Let’s try a thread with none of those oppressive topic rules. Try not to go all Lord of the Flies.
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by Tim F| 33 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Let’s try a thread with none of those oppressive topic rules. Try not to go all Lord of the Flies.
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Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!
What do you think this is, Kid Nation?
I’ve got the conch!
Dammit, now I’m having a flashback to the 9th grade lit class! Why couldn’t you make references to Hemingway? WHY?!?!
Grumpy Code Monkey
Curses! Thanks to the TSA, my nefarious plot to hijack an aircraft with but a single jar of pear butter was thwarted this weekend!
Jesus Christ, can we ratchet down the hysteria just a few notches? We can’t carry on our own fucking condiments?! Gah!
Jesus Christ, can we ratchet down the hysteria just a few notches?
My moment of clarity came when I had to carry a screaming toddler through the checkpoing as Baabaa went through the x-ray machine.
All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
…oh wait wrong book…
Listen, if we dial down the hysteria the democrats win.
Is Lord of the Flies a good book? I never read it but since I’ve been on a reading tear lately, reading old books I should have read before maybe I’ll add it to the list.
oops. Should have said; ‘Listen, if we dial down the hysteria the terrorists win.’ My bad for the slippage.
Who the F**k does this A@@hole think he is?
What in God’s green earth does this godd**n idiot think he’s doing?
Why doesn’t he just go f**k himself?
Got that out of my system.
Insert clueless idiot of choice, in above rant.
(Balloon Juice – the only place where you can totally curse someone out – WITH FEELING, then go and happily buy them a beer, or roll on the floor laughing at their joke.)
Thanks, Conneticutt.
Um, you say this only three threads or so after Phil’s multiple pie-eating comments? Brave of you. I’m amazed this thread has only got 10 comments in the past two hours.
What are you, some kind of condimentarian? We’ve got a place in Cuba for people like you, buddy.
Duh. First, I tell all the passangers after takeoff that it’s really a jar of nitroglyceraldehydic bipolycarboetheroic acid, and that I can detonate it with the warmth of my hand. I then use it to force them to open the cockpit, at which time I pull the Moe-Larry-Curly headclank with the pilots into unconsciousness, and nail the 3rd not-quite-a-pilot dude with the jar itself. I then close and lock the door, and fly the plane into a building or to Cancun.
This is exactly why your damn butter is so dangerous.
well, you never know what might evolve out of one of them. better safe than devoured by mutant bloodthirsty peanut butter monsters.
yes. pretty easy to read, too.
The Other Steve
Are you kidding? Pear butter can be turned into a thermonuclear device by simply adding Plutonium.
Just be thankful they didn’t use Skippy crunchy. That can be turned into a biological weapon simply by adding anthrax.
sorry, i’ve got ass-mar.
war with iran…great.
seriously. wtfux peoples.
Let me guess: Laura Bush, watching a recent presidential press conference?
This is why the link in the right-hand column is titled AKA K. Lo’s House of Crazy.
Hey TZ,
Was in Phoenix over the weekend and love the place. Looks like I’ll be moving there come April if all goes to plan. Also loving the Rustlers Rooste.
I give Laura Bush a bit more credit than that. I’m sure she wasn’t quite so harsh. First sentence, she thought “idiot”. Second sentence is good. Third sentence she imagined the various objects involved – but didn’t verbalize the actual word – she’s too much of a lady for that.
She always looks a bit stoned on Valium to me…or maybe I’m projecting what I imagine it would take to put up with that loser.
Leader Desslok
How about we go all Children of the Corn instead?
Bubblegum Tate
It definitely is. As noted above, you can breeze through it, but there’s plenty of symbolism and a good strong allegory and all sorts of other literary stuff that gives it lasting power.
I vote for the local right wing trolls to play Piggy.
Love your blog – mark I to mark X. Is your take on this any different these days?
Do you still equate boys being boys with the unselfconscious self-righteousness that guaranteed that collar a free pass all the way from the tank crew to the USMC website?
I instantly saw the collar as emblematic of more than just the USMC (which you’ll appreciate means that back then I thought your take was part of the problem) but then I’m posting from a god-gene-deficient convict-based society to a blog in a god-gene-ridden pilgrim-based society.
Rick Taylor
Uh, what are those topic rules, oppressive or otherwise? Hope I haven’t been breaking them.
I almost posted the same thing yesterday…
“this place has topic rules? since when?”
and the follow-up “where’s the link to a FAQ page around here?”.
But that’s part of the charm of the place… /grins
Oh, the point of opening the thread…
Tirkuk Katie has gone off the reservation.
The eeeeevil woman, who suddenly became the right’s darling-of-the-moment when she said that it did look like things were improving after the surge, has now gone on a war-bash again.
Friends are so fickle…
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
For fans of Idiocracy, check out the title of Mustache Friedman’s latest and greatest.
I’ve watched the first three episodes of Ken Burns’ new WWII documentary. So far I’m thinking: Wow. The guys in charge screwed up majorly and repeatedly in that war, too. But their screw ups weren’t known publicly for decades. Now we get to discover almost immediately what chumps-in-charge are doing.
plus ça change…
perhaps we humans are just over-matched or out of our league.
So Bush atthe U.N. was urging human rights or some shit like that. This guy still acts like he has some credibility and authority. The U.S. has zero street creds. We’re talking about the doofus who has secret CIA black prisons, holds people without trial, attacks a nation without solid proof, and God knows what the fuck else he’s been doing behind our backs.
Fucking ass. I hate this administration. I hate every member in it and all their enablers. I hope one day they feel exactly what they all put us and the Iraqis through. That would be sweet. That would be justice.