The coordinated efforts to end the Giuliani campaign continue in earnest:
Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani in his campaign appearances this year has stated that he personally abhors abortion, even though he supports keeping a legal right to choose. But records show that in the ’90s he contributed money at least six times to Planned Parenthood, one of the country’s leading abortion rights groups and its top provider of abortions.
Federal tax returns made public by the former New York mayor show that he and his then-wife, Donna Hanover, made personal donations to national, state and city chapters of Planned Parenthood totaling $900 in 1993, 1994, 1998 and 1999.
The returns have been on the public record for years, but the detail about Giuliani’s support for Planned Parenthood — along with e-mailed copies of the returns — was provided to The Politico by aides to a rival campaign, who insisted on not being identified.
And when I say coordinated, I mean it. Immediately following the debate, after which Giuliani stated he abhorred abortion, would appoint strict constructionist judges, and felt it would be ok if Roe were overturned, the response from Red State was as follows:
John McCain won. Let’s not dance around this. Mitt Romney shined, he stood out, he did well. Rudy Giuliani imploded. Rudy totally and utterly self-destructed tonight. He had many chances to get in good with the core base of Republican voters and ignored every moment.
Translation- Giuliani was not wingnut enough. Rudy Giuliani does not wake up every morning, pray, and say to himself:
“The most important thing the Republican party faces is abortion.”
I don’t think many of the other candidates do, either, but they at least pretend to so that they can get the religious right vote. The additional knowledge that Giuliani gave money (or let his little woman) to Planned Parenthood virtually solidifies that Giuliani will not be the GOP candidate. Remember- we are the big tent party. You have to pretend to be fanatical about abortion and cutting taxes and killing terrorists.
From my standpoint, Rudy should consider himself lucky. The GOP is going to get trounced in 2008, and winning the GOP nomination means one thing, and one thing only. In 2016, you will be a Jeopardy question:
“Who was the losing Republican candidate in 2008?”
I’m totally with you in the end there. If a Republican wants to be President, he should be looking at ’12 not ’08. There is no way on God’s Green Earth – short of every Democratic Candidate in the field stopping to eat babies on camera – that a Republican will be elected President by this time in 18 months. It’s just not going to happen.
That said, Guiliani still isn’t out of the race by a long shot, in my view. He’s got big support from the Republicans in the Northeast and West who aren’t fans of the holy-roller faction anyway. And he’s got tons of money on tap, second only to Multi-Choice Mitt. And since nominations are won state-by-state, not through the popular vote, I suspect he’s got the weight to win enough of the big states, like California and New York, to pull through.
Core base of republican voters. That would be descendants of those who opposed fighting for independance from King George and who after that fought tooth and nail to prevent government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Rudy is the ONLY hope the gop has of electing the next pres. and precisely becuase he claims moderation on the Roe issue. But I agree, he won’t get the nomination because the crazies won’t give it to him. The GOP will be bitterly divided, crazies v. the country club crowd and we shall see who really runs that party. I say a moderate GOPer could win if he gets the nomination. The country has learned the lesson of when one party controls both congress and the presidency.
Rudy is never gonna be president. Neva. Gonna. Hppn.
Anyway, there’s Bernard Kerick and that whole, whoops, i made him my partner even though i knew he was in bed with Connected guys, I never even questioned how a cop had such a big house and a fuck pad as well, and then on top was fuckin Judith Regan in a city apartment over the smoldering ruins of WTC and its workers. And then the fireman, and the rushing of people back into the environmental disaster that was lower manhattan while telling them the air was safe…..
Forget the wingnuts, this control freak, women-mistreating, opera-loving son of a low-life and nephew to lower life in the organized way is never gonna be president. He should just keep raking it in on the bullshit 911 hero trail.
BTW, has anyone seen just how hot Denis Kucinich’s redhead, 29 year old, british wife is? He might be a kook, but she’s my first lady.
Please provide pictures or video.
Rudy should just switch parties. If Lieberman can threaten to turn Repub then Rudy can say: “Hey, I’m pro-choice and tough on terror. Wait, that makes me a Democrat, after all”. He would immediately become the favorite and cause terminal meltdown on the right.
Chris you forgot the part where he chose to put the city’s interdepartmental emergency communications headquarters on the site of one of the two major targets that would necessitate using interdepartmental emergency communications if an attack occurred. Here in Phoenix they do a test run of a road race to ensure that the 911 call center can still function with Champ cars racing in the streets right outside the building where the call center is housed. In New York the mayor whonow wants to be president put the call center in harms way. Brilliant! This is why they attack democrats’ character, to avoid competency questions of republican candidates.
The Other Steve
No no no… In Jeopardy you answer with a question. So the clue would be written as a statement, “The losing Republican candidate in 2008”
The Other Steve
Actually, this is too bad. Guli seemed like the only sane candidate.
It’s probably worth looking over that section of the debate again as well, I thought it was very telling–here’s the question, and here are the short answers (minus Giuliani’s further explanation):
One word: Ferrets.
Also, as Andrew points out: ferrets.
The guy is a train wreck. If it hadn’t been for the hyped and absurd 911 Sainthood heaped upon him by a bonesmoking media, he wouldn’t even be on the radar right now.
I gotta admit I said the same thing that day. Well actually I said thank God Al Gore isn’t president. Looking back now I realize I had no reason at all to say that about Gore. I was just a staunch republican that assumed having a republican in the White House at that time was preferrable to a pussy democrat. It took me more than 30 years to do it but apparently sometime between then and july of ’03 I grew up.
Alex Hammer
See also:
The Yankees’ Clean-Up Man – Rudy went to bat for the Yanks, and look what he scored. – The Village Voice
this certainly won’t help:
alex beat me to it. that, and i still don’t know how to post a link
Rudi’s own son hates him.
I think Romney is by far the most sane of the big 3 Republicans. Besides the magic underwear, of course.
Pelosi '07
If the Democrats win in ’08, that jepoardy question would look more like ” الذي كان المرشح خاسرة جمهوريّة في 2008 ؟”. That’s if gameshows are even allowed.
When he dresses in drag, does he call himself “Julie Annie”?
Teak111 said:
And this video might explain why. ;) (Starts at about 08:00)
Yep. I had to laugh when I saw Rudy squirming on the Roe v Wade question in the debate. Finishing with it would be “an OK day” if Roe were repealed.
You knew what he was thinking: “The huge Rapture nut wing of the party want me to say if Roe is repealed angels would descend on beams of sunlight singing heavenly kumbayas. But what about the sane faction?” So Rudy split the difference with it being a partly sunny, partly cloudy “OK” day.
The RedState nutters crack me up. When McCain was the only one everyone knew would run, they were looking for Rudy to enter the race. Now that he has taint of the kind they don’t want in their tent, they’re praying for Fred Thompson to be their valiant white knight. And like damsels leaning out tower windows, they’re waving their hankies at him calling for rescue. You have to admit RedState has comedy value.
“Actually, this is too bad. Guli seemed like the only sane candidate.”
He does seem sane…compared to the rest of the GOP field. And yes, with the “ferrets” and everything, that is saying quite a lot.
I didn’t see the debate, but from Pb’s summary I’m fascinated by Ron Paul’s response
What? I went straight to his response, because he’s the only GOP candidate I can stomach. . he’s an unabashed libertarian and isn’t interested in Mitting all over the base to get elected.
Well with Romney taking hits for not raising his hand saying he doubted evolution and Rudy’s flip-flops on abortion leave it to Saint McCain to show the way
If you consider full blown authoritarianism sane…
The site is a good mirror of the Party – mawkish sentimentality, mega-cocooning and thinly veiled, born again Bircherism.
At least Ron Paul is being honest here–but yes, he’s very pro-life.
Zif: Those core “values” voters are, by and large, the ones who turn out for primaries. (See: Lamont over Lieberman)
Rudy might fare okay in a general election, but that’s a moot point, as he won’t make it out of the primaries.
Hahaha. Then you clearly missed Mitt’s comments on the French.
And the VT Shooting
Of course, the VT shooter didn’t actually own any video games, but that’s neither here nor there.
Mitt’s a classic Pander Bear, which doesn’t make him any more or less sane than any other candidate, Republican or otherwise. But it does leave you questioning his judgement when he can’t get the most rudamentary facts straight.
Maybe in the next debate, Brownback will do an interpretive dance of a glorious day for human freedom…prompting Bernie Kerik to storm the stage with a police baton. You know, for the WWF crowd.
Fixed, a few years back the World Wildlife Fund took exception to the World Wrestling Federation using the WWF name and sued…you can guess who lost. LOL.
More like Pornography and violence are what make most games fun for the majority of players, everything else is just a variation on “The Sims”. Of course in the Sims you can design your house to be a death trap etc.
Another funny thing about the 28%er nutters like those at RedState. Most hate McCain (I give them props for that, but for different reasons), and with Rudy believing in evolution, could be OK with Roe staying on the books, and now finding he donated money to Planned Parenthood, he’s fading. The luster is gone. With the way it’s going, if Thompson doesn’t rescue them, you can see the ducks looking to line up behind Multiple Choice as their man of steel. LOL
Here’s a classic youtube of their man Mitt. Among other things, he tells the audience he has firmly believed abortion be available and in the right of a woman to choose without government interference.
Another thing from the video, I didn’t know the varmint hunter had the nickname “Multiple Choice” as far back as 1994. At least Mitt has been consistent. There is no spot on the map he won’t firmly stand. Until he stands somewhere else.
The Other Steve
Ahh, at least someone understands!
Paul L.
Did the VT killer listen to any recent music or watch any recent movies or TV?
Such as Oldboy?
Ziffnab, we were all wrong!
Romney really meant three months. Not seven-years.
Stop force-feeding your jackalopes Chinese pet food, Paul. I beg you.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
Redstate is the political blog equivalent of a bunch of lemmings attempting to have a circle-jerk after leaping off a cliff.
Oh Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. If you’d stuck to your guns and blown off the base you might have had a chance at the WH. Instead you decided to enter the Give a Baser a BJ contest and as a result…your arse is toast. Buh-bye now.
Monty Pythonized.
So … you’re saying Goolieani is GWB43 Version 2.0? (With improved syntax processor!)
likes guns, likes gun control too
“the former New York mayor show that he and his then-wife, Donna Hanover, made personal donations to national, state and city chapters of Planned Parenthood totaling $900 in 1993, 1994, 1998 and 1999.”
Yes, it is true that my ex-wife stole money from me to give it to fetus-killers.
That’s why I divorced the bitch. Because I love the blessed fetuses.
grumpy realist
Yup, Goolieani is GWB43 Version 2.0. Better communication abilities, but runs at high heat and has a tendency to explode under pressure. As a widget Goolieani would make pretty good rocket propellant.
(And what was that about never buying anything with a “.0” at the end….?)
Are you saying that a deathmatch between Bernie Kerik and Sam Brownback wouldn’t be enjoyed by wrestling fans and environmentalists alike? Pay per view, baby….
Oh, he is clearly insane, but just not nearly as batshit insane as Giuliani and McCain. It’s all relative.
Actually I saw a great political cartoon today that had the republican debate on the TV and someone in the cartoon saying “When do we get to vote them off [ insert reality show here ]”
Otto Man
No idea. But I did all that stuff. Even saw Oldboy. And I’ve somehow managed to avoid killing anyone.
You have to wonder about the idiots who push this kind of stuff. As if real violence was only invented in the 1960s when TV and films started showing it.
“The End of Giuliani”
Just another step toward “Gingrich 2008.”
The only pre-disastered candidate moves another step toward guaranteeing a Democratic victory.
Oldboy made me go out and eat octopus sushi though.
If Giuliani doesn’t get the nomination, I’ll probably do what I’ve never done since registering to vote in ’82–vote for the Democratic candidate. The rightwing nuts can have the GOP.
I did that last election. I voted for Kerry. I didn’t feel dirty at all. Just keep saying to yourself that you are doing this for good reasons, for the good of your country and your party. You’ll make it.
Oh heavens no, an otherwise OK day has darkened RedState: Romney’s Wife Gave to Planned Parenthood, Too.
The Other Steve
I haven’t seen Oldboy, but a friend of mine who has said it’d be weird if it inspired him. The movie is basically about a guy who goes out seaking revenge, and in the end realizes what a big mistake it is.
Sort of like Spider Man 3, but without the spandex.
I felt dirty after the last election and I voted a straight GOP ticket.
The GOP had to lose before I could come to grips with what I’ve supported. Heck, I would still support the war if it weren’t run by a bunch of incompetents. But that’s today’s GOP–big spending, Godfull, incompetent pricks.
Having said that, I still wouldn’t have voted for Kerry or Gore. But I will have no problem voting for Hillary.
Zombie Santa Claus
I just watched that Kucinich video, and he’s now got my vote. Or would, if I could vote, and weren’t dead. Anyway, it’s clear that Kucinich speaks to the hopes and aspirations of every man in America.
I want to help design his new bumper stickers, though. That’ll be a fun project.
HIs wife is out-of-control attractive. Seriously.
It hurts.
He speaks to my hopes and aspirations, mostly about lovely, willowy redheads.
Zombie Santa Claus
This, to me, is the most important issue facing America in 2008. Or indeed, at any other time.
Paul L may actually have a point; Spiderman 3 did make me want to commit violence. Only against the filmmakers, though.
Indeed. The only part of the Democrats debate that I saw was the interview with Kucinich and his lovely, lovely wife. They were holding hands through most of it.
Now, if Kucinich can get the election laws changed to allow a picture of his wife (in a skimpy bathing suit) to be used on the ballot, he’s got a shot. Otherwise no, he uses too many big words, and he talks like a fag.
Zombie Santa Claus
This is where the bumper stickers come in handy. If necessary, Kucinich supporters should be cranking out home-made ones in their garages. Dammit, Americans need to know what they’re missing out on if they let Hillary or Obama win the nomination/election!