I am very concerned about the mental well-being of Dean Barnett and Michelle Malkin. Sooner or later it is going to occur to them that commie traitor vichy French AMERIKKA hating liar Scott Beauchamp is also a member of the 9/11 generation.
That is gonna suck when that sinks in.
Bubblegum Tate
Yes, but bear in mind that you’re talking about a woman who stood in front of a bombed-out mosque, proclaimed the mosque not destroyed, and considered it a fantastic victory for her over the America-hating media. She’s like a boxer lying on the canvas after a 10 count telling her opponent, “Boy, I really kicked your ass!”
Regarding service members who joined after 9/11, Beauchamp is the exception that proves the rule. Certainly there are others.
Link intended: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Macbeth
John Cole
Yar- pretty clearly I am snarking.
Although I am not sure why Beauchamp is being lumped in with Macbeth. Other than in the mind of John Hinderaker, has anything been proven false about Beauchamp’s piece?
Sinks in? Sinks in how? The only way to get a fact into their thick skulls is with a diamond tipped drill.
And that’s assuming their entire tedious schtick isn’t an epic display of attention whoring.
Of “The 9/11 Generation,” Malkin says they are (generally) “brave, smart, dedicated, faithful, and committed to protecting our country’s best interests.” This description is the antithesis of Beauchamp and Macbeth (both of whom joined up after 9/11) and their service, though their actions are dissimilar.
Have you read that guy’s blog?
The problem, John, is twofold: if the accounts are true, he did nothing to stop them (such as go to a superior); or at least he says nothing about doing so. (Why would he? Finding out that an officer or an NCO put such cretins in check would ruin the out-of-control military theme.)
If the accounts are not true, then he’s sullied the character (not to mention damaged the morale) of his fellows. Lose-lose.
John S.
Remember John, the right-wing blogosphere is never wrong, never aplogizes and never issues a retraction.
Malkin’s site likes the word “Unhinged” doesn’t it? I think there’s at least three different titles in the right-hand bar containing the word.
Just out of curiosity, are there any “hinged” liberals she cares to make comments on?
Why are not these same people “kerning”and “cow having” this guy doing the same to one, just one even, Bush admin offical?
You forget these people are cheerleading for an administration who had people going out and telling everyone that they “make their own reality” and we just get to sit back and watch.
its sad when you are done in by your own straw man.
‘Sinks in’? That would imply the framework for intelligence, pattern-recognition, and any ability to think with their head at all. I have my doubts weither Malkin has any of those traits.
Ryan S.
My God this subject is boring me to tears… Who CARES!
As country folk, I have seen countless guys in trucks purposely swerve to try and hit dogs/cats/other animals running along the side of the road. Most missed, a couple didn’t, one in particular bothered me a shiny black truck I was following all of a sudden went to the shoulder and ran over a kitten.
So now what I need to have two eyewitnesses to verify my experience. Lunatics
Jason Eckelman
WOW. Just, wow. I just went to Malkin’s god-awful site to see for myself if her and her loathsome commenters were indeed talking shit about a member of the military currentrly serving in Iraq, and low and behold, they really were. What the f*** is it with these people? I guess it’s really just a cult of personality with them. Any criticism of Bush or his policies just flat out will not be tolerated.
I wonder if the military ever gets sick of being used as props by stateside nut-jobs who want them to be stationed in a hostile war zone for the rest of eternity…
I live in the sticks too, and fortunately, have never seen that happen. If I ever saw anybody I know doing that, my rage would know no bounds.
But… but… but… we don’t know if he’s in Iraq. He could be writing this whole story from Amsterdam over weed and hookers. We know he was making it all up because Bradley vehicles are physically incapable of running down anything smaller than a moose and there are no graveyards with dead children in Iraq that haven’t been already fully documented.
Also, army regulations clearly forbid wearing a child’s scalp below one’s helmet, so he must have been making that up too. And he got busted down to PV2 from Private First Class, from what we extrapolated off his MySpace page. The only reason he even wrote those stories was because the New Republic whored off one of their editors on him as his fiance. So, when you think about it, this is all one big sex scandal.
I wouldn’t hold your breath John. Consider this
He’s dismissed if he’s right and he’s dismissed if he’s wrong. What an easy game to play.
Why would anyone bother to talk about what’s really happening over there? There’s is a built in mechanism for right wingers to use whenever uncomfortable information begins to come near their area of consciousness. If you are face to face with a winger when info starts to circle the danger area (anywhere with earshot) you can see the mechanism work. You can actually see them searching for the correct means of dismissal for this particular piece of info floating in the room. If nothing returns in a short time the mechanism throws a default value, Clinton did it too.
Scott Beauchamp is no true Scotsman seems to be the conservative mantra, ironically enough.
Jg, the way I suspect that the Army will respond to the situation in question isn’t a “right-winger” response (regardless of your idea of how *all* right-wingers think is correct or not), but a response that stems from what I know about the *objective* laws and regulations to which all members of the US Armed Forces are subject.
If Beauchamp didn’t do what he was supposed to do–according to the oath he took when he enlisted–he’s screwed. It’s not my rule nor the right-wing’s rule, but the US Armed Forces’ rule, i.e. the UCMJ.
Neither am I. :-)
John S.
I beleive this refers to a logical fallacy. Something the blahgosphere knows all about.
John Cole asked: “Other than in the mind of John Hinderaker, has anything been proven false about Beauchamp’s piece?”
Private Beauchamp was just uncovered yesterday. If he is telling the truth in his writings, many other soldiers, when they have a moment, will corroborate him. And if he is not, those soldiers will expose him. The veracity of “Scott Thomas” will soon be evident to the fair-minded.
Will John Cole and his readers be able to look at Scott Thomas Beauchamp honestly?
Does it depend on which way the veracity issue is settled?