As always, the departmental Inspectors General.
If the allegations in it are true, the State Department’s IG, whose entire function in life is to ferret out waste, fraud, and corruption, has instead been covering not just for the very things he’s supposedly in charge of finding, but slavery. This, no doubt, is just one more example of the Bush administration’s desire to bring freedom to the Middle East.
Oversight makes it hard to contravene the law.
“slavery” is sooooo 1800s
they were FLU’s, and we were just kicking up our FLU useage slider on the old imperial screen.
nothing to see here..
Sometimes it’s really, really hard to remember that these are grown, adult, mature men….and not 4th graders on a playground.
To think that an educated, professional man could do all this and NOT think that others would find it quasi-criminal is simply mind-blowing in its hubris and stupidity.
Of course, surely this man will skate, so stupid, yes, but with consequences?….no chance
9/11 changed everything?
yeeeeahbut… whatcha gonna do?
Waxman writes a scathing letter once every three days. anything ever come of them ?
Hubris and stupidity are good words for him.
I thought the war czar had the most important job. Whatever happened to that guy, anyways?
Definitely Medal of Freedom material here.
OK. you should have the guts to tell me i”m being banned and why. I guess i was wrong bout you. bye
If anyone wants to see State’s IG’s prior testimony in front of Waxman’s committee, it should be the first link in the list here. His prepared remarkst start at about 2:24 and questioning follows soon thereafter.
Iraq and Afghanistan are American colonies, something that every educated Arab and Afghani understands in actual and historical terms but for Americans means nothing. Colonial administrators are there to run the colony as effectively as possible, not worry about the rights of surplus labor.
Correct, so what? Colonialism was always about finding new markets for capitalism, nothing else. And the only political factor needed for capitalism is freedom – free markets, free transfer of goods and services, etc. It most certainly does not need democracy (witness Chile under the junta). Bush delivered exactly what he promised – the social conditions of 1840’s Manchester.
So we’re to be shocked at labor conditions in Iraq/Af? Conditions there mimic the perfect storm of capitalism that prevailed in mid-19th century England – total freedom, no oversight and vile exploitation of the wretched of the earth.
Third Eye Open
Damn you guys are dense…what is that, one, maybe two or three US Embassies built on the backs of forced labor…and we have over 150 of them in the world…what about all those other ones that weren’t build by slaves, HUH! Did’ja think about that?
BTW–Happy Int’l Talk Like a Pirate Day, ARRRRRGH!!!!1!1!!!
John Cole
You were not banned. The only persons I have banned in the last year were thymezone and JWW, and both of them are back. And I didn’t even ban Thymezone, I gave him a 3-4 day time out. JWW appears to be like herpes, and comes back no matter what you do.
My guess:
At some point in the past 12 hours you posted a comment that had multiple url’s. That got sucked into the spam filter. I woke up this morning, saw 364 comments in moderation (mostly selling erectile dysfunction crap), and marked them all as spam and deleted them. You got caught up in the mess.
Now you are free to post as you wish.
I think more than two URL’s and you have to go to the John.
Sorry John for my remark you quoted in your post, I tend to overreact when funny things happen with the computer which I don’t understand [which is almost everything]. I’m slowly learning, though.
Hmmmm. so we avoid running our own labor camps by outsourcing them…fucking brilliant.
Dubai, Greenzone in Baghdad, whatever… I mean its a job right. right? See, we’re giving people who wouldn’t have work a nice cushy job, see. We’re being super nice. They may have thought they were going to work somewhere else (safe) but … damn it, I can’t be sarcastic about this.
Oversight is for pussies. People who can shoot other people in the face, and go home and have dinner, don’t need no stinking oversight.
I prefer “sabbatical.”
Question, how’s the job market in AZ, Phoenix specifically for IT, if ya know?
Anecdotally, the job market in general here is in boom mode, unemployment is low and demand is high.
In IT, I would say it is healthy, but not in boom mode. However IT is a very niche-prone job market. If you have the right set of skills you can choose your situation. If you don’t, you might have be less choosy. You know how that goes.
Yeah, looking at maybe moving there sometime in the next 8 months…
Let me know when you get out here, I will be glad to give you the “I grew up in this town” tour. This includes the Summer Survival Tips and Mastering The Most Important Skill for Living in Phoenix — Always Parking In Shade.
Plus, you know, beer and where the good mexican food is.
All: harumph,harumph,harumph
Governor: I didnt hear a harumph out of that guy!
Lamar: Give the governor a harumph!!
Governor LePetomaine: Watch your ass!
Will do, just waiting for the lease to be done with here and the divorce to be finalized. Not much reason really to stay in So-Cal and have a friend in Phoenix.
Cool, looking forward to it.
What they do need is not fit for print.
very nice info here. happy to read it.