This topic is now becoming an obsession, but on the upside, Cindy Sheehan is not the topic. At any rate, can we please stop with the nonsense that Beauchamp’s writings put our troops in danger.
Marines at Twentynine Palms are in more danger of being hit by a drunken Lindsey Lohan or Nicole Richie than they are being attacked by jihadists fired up by Scott Beauchamp’s TNR scribblings, and Nicole Richie is going to be in jail for four days.
*** Update ***
To try to keep my word about this being my last post (which, if history is any record, means I will have 15 more posts on the topic), Blackfive cuts to the chase:
Cole, who used to be reasonable, looks like he suffers from BDS (and looks for our take on Tilman and Lynch – which are available via something called “Google” – we haven’t commented on the latest theory that he was intentionally murdered). I’m disappointed.
Ahh! So that is what this is all about. Somehow my mocking the people making a big deal out of this Beauchamp non-story are perceiving this as an attack on Bush, God, and country (all the same thing, I know), and clearly I have Bush Derangement Syndrome.
And to think that all this time I thought it was about SUPPORTING THE TROOPS.
Oh, I know this is O/T but this is just…well…you tell me
Well actually, I think it is not that far off topic.
And it’s disturbing. Do we really need the Carolinas? I’d be in favor of letting them form their own country and get the fuck rid of them. That’s not my idea of America.
Rome Again
God desecrates flags left out in hurricanes (he tears them up), does that mean he hates America too?
Equal Opportunity Cynic
Bush Derangement Syndrome: The syndrome of refusing to be among the 25% so deranged as to still support George W. Bush?
Rome Again
[Personal to TZ: Ummm, you do remember what’s in SC?]
John Cole
For my sake, I am hoping this is investigated and we learn that the couple has ties to Dan Rather, Jamil Hussein, and Scott Beauchamp, supported the MURDER of Terri Schaivo and occasionally has recreational abortions, and we can finally achieve the dizzying heights of Wingnut Nirvana.
Then we can declare victory in Iraq, bomb Iran, and Michelle Malkin can break out the cheerleader outfit (WARNING- GRAPHIC STUPIDITY).
A man can hope.
Jeebus John, can you not do the cheerleader link? I bled from my eyeballs out of sheer embarrassment for her, and I can’t even stand her.
You know, John, our President George W. Bush was a troop. Why don’t you ever support him? He even got a Purple Heart and everything, unlike that faker America-hating peacenik gook-kissing libetard Kerry.
The confederate flag on top of the state house?
actually, Asheville is a quiet little liberal college town, strongly Democratic, up in the mountains. if you’r a liberal it’s exactly what you should want for America.
if you cause a window to break onto a sheriff’s hand, you should expect trouble, no matter where you live.
canuckistani if you ever need imagery to stave off premature ejaculation it has its use.
Of course too much and not even a Niagara Falls worth of Viagra can save you.
Good Lord, is that really Michelle Malkin?
If it is, how can she really get so bent out of shape about those fake bikini pics?
Not that there’s anything wrong with cheerleaders, mind you.
At least, for once, she was being honest. Being a cheerleader for her “side” is all she really is. So is it her site that’s now harrassing Beauchamp’s wife/fiance?
A ferverent prayer:
Oh gods please, never let me be so bored and without purpose in life that I would ever, even for a second, consider reporting flag desecration to the cops. Amen.
Oh please don’t stop John, this has been amusing as hell.
yet another jeff
Like Pat Boone said in The Eyes of Tammy Faye, “they eat their own.”
His new psuedonym is Scott Thomas Beauchamalope. I’m hungry, are there any more bread and circuses left?
We’ll take our superior barbecue and leave, then. Except that no one in North Carolina wants to be associated with South Carolina, because they’re racist dicks. North Carolinians are mostly recovered racist dicks.
Shouldn’t BDS be the diagnosis for the 25% of the population who DON’T hate George Bush?
Memo to the 101st Fighting Keyboarders:
If any of the stories Beauchamp is telling are true (except the one about the burned woman) then the IRAQIS ALREADY KNOW!
It’s like the “Secret War in Laos.” The Laotions knew about it, and so did the North Vietnamese. It was only kept secret from the American people.
Ditto Bob Jones.
How deranged do you have to be to think that he’s actually a good president.
Ahh, you just knew they’d roll out their big gun…”We call BDS! So there!”
Uncle Jimbo, God bless you. You brought some comedy that has been sorely missing on sites like RedState of late.
Speaking of sites, what’s up with this one? Did Private Beauchamp run over the squirrels powering the servers?
yet another jeff
Cult Watch
10 Points to look out for in your group members
Obsession about group or the leader putting it above most other considerations.
Member’s individual identity becomes increasingly fused with the group, the leader and/or God followed by the group.Cloning of the group members or leader’s personal behaviors.
Emotional overreaction when the group or leader is criticized. Seen as evil persecution.
Belief that the group is “THE WAY” and they have a mission
Increasing dependency upon the group or leader for problem solving, explanations, definitions and analysis, and corresponding decline in real, independent thought.
Excessive hyperactivity and work for the group or leader, at the expense of private or family interests. Drifting away from family and old friends
Preparedness to blindly follow the group or leader and defend actions or statements without seeking independent verification.
Demonization of former members or members of alternative groups.
Desire to be praised for doing the right thing and fear of public rebuke
Unhealthy wish to be seen with or aligned publicly with the leader(s) of the group
Cult Leaders
5 Points to look out for in your group leader
Authoritarian approach and intolerance of questioning or criticism. Lies about and insults opponents.
Leader shows anxiety about the world, speaking of threats or conspiracies against the group.
Leader regularly accuses dissatisfied members who leave of having something wrong with them, having personality disorders or being transgressor and deserters.
Ex-members have similar stories of abuse and ill-treatment by the leader(s).
The group/leader is always right and followers never feel they can be “good enough”.
John Cole
Greenwald linked me three times. Expect shitty performance all day.
Are you claiming that your barbecue is better than Texas’?
Oh dear. I consider Texas bbq to be the perfect food. It’s the brisket, and the wood, you see.
yet another jeff
No Mesquite trees in the Carolinas. TZ is right. Nyahh.
BDS…better than Clenis Envy!
You fuckers better not get rid of North Carolina while I’m out of town or something. As cleek says, Asheville’s a nice place, and I expect most people on this blog would enjoy Chapel Hill, though perhaps for different reasons. Raleigh, where I live, is more of a mixed bag.
(I know there are some people who would not be happy if NC went away: Epic Games, Virtual Heroes, and Red Storm Entertainment are within a 15-minute drive from my office, and it would take me about two minutes to walk to Red Hat headquarters.)
Third Eye Open
from my perspective, Colorado actually has some of the best BBQ i’ve ever had. It is much more a product of the poulation movements from Texas, this influx of midwesterners (KC, for instance) and their superior sauces, and the abundance of well bred Iowan beef.
Personally I don’t like sweetend sauces–usually just a good dry rub will do it (no Vitter references please)–but this axis of yummy in the “Gateway to the Rockies” stands alone as the epitome of slow cooked dead cow.
Now if you will excuse me, I have a dry rub that needs to be turned moist.
Jeezus – The idea that AQI spends it’s time reading English language news and blogs is stupid. Anyone who believes that is dumber than a bag of hammers.
This is called “threat inflation.” Remember the “Red Menace?” No, it wasn’t a Spiderman Villain. Most of us old enough to remember when video games meant Atari remember the days when we had drills in school where we practiced hiding under our desks in anticipation of a nuclear attack by the USSR.
Back then it was an article of faith among conservatives that there were communist spies and sleeper cells everywhere. They were smart, clever, and determined to take over the world.
They had infiltrated our schools, our government, Hollywood, everything except the GOP and the John Birch Society. The conservatives even thought that flouridated water was a communist plot.
Only they weren’t nearly the threat we had been led to believe. They could barely feed their own people, and their system ultimately collapsed.
AQI is using the internet to spy on us and spread propaganda? That assumes that they have a sufficent number of operatives who are bilinqual in English and Arabic (or Farsi) to read/write and translate. They have to have a network to communicate with each other so that these intelligence/agitprop operations are coordinated.
The premise assumes that everything is controlled and managed from a cave in Pakistan. Remember those stories about the secret cave complexes in Afganistan that Osama built? The ones that were better than Dr. Evil’s secret volcano fortress? Didja ever see any pictures of one?
HOW THE FUCK IS AQI DOING ALL THIS WHEN THE ELECTRICITY IN BAGHDAD IS ONLY ON LESS THAN 2 HOURS A DAY? These guys would barely have time to check their email and delete all the spam.
I could go on, but I’m sure the wingnuts aren’t paying attention anymore.
Nothing like a good piece of meat, with some fat and flavor, and proper seasoning and good wood for fuel. Very true.
Although I am a sucker for a tangy-sweet sauce, or some slaw on the sandwich, and a cold beer.
I’m sure CO has fine cue, but I’ve eaten some stuff in little shacks in Dallas that would just make you cry.
First it won’t post, then it posts twice.
Third Eye Open
It mind boggles me how much stuff gets heaped on a crappy piece of meat, then passed off as “BBQ”. but i suppose it does take getting a really good pulled-pork sammich, on toasted cuban bread, with a Fat Tire to wash it down before someone can truly appreciate the level of posuer-ness the crap everyone else is trying to pass off as edible, really is.
Maybe next time i’m trying to get the hell out of Texas, i’ll actually stop to try the cuisine.
Don’t worry. If he linked at the end of the article, we shouldn’t really be seeing hits till tomorrow.
(Because his posts are long.)
(Seriously, they’re really long. No offense to the guy and all, I love his site, but those posts are just retarded.)
(And the Updates. My god their long. It’s just silly.)
(Ok, I’m done.)
Apex, where I live, and the scene of the giant chemical fire a few months back, is now the #14 best place to live in the US. it’s the Peak Of Good Living! (according to the water towers)
at least Raleigh has some decent bars. we have a choice of the biker bar out Rt 64, a smelly sports bar, or the bar at the Peak City Grill – which closes at 11. Apex is probably a great place to raise kids… for adults who aren’t on that track, it’s a bit slow.
Memphis – where God would go to get great BBQ. The Rendezvoux, Blues City Cafe, Neely’s, Porky’s. The list goes on. All others can sit in the back.
The Other Steve
That list is crap.
Last year my town made it into the top 10. This year, it’s not even on the list. But the town like just southwest of us is.
How could that be? Did my town go to crack whores in one year? I don’t think so.
Oh yeah, uhh, I don’t have any more to say about Private Peter Pan. Although this morning I took a crap in the restroom, and I’m pretty certain this disproves his Zombie Dog theory.
That’s funny, when I first started posting here, John was reasonable, even if I didn’t agree. He still is, with the occassional delightful shrillathon thrown in.
I guess Blackfive’s definition of “reasonable” is “he agrees with me”. When he no longer agrees, then he ceases to be “reasonable”.
That just sounds damn good.
You don’t have anything on Canadian BBQ. Seriously. The cold, the snow, the frozen wood….you ain’t got nothin’
The Other Steve
BBQ… I like BBQ, but I have no favorites. I like mustard, dry rub, sweet sauces, you name it.
If you want real BBQ sauce with some heat, go for the “Is that your final answer?” from Big Daddy’s.
And remember the popsickles… you’ll need them later.
a) Raleigh is the rathole home of the Hurricanes, and should be sunk to the bottom of the ocean for beating the Maple Leafs in the playoffs a few years ago.
b) And the best BBQ I ever had was at some little hole-in-the-wall place in St. Louis, whose name I can no longer remember.
c) And, I really enjoyed seeing Uncle Jimbo and the rest of the GI Joe Action Figure Club coming out of their clubhouse in great-aunt Jimbo’s basement.
d) And I will never again click on a Malkin video. It’s too sad and pathetic to even use as counter-Viagra. It has wrecked my cheerleader fetish for all time.
The Other Steve
That’s because Blackfive suffers from Bush Derangement Syndrome. Or rather, they become deranged when the subject of Bush comes up.
Hey, I thought Peggy Noonan said nobody reasonable brings up BDS any more?
Can anyone explain how saying the right-wing blogosphere is going nuts over this topic is the same as having BDS? (anyone who won’t twist themselves into Mobius strips of logic, that is.)
Attacking the right wing blogosphere=attacking Bush? I know some think they’re Commandos, do they now also think they’re Executive Commandos? I can’t wait for one of them to file for a Purple Heart due to CTS caused in a patriotic fervid ejaculation of “BDS! LIBS! TRAITORS” on every site that disagreed with them.
And, hey, since Bush did get a Purple Heart, they may have a shot.
Oooh, dirty!
Two questions, do you have Ralph’s in AZ? If so do you like lamb?
I have a few friends who are fans of the Hurricanes. One is from Michigan, another from Massachusetts, and the third from Canada. That’s understandable. What I don’t get is who else is (was, more accurately, I think) filling the seats. (I do understand who fills the seats at NASCAR races.)
Sorry folks, if your ‘cue sauce ain’t vinegar based, you’re with the terrorists.
Yes, Ice Barbecue sounds …. um …. really good.
Also I’ll bet you guys are fond of meat from animals that died of natural causes ……….
John Cole
If it turns out that Beauchamp likes vinegar based BBG, then count me in with Uncle Dimbo- he needs to be fragged, as does anyone else who pushes vinegar based BBQ.
half of everyone in the Raleigh area is from the Northeast
(the top half..)
It’s a cult of personality. Anything, attacking any policy of the bush administration is construed as an attack on the administration hence it is BDS.
you clearly suffer from VDS, not to be mistaken for VD or VD’S…
Chad N. Freude
Why do you suppose that is? And why is it a “theory”, like evolution, which to the explainers of the right means it’s just a story concocted to explain something unproveable, instead of an “allegation” based on a bunch of real evidence? (And “latest” suggests that there are more “theories” to come, rendering this “theory” just another footnote.)
Uncle Joe Stalin and I will be enjoying our morally and cullinarily superior barbecue at the Tar Heel Barbecue Classic in Raleigh in October. All are welcome, for the glory of the Motherland.
I’m just curious…if this kid is found out to be a liar, etc., is this subject going to be re-visited with any amount of contrition? I have no opinion one way or the other, but I get the feeling that you all really want his stories to be true, just so you can say “gotcha”.
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. Syracuse, New York. That’s right f’ers, New York.
Third Eye Open
hey Andrew,
Whats the top notch, local Hefeweizen there? If its a decent brew, perhaps i’ll make the trip up.
On a totally seperate note, i’ll need a date, since I don’t eat alone. I prefer her being 5’4 ish with dark hair, c-cup, ability to read literature more taxing than the back of a cereal box…and preferably not made of inflatable-grade latex.
John Cole
I really don’t think I have anything to be contrite about- the only thing I am guilty of is excessively mocking the over-reaction from the right wing is a crime. And guilty about that I am- if it were a crime to mock these nutters, I would be up for the death penalty.
I think it is entirely possible that Beauchamp is the resident company jerk, completely made up or partially made up much of what he wrote. It is also possible what he said is true- or true from his perspective. Take the mass grave story.
People are saying there was no mass grave discovered, so clearly no one fondled ‘dem bones. Except a children’s GY was discovered- is it possible that what he is calling a mass grave is in fact the children’s GY- I would bet yes.
My position is that EVEN if everything he said is true, so what- this isn’t My Lai or Abu Ghraib or, for that matter, even Guantanamo. And, if everything he said is false and a lie, then was this really worthy of the reaction and didn’t TEH DEFENDERS OF THE TROOPS expose far more people to it than would have read it before, and does what some kid wrote about his experiences in Iraq really prove that the media wants us to lose?
more than likely, the truth is somewhere in between- real events embellished from his perspective. In which case, we have no crime or no evil CONspiracy by the media, but a bunch of wingnuts arguing about stylistic issues in pieces that run against the narrative of AMERICA BEING NOTHING BUT AN AGENT OF GOOD.
I don’t want it to be true. I think it could be. I KNOW that certain sites are devoting an ungodly amount of time screaming about it and calling anyone who dares point this out various names. If the guy is lying, does that mean we are all suffering from BDS? Don’t think so.
Chad N. Freude
Cassidy –
There probably won’t be a lot of “contrition”, but there will be a lot of acknowledgment by people who initially accepted his stories as true that they were wrong, had been deceived, etc. What you won’t see is a lot of microanalysis (think kerning) designed to prove that the the evidence that shows the guy was lying is false.
I don’t see the letters BBQ in that post? What are you talking about anyway?
You know Cassidy, that’s funny, because some of us get the impression that y’all really want his stories to be false just so you can say “gotcha.” How about that for a coincidence, huh?
Well, since that last part seems optional, we’ll probably be able to find someone for you.
I agree, within reason. I personally never saw anything like that. OTOH, I do know people who I could imagine wearing a child’s skull on thier head. I think most of his stories are embellished.
Either way, just curious.
What’s a GY?
Cassidy. I don’t care if the kid told the truth or not. Because crap like that does happen. Big frickin’ deal.
It is the hysteria of the isanosphere (sorry I stole that from somewhere, don’t remember where) that is the subject here. It the screeching, ridiculous behaviour going beyond the bounds of sanity, loopy, “let’s look up their bridal registry, oh I think that’s fake, too” frothing at the mouth, did I say screeching? reaction to something.
And the hypocrisy of saying it harms the troops, yet had they just ignored it, no one else would have read or heard of the guy in the first place.
It’s the batshit crazy that is the subject.
Its graveyard isn’t it? As soon as I hit submit I figured it out. I hate when I do that.
Wait…you know inflatable-grade plastic that can read literature? (resisting cheap Admin joke here…)
I’m not sure who “ya’ll” is. I’m only one person. And I haven’t really expressed an opinion on this subject. I have an idea who this kid might be…every Company has one. But I really don’t know, so I’ve kept it to myself.
As for his stories, I think they are certainly embellished, but I can also see some of those things happenning. I think the “mass graves” part is a little much, but John hit it pretty good a few posts above. Making fun of disfigured people…Grunts make fun of everyone, including each other, so it’s entirely posible. Running over dogs? Maybe. It could’ve happenned, but That would require a few more factors than just the driver wanting to be cruel.
I dunno, from what I’ve read the skull part is the least likely, since it wouldn’t fit under a helmet. Now a piece of the skull, perhaps, and doggone if I never thought I’d type those words…
The other claims – making fun of disfigured people/hitting dogs – I can see easily, with maybe some embellishment.
Honestly I couldn’t give a rats ass if his stories are true. It’s war, it’s hell, shit happens. As has been said there’s far worse that has occurred. If he’s proven a liar then by all means blanket party his ass until your hearts content.
What I take issue with is the automatic presumption by the mouth breathers, that because his story doesn’t jive with their glorious tales of honor and duty that he is automatically a liar. Their track record, with him in particular has been pretty bleak with regard to them being right.
Right now I wouldn’t find his stories hard to believe. The military, namely the army has so reduced the requirements for recruitment that they’re letting in people who’d normally never make it past a criminal background check let alone make it through BCT. However that’s what we’ve been reduced to.
Again his being right or wrong ain’t paying my bills, I just despise the reaction of wingers who get bent over this but ignore the fact that their empty-suit in chief is cutting benefits for the same military it claims to support. Has done a piss poor job for the wounded and in general is treating the military like a horse that’s been rode hard and put away yet. Where’s their outrage over the REAL issues here? The only morale this story undermines is theirs, it introduces the question “what if” and there can be no what if’s in their world, only “moral certitude”.
If ya introduce “what if” that means questioning and questioning anything is bad. It’s do as I say not as I do writ large and is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. When these jokers actually start practicing what they preach maybe I’ll stop regarding them as not being worth the flesh they’re printed on. Until then they’re a waste of oxygen and should be reminded of it daily.
Stupidity, after all, should be painful.
and now, Confederate Snitchy is going to tattle on Beauchamp for possible OPSEC violations.
no word yet if his intrepid sleuthing has turned up any other soldiers who’ve violated the blogging rules. but, given his strong feelings about The Rules, i’m sure he’ll find more violators, in time.
Oh, but it is. Just in this case, not to the people practicing it.
As so many of them show, practice does makes perfect.
Do we need anymore proof? ‘Haven’t expressed an opinion’ yet is just a variation on ‘I’ve expressed my opinion several times already in this tread’.
Have you read 1984 yet ‘Cassidy’?
Well, by all means find it and paste it.
If an NFL QB can be a torturer of animals why not a Bradly driver in the military?
Maybe torture is the wrong word for Vick but he certainly was not aggressively interrogating the dogs so I just went with the old definition of torture.
Oh I agree you haven’t expressed an opinion, you never do. You also only respond to part of what was directed at you. Its who you are. :)
Now you’re just making no sense. Circular logic isn’t.
You can make all the assumptions you want. I don’t know this kid or whether he’s tellin the truth or not, so I’ll keep my opinions until more comes out. I’m not sure what you’re problem with that is.
I have no personal knowledge as to whether Mr. Beauchamp is telling the truth. Perhaps his stories are no more accurate than the ones authored by the Mr. Beauchamp in Unforgiven.
But I will say that some of the behavior and rude humor he reports on is not all that different from things I saw and heard when I was in the Army – and I served in Germany during peacetime.
I don’t want his stories to be true, nor do I want them to be untrue. I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH.
I’ve got to second several previous commenters on the great BBQ debate.
If your BBQ requires any sauce at all, you’ve got serious problems with your BBQ.
If you’re including me in that “you all,” I don’t give a flying fuck whether it is or isn’t. In the grand scheme of things, this whole episode is so lame it’s like the Uncle J’s out there going batshit crazy over a waiter placing a knife on the wrong side of their plate.
Personally, my guess is that Beauchamp took a little creative license to gear his writing to support his supposition that war desensitizes soldiers. Wow, now that would be an earthshaking revelation. Do I know he made anything up? No. Do I know everything he said is true? No. Do I really give two shits either way? No.
Since the thread has already gone a little off topic, behold, the 2008 Gizz Guide to Republican presidential candidates. These guys are stepping up their game.
Bruce Moomaw
Hear, hear, Tsulagi. That sums up this whole grotesque affair perfectly. (Of course, it also leaves the question of why TNR thought it was worth running Beauchamp’s story in the first place…)
As for the Last-Ditch 25%: as any politician’s support shrinks, his remaining supporters naturally tend to be the more stubborn ones, so they get shriller and shriller even while they shrink in number. It’s sort of like the Big Bang in reverse.
Downtown Lad
I dunno, from what I’ve read the skull part is the least likely, since it wouldn’t fit under a helmet. Now a piece of the skull, perhaps, and doggone if I never thought I’d type those words…
A child’s skull would fit under a helment, no problem.
All the wingnuts keep saying “if it is true – then he should be punished, since he didn’t report it”. Hmmm, wonder if they’d also favor punishing the rest of his unit, who also didn’t report the incidents.
As if we’d kick people out of the military for killing dogs anyway – give me a break. Who really cares.
No it wouldn’t. Assuming an infant, you’re still talking about a baseball sized object. That wouldn’t fit under the old helmets, much less the new ACH’s.
marc page
“One private, infamous as a joker and troublemaker, found the top part of a human skull, which was almost perfectly preserved. It even had chunks of hair, which were stiff and matted down with dirt. He squealed as he placed it on his head like a crown. It was a perfect fit.”
That’s what Beauchamp wrote. ” … the top part of a human skull … ” the TOP PART … not a whole, intact, entire skull … the TOP PART
Grumpy Code Monkey
“Y’all” can be either singular or plural. “All y’all” is unambiguously plural.
Third Eye Open, have I got some girls for you.
Hell yes. Texans know how to cook beef but they don’t know a damn thing about pork (and honest Texans will tell you as much). I lived in both Texas and the Carolinas and isn’t even close. Texas pulled pork is one of the saddest travesties on this planet.
Yeah, he’s clearly talking about a cranial fragment. I’m not familiar with Army helmets, but I can’t imagine that they’re sufficiently form-fitting that you couldn’t fit a piece of cranium under there. We’re only talking about a piece of bone a couple millimeters thick. It might not be comfortable, but in my experience discomfort is rarely a serious inhibitor of young, macho military types.
Bob Barbaque
More Shock and Awe in the war of STFU.
What a shame it would be if the democratic leaders grew into the job they were elected to do,think of all the billions of dollars the Bush-junta would stand to lose,Billions of Dollars borrowed from the Chinese and our great grandchildren,Horrible.
Kellog Brown and Rice(KBR) and the myriad other corporations under the carlyle group banner would have to be weaned off the welfare system and someone other than the Israeli’s might end up in control of the region.
The list of horrors is just endless and in a time when Neo-Conservatism almost had its finest hour by placing its endelible stamp over every aspect of the great unwashed’ affairs.
In this day and age of compassionate conservatism every right that we enjoy is under review and the freedom of speech only applies if you use it to praise the administration and its policies.
Beauchamp has done the unpardonable,he has called out;Liar,Liar Pants on fire.
And everyone knows that when a liar is exposed they’re gonna tell even more lies to try and regain credibility,
Trouble is modern conservatism is founded to its very core
on lies and more of them and like the best house of cards a simple breath will bring it all down.
And that is why all the hysteria from Media and the pull yourself by the bootstrap lickspittles.
Will Mssrs Pelosi and Reid grow some testicles and do their jobs?
Maybe they would if Beauchamp asked them,Pretty Please since He seems to have the power of persuasion on his side.
That’s one thing I definitely want to try in my lifetime: proper BBQ. I can grill like nobody’s business, but I know BBQ is a whole separate category.
What I find remarkable about this whole Beauchamp denial business is the absurd notion among the wingnuts, that US troops somehow behave gallantly 100% of the time, as if they are following the rules and regs more stringently than the Marquis of Queensbury.
War is a dirty, ugly business. It takes decent, moral men in our everyday civilian world, tosses them into an environment where danger and death lurk around every corner every minute of the day, and encourages them to indulge their animal instincts to dominate, hunt and kill others. And that’s the way it should be, because that’s why they call it war. Every nation needs warriors.
War puts tremendous strain on them. War is an obscenity, and it sometimes leads otherwise decent people to do obscene things. The idea that US troops are immune to the stresses and strains of the battlefield – particularly one where you have no idea who is friend and who is foe – is, quite simply, childish beyond all rational belief. It is the exact same mindset that leads children to believe that their parents are some kind of superior beings who can do no wrong, and to hate anyone who tries to tell them otherwise.
Acknowledging that even our own troops can do cruel and obscene things under the pressure of war and combat is not a statement about our troops, it is a statement about war itself. And that is what wingnuts fear the most; that the true ugliness of war should be shown to the American people, because then they might question the neo-con goal of endless war.
I thought what upset Malkin et al was that Beauchamp wrote disapprovingly of the atrocities.
If he’d bragged about them, that would have been okay.
After all, haven’t we been too soft and don’t we want to teach the sand n***s a lesson?
Or have I missed an update?
AFAIK the wild dogs were considered pests, and well, correct me if I’m wrong but there’s an entire subculture dedicated to running over shit with big vehicles. BigFoot anyone?
Paul L.
Can I still “support the troops” and call Beauchamp a asshole for harassing the disfigured woman as he stated he did in the article?
Downtown Lad
Paul – Did you even read Beauchamp’s essay? He didn’t feel good about what he said.
But he didn’t harass her. He she was hot.
Hajis…we call them hajis…sand nigger is so Desert Storm.