The Hon. Dr. St. Rev. Bradley S. Rocket, Esq, PhD, MD declares war with an outrageous assault on common decency and taste.
This kind of crime against humanity can not be treated lightly, and must be met with an equal display of force:
Further aggression from the insurgents at Sadly, No! will be met with additional measures. If need be, I will commission this fellow to do a remake of Abba’s Dancing Queen. As you can see, I am not afraid of total war, and will go all Vanilla Ice on you.
Here is further proof of my dedication to the cause:
By now, you understand how serious I am.
*** Update ***
The terrorists are scared, and issue threats in our very own comments section:
You don’t want to go here, John. Just trust me. No wanna go :-)
I fear they underestimate my resolve.
Not only does mah head go ‘splodey… but I am actually in a position to personally contribute to the fun:
Bubblegum Tate
Oh wow, you took it to Cold as Ice. It’s like you jumped from Howitzers straight to tactical nukes.
I just pray you don’t escalate even further and go to the Average Homeboy.
Hmph. The embed didn’t work. Ah, well. Try this.
Brad R.
You don’t want to go here, John. Just trust me. No wanna go :-)
John, you are the melamine in my catfood.
How about letting us know this is not “work safe”.
Bringing up hassel whatever his name is; is NOT work safe. I got it quickly off before I was found out, so no harm done.
I post here and at Sadly,No!, so I must remain neutral like the Swiss…
Open thread?
Fort Lewis to only have 1 memorial service per month instead of one for each of the fallen
Bubblegum Tate
Ditto. But I do want to see how this turns out.
Definitely. Popcorn is on my diet menu today.
Okay, okay, good stuff. Abba’s Dancing Queen and Hasselhoff could truly be added to the “enhanced” interrogation techniques at Gitmo. That could soften them up. Then enter The Architect. Game over.
Hey, the Shatner vid that started this imbroglio doesn’t deserve the completely asymetric response (the Hasselhoff was particularly cruel). The “Has Been” album is actually quite good.
Shatner/Rollins rant FTW!
Shatner can’t compete with Nimoy, though…
I think being forced to do this during this song for hours on end would be excellent torture.
John Cole
damnit. That was my next salvo. Loose lips sink ships- don’t give the terrorists any weapons.
I think being forced to do this during this song for hours on end would be excellent torture.
I’m pretty sure posting Nimoy, violates the Geneva Conventions…
I think mentioning Nimoy toasted your WordPress install. I wasn’t able to get in here for minutes — MINUTES!
Shatner’s Has Been is pretty damn cool. His 60s stuff? Not so much.
Ned Raggett
A friend described ‘response songs’ of this type as an example of the “2nd-to-last Circle of Hell.” Accurate. Can Finland save us?
Ned Raggett
Meantime I’ve just learned about this:
Legion of Rock Stars pioneered Pure Pleasure, in which the band listens to recordings of classic rock and pop songs on 30dB noise-blocking headsets, and then plays along. Freed from the shackles of practicing, LRS focuses instead on bringing the excitement of a large stadium rock show to the intimate arenas in which it performs.
An example of instant improvement.
Otto Man
Every time these wars break out, I have but one recommendation — the zodiac songs of the tonally-challenged Harvey Sid Fischer.
Seriously, I dare you to make it all the way through the fifty seconds of “Leo.”
I thought you professor types just drank tea and wine at your faculty meetings. Who knew you guys rocked out, and with Native Americans too? Way cool.
Rome Again
I could do it, easily!
Ladies and gentlemen…the incredible talents of our former Attorney General…
Vladi G
That stuff’s too old, John. It’s like what originally started these wars. You’re fighting terrorists with spitballs!
Otto Man
You made it through the part where he sings (?) about “needing more sex than most”? Do you lack a gag reflex?
God damn. Why? Why would you post that? There are children. Why?
Rome Again
I said I could, not that I did. My ears will mend, if there’s something in it for me to endure the hardship, I might give it a shot. ;)
I just watched the Sadly, No video. I actually saw that when first aired.
Joe Jackson is a musical genius. Saw him on the Blaze of Glory tour, 5 times better than any other concert I’ve ever seen.
Bill Shatner, well, making a good career out of self deprecation. Better than Yanni, Journey, Asia, Rush, etc.
Can’t forgive the Hasselhoff, though. Well, I can, but John will have to refer to himself as “KnightRider” from now on.
Tom Hilton
Wow…you’ve discovered the missing link between the Shadows’ (or Ventures’, for those less conversant with instrumental pop) version of Apache and the Sugarhill Gang’s. Very impressive.
Tom Hilton
Also, if you want a truly unique experience, try playing both of the above at the same time.
I agree with Sal. What a great song – a full on, drop dead rocker about class struggle: Joe the Obscure in three chord irony, on the jay leno show , no less. Props to Shatner, too. I loved it
Dear god, why did I click on the link? WHYYYYYYY?
Jesus in a technicolor pantsuit, Krista, what the fuck was that? My psyche has been permanently warped.
I know, I’m going to hell for linking to this one, sorry. (It may lack the vibrant international mystique of Yatta, but it’s terrifically bad in its own right.)
Crza, there is in fact a special circle reserved for stuff like that. I’ve a strong constitution, but had to stop early on. In fact, this whole war has taken me places that, well — war is hell, people. Hell.
Make love, not links.
Okay, there is nothing out there that can top THAT.
I need to believe that.
Since watching that Yatta video, I’ve been on a totally unexpected and completely unironic endorphin rush.
Posting Yatta is just cruel and unusual punishment…
grumpy realist
Is posting clips of Olivia Newton-John singing from “Xanadu” considered escalation or de-escalation?
Oh, and then there’s Connie Chung draping herself over the piano singing torch songs. That one’s DEFINITELY gotta fall under the Geneva treaty….
John shouldn’t throw stones. Here’s him at his best Northern Soul:
You asked for it…
Or, to truly fight to the pain…
Steve and Bill’s Excellent Adventure
mmrobi, it wasn’t me, it was Dave! I just made the horrible mistake of blockquoting the link, and you were the innocent victim.
Ok, you losers…
I give you Rhapsody of Fire!
homoerotic Turkish Eurovision music??
The Other Steve
You made me do it
The Other Steve
The Green IPod?
The Other Steve
Death By Dachshund!
Infinitely superior Bill Gates
This is pulling back from the brink a bit.
Eurovision is almost unfair. It’s like a fucking .44 magnum in response to a snide comment.
That said, eat it Sadly, No!
Ned R.
I have only just recovered from the Yatta flashback.
Yes, I take credit (blame?) for Yatta. That stupid song has been stuck in my head for waaaaaay to long. But it has the potential to sink even the cruelest postings.
In my defense, well I have no defense. I like S,N but figured John Cole might need to break out the big guns, and that is the biggest gun in my arsenal.
Dude! Celine? Why not just drop a few nukes and then sprinkle small pox on the survivors? Actually, that would be much kinder.
Ned R.
“What are you doing, Ugly Bob?”
“I’m doing Celine Dion, what does it look like?”
[evil overlord laugh]
Today’s generation have immunized themselves against most of that 70s stuff. You gotta hit them with something that speaks their…um…language.
Hm. Link didn’t come through. Let’s try this…
Jon H
That Shatner vid was pretty cool, what with featuring Ben Folds and Joe Jackson.
It’s good to see Joe Jackson rocking like the old days of “Got the Time” and “I’m the Man”.
Fruitbat has clearly read the Art of War…
Near as I can tell, Cole acted totally out of scale on this one. The Shat vid has lots of redeeming characteristics and is actually pretty good but to retaliate with Apache and The Hoff? Out of line.
Otto Man
You know what happiness is to John? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Fruitbat, be warned. We here in the demi-bunker rule out no options in the defense of our eyes and sanity. If you do not reconsider your current inanity reprocessing strategy, we do not rule out going all postmodern Eurotrash metal hair music on your ass.
Be warned.
Rome Again
I’d rethink that strategy if I were you, Fruitbat. Demi sounds serious.
Demi, no matter how trashy your Euro may be, I fear it not. For I have seen the dark side of today’s musicks and come out the other side. Whatever detritus I present here is out of the goodness of my heart.
The well is bottomless.
Oh, Fruitbat, Fruitbat. You were warned.
Ph33r my deep well of corrvpshun!
Demi, what kind of Newgrounds, Lemon Demon-wannabe crap was that supposed to be? You wanna bring it, you better come with something harder than a technerd armed with a stutter camera and a book of Mad Libs.
Here’s some shrapnel back at your face. Pay special attention to the stealthy, pantherlike way the singer stalks the stage. The unorthodox interpretation of the keyboards. The…um…guitar solo.
You watched it. You can’t un-watch it.
OK, F.B. OK. You just asked for it.
Notice the remarkable garb on the lead singer. Notice the beards. Notice that the fact that you can’t udnerstand the words doesn’t make the song any less bad.
Meh. That’s run-of-the-mill death metal. Just happens to be in another language. Nothing your average dissatisfied South Dakotan teenager wouldn’t have in his collection to piss off his parents.
No, if you want to make the demons clear their throats and check their watches in embarrassment, you have to show them something truly ludicrous bandied about in their name.
You’ll ask yourself “when does this become music?”
F.B. — be warned. We retain an arsenal containing “music” from _The Place of Skulls_.
At this point, I wonder, though, if you and I should join forces against a Greater Enemy, and march together upon the infidels at Sadly, No!
For what it’s worth, the Apache guy Tommy Seebach was the real Eurovision schlager pop-thingy deal in Denmark.
He participated in the Danish qualification contest 8 times and won it 3 times.
Links for the winning songs here:
1979 – Disco Tango
He died in march 2003. You be the judge if any of the above qualify for a massive retaliation strike against Sadly No!.
Better this time … and boy! do I miss the old days of the Eurovision Song Contest.
Perry Como
D&D Rock
If I wasn’t neutral like the Swiss, I would post this…
It is very distressing to see that the loyalists here have given themselves over to infighting whilst the legions of Sadly, No! root their patron on to even more glorious salvos.
Demi and Fruitbat, why do you hate Balloon Juice?
I hate Balloon Juice because Balloon Juice hates America. Isn’t it obvious?
Hey, I never said these couldn’t be outsourced as projectiles against the Sadly, No! Infidels. By all means, relay them. Right in their faces.
Here are a couple more gems. First, something truly diabolical…from the Diabolical one himself.
And the winner of the Least Successful Remarketing of a former Sex Symbol and Batman Villainess award…