are notoriously opaque about internal health issues (think SARS), so the truth is not about to jump up and declare itself.
Unless you’re the IOC, a bigger concern than an out-of-control Chinese ag sector is the possibility of an infectious agent. Pigs are biologically similar enough to us that surgeons use pig cadavers as a standard for surgical practice, which explains why pig epidemics have a funny way of becoming human epidemics. In any case this story merits keeping an eye on.
(1) What keeps the adulterated ingredients from getting into the human food supply chain, and …
(2) To what extent is FDA on top of this, and capable of providing proper oversight and enforcement, either for animal, or human, food products?
all the bees in america left for china and are stinging pigs left and right.
or, the porcine version of the rapture.
With the Bush FDA? You mean, besides prayer?
You’re kidding, right?
And incidentally, dear FDA, if it’s so freaking safe, then what the hell happened to this woman, hmm?
When a country as large as China tries to play Industrial Catch-up in about a 20-year span–when it took most 1st world nations a hundred years or so–you’re bound to have their problems with rampant and massive pollution (rivers), animal extinctions (see dolphins), energy crises (see Iran support, and some just wicked large damn they built), etc.
They’re basically trying to become equivalent to America and Europe in a fifth of the necessary time. Expect many more ecological and epidemiological catastrophies.
Have to do it….
were they….capitalist pigs?
In that case the government probably believed they had it coming.
As for the manner of their deaths…man that sounds just hideous. Hopefully whatever they have doesn’t spread. Of course I am probably not the only one to see a direct correlation between the population density of people and animals there and the rise in the number of nasty diseases and viruses coming out of that part of the world.
Being such great “global citizens” as we have seen with SARS and bird flu (HA HA) we know we can count on our Chinese friends to keep the world abreast of any more nasty diseases…
I expect China will learn fast enough the value of a CDC and an FDA. We didn’t create those out of some capitalist luxury or fickle whim. As crazy as it sounds, keeping your citizens from dieing of food poisoning and disease is actually beneficial to your economy and your political life-expectancy.
Hmmmm…..anyone heard from Krista lately?
I think it’s kewl that US corporations are offshoring the production of food from American raw materials. ‘Bout time we took advantage of those widely-regarded safety and sanitation standards for which China and Mexico are famous.
Uh-oh. In Canada, all they have is the F.D.Eh?
Stop whining, moonbats. The FDA is no doubt doing a heckuva job under whichever horseracing judge has been rewarded with that plum assignment.
Dug Jay
Did anyone else notice how much Congressman Henry Waxman of California looks a lot like a pig, a pig with a mustache, that is?
I wonder if it could have anything to do with his well known love of Chinese food.
Maybe pigs have evolved to look just like Rep. Waxman, but missed the mousache part.
The only one who could take pig deaths in china and somehow tie it to a criticism of Democrats…
Rome Again
I would like to remind those Rapture Christians that if you’re seeing this sort of thing now, chances are you probably missed the boat (if there ever was one, which is highly unlikely).
Rome Again
The only one what? Spoof? Nah. I bet if Duggy hadn’t thought of it, someone would eventually.
By the way Duggy, I expect you ended up with the perfect face and have no regrets about your own looks? Not like you can control the shape of your nose, without surgery I mean.
The Other Steve
Ahh, Faith Based Food Safety.
We should make a sign vis-a-vis the rapture saying “If you see plagues….you missed it.”
Of course right now the fundies are probably in near ecstacy as they watch those nasty storms pounding the midwest and elsewhere since to them it’s not a result of climate change but the impending Rapture…
Clearly these ovine fatalities are the result of terrorist activity in China and we must invade immediately to help our brethren in China. Then we can charge them for the costs associated with the invasion because that works really well. Of course, we are a little strapped for cash right now and China is unlikely to loan us cash to invade their country (people can be soooo unreasonable that way).
Hmmm. I wonder if there are any organizations that need to buy a lot of weapons right now…?
If we don’t fight the pigs over there, we will have to fight them over here.
grumpy realist
“ovine fatalities”?
Man, do YOU have the wrong animal.
Why speculate, when you can just check instead–ah, who am I kidding, of course they are.
Wrt the difference in drug and food safety:
Major drug companies monitor some/many/all inputs to their process stream in real time. However, this approach has not yet trickled down to the idiot brother in the FDA–that would be Food.
The food industries are very weak in their application of sophisticated instrumental analysis techniques. It’s shocking to see minimal chemistry requirements for Food Science majors. As time goes by I’m sure this will change. And admittedly, the input streams for manufacturing drugs are MUCH simpler that the inputs for manufacturing foods. The food folks have hard problems but do not yet possess sufficient technical knowledge to solve them.
It is possible to monitor the (chromatographic/spectroscopic) profile of the process inputs over a long interval and successfully model that profile; some gasoline refiners do this routinely. Then when the input stream changes (maybe because something new is in it), the model can detect this difference.
Unfortunately most of the food QC folks with chem backgrounds are stuck in the “old world” where exhaustive analysis is the rule. I saw where someone at a pet food company using the tainted feedstock from China said basically: we couldn’t detect that component because we do not analyze for it. Which is a reasonable response if no technologiy existed to monitor profiles and automatically detect deviations from “normal”.
A good illustration of:
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
If practice, they are not.
So sooey me.
I’m hoping that he feels kind of sheepish.
Somewhat OT, but I thought this was excellent, from Rick Perlstein’s blog:
Of course, it is completely unfair to blame the current administration in Washington for these infrastructure problems. They are just doing their part in helping the bottled water industry. Mission accomplished. God bless you, Mr. Norquist, now we can use some of that tax money you’ve saved us to go to the emergency room. What a guy!
Please don’t let it be H5N1, Please don’t let it be H5N1. I’m not old enough yet to survive the cytokeine storm, I need 6 more years!
Hey wheres PETA why are they not over there saving those little piggies from dying? Maybe its becuase those piggies are to be eaten and we all know how they get the noses bent over this