Matt Sanchez, live from FOB Falcon:
Despite the media coverage back home, most of the fifty or so soldiers I spoke with had never heard of Private Scott Thomas Beauchamp, and shrugged their shoulders when I mentioned the “Baghdad Diarist”. Not following the news too closely is normal on bases throughout Iraq and FOB Falcon is no exception. The day begins long before the sun floats on the horizon and sears the unpaved roads causing the dust to drift in the air by noon and settle long after dusk. Soldiers will only rest when the mission is complete and that means little time for leisure and less time for the latest literary scandals. This is a demographic far much more likely to read anonymous profiles of far-away pretty girls than the pages of a 90 year old progressive bi-weekly magazine.
*** Three Paragraphs Later ***With Operation Law and Order, Lt. Colonel James Crider and his soldiers of the Quarter horse employed clear, control and retain tactics to make the protection of the Dora occupants their personal priority. It’s fair to say the men and women of the 1-4 Cav, like so many of their sister units, know their bit of Baghdad real estate just as well or even better than they know FOB Falcon. For these men and women, the success of their mission is never reduced to a talking point on a tele-prompter, real soldiers have died defending this ground. Which may be why the “Baghdad Diarist” saga is taken so personally.
Jesus wept.
The Other Steve
Operation Law and Order? They’re going to send Munch and Fin to knock on doors looking for terrorists?
If so, that’d really kick ass. I hope they film it for next years spinoff… Law and Order: Baghdad.
I think we have a winner.
i’m so mad i could Shrug!
John Cole
Cleek- I have stolen your comment for the title of this post.
Tax Analyst
Not to kiss ass (well, not too much, anyway), but that comment/alt. title combination is the POTD.
Try not to fight over the trophy, kids.
So… wait, have they now reverted to the “Beauchamp-Doesn’t-Exist” talking point? Or is it now news in the rightwing’o’sphere when a journalist doesn’t find out anything to tell people?
I’m totally confused. What the hell are they even reporting on? This is worse than a FOX News Alert. At least then I know someone blonde and irrelevant just died.
Perry Como
Well, with a modification or two…
Now it’s a winner.
Nobody has ever heard of Scott Beauchamp. That’s why everyone hates him so much.
ok. lu black moment here
they don’t know what the fuck rowdy roddy sucker is talking about, but they take it horribly personally are and are up in arms about it!
that’s the stupidest thing i’ve heard all day, and i work tech support for geriatric scumbags (a/k/a insurance adjusters and body shop owners)
Where’s the problem? This is the kind of reporting they want: Part 1 is the way things are and Part 2 is ‘the way things ought to be’.
Remember, they make the reality.
Oh, I’m won over now.
That lying jerk who doesn’t exist that nobody heard of until we went apeshit over it and found out he does exist and wasn’t lying so much has been taken so personally here because nobody here knows wtf I’m talking about.
So that’s why all of my local stores are out of bubble-making supplies.
And in case any of you are wondering – yes, this is The Matt Sanchez, the infamous gay porn star and up-and-coming conservative commentator.
Who better to report on “Operation Law and Order” than a guy who’s currently the subject of a criminal investigation by the Marines?
28 Percent
If they put the contradictions close enough together that you didn’t have to have a memory longer than the average trout’s to notice them they would read exactly like me.
I suppose it could be:
MS: Do you guys know who the Baghdad Diarist is and what he said?
Random Soldiers: Don’t know don’t care.
MS: [tells them what BD said]
RS: Well, now that you’ve told us that, we take it personally and our morale is ruined.
MS: See what you did Baghdad Diarist!!?!?
Seriously, if Greater Wingnuttia thinks it’s bad for morale (or whatever) when soldiers hear these things, why the fuck are the constantly talking about it?
[Gasp!] Did he just call the troops a bunch of girl oggling low-brows? Surely we ought to chase him around with pitch forks or somethin’.
No, seriously. How hard is it to get clearance to go over there and chat with the soldiers? I’m not disputing the fact that he went there, it just struck me that it has been what? Two weeks or less since this came up? Strange.
And now for your daily irony ration:
Lucky for you, eh Matt?
Fruitbat Jones
Totally OT, but from that Arkansas lady whose uterus has got more mileage than a VW bug…
Just picture, for a moment this household:
thanks for letting me vent. When, exactly, can we trade Arkansas to China for a boatload of debt relief???
Dug Jay
Lordy, but the fans of John Cole keep on writing.
Nice catch John.
And fuck Jeff Emanuel. He’s embedded alright. At least his head is – up his own ass.
Oh I got to ask. Matt Sanchex is in the USMC reserves? The same military that doesn’t want gays in it, becuase they…why again?…or because it might be too upseeting for the straight guys, bad for morale, etc.
So okay, Sanchez might not be gay, but he has sucked/and or been sucked by other men (perhaps other more “personal” positions, too.). So serving next to a guy that has had sex for money with men is different than having sex with men because they like
In the foxhole: “Hey Matt, you gay or sumthin”?
“Nah, I just fucked guys for money”
“Oh well, thank God you’re not gay or anything, those guys…I sure wouldn’t want some guy next to me who has had sex with men.”
Will the Marinies kick him out? Or is the idea that he got paid to have sex with men somehow different or less threatening. And if anyone says a blowjob is not sex..may I call you Bill?
This would also be the same Matt Sanchez who DID NOT get an eyelift and a nosejob and then try to attribute his remarkable transformation to a beauty regimen called Facercise.
And when he posted three 5-star reviews of a Facercise book at…
…he was just giving his honest opinion. The fact that he appears in the book as a model has nothing to do with his endorsement at all.
Perry Como
Vagina. Not a clown car. /fark
Or just, you know, stop fucking.
Jeff Emmanuelle:
…. Seriously? Is he even remotely aware of his party’s stance on anything remotely related to homosexuality?
John Cole
Shinobi- No.
Self Awareness, internal consistency, and, well, facts, are not held in high regard at Red State.
Lordy, but the fans of John Cole keep on writing.
That has got to be the best satire ever written. I wasn’t sure where he was going with it until I read this…
You see, unlike yourself […], who sees everybody as a member of a certain category (all inferior, of course, to yours), the “Right-wing” does not act in that way.
That’s effing brilliant, man.
I hear that Matt Sanchez is a really, really shitty actor.
capelza, this YouTube video has a censored photo of Matt Sanchez shoving his tongue up another man’s rear. So, um, I’m gonna say his repertoire was a bit more personal than a little mutual suckee-suckee.
Takes a while to get to the punchline, but once this guy gets going his smackdown of Sanchez is pretty hilarious.
*As long as they claim they’re not really gay afterwards. Like, they were just throwing away meth and accidentally ingested some and then tripped and landed mouth-first on a penis. Or they accidentally stumbled onto the set of a gay porn film and tripped on some cables and landed anus-first on a penis. Happens all the time.
Blue Neponset
Is he even remotely aware of his party’s stance on anything remotely related to homosexuality?
I believe the Wingnut position on gay sex (no pun intended) is that it is O.K. to have gay sex as long as you aren’t gay. It is curious that Mr. Emmanuel is so defensive about it.
Perry Como
Perhaps, but I hear his performances are penetrating; plumbing the cavernous depths of the male…psyche.
Tax Analyst
brock o. baum
Interesting…isn’t it John..
…now that the TNR/Beauchamp tale has been proven as a fraud..the aggression of the left has to go somewhere, and currently it’s aimed at Matt Sanchez…and you’re cheerleading it on..
…and here you kept saying that his sexuality didn’t matter…
So does “I was bad at being gay” replace “don’t ask don’t tell?”. Perhaps if the USMC Reserves keep him, he’ll inadvertantly open the door for gay men and women that want to serve their country. They can just clainm they are “bad at being gay”.
Thanks for that youtube, babyinthecorner. That was great.
The mental gymnastics wingnuts have to go through to justify someone they would on any other day (not night, I’m sure a few have enjoyed Matt’s work then) would use as a prime example of of “liberal” cultural degeneration is what is fun to watch.
Not to mention, how much of his current reporting is b.s.? Wasn’t there a link further down where the Marines disagreed with him?
Indeed. When he’s inhabiting a character, he’s not afraid to dive in and get his hands dirty. He’ll nose around fearlessly until he uncovers the kernel of truth that lies buried within the dark crevice of a man’s soul.
Hands down, funniest thing I’ve read all day.
You must have an awesome browser to be able to post from an alternate dimension.
No No No
The right-wing position is that it is OK to committ every sin in the book, provided you promptly follow with “LAWD! Oh LAWD! I have SINNED! I REPENT! LAWD Jesus SAVE me! I swear… I SWEAR I will, from this moment on, walk the straight and narrow path with God! The Bible shall be my guide! And, from this moment on LAWD, I will only lie, cheat, steal, or defraud in Jesus name. Amen!”
No, he just called them pedophiles.
brock o. baum
Are you a spoof? Or just that dense? Firstly, I don’t see where Beauchamp has been proven a fraud.
Secondly, his sexuality doesn’t matter, except to his fellow wingnuts…the same people that don’t want to give gays any rights or protection, and certainly not serve in the military, but it’s “okay” if he kisses their agenda’s ass.
This whole Beauchamp saga is the petard Sanchez and Wingnuttia have hoisted themselves upon.
As always, it’s the hypocrisy, stupid.
Yes, to the Righties, it’s perfectly okay to be gay as long as you don’t make them think icky thoughts by ever publicly acknowledging your sexual orientation. They’ll even go WAY out of their way to help you “keep your cover.” So long as you play by those rules and always denounce other homos, you too can be one of their special little club.
So John, maybe it’s time to really piss them off and just come out of the closet already. Let them know you’re gay and proud… and you’re no bigot. We’ll support you.
Are you all aiming for the cesspool hall of fame?
Just askin’
Tax Analyst
Is “brock o. baum” a Spoof, too? Or just a dense moron?
‘Cause I ain’t seen nothin’ nowhere that indicates any factual problem whatsoever with B-Champ’s diary except for an event occurring in Kuwait rather than Iraq. The event ITSELF was confirmed by soldier’s in his unit, and everything else has been backed up by other soldier’s in his unit as well.
brock, Regardless of whether the disfigured person taunting happened in Kuwait or Iraq it’s pretty clear your head is somewhere up Uranus.
But it it rocks you to sleep at night, well, you just go on believing whatever bullshit your little head snuggles up next to. OH…don’t forget to kiss that shit goodnight to show you care, ’cause nobody else does.
It would be hard to beat the Jeff Gannon entries…but he had a website, he just handed you the lines.
Fixed, for reality.
Btw, capelza, brock o. baum is playing the “Pull out and declare victory” card. He’s fiating Beauchamp as guilty by virtue of conservative-produced damning evidence, then writing off all further commentary as proof that liberals are full of nothing but hate.
After all, if we were real Americans, we’d drop this whole thing, agree with the wingers completely, and go back to telling each other how we’re all winning in Iraq.
This is even more proof that idiocracy is not just dark comedy, but prophecy in action.
More goddamn Beauchamp? I am getting so sick of that dude.
Way to go Short Bus Brigades for bringing this vital story to everyone’s attention and examining every lint fiber! If it weren’t for the valiant Malkinettes like Uncle Jimbo and Ace, no one would have noticed. And now they got Dirty Sanchez trying to put the story to bed. Who writes their shit?
Speaking of the Malkinettes, that little pissy rant by Jeff Emanuel on RS is funny as hell! I think someone is afraid he won’t be able to fill Matt Sanchez’s man thong when he later follows him to FOB Falcon for no doubt more Beauchamp boping. Maybe feeling a little inadequate. It’s okay Jeff, the guys at RedState can console giving you plenty of unhomo man hugs to allay your fears.
Is this a reference to some sort of three-some?
Perry Como
Less QQ, more cock slap.
grumpy realist
What was that comment from The General? Something about “if you are a male and have ever had another man’s testicles resting on your chin, you cannot claim to be completely hetrosexual.”
Uh, Matt? You might want to listen to what the good General has to say.
brock o. baum
Is “brock o. baum” a Spoof, too? Or just a dense moron?
‘Cause I ain’t seen nothin’ nowhere that indicates any factual problem whatsoever with B-Champ’s diary except for an event occurring in Kuwait rather than Iraq. The event ITSELF was confirmed by soldier’s in his unit, and everything else has been backed up by other soldier’s in his unit as well.
So..just who are these soldiers that Foer claims to corroborate? Why don’t they come forward?..oh yeah, right..they can’t if they don’t exist..
…meanwhile …After a thorough investigation that lasted nearly a week the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division has concluded that the allegations made by Private Thomas Scott Beauchamp, the “Baghdad Diarist”, have been “refuted by members of his platoon and proven to be false”acoording to SFC Robert Timmons, acting PAO>…
…see he’s named…he has accountability…he’s not a figment of someone’s imagination…
…neither is Maj. Renee Russo, PAO Kuwait, who went on record saying the melty- face woman at Camp Beurhing is a myth…
..yeah…it’s a fraud..the leftist MSM is caught in yet another lie..
I still have trouble understanding why the Quarter Percent Brigade decided this was worth saddling up for. The TNR pieces (before they were DISCREDITED!!) revealed that groups of young men can behave like total fucking assholes who have no concept of civilized behavior.
“Yeah. So?” would have been the response if the Wingnuttians hadn’t started frothing about it.
brock o. baum
..oh…there’s more…it is going to come out…probably tomorrow…that Foer contacted the folks at Camp Beurhing and was told that there was no evidence that anyone close to looking like the melty-face lady had been seen there..
As long as balls don’t touch, it’s straight.
Don’t you have to actually prove it’s a fraud before declaring it so?
Oh, sorry. Forgot we were talking about the right-wing blogs.
I understand this may fall on willingly deaf ears, but here goes.
Mr. Cole’s point was that Mr. Sanchez’s article completely contradicted itself in the space of four paragraphs. They never heard about it…and they’re completely demoralized from it!
Bad writing knows no sexual orientation.
As far as the ‘cheerleading it on’, you sound like a sterotypical liberal who claims criticism of a member of a group is an attack on that group. Must really suck to morph into something you’d hate to try to make a point.
(Dammit, I said ‘suck’, now apparently I’m a cheerleader too. Maybe Malkin can give me some pointers.)
Tax Analyst
Got any links or documentation on that, brocko?
Well, see if you can hunt some up, will ya? Or maybe your whole trip is just a figment of…Oh, shit…are YOU a figment of MY imagination?
Well, I think I’ll go and Mental Floss my head just in case.
Those lead paint chips on your windowsill, brock? Not meant for human consumption.
I have investigated the allegations of wrongdoing leveled at me and I have found that they are unfounded.
These allegations have been listed below…
This concludes our investigation. Saddle up little doggy.
Ryan S.
Oh, Matt’s just pissed cause Scott gave him a dirty Sanchez.
Leftist=printing something I don’t like.
TNR supported the war for some time, btw. Damn leftists!
Formerly Wu
Ellipses are not toys, Brock.
Anyway, have fun with those straws. You might want to start taking notes from the Loose Change people.
Pull out & declare victory … Wasn’t that one of Sanchez’s movies?
I, too, love pedals.
Renee Russo is in the military? I bet she looks really hot in that camo.
I googled “Maj. Renee Russo” and all I cam up with is something from Conferate Yankee”…1 link on all of google. I’d really like to see where you are getting your info, cuase I’m interested.
Sigh…I apologise for not spell checking…I am a very crappy typist.
Confederate Yankee.
Damn, you beat me to it Jake.
Also, because I am a girl and stuff, why is the Fourth Infantry Brigade Combat Team investigating someone who is in the Second Brigade Combat Team?
Again just asking.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“This [the troops] is a demographic far much more likely to read anonymous profiles of far-away pretty girls”
Sounds like Matt could have supported the troops much better by taking along some freebie material from his old industry. (But material with girls in it, though.)
OT (?) So, does the Air Force just have different standards when it comes to flaunting your naughty bits?
I guess Sanchez dropped his old career before he joined up but I’m curious. If I were to walk into a MC recruiter’s and say “Hi, I’m Jake, I used to make pornos,” would they take me?
Here’s a link.
Jay B.
So Beauchamp made up the self-incriminating ‘melty-faced’ girl story, which someone else corroborated…why again? See, in the real world, where most of us reside, it’s important to understand things like context and motive. Why would it be in Beaucamp’s best interest to make himself look like an asshole by making fun of a wounded woman? And why would someone say they saw the girl and was present at said cruelties?
Conversely, it IS in the Army’s best interest to deny Beauchamp’s story because it makes them look bad.
But then that makes too much sense. In winger world Occam’s Razor is just another liberal theory, like global warming. Or gravity.
Oh, so it’s not an official release by the Army, but something that Sanchez and Confederate says is official?
I saw that was the one link when I googled her name that came up, and I didn’t click on it because I saw it was a bloggy thing referencing CY. So it’s a report of a purported report.
I’m still confused why the 4th is investigating someone in the 2nd.
Because he hates the troops.
marc page
Sheesh, Jake, her name’s Manhart. You just can’t make this stuff up.
marc page
Oh, thanks for the link.
marc page
Beauchamp is one of them.
a hammer; and anyone who disagrees is a nail.
Gee Matt, maybe they denied knowing Scott Beauchamp because they were following the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell policy.
Oh, wait, Beauchamp doesn’t suck cocks like you do! Maybe that’s why the 50 or so soldiers you jawed with didn’t know him.
Not knowing about the “Baghdad Diarist” is hardly a sign that you’re not following the news closely. Probably most people who do follow the new closely haven’t heard of him. It’s mostly those of us who follow the obsessions of the right-wing blogosphere (from one side or the other) who’ve heard of the guy. Presumably soldiers in Iraq have better things to do with their time.
no, it’s not clear that he did. and that’s one of the things they’re investigating. evidence strongly suggests he was actively prostituting himself (in 04) while he was in the Marine Reserves (which he joined in 03).
Shorter Redstate: “Gays are subhuman and are an abomination of God you stupid homophobe!”
Allow gays to serve in the military, enjoy the legal rights of marriage, adopt kids, and the legal protection of antidiscrimination laws (oh and stop saying they are an abomination of God), and then maybe people won’t laugh in your face when you call people homophobic.
People are making fun of MS’s sexuality because he actively works for a group that says it is ok to do so.
A gay man says, “gays suck!” and you say, “then you must suck!” he can’t go screaming, “hey, no fair!”
Wingnuts, always the whiny-as-titty-babies.
Formerly Wu
First it was self-hating Jews, now it’s self-hating troops. Where will the perfidy of liberals end?!
John Cole
To my knowledge, I think I was the only person to ever write at Red State who actively supported gay marriage, gays in the military, etc. There were others who were less hostile to the concept, if I remember correctly, and there were folks like Leon Wolf who were resigned to the fact that the gay marriage battle was lost, but I think I was the only one to every outright support gay marriage.
That he chose to single me out as a homophobe is particularly amusing, especially since what I was noting was not that Sanchez is gay, but that Greater Wingnuttia will drop all their anti-gay rhetoric the moment you are serving their immediate political needs. If Sanchez were not writing stuff Malkin, RS, and the WS could link to as proof of the treachery of liberals, to them he would just be another uppity fag trying to ruin traditional marriage.
Seriously- can you imagine what they would have done if Joe Wilson was a gay porn star thirty years ago (and I am in no way absolving myself of my hacktacular behavior regarding Wilson and Plame).
brock o. baum
whoops…missed a tag..
So Beauchamp made up the self-incriminating ‘melty-faced’ girl story, which someone else corroborated…why again? See, in the real world, where most of us reside, it’s important to understand things like context and motive. Why would it be in Beaucamp’s best interest to make himself look like an asshole by making fun of a wounded woman? And why would someone say they saw the girl and was present at said cruelties
…Beauchamp said in his blog that the reason he joined the military and hopefully got to battle was that it would further his career as a writer…that it would give him cred…
…go ahead and read some of the fiction he wrote prior to being in Iraq…it’s remarkably similar fantasy to the stuff he wrote for TNR..
…by injecting himself into the narrative, his hope that that would further give him credibly..more so than simply making shit up about other people…
I wonder how many of these people will congratulate Andrew Sullivan on his upcoming marriage?
Hewitt is teasing that Barnett will have *news* over the weekend and has already declared the Foer with lose his job and TNR will fold.
I’m pretty sure that means Ace will have at least 8 posts for every one Barnett puts up.
Bruce Moomaw
Really, given such other fascinating tidbits from the front as Lopezromo’s testimony, the current frantic obsession of the Right with straining instead to disprove Beauchamp’s tales of vegetarian-level misconduct on the part of some US soldiers would be hilarious (if it wasn’t appalling). And as for their fury at Beauchamp supposedly concocting such Outrageous and Unbelievable stories to Smear Our Troops, see the two YouTube entries that Sullivan mentions: “Here’s a YouTube of some soldiers tormenting a wounded dog. Here’s another of soldiers taunting thirsty Iraqi kids with water bottles. The incidents are gross, but in a war-zone, they’re hardly something to be shocked, shocked at.”
And now I intend to knock it off. The Kook Right’s obsession with this affair has now gone way beyond intellectual error into the realm of flat-out psychopathology, and I’m not a nurse.
they do so quite well, even the half gay.
brock o. baum
John Cole…
…attacking Sanchez like this instead of the facts of the story is the perfect example of the fallacy of ad hominem… don’t seem to be too up on the understanding of the different logical fallacies, so I thought I’d point that out for you…
John Cole
Linking him is attacking him? I just quoted you- was that an attack?
marc page
brock o. baum:
here’s a “logical fallacy” to add to the list you just looked up on Wikipedia:
Bruce Moomaw, you can find even worse stuff over at a site called — a relaunched version of the violent shock site Ogrish. It has videos of soldiers actually killing dogs — and laughing about it. You can also find videos of the troops making crude sexual jokes about Iraqi kids. The stuff you’ll find over there makes Beauchamp’s diaries sound like an episode of “Little House on the Prairie.”
Matt Sanchez has his very own media channel over at Live Leak, but he only posts sanitized war videos.
marc page
from the RightWing Thesaurus:
attack = any disagreement, however mild
smear = accurately quoting, or accurate reporting of background information
Jay B.
..Beauchamp said in his blog that the reason he joined the military and hopefully got to battle was that it would further his career as a writer…that it would give him cred…
OH MY GOD! Now I see it clearly! Wait. No I don’t. Writers run off to all kinds of places for all kinds of reasons. Other writers who ran off to war for various reasons (including writing about them) include; Hemingway, Orwell, every war corespondent in history, Sam Fuller, Michael Herr and literally thousands of others. Hell, Patton wrote poetry, you tool.
…go ahead and read some of the fiction he wrote prior to being in Iraq…it’s remarkably similar fantasy to the stuff he wrote for TNR.
THIS JUST IN: Man writes in his own voice. Story at 11. Amazing. Of course, he’d have to be stupid enough to rip off the stuff he wrote on his blog , then pass it off to The New Republic as new experiences and hope no one noticed. And, given the situation and investigation, they never thought about that — moreover I’m sure they have no access to “Google” and know nothing about “cache” and all that. No, I think you’re right. It makes more sense that he made shit up, and that other people implicated in or witness to his stories confirmed the lies.
…by injecting himself into the narrative, his hope that that would further give him credibly..more so than simply making shit up about other people…
Kind of like you are, right now?
And yet, people backed up his version of events. You live in a bizarre, pathetic world, straining to prove something I can’t begin to understand. The guy is a cretin. The army, if it reflects society at all, is chock full of cretins (and fine, decent people too, of course). As Bruce moomaw points out, nothing in his stories is particularly shocking. Hell, making fun of a disfigured woman happens in high schools every day we’re on Earth — and, without condoning such stupid cruelties, it hardly even rises to the level of mild surprise.
Downtown Lad
But Jay B – it’s a FACT that a soldier would never be cruel to a dog. The military has PROOF according to our prostitute, porn star friend Matt Sanchez.
Here’s more proof.
John Cole
The Confederate Yankee:
Brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department.
This is exactly how I took it, don’t know what’s wrong with Jeff Emanuel and Moe Lane’s reading comprehension.
Assuming for the sake of argument that the whole thing was a fake and that TNR just made up all the fact-checking stuff, it couldn’t happen to a nicer publication.
brock o. baum
And yet, people backed up his version of events. You live in a bizarre, pathetic world, straining to prove something I can’t begin to understand.
Again…just exactly who are these mysterious people who backed him up?
The point that seems to elude your grasp is that TNR was once again publishing BS that simple pre-publishing fact checking would have caught.
They chose not to investigate too deeply because it fit their, and the leftist MSM, agenda all too well.
It was intended to sway peoples opinions. the timing could be questioned since it had been indicated that the “surge’ has been having positive effects for some time now.
It’s simple really. They published BS. When caught, tried to obfuscate.
..and again…just who backed up his version of events…besides these mysterious witnesses whom TNR does not reveal?…
…why do you guys get so upset when caught in lies?..
brock o. baum
Linking him is attacking him? I just quoted you- was that an attack?
I was actually pointing out the posters as a whole…
…i do find it humorous though that you would take this position after you accused me of trying to smear you when I demonstrated that your assigning post hoc fallacy was in error..
marc page
What seems to escape some [see Goldstein in Comment #43: is the nature of prostitution: — giving someone what he or she wants for a price — and so, our use of ‘prostitute’ as metaphor for anyone who will do anything (without regard to ethics or morality) for the right price. Consequently, an experienced prostitute turned “citizen journalist,” like Mr. Sanchez, will naturally be suspect.
I can’t help but wonder with this latest reportorial assignment, who is Mr. Sanchez’s ‘john’ and who is his ‘pimp’ ?
I have heard many on the right complain that of all the soldiers in Iraq, TNR chose Mr. Beauchamp to file reports, and that by selecting him this shows, on its face, the editors’ bias. Would it then be a valid question to ask, of all the available reporters in the U.S., who chose Mr. Sanchez to investigate Mr. Beauchamp? Whos is paying the bill, and who arranged his access to an FOB?
marc page
[And welcome to the club, “timb” …. I’ve lost track of how many times I have frustrated poor Jeff.]
John Cole
The only things you demonstrated are that you A.) fail reading comprehension and B.) do not understand the post hoc fallacy.
Seems I read somewhere it was UHaul.
While I have questioned the reasons TNR supported the pre-emptive war in Iraq, I’ve never wished for their demise.
Your mileage may vary.
Careful, John. He’s got an ellipsis and he’s not afraid to use it.
Unless I missed something, soldiers come from the general population. The general population contains humans and some of that group can be obnoxious and unpleasant from time to time. I’m starting to think all of the screaming and wailing and pointing of outrage palsied fingers comes from a misconception that the military only takes into its ranks the sort of guys who are kind, courteous, dignified, restrained, sober etc, etc every single minute of the day, even when they’re upset. Talk about an Army of One, but if a person is operating under that delusion then I could see how Scott Beauchamp’s writings would come as a terrible shock.
Based on the initial rumblings about Beauchamp I thought surely, surely he must be accusing his mates of using toddlers for target practice, pissing on wounded old people, rape, murder, mayhem, something really bad. Instead it appears to be (shock horror) guys fucking around.
If stories like this really upset the fRighties that badly I fear for their health the next time some freak decides to rape a 16 year old, kill her and her family and set her body on fire in an attempt to cover up the crime.
Unless I missed something, soldiers come from the general population.
I think Oregon guy made the same or similar point on another thread. My ex was an MP in the Navy, stationed in Hawaii. At Pearl, they had to investigate cars stolen off military access only parking lots. He always complained about having to do weeky drug tests.
I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to make the point for many years — the same one my ex made to me. The military is a microcosm of the society it is drawn from, with a skew toward people who want to shoot people.
John Cole
My Drill Sergeant used to say ‘there was a thief in your Sunday School class” to illustrate this very point when discussing why it was important to keep your wall locker secured.
Little did I know he was smearing the troops.
marc page
Emanuelle is just covering his own ass for when his Paul Bowles moments come to light on “Live Leak” (?)
Anyway, I cruised over to Redstate to see what was up and found this spoofelicous comment in a hard-hitting diary on famed Orientalist and perennial favorite of the ‘kill the brown people’ crowd:
I slipped off my white ducks as he poured, or was it purred, about Emanuelle’s latest ‘reconquistas’ of our little brown brothers, chafing my bottom on the rhinoceros skin sofa, given to him by none other than Winston Churchill to commemorate in the halcyon days of the Raj. The old Welshman was ‘talking in tongues’ when Matt ‘Damn the Torpedos” Sanchez called with some sure to surge news about a series of cahi boys he’d managed to get emergency visas for. As the final note of the harpsichord segued into hard core….
If you took a journalism class and had ever sourced a story, you would know that there’s nothing ‘mysterious’ about it.
This coming from someone who said the guy didn’t exist.
I blame Clinton. Not only did he hollow out the military, he proceeded to refill it with notorious troop haters.
John Cole
That Clinton is good. He was governor of Arkansas at the time.
Matt Sanchez
Wow, I’m speechless. Why isn’t my site getting as many quotes?
marc page
Never underestimate Bill. He’s been out of office more than half a decade and yet he still managed to invade and occupy Iraq, AND screw the whole thing up. The man is a force of nature.
Trying my best over at JG. Pablo is nonresponsive for the most part.
marc page
In Pablo’s case (and it is a case that should be studied) “nonresponsive” is preferable.
Matt Sanchez looks like the biggest douche I’ve ever heard of. He’s all about getting as much military cred as possible, but he’s a fucking toilet repairman or something. Fuck.
And his entire basis for fame is that some people at his college called him names and that made him cry. PERSECUTION OF TEH TROOPS OMG!
I hang out with pacifists, artists and folks well to the left of hippie, and I’m a fucking combat marine. Somehow I’ve managed to not be called anything close to babykiller, to say the least managed to not write LJ-worthy whines in various far-right publications. But that’s the thing, he’s just supplying what they want to hear. The left hates the troops, universities hate the troops, only us noble warriors understand the sheer heroic America-saving Will of the right wing echo chamber. He told the right people the right thing so he could climb the blowhard career ladder. Even without the mansex, he’s a whore.
Just imagining how he must be treated within his unit makes me giggle. Units are like villages, everyone knows everything. You can get away with a lot if you’re a good marine, but he’d have to be a Chesty fucking Puller reincarnate to not be a complete laughingstock.
Oregon Guy
2nd BCT of the 4th ID thing…
The Army is divided up into divisions hierarchically:
(from smallest to largest)
Regiment or Brigade or Group
Division or Command
A fire team is usually 4-6 soldiers.
A squad is 2-3 teams – 8-24 soldiers.
A platoon is 4-6 squads – 32-150 soldiers.
A company is 2-5 platoons – 64-600 soldiers.
A battalion is 3-6 companies – 200-2000 soldiers.
(a battalion is the smallest military unit considered capable of conducting independent operations)
A group or regiment or brigade is 4 battalions – 800-8000 soldiers.
(a group is either an Special Forces group or a combat-service support echelon, a regiment is typically a cavalry echelon, a brigade is a combat-arms unit, either infantry or artillery) This is the smallest unit which contains its own organic support elements and can deploy by itself. All Special Forces units are organized into Groups, as well as the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, and 11th Cavalry Regiment, as well as the 173rd Airborne Brigade.
A division is a big combat arms unit – think the 82nd Airborne or the 4th Infantry Division. This is the level at which unit patches are typically worn: 1st ID – “Big Red One, (based in Germany and FT Riley KS);” 2nd ID – “Indianhead” (based in Korea and FT Lewis WA); 3rd ID -“Rock of the Marne” (based in FT Stewart GA and FT Benning GA); 4th Infantry Division “Ivy” (based at FT Carson CO); 25th Infantry Division “Jungle Lightning” (based at Schofield Barracks, HI); 10th Mountain Division (based at FT Drum, NY); 82nd Airborne Division “All-Americans” (based at FT Bragg, NC); 101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles” (based at FT Campbell, KY). A division is typically 4 brigades plus support elements. In the current Army a division takes up an entire fort. FT Hood TX is pretty much the 1st Cavalry Division. FT Drum is the the 10th Mountain. FT Bragg is the 82nd Airborne. And so forth.
Corps are groupings of divisions. There is the XVIII Airborne Corps (comprised of the 10th Mountain, 101st Airborne, 82nd Airborne, and Third Infantry. There is the III Corps, comprised of 4th Infantry, 1st Cavalry, 1st Infantry and 3rd ACR. There is 7th Army (until recently V Corps), comprised of 1st Armored Division, 2nd ACR and 173rd Airborne. There is I Corps, comprised of 25th ID, 173rd Airborne (Alaska).
Commands are non-combatant divisional echelons. 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) based at FT Hood, TX, provides support for the 1st Cav and 3rd ACR which are also based there. 1st Sustainment Command at FT Bragg serves the same role for units in the XVIII Airborne Corps.
Army represent larger than corps elements. USAEUR (United States Army Europe) or USAPAC (United States Army Pacific) are armies. Generally they represent more than corps level elements. Armies have a geographic dimension that corps do not (Corps are deployable elements, while a corps may be deployed into an army’s area of responsibility).
The special forces are organized into groups (brigades), but the level of their organization is really at the very low team or squad level.
Finally there are commands. FORSCOM (Forces Command), TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command), SOCOM (Special Forces Command) – and so forth.
FORSCOM is the big Army.
TRADOC is where the drill sergeants and push-ups are.
SOCOM is where the 75th Ranger Regiment, Special Forces Groups, Navy SEALS, Air Force Pararescue and Marine Force RECON guys live.
INSCOM is military intelligence.
and so forth.
Hope this helps.
Sweetie, I can see that complex things like fallacies have you confused, even more confused than you usually are. If you want to try to figure out what the “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” fallacy really is, you might want to try this website: I estimate the reading level of the website at about 10th grade, so take it slow and look up words if you need to.
Drat! I tried to link to the website, but it didn’t work. Here it is without the link: http//
Matt Sanchez, a.k.a. Pierre La Branche, freedom prick.
Also known as Every Color Coded Alert, Terrorist Plot Unveiled and Osama tape sighting compined with the Oh NOES! They’re calling the troops dumbers! drivel from the Right Wing Media Empire.
Of course, not one word about the water not running in Baghdad…in 117 degree heat. I’d be mad enough to kill occupying forces too if I were subjected to that kind of hell. The distance between the haves and have nots is pretty much at the point where heads started to roll in France…literally.
That’s another thing I’m confused about. I thought his legal problems included an accusation that he solicited money (har har) to pay for his deployment when, in fact, he had not been deployed.
Has he ever actually served or did he just do training?
brock o. baum
srv Says:
This coming from someone who said the guy didn’t exist.
..nope…never said that…liar
brock o. baum
Well, looky here…it’s official now:
Col.Steven Boylan, Public Affairs Officer for U.S. Army Commanding General in Iraq, David Petraeus:
To your question: Were there any truth to what was being said by Thomas?
Answer: An investigation of the allegations were conducted by the
command and found to be false. In fact, members of Thomas’ platoon and company were all interviewed and no one could substantiate his claims.
..notice that he did not Beauchamp’s claims could not be corroborated…he said they were false…flat-out….
…so I guess thise mysterious witnesses did not exist after all…
…it was fascinating to see to what ridiculous lengths to defend this guy that the leftists would go…they simply did not care how stupid it made them look…
…and it was sad to watch them smear a soldier (Sanchez) just because he chose to speak up..
…but..but…but…he did gay stuff!!
I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t served. He’s only been to Iraq as an “in bedded” reporter, but he tends to make statements that leave people with the impression that he is a combat veteran. Here’s an example from a June 3 post on his blog re: Cpl. Adam Kokesh, the Iraq war vet who became a full-time anti-occupation activist…
“It’s almost an eerie set of events that I would share so much in common with Kokesh. We’re both in the Marine Corps and we’ve both walked the streets of Fallujah. But that is where the similarities end.”
The half-truths in these three sentences are deliberately calculated to mislead without lying outright. Sanchez walked the streets of Fallujah as a “citizen journalist” after insurgents had been run off. Kokesh walked the streets of Fallujah as an active duty Marine when it was still a stronghold for Sunni rebels.
To: brock o. baum
You like to mention ‘logical falacies’, well, here’s on for you. Though I do not expect you really understand it.
You cannot prove a negative. Period. Ever.
babyinthecorner Says:
“in bedded”
So many directions I could go with that… It was intentional, right?
brock o. baum
laneman Says:
To: brock o. baum
You like to mention ‘logical falacies’, well, here’s on for you. Though I do not expect you really understand it.
You cannot prove a negative. Period. Ever
…see what i mean by ridiculous lengths…it’s obvious ins’t it?…Beauchamps admitted to lying…
…re-read what the PAO said…he categorically said it was false..
…drop the shovel…and back away…slowly
link? cite?
No one can substantiate the claim that brock o. baum is a swell person who is nice to small animals. Ergo, s/he must be a dick who stomps kittens.
Oregon Guy
PAO – Army for “Public Relations Agent”
Shorter brock o. baum: Gays are only afforded rights when they act like good sock puppets
As for the rest, John pretty much wiped the floor with him.
I can be semi-illiterate at times, but, yes, that time it was intentional. (heh)
This question keeps coming up, but Sanchez won’t give a straight answer. On his blog he said a media company is sponsoring him, but I don’t think he’s ever named this media company. Any legitimate journalist or blogger would be happy to disclose who their sponsors are, but Sanchez is obviously not a legitimate journalist.
My theory: His media company sponsor is a major mainstream company, but he can’t say who it is because he’s trying to pass as an independent “citizen journalist” providing an alternative to mainstream media coverage. Or it’s an even shadier arrangement — like Jeff Gannon and the Talon News/GOPUSA thing.