The hits keep coming for State Dept. IG Howard Krongard:
Two career investigators in the office of State Department Inspector General Howard J. Krongard have charged that they were threatened with firing if they cooperated with a congressional probe of Krongard and his office.
Correct me if I have this wrong, but I think that the law discourages threatening employees for cooperating with an investigation.
It’s really none of our buisness, Tim. At least he hasn’t sued these two….yet.
You are not mistaken – It is blatently illegal.
wasabi gasp
Yawn. GOP. Schiavo. Don’t bite the tube that feeds you.
Law, whose law? The law is what King George the Malevolent says it is. Those two career investigators were obviously traitorous democrats. Everybody knows the State Department is a nest of vermin hippies and peace-mongers who’d sell out this country in a heartbeat with gestures of good will and other friendly non-sense. Everybody knows Crony Krongard is doing a heck-of-a job at keeping war alive. So just get off his back, OK.
Oh, but the thing is, being a member of the Bush Administration exempts you from such petty trivialities as the law. After 7 years, you’d think you’d learn that…
Protection for whistle-blowers? Pish-posh. Haven’t you heard that neineleven changed everything?
I get it now, all the labor laws and employee protection laws weren’t made to protect us from unscrupulous business owners, they were meant to protect us from republicans!
Helena Montana
So it’s illegal. This is the Bush admin. we’re talking about. It’s not like the Congress is suddenly going to grow a spine and do something about it. Sheesh, get a grip!
John Cole
Liberal media.
What about all the investigations he didn’t impede?
The State Dept: When you’re here you’re family.
I think it reads better with a capitalized Family, but maybe that’s just my Italian ancestry talking.
Time for the all-purpose wingnut defense:
Pleasure of the President! Nyah, nyah!
It may well be possible that Condi is even more incompetent than Rummy. I never cease to be amazed by this crowd.
Once again, Shoot them all and then start over. Only way to solve this.
I thought the Conservatarian mantra was: If you didn’t do anything wrong, you shouldn’t have anything to hide.
Were they not serious when they said that?
Cooperating with congress is wrong.
Get with the program craigie.
And what kind of name is that?
Davis X. Machina
Lex est quod rex vult.
Throw away your Federalist Papers, and invest in a nice translation of Bossuet. And party like it’s 1599.
Every thing a repubican’t does is legal, get with the program, dude.