With all due respect to the victims, this is almost worth the jail time.
“House being demolished,” read the posting on March 24. “Come and take whatever you want, nothing is off limits. Items outside and garage will be open for access into house. Please help yourself to anything on property at 1202 East 64th Street. Tacoma.”
Within a week, the unoccupied house at that address in Tacoma, Wash., had been picked clean. Living room window? Gone. Water heater? Gone. Kitchen sink? Naturally.
And the homeowner? Laurie Raye was stunned.
Now the matter has moved from Craigslist to Superior Court, where Ms. Ray’s niece, Nichole Marie Blackwell, 28, is to appear next week to face charges of burglary, malicious mischief and criminal impersonation.
Now figure out why I don’t tell any of you mooks where I live.
Zombie Santa Claus
You bastards all know where I live. Luckily, the -80 degree temperatures and the shotgun-toting elven army save me from pranksters on Craigslist.
Ho ho ho, bitches! Come get my toys!
Hahaha. You think I don’t know where you live?
Just be thankful I’m benevolent.
Actually, I have no idea where you live or…
Zombie Santa Claus
Fuck! Why is my post crossed out? Fucking -!
Zombie Santa Claus
Fuck! Why is my post crossed out? Fucking -!
He’s aliiiiive! /Gene Wilder
Rome Again
John, if you assume I’m a mook, you would be wrong. I don’t take things from others without permission, I give out my own stuff instead. I’ve lost just about everything I’ve owned
sixnope, sorry, make that seven times over, and never asked for anything that wasn’t mine in return. Not even alimony or child support.I’m that rare form of female, the kind who doesn’t take and take and take (and shop and shop and shop). How dare you assume I’m something I’m not. I take exception to such language.
Rome Again
OMG, I didn’t realize it was Tim, sorry… make that last post addressed to Tim instead.
You’re back? You survived whatever it was that John thought killed you?
He, ah, had some new windows he needed to install :D
But are you prettier than Krista?
Prolly not, but just sayin. Kista comments on Greenwald. Major ratings for her.
As far as knowing where you are — I got these pups that love me and hate any hand that pierces the envelope that is our house and yard.
I double dare any who can 1) firgure out who I am; and 2) have the nads to show up.
But srv, are you prettier than John Cole?
Man, that is fairly fucking unpleasant. There is either one hell of a back story to all of this or the niece is a world-class dumbarse.
A mooch takes things. A mook is an unpleasant person. So you can be a mook without mooching. [/word geeking]
Rome Again
Jake, you’ll have to go to Tim for the reason why he didn’t say mooch, he’s the one who linked mooks and this story, not I. I merely followed suit (and yes, I was aware of the difference, but I entertained his language because I don’t feel its right to go around correcting people over word choices).
Rome Again
Probably not, but, srv, I have to ask, why does it matter? First of all, it’s hightly doubtful you’ll ever meet me unless someone gets the strange notion to do a Balloon-Juice get-together and you and I both show up (fat chance of any of that happening)… secondly, I’m not available and never meant my post to be regarded as any sort of indication that I was… third and finally, you wouldn’t have had a chance even if I wasn’t taken! Sorry, but them’s the breaks. I’m sure you understand. ;)
Zombie Santa Claus
Damn. That’s harsh!
Tim F.
Yeesh. The mooch is the person who shows up and takes stuff. The mook put up the ad. When writing I rarely choose the wrong word.
Further, I’m not going to waste time defending an inoffensive line in a post labeled ‘humor.’
Uh, as cute as it probably felt to write that, do you really mean to be promoting malicious criminal behavior that destroys peoples’ homes?
With all due respect, of course.
Rome Again
Perhaps, but I was just being honest. I find nothing titillating personally about srv. That’s not to say srv can’t be titillating (perhaps he can, he just that he doesn’t affect me in that way).
To each his/her own, and all that good stuff, ya know?
For those who enjoy descriptions of creative mischief/crime, I’ll recommend the book Getting Even, by “George Hayduke”, a how-to book in the vein of the linked story. For entertainment purposes only.
Zombie Santa Claus
True enough. Still, I feel bad for him/her/whatever.
Awww, c’mon Tim, I just want your bbq and your washer and dryer, if they’re better than mine.
You can just think of me as a brother. I got that alot when I was a kid.
Hayduke Lives.
Which reminds me of a better title a Marist Brother gave me when I was having problems with someone in HS: Don’t Get Even, Get Ahead.
Oh, we got alot of entertainment when a local evangelical leader started using wireless mics… Let’s just say he had a little trouble with Satan being on the same frequency.
I want the cache of Unibroue and whatever else he’s holding back from us.
I think the cingular dropped call ad between the guy and girl he just met is the most brilliantly acted clip I have seen in years.
i take exception to being called a moop. they invaded Spain in the 8th century, i had nothing to do with that.
Rome Again
I feel like I just got goaded into a game of “Let’s you and him fight” that I never had any intention of playing. As I said earlier, your choice of words wasn’t any big deal to me and it still isn’t. So why are you quoting me? Quote the person who thought it was a big deal.
Rome Again
I rarely think of you at all. I got me some brothers already, I don’t have any openings for more at the moment, sorry.
I sort of liked the way it was when you were just a poster on BJ and I wasn’t expected to think of you as anything else.
Tim F.
123 Fake Street
Fake City, AZ 55555
Feel free to write him. or call him at 555-867-5309
You must be talking about a different Krista, then. Not that Greenwald isn’t delightful and all, but as far as I’m aware, I’ve never commented there.
You must be talking about a different Krista, then. Not that Greenwald isn’t delightful and all, but as far as I’m aware, I’ve never commented there.
Shit, sorry for the double post. I’m on my mom’s computer, and it’s slower than a turtle walking uphill on a pane of glass, so I wound up pressing “Submit Comment” twice in my impatience.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Eh, some girl named Jenny keeps answering.
k, rome
I am not a mop, and I am offended that Tim would call me one.