We now have political commissars who oversee every corner of domestic and foreign policy.
News flash! Exclusive footage from a briefing by Rove apprentice Sara Taylor:
by Tim F| 93 Comments
This post is in: Republican Crime Syndicate - aka the Bush Admin.
We now have political commissars who oversee every corner of domestic and foreign policy.
News flash! Exclusive footage from a briefing by Rove apprentice Sara Taylor:
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Wait… are they talking about American Newspapers? No fucking wonder Murdock wants to get his talons into the WSJ. Apparently, financial analysis is the only institution left that demands honest to god accuracy from its beat reporters.
Why this wasn’t pitched directly to FOX is beyond me, but I guess they wanted to reach a slightly different audience.
Important? Yes. But will it matter to WoW players? Unlikely. And we all know that that’s what really matters.
This, on the other hand, might actually get their attention.
But how else are they supposed to catapult the propoganda? Christ in a Radio Flyer wagon, I used to make jokes about people having to kiss photos of the President, now … it ain’t so funny.
But is any wonder that various agencies are filling up with Regents grads and headed by people whose sole qualification is they’re a pal o’ the Pres? Career bureaucrats wouldn’t put up with that crap. They leave, the vacancies are filled by people who can recite the entire first chapter of Genesis. The fun starts when they are faced with a crisis that requires a bit more of a response than prayer a photogenic smile and a sound bite-sized response.
The next president is going to need a big truck of cleaning supplies to clear up the big steaming mess this Administration will leave behind.
And Bush’s folks wailed when Clinton’s team took all of the W’s off the WH keyboards. Oh yeah, what vandals.
Well, you can only write so much about Middle East reconstruction at a 5th grade reading level.
re: teh video
Do you mean to say that you don’t worship Bush that way?
The Other Steve
Question for John Cole.
Are we allowed to call him Dear Leader? Or is that ban still in effect?
Just curious when we’ll start seeing pictures and statues of Dear Leader in the streets like they did with Lenin and Saddam.
Ryan S.
I don’t know which is worse the fact they could only get a cardboard cut out of Bush, or the fact that those kids will grow-up thinking that he is the Beeost Presdent EVAAA!!1!
Tim F.
Perhaps I shouldn’t say this but I’m pretty sure if there still were, I’d be banned.
[Chortle] Sorry, the thought of what would happen to such memorials in these parts is rather amusing. Or it would be if I approved of the destruction of property, no matter how gut-churningly disgusting and un-American. But I don’t.
So … Uh. Yeah.
Billy K
Stop spreading urban legends. It never happened.
I think the woman meant to say “He has surrounded himself with spirits-filled people.” That would explain a lot.
I’m guessing whiskey, cuz vodka is a commie drink and tequila is what their gardeners and housekeepers drink.
She’s a lookah!
Yes but according to Cassidy it will be the Democrats who bring us the commissars and socialist dictatorships!
The Other Steve
I welcome our Dear Leader overlords.
The Other Steve
It’s people like you who make Cassidy hate America.
Really? Crap. I thought that was hilarious.
Given the oppurtunity, I have no doubts you would. Differing opinions be damned! Either everyone thinks alike or walks into Rome-Again’s “Gas Chamber of Comapssion”.
Maybe in your black and white view of the world perhaps. But again thanks for your “concern”.
Bubblegum Tate
Has somebody compiled a master list of government officials who were either forced out due to partisan politics or simply resigned because they couldn’t deal with the partisan bullshit anymore during the Bush administration? That’d be an interesting–and very, very long–list.
The Other Steve
Beware the Gas Chamber of Comapssion!
I don’t know what’s funnier: the irony, or your lack of seeing it.
Tim F.
On the one hand you have a group who might become something horrible, but only if you cheery pick the very worst few examples and extrapolate their mentality to its most farflung logical extreme. I could use the same extrapolate-to-infinity technique to spread fear about the Amish.
On the other hand, you have what the group presently running the country actually did.
I have to say that the two hands look exactly the same to me.
I’ve allready said that before. what else do you want?
Far left…far right…same thing wearing different sheep.
And the irony is lost on me?
To push that even further, history has proven time and again, that the human animal, whatever the individual beleifs of the circumstances are, will continually push the boundaries of the power they are given. So, no, it isn’t a large logical leap to draw the conclusion that far left liberals are just as dangerous to this country as far right conservatives. In the end it’s dogma that runs the show, not sound policy based on reason.
And again who’s running the country? Must be nice living in a world where things are so simple.
Also for the record I remember these same dire predictions being made with regard to Clinton…and you voted for him?
I was more naively liberal in my youth. I’ve allready said that. Fortunately, I grew up and began putting away childish things.
Ah, the spooftacular continues:
Cassidy, we are not animals, we are beings made in God’s image. Do you not understand that? Cassidy, why do you hate the baby Jesus?
Excuses are like assholes everyone has one. Now can you give a real straight answer or are you going to once again go ADD and say “Oh Look Cows!”?
Oh and just in case anyone is interested the dollar just sank below the value of a canadian dollar. Think about that we’re worth less than a “loonie” but I guess that’s the fault of the Liberals too…
Tim F.
Nothing at all. But you’re a funny guy to talk about missing the irony in things.
Chad N. Freude
Except for the comments you post.
Oh, wait! You’ve only begun.
Rome Again
WTF? I haven’t even posted on this thread before now. I haven’t posted on any thread here today at all. You’re waaaaaay out of line Cassidy, and even though you get paid to kill people, I would never want to see even you in a gas chamber. Fuck off asshole. You’re not worth my time.
It strikes me as though the Peace Corps would be strongly liberal by nature. Call me crazy, but I see a bunch of tree huggers and dirt munchers volunteering to go to the Ivory Coast long before Johnny McMBA and his cargos signs up to teach Sri Lankans how to do long division.
As such, just how receptive could these chumps have been? I’m guessing that musta been one hell of a hostile audience, no?
Ryan S.
For anyone who wants to know its official. The Canadian Dollar is now stronger than the US. Long live the Cannucks. Be sure to thank the Repubs for me.
You forget, this is a different peace corps. It’s the Bush Peace Corps which means Peace through War Corps which means they are chopping down trees not hugging them.
Ryan S.
Oops forgot the link.
Ryan S:
Yeah, we’re worth less than the loonie now…
Thread, meet Darrell. Darrell, meet the thread.
You folks enjoy yourselves and try not to put any eyes out.
Well with that eye for an eye mentality…
*Jaw hits pavement. Single tear rolls down cheek.*
This is it. This is the beginning of the end of American civilization. I, for one, embrace our Canadian Overlords.
We will know the Republicans have finished their work when the dollar drops under the peso.
The Other Steve
When you think Republican, don’t think Johnny McMBA. Think Susie Sweetheart PETA loving, abortion hating, bleeding heart evangelical.
Then you will understand the modern Republican party. Don’t let old stereotypes confuse.
Alright slaves, who’s going to buff my shoes for a Canadian Dollar?
Actually, we aren’t there yet. The Globe and Mail is reporting the loonie at .9666 USD. Even that is pretty shocking, though. But Dow Jones is high, so I guess your economy is still A-OK, if you’re an oil billionaire.
canuckistani Says:
Eh? I don’t know Eh.
But hey the beer is at least better than our domestic.
Bubblegum Tate
Ah, dammit. I knew all those Canada jokes would come back to haunt me.
Let me qualify this by saying that Sam Adams is one of our better beers and that Sierra Nevada is alright, however Moosehead and/or Molson are still my preferred until around Oktober Fest when I much prefer a good import straight from Deutchland.
What’s this all aboot, then?
Guess its time to sharpen up the ice skates, check the intertubes for a good poutin recipe, and sit down for a marathon session of Strange Brew, repeated over and over to pick up on the Canadian lingo.
John Cole
I don’t know what you all are worried about. If you didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about.
Well, do you mean “wrong” as in, “I’ve run a red light”; or “wrong” as in, “I’ve eaten a baby, and without ketchup to boot”?
I’m close to one end of that spectrum and I’d like a little clarity…
I’m betting he was referring to this:
This is from 2005, but I think I can find another.
Two more, actually.
depends on what you used instead of ketchup. curds and gravy? i’ll vote for you.
LOL. That ranks up top with Iron Fist of Freedom. LOL
Gee, I wish I’d voted for this fuckin’ shit.
Weird. From everything I’ve been reading, it came close to breaking the $0.97 mark, but still hasn’t reached parity. Where were you guys reading this?
Uh-huh. I just bet you do, tiger. ;)
Cheer up, guys, it’s not that bad. You’ll get universal healthcare, good beer, and all the maple syrup you can chug. (The two latter proving the need for the former, obviously…)
Tax Analyst
Oh, if only a mob of dissenting small children had stormed the podium, ensnared that craven cardboard image of Dear Leader in leveraged strings and pulled it down to the ground, a la the statue of Saddam Hussein being trashed in Baghdad way back in ’03, then maybe do a little victory dance all over that smirky cardboard face.
John S.
Try any online currency exchange:
Tax Analyst
And hey, don’t forget Hockey…OH…wait…we already HAVE Hockey…Stanley Cup hasn’t been possessed North of the Border in what, something like 13 years now?
We really should give SOMETHING back to our good neighbors of the North…we could send you a rather tarnished and used POTUS/VPOTUS set…the POTUS isn’t much good for anything, but it’s brain is practically new – hardly ever been used. Just remember not to set them on anything you care about. We made that mistake here and now we have this ugly stain on our Nation that’s going to be really hard to remove. And I sure hope we can piece together what’s left of our Constitution, as it is now it’s hardly recognizable anymore.
John S.
That is to say Krista, you are correct as far as I can tell – if I didn’t make that clear.
Let the record show that Tax Analyst advocates launching Wankers of Mass Destruction at Canada.
Yeah, no thanks. We already have your POTUS’s mini-me.
The Other Steve
Living in Minnesota, I frequently end up with Canadian quarters and dimes and such as change.
I’m glad this shit is finally worth something. I sure doesn’t work in the vending machine, and even the bank won’t take it.
Excuse the following Canadian expat rant…
This is why the Canadian left is irrelevant and mired low in the polls- they are fucking delusional. I really have to attribute this level of dementia, comparing Steven Harper (who has his flaws, of course) with GEORGE FUCKING BUSH, to a kind of jealousy directed at the American left for having such a clearly righteous cause in hating Bush and the war in Iraq. The Canadian left wishes they were that relevant, and tries to paint the war in Afghanistan as “just like Iraq”, and Harper as “just like Bush”. You know, so they can jump on the antiwar bandwagon and be cool.
He’s not perfect. He’s beatable. But as long as you are clearly out of your fucking minds in both policy and rhetoric, he’ll stay at 40% and you’ll never win.
I mean, comparing him to Bush? God, that’s pathetic.
I just watched that video and in the middle of talking that lady starts yammering in some weird language? What the hell is it?
Since Stephen Harper isn’t doing anything to win the war in Afghanistan while telling us it’s a very important mission. Yeah, I’d say he’s full of shit as much as Bush. He just didn’t have the chance to make as much damage because he’s in a minority position.
Since Stephen Harper isn’t doing anything to win the war in Afghanistan while telling us it’s a very important mission. Yeah, I’d say he’s full of shit as much as Bush. He just didn’t have the chance to make as much damage because he’s in a minority position.
Shorter Cassidy: “Bu-but Liberals are evil too!”
On one side you have sanity.
On the other side you have Cassidy and his mythical center that believes reality must work like a movie where everything is black or white and only reaonsonable Broders know what to do.
Victory is only another FU away.
Tongues. Another stupid innovation brought to you by the folks who dreamed up the rapture, not to mention asserting that Christmas trees and the Easter bunny are non-pagan symbols. Sounds like polynesian to me.
“Mele kalikimaka is the thing to say…”
That’s just ridiculous.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Friedman Unit or fuck up? Or are they interchangeable?
This is the postmodern age. The reader applies meaning as the reader sees fit.
No, no, no, and no. Let’s NOT go there again. Let’s all hope and PRAY TZ doesn’t read this thread. Please dear God let’s hope TZ is sleeping one off….
Quick! Someone mention The Wire!
The Other Steve
It’s certainly not Klingon.
I’d have a lot more respect for her if she was speaking Klingon.
This is off topic but I can’t stop being amused by this. KJR from National Review, showing her deep understanding of life in the Big Easy gets depressed because she discovers that there are strip clubs there.
“New Orleans has a lot of issues. Larry Flynt[‘s Hustler clubs] doesn’t help them.”
Yeah, because tourists visiting New Orleans really wish that Bourbon Street would finally be cleaned up all all of the porn and booze. Maybe there could be giant Disney billboards blocking all of the strip clubs like she suggested for New York City (hoping Vitter would spearhead the movement).
Why bother spoofing when people write real posts like that?
1. If your usual response to a tongue-in-cheek comment is to blow your gasket and start swearing at people, then you might want to go see you doctor. Evidently your meds need adjusting.
2. I’m not particularly pleased with your attitude that because your president is a complete fuckwit, I’m not allowed to make a peep about my own Prime Minister’s asshat-ish tendencies. He is very right-wing, very pro-war, arrogant as hell, and has broken every promise that he has made to any group or province who he feels are irrelevant to his political success. You telling me that I can’t complain about Harper because Bush is worse is not much better than those in your country who want to stifle criticism of Bush by saying that Saddam was worse.
3. To say that the left in this country is irrelevant and mired low in the polls is really quite laughable. Yes, the current Liberal leader is more of a case of “Stephane who?”, but you are forgetting that traditionally, this is a liberal country. The vast majority of our Prime Ministers throughout our country have been of the Liberal party. Our political left may currently not have much power, but our societal left wields a lot more power than you think.
“On one side you have sanity.”
On the other you have – Hannity?
I don’t drink. Talk to the guy who does, who then posts about his cat’s bowel movements, lets Darrell poop on the blog for three years, and says we dasn’t call each other “trolls”. Maybe it’s him you were worried about?
He drinks martinis and Hola Fruta. I’m not sure that qualifies as “drinking”, where I’m from.
Where are you from? Margaritaville?
Here’s a problem: if Rove was trying to perpetuate his Permanent Republican Majority, then why would he be blaming 2006…on “corrupt GOP?” Not only that, but his talks also concentrate on spreading the Bush Message, not the GOP Platform. Know what I mean?
What I think has kept modern, post-FDR, administrations from completely politicizing their offices is the fact that they know they won’t be around more than 8 years. So why go to the trouble?
If you want to make sure your policies and goals continue to be carried out, or you want to frustrate any political opponent that comes into your office after you, then politicizing the entire executive from top to bottom would work great.
But, again, these people (i.e., young, white Christians with dubious experience and education) are being placed in important positions based not just on their beliefs, but on their loyalty. To one man.
And, then they are being directed to “spread the Dear Leader’s message” to others.
Fucking creepy. Just another thing that makes me think…”Hmmmm….does this guy ever plan to leave office?”
The Other Steve
Right, and Mark Foley is going to spearhead a campaign preventing the boy scouts from having summer camp.
Peter VE
I always thought the Ten Commandments included:
“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (NIV Deuteronomy 5.8-.10)
I guess all those kids in the video, their children, and their children’s children, are f**ked.
Well, the good news is that in a world without gods, they’ll just rot in a box like everyone else, instead of being tortured for all eternity for being the children of gullible yokels. Or maybe that’s bad news, I’m never sure.
What the fudgery fuck was happening in that video?
Tim F.
Rent the film Jesus Camp. You’ll be glad that you did, in the same way that people are glad they read Camus’s The Plague.