You know, it has barely been a month since the Malkin/Limbaugh/Wingnuttosphere freak-out over the MoveOn ad, but I think it is worth noting the clear message:
Questioning a political General is treason, bullying a 12 year old is patriotic.
*** Update ***
And let’s be clear about one thing- the filth that makes up the current Republican party- that is Glenn Reynold’s Republican party. The good professor, who always manages to pretend to be above the fray, has no problem with Malkin’s antics and no problem with Dan Riehl’s “investigation” into the grandparents.
Heckuva job, Glenn. And spare us the weak “I’m not a Republican” bullshit in 2008.
4 more years! 4 more years!
Noah McCullough. Remember all the just awful things that were written about him? And how Kos and Atrios were staked outside his home and were using night vision goggles to find out if he was really just 9 or checking out his parents finanical records to see if they or any of their family had ever collected Social Security?
Don’t you remember? Well I don’t either because it didn’t happen. Bush used a nine y/o kid to push his own agenda. A kid that wouldn’t even think about collecting Social Security for 50 or 60 years.
But God Damn, if a brain injured 12 y/o speaks out for a program that has directly and immediately helped him and his sister in ways we can’t imagine, then the little commie bastard deserves it!
John S.
Well, Cole, it is based on a tried and true formula:
Questioning [anyone or anything that supports your beliefs] is treason, bullying [anyone or anything that opposes your beliefs] is patriotic.
Trust me, it works for everything.
Look what happened with Valerie Plame…
Questioning Bush on security is treason, but outing an undercover CIA agent is patriotic.
Works like a charm.
Mr. Frost
Hmm..What to do? …What to do?..
…Should I buy that new $50,000.00 Chevy Suburban and put in a home theater, or shell out the $450/month to provide health insurance for the kids?
What? I can get 10 bucks off a set of $2000.00 spinners for the ‘Burban?
Aww, hell…screw them kids. I already feed them….sometimes.
Besides, with the help of the corrupt MSM, I can deflect my lack of parental responsibilty onto George Bush
Hey, if that 12 year old would just join the military the … uh, fuck it. He’d be labeled a “Phony Soldier,” faster than Rush can suck down an oxycontin.
Elvis Elvisberg
I dunno, John. Glenn voted against Rep. Ford in the TN Senate race mostly because he was so upset about Larry Craig being falsely accused of being gay by some writer whose name I can’t remember.
Just imagine how upset he’s going to be when someone as prominent as Malkin goes and stakes out the family of some kid who read one message in public.
I expect we’ll see Glenn, too register independent tomorrow.
James F. Elliott
These people are mentally ill. They typify everything Bob Altemeyer wrote in “The Authoritarians.”
It’s been pretty obvious for years now that the right-wingers don’t share an ideology so much as a pathological emotional disorder. Skim a Coulter “book”, browse the comments on that fuckwit Riehl’s site, and you’ll see oceans of the kind of hatefulness that screams, “bad upbringing”.
If the Dems were worth a plugged nickel, they’d do themselves and our “republic” a favor by highlighting this fundamental mean-spiritedness at every opportunity. We can’t really call ourselves a democracy any more, but there’s still a lot of common decency out there, and the reaction of most people to a germ like Riehl is proper revulsion.
So what if they have a house and an SUV, this shows that HC in this country is hard to come by if you ain’t workng in a fucking cubical. That might be a problem, no?
Warren Terra
I got curious enough about the winger response to pushback from sites such as this one and Obsidian Wings on the Frost Family kerFuFFle (or F^Five) to dip my metaphorical toe into Malkin’s site (my metaphorical toe has now turned gangernous and fallen off). The results, at her original but updated post, are a bit hilarious.
Needless to say, in this and other recent posts she doesn’t seem to actually respond to pushback, but what I did find is pretty interesting.
The post is titled in part ‘the dangers of Democrat[ic – sic] poster child abuse’ and includes warnings to the effect that “legislation-by-anecdote is a tricky thing, and should only be done when the anecdotes actually hold some water.”
So how, you might wonder, will Malkin end this long post?
Why, by quoting a letter to a sympathetic blog, containing what we call an anecdote:
So, you can see, the Frosts are full of it, because this family had their own car accident and their own seriou injury, and they got serious trauma care for $700 interest-free. This anecdote, which unlike any other is impeccable, proves it.
P.S. Is anyone just a bit freaked out by the comma in the second paragraph of that blockquoted section? Taken as written, that sentence is seriously frightening, and the explanation must have been interesting …
Frost says
The corrupt MSM and 70 percent of the American people are beginning to see exactly who the 28 percenters are. That being cold hearted drooling sumbitches with not a shred of human decency nor brains enough to pick their nose properly . Go kick some puppies Frost. That always cheers your kind up.
Billy K
Daddy Frost has a vintage car, so this whole thing is a Liberal Lie!
Billy K
(Sorry – post lacks link)
Sure, that’s how you earn the right to wear your coveted lapel pin.
Paul L.
The 12 year old owns the house and earns the family income?
Criticize the parents and you are attacking their children!!!!
BTW, I remember reporters reporting on the worth of the homes of parents of the accused in the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax.
Why no outrage on the left then?
The Stranger
The 12 year old owns the house and earns the family income?
Criticize the parents and you are attacking their children!
BTW, I remember reporters reporting on the worth of the homes of parents of the accused in the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax.
Why no outrage on the left then?
C’mon,’re expecting John Cole and crew to be intellectually honest. Shame on you, you should know better than that.
How come all these courageous heros aren’t in Iraq anyway? Isn’t there a war going on? Why waste time picking on 12 year olds when there are Islamofascists to kill? Oh yeah, they shoot back… Never mind
Horray! It’s Paul L! I know this because he’s still talking about the Duke Lacross Rape Scandal like anybody cares.
The Duke case? Yes, the worth of their parent’s home were the subject of multitudiness (it is a word now!) posts from moderate and lefty bloggers.
Their addresses were posted, people were kerning the kind of kitchen countertop they had from the picutres they snuck on their fucking cell phones. No…they weren’t. And when they didn’t actually find the “facts” they winged it with “guesstimates” and also wished the kid has just died rather than get socialised medicine.
You all are so full of shit. I repeat, you are so full of of shameless crap. Hypocrital shameless crap.
wingnuts to iraq
wingnuts to iraq
wingnuts to iraq
we don’t want to hear from you
until you’re in iraq
Please go to iraq
please go to iraq
you are nothing but a coward
if you ain’t in iraq.
Go wingnuts, go to Iraq. Do it now. Why aren’t you? Because you’re cowards? Cowards! Cowards!
Hide behind your keyboard!
Paul, seriously what’s your obsession with the Duke case, the kids are free, names are cleared and the prosecutor is looking at time. All as it should be.
—- Mr Frost
What about pre-existing condition do you not get. There is no way in hell a child with brain injuries that will need continuing coverage will ever get private insurance, even for $1450 per month. It is just too big a risk for the insurance company. One year of physical, occupational, and speech therapy could cost more than $6000 a year just in copays if they go weekly. What do you think the insurance company would have to pay on top of that.
Bush the Lesser is practically the poster child of fucked-up parenting. You have to count Bush the Elder as a gilded (and gelded?) failure: A life-long ticket-puncher whose reward for ejecting every principle was a mediocre term in the White House. And a lousy father, too.
WHAT is in the Kool-aid, anyway? LSD must be in the mix cuz malkin and her fellow zits are TRIPPIN’!
What is the ingredient that causes a total loss of all impulse control and obliterates any sense of decency?
Hey, hey, LSD is a useful substance. PCP maybe.
I knew Instaputz was just another loyal Modern Republican Soldier (or, Bush lovin’ cracker, take your pick) when, during Foleygate and the IM scandal he provided a link and 100 k page views to some nut in his bedroom who unearthed the private details, number, and address of the intern who supplied part of the story to ABC. The kid had to run from his job, etc.
This from a law professor, while there’s an active FBI investigation, and the state’s code of legal ethics make it a big no-no to do so. What a little, little man. Only smaller is ConnecticutYanker in his lack of manhood.
Glenn is a useful idiot who’s biggest achievement is giving Anne Nuthouse something to pull out her Rabbit vibrator over after 8 or 12 glasses of shit red wine.
Hey indeed!
It includes an incredible amount of bile, acid and steroids.
Did I mention hypocrisy already?
Hume's Ghost
You know how Hofstadter called movement conservatives “pseudo-conservatives”? Reynolds (and others like Neal Boortz) are pseudo-libertarians.
WTF is up with the article about Jennifer Bush Malkin has posted? It details a case of Munchausen-by-proxy for which the mother, according to the article, served time, and concludes:
WTF??? How is this Nanny-statism? This is a mother who had no state interference and was able to go from doctor to doctor to the tune of “200 hospital visits and 40 operations,” which cost the family $2million. First of all, a “Nanny-state” national health care system would have had a better chance at stopping her cold early on than did the disjointed, privatized, doctor-shopping state of things today. Second of all, Hillary Clinton didn’t benefit from this mother being an attention-whore, she took a political hit from it, and not deservedly because if the kid’s own doctors couldn’t figure out that she was being poisoned, expecting a politician to be able to conduct a long-distance diagnosis is truly unreasonable (unless, of course, the politician is Sen. Frist. That man is just a genius with a CAT-scan). But there’s Malkin, who has apparently found a loophole in the time-space continuum, because she’s using this story to show that the abuse which preceded the child coming to the Clinton’s attention was actually a result of it:
It’s the modern day version of the Diamond Necklace Affair.
This is just a stinking pile of bullshit. Malkin is dismissing the whole of S-Chip as “legislating by anecdote” because she’s disappointed to find that when 64 million people go without insurance for at least one month out of a year, it’s not too hard to find attractive faces to put on those kinds of numbers. The actual Census Bureau Data on the Uninsured paints a grim picture of the kinds of people who go without insurance – grim because it turns out they’re pretty ordinary – and it also shows that the populations, like children and the elderly, that qualify for government sponsored health care – surprise, surprise! – have significantly lower rates of uninsured people in them than do the the populations that don’t qualify.
Good God, that post from Riehlworld is nasty.
These people really are nuts. I’ve been reluctant to say that the people on the unhinged rights are brownshirts, but you know…they really are.
The mean-spiritedness is just breath-taking.
You might find this essay from a few years back rewarding. It describes the evolution and symptoms of the malady quite well.
Mr. Frost
Jeff Says:
——Mr Frost
What about pre-existing condition do you not get. There is no way in hell a child with brain injuries that will need continuing coverage will ever get private insurance, even for $1450 per month. It is just too big a risk for the insurance company. One year of physical, occupational, and speech therapy could cost more than $6000 a year just in copays if they go weekly. What do you think the insurance company would have to pay on top of that.
Who’s talking about pre-existing condition? I stll am practicing child abuse by denying care to my other kids.
The popcorn machine in the media room was essential.
Stranger than fiction when wingnuts give lectures on honesty. Come 2009, we’re gonna have to build a shitpot full of new prisons just to house your average lyin’, thievin’, wingnut flim-flamming child stalker.
Frost Says:
And you know this because of what psychic ability.
The point of the program is that they get subsidized health care but are still paying for part of it at a lower rate than they would be able to get otherwise. So they are paying for healthcare under SCHIP. I have no idea how many of their kids get covered under the program as maybe all are now covered.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m looking forward to the day when my child can have recreational brain surgery after a horrible accident. Take that, moral hazard! It’s tree smashing time because I got the government covering me!
Bubblegum Tate
That’s what at least 70 percent of the country has been saying about you due to your latest outburt, “Michelle.”
Hume's Ghost
I’ve had that in my bookmarks for quite sometime.
70%? Do I hear 75? 80%?
We’re getting down to the hardcore base here. The ones that would vote Republican if that Republican molested children (as long as those children were of the opposite sex and he’d explain he was persecuted by Dems into doing it or that it was important in the GWOT/GSAVE or something).
It’s sick to watch, but the last election gives me hope that the average (non-blog-reading) American citizen gets it. By it I mean everything John has said about Republicans in the last couple of posts. They may not realign themselves by party affiliation, but they get it when it counts and vote accordingly. If the Republican stick to their current “strategy” (“all red meat, all the time – never look back, never admit defeat, never change course”), I predict massive Democratic wins across the country – state, local, Congressional and the WH.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Wow. This comment is beyond being delusional. I can’t even be angry at the person who said it because of how utterly insane and ironic a comment it is. Especially coming from someone who still identifies with the Republican party.
I actually feel sorry for “The stranger”. Seriously.
Sorry Cole, but it is you who are using the kid, just as the Dems did in trotting him out last Saturday. But your precious narrative is too important now, so
damnobscureignore the facts. Your choir here will, as you do, ignore the fact that the Dems used this lad to try and sell the misconception that Bush’s veto was a rejection of the SCHIProgram (shown in typical liberal knee-jerk fashion) when in fact what he vetoed was an increase is said program. That’s politics as usual of course, but the faux outrage when your opponents pull back the screen on your sides subterfuge is also politics as usual.The din of your choir, lead by your misguided angst, can only be heard by your choir. The screaming that a cut in the rate of increase will kill chilcren because those evil people want to terminate a program.
Your comment up-page amuses me: you fear the proto-fascists that you see on the right. Well pal, what Malkin did is what any journalist would do when a political party tries to foist a narrative (countless examples of the MSM undertaking this very task). Of course, you are silent on Chairman Waxman desire for the government to start maintaining a dossier on the ramblings of their political opponents. “Well of course, that kind of intrusion is just fine – I hate that guy.” Seatbelt laws and city-wide smoking bans… Yeah, and the war on drugs. Or how about the long existing soft-fascism of the government assessing “sin taxes.” But of course, those encumbrances upon freedoms are OK with your side so…eewwwh, those really dont matter. Big of you to make those decisions upon my choices. What a champion.
What a hypocrite. What a blowhard choir leader.
Yea, the GOP has its host of problems, but to mock them as evil incarnate only reveals your own myopic and self-serving dishonesty.
Shorter bains: Stalking a family and posting private information online while getting the facts completely wrong is politics as usual.
Shorter bains 2: Stalking = Reporting! We make our own reality here, moonbats!
Shorter bains 3: Democrats do it too! Congress shouldn’t do its job!!
Shorter bains 4: Seatbelts are bad! Smoking is a constitutional right!! John’s digust about the war on drugs is really a liberal plot for the war on drugs!!
Yes bains, you are.
John's Minions
Hey the choir guy’s in here too! Did somebody leave the alley door open? Beat it you nutcases! This is Cole’s Lair, not a Soup Kitchen!
Randolph Fritz
There is an excellent article on this over at Obsidian Wings. By Hilzoy, a philosophy prof. who has the patience to deal rationally with this garbage.
Bains said:
Bains, what I found most distressing about the entire veto kerfluffle was the fact that the Republicans who voted AGAINST expanding SCHIP were also ignoring the fact that Mr. Bush’s “increase” would not even cover the rising costs for the people already enrolled.
Forget trying to get more people on the program…Bush’s “compromise” won’t cover the people currently enrolled because the private insurance companies that the STATES currently are paying to run CHIP keep raising those rates.
If the Republicans want to debate the merits of the program and whether the veto was appropriate, then I welcome it. However, ignoring the price elephant standing on Bush’s foot is not the way to do it.