Greenwald discusses Roger Simon’s latest scare story at PJ’s. Of course Simon has it mostly right. Religious crazies clearly are coming with an agenda to transform America. That’s why I vote for Democrats.
by Tim F| 35 Comments
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Funny that, these “new” champions of womens and gays rights are the first to bitvh to high heaven about American women and gays “going too far” in their own search for equal treatment.
When these fucknuts join NOW or a group that pushes for Gay rights then they will stop talking out the sides of their mouths.
Oh, and Mr. Simon, there is a LOT of music in Iran, by women even, see the Tehran Symphony Orchestra, for example. That he does not know this, or perhaps confuses Iran with the Taliban (HAhahahahahaha) is a very good reason to remove him from the “serious” pundit “class”.
What a fucking IDIOT.
There so many things wrong with Iran, but people like this that use bullshit, made-up and patently fals reasons to hate on them make me sick. Pssstt…Mr. Simon…Iranian women have climbed Mt. Everest, they have a female VP (a geologist), they play polo, cricket, kayak, publish poetry, direct films, and yes, they even perform music, in public even,even, as in the case of the Tehran symphony in mixed company.
They have a long way to go..but don’t climb up their backs to score some political point here you hypocrite.
They do not need YOU “helping” them.
Tim, you moonbat! Don’t you know that nothing “builds character” like being dragged behind a van? Party of Torture members correctly understand that nothing keeps teenagers in line like a good scraping.
And what about all the kids that weren’t dragged behind a van?
I’m sure the rope was soft and a pretty pink color.
Love the video. What the hell was she saying at one point? It was too coherent to be speaking in tongues. Also, the way she waved around the cardboard cut-out, as if Bush were a puppet, was a priceless bit of unintended irony.
Tom Hilton
Republicans are people who believe we are in imminent danger of being subjugated by Islam, and no danger at all of being subjugated by fundamentalist Christianity; and that the latter would be a good thing, while the former would be a fate worse than death.
I shit myself shitless over Roger Simon’s dire predictions! He wears a fedora! That equals credibility, people!
Oh, wait? You mean he was talking about Islamists, not Christianists? Me, I thought he was trying to explain why the Left fights against the Religious Right — and, you know what? He nails it!
Simon is just pimping the war against Iran because we all know that if Iran gets nuclear weapons it will immediately use them against Israel and the United States even though it will mean their own destruction because they’re crazy wogs who don’t like music or gay people and are never happy like we are and would make us eat pita bread if they could and who were the bad guys in 300 who hate freedom and all they want to do is die as martyrs anyway.
Elvis Elvisberg
That video is too chilling to be comical.
“If Jesus came back and saw what’s going on in His name, He’d never stop throwing up.”
28 Percent
Another example of the LIEBERAL media you do not know the CONTEXT the girl was not dragged the rope was there to HELP HER and when she was dragged it was a good thing because it was not a NANNY STATE camp they learn there that actions have CONSEQENCES and if there are no consequences how do you “learn”? But you do not care you do not support her by publicizing this you will just bring an ende to the camp which could have helped her it is there to help kids turn away from drugs and SATAN but that is what you are rooting for you want Satan to win. Typical!
God loves you and Jesus died for you. We are going to beat you senseless until you get this.
Can I have an Amen?
Is this what one would call a Concern Troll?
The Enlightenment? Why not The Constitution? Plenty of rights that need defending in that document. I guess that’s too quaint.
Uh yeah. I heard Bill O’Reilly the other day bewailing the state of gay rights in America. The fear of “sharia” is the fear of brown people. (The Yellow Menace anyone?) If the fuckwits who make up the Fox/Malkin/Limpjob audiences knew what happened to gays, feminists and other libruls in such places they’d be welcoming their Islamist overlords.
Whatev. Greenwald’s main point is well taken: Simon Say’s attempt to scare the Libruls with the spectre of Islamists is pathetic at best, hypocritical at worst. When I see a member of the Taliban waving a sign that reads “God Hates Fags” at a funeral, read about them planting bombs outside family planning clinics or hear a member of any other radical muslim group campaigning in the US on the “Protect Civilization from Queer Weddings,” platform, then I’ll start to worry, until then, I’ll continue to keep an eye on the Talevangicals.
I didnt’ even have the sound on, and that video creeped the hell out of me.
Big E
religious crazies?
check out the blog at ….
the crazy Brownback & Fred Phelps supporters..
I’m at work and won’t even open the video and I’m creeped out by it.
The Other Andrew
Is there any way we can teleport both groups of fundies to another planet, so they can have their armageddon and leave us out of it?
Bubblegum Tate
Sounds like the perfect solution to me. “Have fun, guys! And don’t bother coming back to tell us who won!”
Actually, the phrase “friends on the Left” made me chuckle, and puts me in mind of a Futurama exchange at a kids’ party:
FARNSWORTH: What’s going on in here? Oh. Now I’m really outraged.
HERMES: Where did you requisition this party? And Zoidberg, what are you doing here?
ZOIDBERG: I’m networking. Let me give you my card.
CUBERT: Relax Dad, we just invited a few friends over.
FARNSWORTH: Hmm. There’s something wrong with your story, but I can’t put my finger on it. Of course! You don’t have friends!
Good thing they cut the camera before the Two Minute Hate started, with a cardboard cut-out of Hilary Clinton. Those kids can get nasty!
Do you not read the news dumbass? They closed the camp because the movie got enough exposure in the press to show it for the nazifying concentration camp it was.
Tom Hilton
One word: Rapture. Okay, that still leaves the Islamists…but hey, it’s a good start.
Bruce Moomaw
Dreggas clearly hasn’t gotten the word yet (as I didn’t originally) that “28 Percent” is a spoofer. The scariest thing is that it’s actually possible to make this mistake.
Bruce Moomaw
I too have speculated longingly on the possibility of somehow arranging for the various religions’ Fundies to incinerate each other while the rest of us somehow manage to stay out of the crossfire. Unfortunately — given the extent to which Christian, Moslem and Jewish Fundies have already worked together in several countries to denounce gay rights marches — it’s more likely that they would first work together to exterminate all us Ungodless before settling down to a second act of trying to exterminate each other.
T Rider Haggard
Crazy Religious Fundamentalists Want To
Impose Their Medieval Values OnSprinkle Meth on Us and Snort it Off!Dreggas
Oh I know he’s a spoof and have for some time, I just had the urge to shoot a jackalope :)
Yeah, I saw Jesus Camp in the theater. My favorite part is still the bit where they prayed to expel demons from a powerpoint presentation.
I haven’t seen it yet, I want to but am afraid at the same time.
OT: WTF is up with the RealJock ad in the sidebar?
[Reaches for hot wax kit]
Silly people. Everybody knows that you’ve got to expel the demons from the whole computer. That’s why I’ve always got some holy canned air ready to go.
Rome Again
On my way out to a late run at a local store to buy some necessities recently, I was driving down the street and had to stop at a stop light. I had my music up, but heard something very strange, so I turned my music down, and low and behold two corners of the street were filled with a bunch of religious freaks at 11:30 at night screaming into megaphones (which were directed right toward me): “if you don’t know Jesus, you’re going to Hell!”. Yeah, I really think the megaphones are a nice touch, don’t you?
Problem is that we can’t sit around waiting for Jeebus to take these yokels off our hands. I’d spread the story that waiting for Rapture is wrong, you have to take personal action with a .45 to meet Jesus, but I’d be afraid of these people killing their kids before killing themselves.
Yeah crazy nutty enviromentalists want to impose earth and animal worship on us all
.45’s are messy can’t we just tell them to all wear sweatsuits, nike’s and drink some kool-aid?
Nancy Irving
The U.S. is not threatened in this way even by *Christian* fundamentalists. They may be able to elect Republicans from the corporatist wing of the party; but let them actually try to change our majority culture and they will find out how little real power they have to do so.
Though forty (?) percent of Americans claim to be “born again,” let them try to take away Desperate Housewives, and they will learn a thing or two from the other sixty percent.
Muslims are fewer than 1%.
Matthew Foster
Good stuff.