No wonder the military is strapped for troops. A tour of duty is only two weeks, apparently.
No Wonder!
by John Cole| 10 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
by John Cole| 10 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
No wonder the military is strapped for troops. A tour of duty is only two weeks, apparently.
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That’s two weeks more than Bush and Cheney combined have ever spent in a combat zone.
But only half the time of a Presidential Vacation.
Clearing brush is hard work.
I wonder if going hunting with Cheney qualifies as being in a combat zone.
Only if you’re not Cheney.
Why did Lindsay go all the way to Iraq? Didn’t he know that he could just use the Minneapolis airport bathrooms?
I think they meant “Tour by a doodie.”
Dude, please.
I wish my only beef with the media was cutesy headlines. Get a damn grip.
grandpa john
As a resident of SC I am wondering why in the hell they couldn’t keep him for at least a year. Lindsey is going to face opposition this time not for his war stance but rather for his support of bushes immigration policy. the resident rednecks here dont mind the war but they are frothing at the mouth over the immigrants
The Other Steve
It has to do with race. I’m sad to say, but I’m just amazed at how these are such big issues in the south, but up north here we just don’t care that much.
We’re more concerned that immigrants coming here are getting paid fairly, so the wage market isn’t being driven downwards.
TOS – Nobody talks about Asians and others crossing in from Canada. With Canada’s “Liberal” immigration and refuge laws the chances of al-Qaeda being in the US are greater from the Northern border than the Rio Grande. For decades the Mexicans picked cherries and apples in Michigan, why the problem now?