It isn’t news because they are terrorists, you fucking simpletons. Yesterday, my cat scratched himself then shit in a box. The media didn’t report that, either.
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[…] Torture, despite the drooling cheers of audiences at GOP debates, is the sign of sick society. That terrorists torture people is not reason for the United States of America to endorse it. It’s that simple. […]
funny, my cat did the same thing
Newsbusters and some other right-wing “media watchers” have recently been in a lather over the fact that the “liberal media” have not covered the recent discovery of Al Qaeda torture manuals and tools with as much zeal as they d…
[…] To reference yet another Greenwald post, “Al-Qaida does it, too,” many conservatives are astounded that the MSM didn’t run cover stories on the fact that al-Qaeda tortures people when torture drawings were found in one of their safehouses. This is of course because it’s not news. Additionally, liberals, independents and rule-of-law conservatives oppose America torturing people because they oppose torture, for reasons most intelligent people understand. They don’t need to condemn al-Qaeda every day because they’ve already condemned them and no reasonable person needs to be convinced that al-Qaeda and torture are bad. Movement conservatives seem so entrenched in an Us-Versus-Them mindset that every issue really boils down to, “It’s okay if we do it and wrong if they do it.” Thus, anyone who dares to criticize the great leader, Bush, is a dangerous traitor. If the “enemy” is not constantly demonized, they’re not being taken seriously. Greenwald links John Cole, who really sums up the whole rightwing “Omigod, the MSM isn’t reporting that al-Qaeda tortures” frenzy: It isn’t news because they are terrorists, you fucking simpletons. Yesterday, my cat scratched himself then shit in a box. The media didn’t report that, either. […]
Why does Tunch hate America?
So, what is their opinion vis a vis the librul media’s reporting of all the things various groups in Iraq shoot, blow up or kidnap? Do they call that “Good reporting” or “Encouraging the enemy” or perhaps “Focusing on the negative” or maybe even “We’re a bunch of WATBs who are harder to please than a two-year old up past his bed time”?
And yes, I could look around the webshite to find out, but I just ate. fRight wingery gives me gas.
The comments at Newsbusters are teh awesome.
is that a spoof site? I hope so.
Paul L.
Then why do I keep hearing about Darfur in the media?
Wow. How do you talk to that?
No shit, Sherlock. U.S. soldiers don’t kill 3,000 innocent civilians at one go.
Don’t you know? The liberal media has been giving a free ride to terrorists for years. Ronald Reagan only wishes he got the kind of whitewashing that our press routinely hands out to Al Qaeda. Suicide bombings, torture, kidnappings, rapes, ethnic hatred – it’s just wacky hijinks to the fellow travelers who control the fifth estate.
And that’s why the American people love terrorists so very much.
Newsbusters motto: “I ain’t ‘fraid of no news!”
Jon H
C’mon John, it’s just fraternity pranks like Rushbo said.
BTW, does anyone know how I get back on the GOP talking points mailing list? I moved and stopped getting them.
Um…isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? Hasn’t everybody been telling us that the U.S. soldiers are the good guys, and that Al-Qaeda terrorists are the bad guys? Wouldn’t it then stand to reason that the bad guys are willing to do horrible, amoral things? Things that the good guys should not even contemplate doing?
Isn’t this kind of like Superman sodomizing a nun, and when everybody is appalled, saying, “Oh for fuck’s sake, come ON! Lex Luthor’s trying to blow up the entire goddamned world! How come I’m not allowed to be naughty too? Whaaahhhhhh! Lex gets to have all the fun!”
The good guys don’t do that. They just. freaking. don’t. And whining about what the bad guys are “allowed” to do just makes the rest of the world go, “Um dude…are you actually jealous of a terrorist organization?”
Jon H
“The good guys don’t do that. They just. freaking. don’t.”
Precisely. That’s why they’re good. The label isn’t something that comes with a uniform or a passport or a birth certificate, it’s something you have to live up to through your actions and your restraint of barbaric impulses, and can be lost extremely easily.
Dug Jay
This is bloody amazing. Almost all of the posters in this thread appear to be Andrew Sullivan sock-puppets.
It’s definitely a spoof site–even if they aren’t in on the joke.
It’s a spoof site only insofar as the entire Right is a spoof – an unwitting, unthinking, un-self aware spoof.
I don’t blame those bozos for being anti-evolution: they’re all Darwin Awards waiting to happen.
Yeah, this is a beautiful convergence of “Why does the MSM hate America?” and “Nothing is amoral when we can find a terrorist who’s done worse!”
Although, I’ll say this. If they had a pic of a white, blonde, rich, 20-something getting tortured, it would be on cable news 24/7 for a week straight. Al Qaida is too busy torturing Muslims. And if there’s one thing the American Media is ridiculously complacent about, it’s dead brown people. Don’t blame the “libruls” for that one, kids.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Hey, is anyone else feeling a great joy in watching Bush set fire to his only supporters?
The Other Steve
Well, duh. Did you think otherwise?
The Other Steve
I don’t suppose we have pictures?
What Krista said.
It’s more like bitter satisfaction for me.
Zombie Santa Claus
That’s an awesome post, Krista.
Zombie Santa Claus
That’s an awesome post, Krista.
Sadly, yes.
I agree with you 110% (new math) but I’m relieved to note the guy who leaps around screaming “No faaaaaair! I wanna sodomize a nun tooooo!” is not Superman. He is a guy who is scarcely more powerful than a bag of Cheetos. The only thing he can leap in a single bound is a shoe. The only time he’s faster than a speeding bullet is … you get the idea.
These guys aren’t “good guys,” they never will be “good guys” (they’ll never be “bad guys” either – too much work), but their idea of a “good guy” is the character from a severely over-hyped TV show which shall remain un-named.
It should be reported!! The headline should be:
“America and Al-Qaeda share something in common…torture.”
Fixed for the disturbing truth.
Kris…wow. Just wow. You outdid yerself this time. Not a “wife”, or a “whore”, but a nun. I’d install a lighting rod on your house, car, and place of biz-nazz if I were you.
Blue Neponset
It is good to see cat blogging back at B-J, but where are the pics?
Krista, fabulous post.
Otto Man
Newsbusters is right — the media never reports on the bad things terrorists do.
How do we know Superman doesn’t sodomize nuns, and it just sin’t reported by terror-loving DC comics?
Why don’t we ever hear about all the superheroes who don’t sodomize nuns?
I’ll bet that if the President sodomized a nun, the left-leaning media would be out in front of reporting that, even though it suppressed the fact that the Clenis engaged in consensual sexual activity with an intern.
Demi- Wow! How to respond? First, I love how sodomizing a nun is, to you, the equivalent to consensual sex with a young woman. Second, the fact that every person in the world knows about Clinton and Monica must have obscured for me that fact that this information was suppressed.
Dear God. Posts like these make me nostalgic for literacy exams for voting.
My biggest complaint about the 90s was a lack of Clenis coverage.
demimondian, you have just reduced the “well, they do it and get away with it, so why can’t we?” argument to its reductio ad absurdum. That’s Latin for “the point at which an argument vanishes up its own a–h—.”
I doubt that either Bush or Clinton ever sodomized a nun. But one of Bush’s prominent cabinet members did once refer to him as “my husband.” Now, if a female cabinet member during the Clinton presidency had made a Freudian slip like that, how many years and millions of dollars do you think Ken Starr and Richard Mellon Scaife would have spent relentlessly pursuing it in the hopes of turning up something, anything, that might constitute an impeachable offense?
In Bush’s case, the impeachable offenses are all out there in broad daylight and no one has even made a serious effort to do anything about them yet.
Depends if he uses a cigar or not…
The MSM really should get on the superman getting scratched while sodomizing a terrorist nun in a box of shit story. That story has FoxNewz and CNN all over it. Oh and did you hear? Al Gore paid $400 to have his head shaved.
UNLESS they actually report what the terrorists do, and then they’re guilty of showing only tha bad news.
Frickin’ goalposts must be moving at about 300 mph right about now…
OT–That sound you just heard was Krista wailing incoherently in utter disbelief…
OK, so, Kevin and Susan do realize that demimondian was, in fact, spoofing, right? As in, parodying wingnuts and apologists for Bush, but not actually trying to engage in it himself?
John and Tim, maybe you guys should have some kind of a FAQ or a post stickied at the top of the page or something. If someone still gets duped because they ignore the link or warning, I figure they’re asking for it, but the potential (certainty) of occasional (frequent) confusion seems a little unfair.
I’d rather have a Clenis in the WH any day than this Plenis (Plenary Powers President).
Otto Man
Glad to see I’m not the only one who got that. For a panicked second there, I thought sarcasm had died.
Has anyone ever considered that nuns might actually want to be sodomized?
Gonna burn for that one…
I think that Kevin was spoofing himself…after all, would someone who fell for my parody actually *seriously* want to require literacy tests for voting? (Although the image of using _A Modest Proposal_ as a literacy test holds a certain charm.)
LOL. I’ll jump on the Krista ditto wagon and give my first PoTD…Well done.
Even though I think a true family values card carrying 28%er Superman would fly past the nun to go for the priest.
I hope you’re right, Cyrus. I’m new to this site. It’s just that with blogs like Free Republic and LGF, as well as commenters to salon and even WaPo, it’s hard to separate parody from real viewpoints.
OKOK… I screwed up. I admit it. You have to admit, though, you’ve heard crazier things from real wing-nuts. I’m out of my league, and will bow out gracefully.
Well, I wrote it and erased it a few times…originally, a whiffle-ball bat was involved. And frankly, with some of the nuns I’ve known, they’d come out on top of any fight with anybody. Evidently, being a Bride of Christ gives you eyes in the back of your head, and reflexes fast enough to thwack the knuckles of not just the passer of the note in class, but its recipient to. At the same time. They’re like freakin’ Neo in a habit.
Actually, I’m not all that perturbed. If they had cancelled it unceremoniously, with absolutely no resolution to the story, I’d be ragingly pissed. (They did that with Jericho, and my boyfriend has vowed to never grant his interest to a serial drama ever again.) I’d rather it be a short-lived, but really awesome series with tight storytelling, then a meandering, jump-the-shark, let’s-see-how-long-we-can-keep-this-going, mess. He’s got 22 episodes and a good amount of stuff to resolve, so we should see some really awesome episodes, with no filler.
This guy with the same real name as me has trouble seperating spoof from reality. I think I just noticed about a dozen regulars here perk up and drool with anticipation.
This promises to be fun.
Oh, indeed, I have.
Welcome, Kevin, and don’t bow out. Nobody here is quite what we appear — I, after all, am a middle-aged American posting as a 19th century Parisian whore — but I think you’ll eventually figure out what we really are…
Kevin, don’t be ashamed. Every single one of us has been taken in by a spoof at one point. ThymeZone could testify to that, as one particular master spoofer has fooled him at least 3 times that I know of. Consider it a rite of passage. And please do stick around — we’re all a little weird, and as you can see, many of us have absolutely no sense of decency, but we’re a pretty fun bunch.
I don’t drool. It’s unseemly.
Thanks, guys. That’s very kind. I feel the past six years have kind of blurred the lines between parody and reality. The administration is exposed having secret prisons, and the organization that published it is denounced for treason by ‘respected’ pundits. A presidential debate for the party of Lincoln degenerates into a competition to see who loves torture more. These same candidates are asked if the President has the power to detain citizens without process, and the most measured response is ‘I’ll have to get back to you’. Hell, the very subject that started this thread would have seemed like parody not too long ago. Another day, another chance at cognitive dissonance.
This sounds pretty hot. Pizza party at my place?
Rome Again
Yeah, I’ll admit, I was one of them.
Sorry, had to get it out. The fact that they have sucked this president’s “Commander Guy” for the past 6 years and are only getting pissed off now that he’s telling them to shut up and swallow is just mind boggling…
I’ll go, but only if you invite some nuns…
God damnit! Who let Mark Foley back on the internetz?!
You just can’t make this shit up (via Andrew Sullivan):
Rome Again
I wonder if they play “Hi, I lie” too?
My point exactly, Dreggas.
Also, didn’t Peggy Noonan kille parody with her divinely inspired dolphins? Or her John Wayne column? Sorry to go off-track. She just kind of fascinates me. Everything she writes screams, “Help me! I need to get laid!”
Rome Again
Agreed… wholeheartedly.
Oh yes, he got me at least 6-8 times over a period of time. And if he had really applied himself he could have done it 6-8 more times. I fall for his act hook line and sinker. I used to say that he netted me so often, he put a band around my leg so that he could keep track of the captures.
I admire the art of spoofing, but I am really terrible at it. I can do a persona, which is what TZ is, but my personas have to have my own real opinions or else I cant write them worth a damn. Writing right-wing stuff just makes me want to pull my fingernails out with a pair of pliers.
Welcome to the New and Not-so-improved republican party. This is, of course, what happens when you allow only the base of the party to pick the party’s candidate. But no need to lecture, it’s pretty common knowledge and has all been said before. Welcome to Balloon Juice Kevin. We’re all crazy but don’t hold it against us.
Those days are gone. It’s now the party of Bush. Seed pods for an Idiocracy.
She is one of the architects of the Myth of Ronald Reagan. She wrote the script pages. They’d show him where his mark was and he’d do the lines, just like in those B-movies he made when younger, and do them real fine.
But …. she apparently believed that the character they created was real. That’s why she’s a fucking lunatic.
I’d describe the evolution of my attitude as passing through four stages: disbelief, outrage, resignation, and finally automatic snark. The past six years have enabled me, on reading a headline in the news, to pass through all four stages in less than a second. I don’t brag about my abilities, of course, because with practice anyone can do it.
Thanks for the welcome. You had me at drooling, sodomy & pizza.
My favorite Peggy Noonan quote:
“Is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to speculate”
I love that. It’s indistinguishable from spoof. That’s pure, just liquid.
You will fit in here perfectly…
Wow. That’s an irresitable threesome if I ever saw one.
The pizza finish is just gold. Next to smoking a big cigar during sex, I don’t think it can get any better.
It depends on where the cigar is. Aka, where’s that Peggy quote from? It’s priceless!
Oh, great. You guys are fun. Yet another reason to waste my life behind a keyboard. Oh well. I guess I’ll have to cut back on my ‘Hot or Not’ time.
By the way — Susan, we’re waiting for you to chime in here, too. Although nun of us has a sense of humor, it’s still not a bad place to hang out.
Rome Again
Yeah, me too, your fingernails, I mean… ;)
You know I’m j/k, right?
Don’t worry to much. I’m sure he really wants it, just like the nun did.
I think Kevin is just DougJ spoofing an eager, agreeable BJ commenter, who will eventually turn into a Broderite moderate, raving Islamophobic gun-nut, and/or far left Nader supporter.
Rome Again
That’s dangerous, smoking in bed is very, very bad.
The only thing that should be smoking is your ass!
I crave pain. Ergo, our acquaintance.
A kindred spirit…it’s like he’s always been here, isn’t it?
Rome Again
Okay, just who in the hell are you referencing here?
I forget where she said it. Perhaps Hardball?
Only if you inhale.
Besides, who said sex can only be had in bed?
Anywhere I can light up is a good place.
actually- a Broderite Nader supporter. There aren’t a lot of us, you know.
Oh, snap!
Point to TZ.
Rome Again
I have it on good authority that your master doesn’t. Heel, TZ, Heel!
My kind of woman….
{ wags tail }
“….just makes me want to pull my fingernails out with a pair of pliers.”
I’d like to see that on YouTube.
Sorry, really. But when someone tees one up like that, I have to take the shot.
You’d do the same thing.
During sex, I appreciate how a womans back can steadily support an ashtray…
{holds up hand for high five}
Rome Again
There’s only one problem with that TZ, you don’t smoke, and I do!
ashtray hell! it can support my chips and beer while I watch the game!
You know, anybody reading this casually would think you guys are a bunch of misogynistic assholes.
Fortunately, those of us who know you well, know that you’re not really misogynistic.
Oh man, total point on that one!
Rome Again
{ blushes }
Oh, oops! Okay, then you can put the ashtray on my left shoulder. I move slowly enough that it should be okay there long enough for you to finish your El Presidente.
Therein lies one of my faults. I rarely see the big picture…
No, the irresponsible quote was for a WSJ Editorial (meaning she had time to think about it — it wasn’t an off the cuff observation). See here.
Rome Again
Tell ya what, I’ll smoke YOUR cigar instead. ;)
{ thud }
Tax Analyst
Krista – What Punchy, Jake, ThymeZone, Zifnab, Zombie S. Claus, tBone and many others said. Fantastic! Dare I say “Super” post?
Rome Again
Would you like the quoted flights department? ;)
Rome Again
Yes, Krista, I should have said this earlier, but that was a banner moment! You can never get enough kudos for that!
Ok, now this thread is just gross.
Tax Analyst
And an extra 100 bucks to sodomize a nun at the same time. Part of the deal was she had to chastize him during the act for spending $400 on the head shave while the Polar Ice Caps are melting.
…but I heard all the money went to charity
Ditto what Rome said that was a supreme post Krista. That post rocked like nothing has rocked before thus speaketh Senor butthead.
Rome Again
Perhaps but damn is it fun!
Indeed. Krista, that was an awesome post.
Tax Analyst
I saw that, too…it’s seriously NOT A GOOD SIGN in your Commander-in-Chief. It’s also an indication that the Republican Party does not do a very good job of vetting candidates for the Highest Office in the Land. Dubyah SAID he had “Integrity” and that appeared to be good enough…and Demented Dick vetted himself for VP. But don’t worry, Fred Thompson is gonna ride to the rescue…he held office once or twice and he LOOKS “Presidential” (White, Male, Old) and + he’s been on Tellabizzion and did a bang-up job of playing an Authority Figure.
Rome Again
Ronald Reagan, Fred Grandy, Sonny Bono, Arnold Schwarzeneggar: need we say more?
Isn’t speculating something a gynocologist does?
Great. The thought of Noonan getting a little afternoon delight.
Pass the bleach and wire wool, please. I need to scrub my mental palate.
Rome Again
No, that’s called speculumating!
Mission accomplished!
Good job, everyone!
Pizza at 11:30.
Afternoon delight? You mean the song wasn’t about a picnic?
Yeah Fred Thompson has as much a shot of being president as Tommy Thompson. Of course come primary time these fucktards will shoot themselves in the foot seeing how the base will be the ones who mainly vote in the primary and will nominate the one best able to breathe through their mouth.
Paul L.
More It isn’t news from newsbusters
B-I-A-S: Media Largely Ignore Spelling Bee Champ’s Homeschooled Status
It isn’t news because everyone knows the public schools are an incompetent monopoly and homeschoolers win spelling bees , you fucking simpletons.
Huzzah! I’ll give my slice to Rome Again, though. I have a fancy dress to wear in July, so I have to watch my girlish figure.
Would he do it dressed as Superman or Clark Kent?
No girls allowed!
LeBron says, “Who the fuck cares about the spelling bee when I’m throwing down!??!”
My dreams are shattered.
Hush now. The boys are trying to have a conversation. Why don’t you go fetch some drinks for us, dear? That’s a good girl.
Demimondian: Ooops, sorry. I can usually spot a parody poster, but I guess I was a half a pint low on caffeine this morning. Still, you’ve got to admit you didn’t have to stretch the normal wing-nut rhetoric very far, did you? A year or so ago, Republicans were wailing in unison that it was so unfair to blame Bush for anything when Clinton got away with getting an extramarital b.j.
Rome Again
Awww, thanks, but I’m trying to lose weight myself. I appreciate it though. Besides, I haven’t figured out maf54’s secret “boys only” door knock. Well, if he wants to only play with boys, that’s his prerogative, I guess. I won’t go where I’m not wanted.
P.S.: And by the way, my rhetorical question still stands. If a female member of the Clinton cabinet had accidentally referred to the POTUS as “my husband,” what kind of a ruckus do you think might have ensued?
Well, between that and tBone’s comment, I’m with you. Let them have their pizza and their testosterone. You and I can go out for margaritas.
It depends on if the cabinet member in question was also involved in a lesbian affair with Hillary and/or the murder of Vince Foster.
Rome Again
The kind that would obviously point to an alarming double standard within the Republican noise machine? Just a guess!
P.P.S: In the immortal words of Rudyard Kipling, “A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke!”
Rome Again
Sounds good, let’s do it. ;)
I was expecting a scathing comeback (possibly involving nuns who sodomize) for that one. What’s this kinder, gentler crap? :)
Rome Again
How are his math skills since he has all that unstructured time to practice for a spelling competition? I understand a mathmetician is needed in the White House but quick!
Rome Again
“We don’t want any”… oops, stop, rephrase that… “you don’t get nun”.
Fruitbat Jones
Can I just sodomize the pizza and eat a drooling nun?
CS Lewis Jr.
And whining about what the bad guys are “allowed” to do just makes the rest of the world go, “Um dude…are you actually jealous of a terrorist organization?”
Well, duh. Of course they are. Hasn’t that been obvious? They’re fascists. Textbook corporate-authoritarian antidemocratic racist thugs. The pictures from Abu Ghriab gave them wood. They have “I Love Gitmo” T-shirts. Their Dear Leader rules by fear and fiat. Just as with the Soviet Union, it’s not the methods they have a problem with, just the specifics of the Enemy’s ideology. The methods they like just fine. They’re scum.
Rome Again
God, I’m glad I wasn’t allowed into that pizza party now!
Just read Peggy Noonan’s column “Savor”
Tax Analyst
You mean those strings on the Pizza WEREN’T Cheese???
Well, on that note I gotta go…my “work” day, such as it is on June 1st, seems to be over…lol…boy, I love this job in the Summer time.
It is a technique known as “Lulling you into a false sense of security and then WHACK!”
In the words of the immortal Ren Hoek: I’m gooeeng to be seeeck!
I did, and found this quote from GWB there, on the occasion of winning the 2004 election:
All I can say is, WHAT.THE.FUCK?
I remember him saying this…I gave the television the middle finger.
Rome Again
Hmmm, that’s funny, so did I.
My source of scathing comments is time-locked. It only happens to be available twice a day, at random times. If I’m here, you benefit from it. If not, then the poor boyfriend gets more than his fair share.
“Al-Qaeda’s crimes are a thousand-fold more brutal than anything done by any derelict U.S. soldier.”
Well, Al-Qaeda’s horrible, agreed. But then a group of soldiers killed an entire family to cover up their rape of a 14-year-old girl. And the Marine squad that is accused of murdering 24 civilians in cold blood. The difference is, in America, those are considered crimes. That’s what makes us better, and that’s why we expect more of our people. We don’t use “terrorists” as the minimum standard for appropriate conduct.
So yes, AQ is much worse… but that doesn’t absolve us of the need to hold ourselves to a higher standard, one befitting a powerful democratic nation founded on high ideals. And if you can tell me this war in Iraq and our conduct therein approaches those ideals, well, please do. I’m interested in hearing how our conduct in invading another country without provocation fits our own high ideals.
Rome Again
Well, I’m in total agreement with you, but I think those at the top of the list in American government would tell you that one of their most important ideals is expansionism, and what we did by invading without provocation fits that perfectly.
Rome Again
well, I meant, if they were under a truth syrum. They wouldn’t tell any of us that without being forced to.
Is the time-locking feature only available on certain models? Must it be factory-installed or is it available for purchase in the aftermarket?
Rome Again
I always figured demi for a hard sell, huh!
It’s factory-installed, but random within the factory. Obtaining a related model to one that has the time-lock is no guarantee that your model will have the time-lock.
It’s more of a bug than a feature.
I hope to god Obama becomes president, because that would be the biggest “Oh snap, no you didn’t say that you stupid fucked up biatch” to Peggy Noonan is the fucking history of the world.
Savor that shit, yo.
Worst. President. Ever.
When torture is outlawed, only outlaws will torture!
If us decent law-abiding citizens can’t torture, too, then the terrorists have won.
Bruce Moomaw
It’s obvious what these people are cranking up for: another attempt to defend frequent torture of Moslem detainees simply on the grounds that the Islamofascists are doing it to us.
For the record: we are all perfectly aware of the kind of slimy enemy we’re dealing with here. We knew it long before 9-11. But these numbskulls don’t KNOW we know it, and so the only reason they can come up with for our opposing frequent reciprocative torture is that we DON’T know it. The fact that torture, even in such a situation, is (A) strategically extremely counterproductive, and (B) outrageously immoral when it leads (as it inevitably will) to the frequent torture of innocent people, hasn’t occurred to them yet.
John Rohan
Wow, you’re right. Why did the media bother reporting 9/11? After all, we already knew terrorists were bad.
For that matter, I don’t want to hear about the Holocaust or the evils of slavery in the US either. Or even anything about Jim Crow laws, or Rosa Park’s seat on the bus. After all, we already know that Nazis, slave owners, and bigots are bad peopleThat’s why we don’t need to discuss it anymore, you fucking simpletons (your words)…
Look, it was NEWS. It was a new story. Not only was a torture manual found, but also 40 prisoners freed, including a boy, and there were pictures of the torture wounds on some of the victims for those who think it was all a fake.
But for some reason, it didn’t get front page coverage anywhere, while Abu Ghraib headlined the NYT 43 times. I think this story warranted at least 1/43rd of the attention of Abu Ghraib. Don’t you think?
Sure “man bites dog” warrants more coverage than “dog bites man”. But this was a case of “dog disembowels man”. The sheer brutality of it should have warranted a few mentions.
Incidentally, not everyone knows that Al-Qaeda are terrorists. Thanks to our media, most people around the world think the US is the actually the worst terrorist. Recent polls among US muslims showed that 40% don’t think Arabs conducted the 9/11 attacks. 40%!! The media plays a part in this and is complicit in this kind of ignorance.
Incidentally, I’ve served two tours in Iraq. If you want to read more, I discuss this here.
Yeah, John Rohan, too bad you missed the entire point, which was that the US SHOULD NEVER TORTURE ANYONE. EVER. I hope we can agree on that.
-looks around as the wind blows and crickets chirp in the silence- um… is anyone still here? hrmp. Some greeting for a simple lil nub like myself.
@Krista: Be careful who one emulates