From our thread yesterday, a couple more good questions the rabble-rousers here at Balloon Juice would like to see posed to the GOP candidates.:
1.) “Would you have sex with a man to stop a terrorist attack?”
2.) “If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?”
3.) “If you had a time machine, would you travel back in time and abort Bin Laden?”
4.) “Would you torture and kill Jesus to ensure mankind’s salvation? And how does that work?”
Keep ’em coming, as we have a solid mission.
*** Update ***
5.) “If Russia entered Turkey from the rear would Greece help?”
6.) For Rudy specifically: “How many alimony checks does the sanctity of marriage cost?”
Gleefully stolen from Stephen Colbert:
“What are the Ten Commandments?”
Fred, first off, I’d like to congratulate you on raising one very fine-looking daughter, who’s in the audience tonite. Wait….hold on….my earpiece is telling me something…
I’d love to see all the candidates forced to answer whether or not they support the current level of access to contraception. I keep trying to think of ways to take any wiggle room out of the question, and I expect the fine posters here can help me refine it.
The goal: force the candidate to say he won’t in any way discourage or restrict contraception, and watch the extreme wing-nuts desert him, or force the candidate to say he supports restrictions and watch the American public realize the candidate is nuts.
“Rudi, if your plane leaves NYC and travels WSW at 400 mph, and Romney’s bus leaves Madison and travels SW at 65 mpg, who gets to pander and flip-flop in Iowa first?”
George W. Bush: great President, or greatest President?
What is the official beer of heaven?
After the Rapture, won’t the liberals take over, win all the elections, and muck the place up for 1,000 years? What’s your plan for helping to clean up afterwards?
Paul L.
If raising taxes gives the government more money for social programs to improve the lives of the poor, why not increase the tax rate to 100%.
I have one specifically for Ron Paul (I posted this in an open thread).
Would you have sent the military to aid the victims of the 2004 tsunami?
That has been the one shiney example of the Bush Administration during these last 7 years.
False assumption of the increased revenue going to the poor.
“If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?”
This is something I’ve been ranting about for ages. There’s a case for the Laffer curve, but it doesn’t follow that we’re always on the downslope of the curve. Going from 90% to 40% can make a difference in motivation, but do people really get excited about going to 33% from 36%?
Fixed, for truthiness
Do you support equal funding to Biologists for the study of modern Hopi, Norse, and Aztec creation science?
Rudi’s answer:
“Let’s see. 9 divided by 11 gives us 9/11, which when added to the 19 terrorists gives us more 9s and 1s, plus Hillary is a complete zero, which can all be rearranged to 9-11-01. So my answer is 4. Wait, my wife’s calling. Maybe she knows…”
Early leader for PotD
Age of the earth? 6000 years? Or 5796?
If Russia entered Turkey from the rear would Greece help?
Missionary or Doggy?
This one is for Mr. Giuliani:
Mr. Giuliani, in response to hearing that Mitt Romney has a campaign advisor who would stab a person in the leg to get information on a terrorist attack your campaign state that you would, and I quote “Skull fuck a kitten to prevent a terrorist attack”. I have two questions on this:
One: just how many kittens would you skull fuck?
Two: Right eye or left eye?
Is the accusation of terrorism enough to deny an American their rights under the constitution? If so, are baby killers terrorists?
Also a ridiculous attempt at satire, owing to the fact that Democrats did not propose, nor do not believe in anything as simplistic as the Laffer curve as a force for tax policy.
Couldn’t we just drill down to the center and count the rings?
A friend of mine from Texas joined the military to serve his country. Where can I find Texas on a map of Iraq?
(Thanks a lot, John – I’m not going to get any work done today thanks to you :)
The Other Steve
You ain’t very bright, are you?
yeah, paul l missed the point by a mile or so.
Impossible, because A) earth is Flat and B) We’d hit the giant turtle on which the earth is resting with its impenetrable shell.
Many of you say that the unborn of this country should have the full protection of American law. What about foreign unborn? Can we send the Mexican unborn to Guantanamo, where they will understand the language?
hm, this one was sent to us by ‘M.M.’, whoever that is:
“when hiding in the bushes in front of someone’s house, what kind of jacket do you wear to give you good protection from thorns and spiders?”
Trick question! Giuliani’s answer to every question is, ‘9/11’!
Did you ever see that conservative “answer” to the Daily Show? Or read anything by Chris Muir (Day by Day) or Mallard Fillmore?
Republicans and satire aren’t the best of buds.
Although unintentional humor they do well at.
Many have wondered how the Egyptians managed to build their pyramids without power tools or the benefits of home schooling. Scientists say that the great Pyramid is about as old as the Earth. Do you think the Egyptians could have used trained dinosaurs to lift the big blocks into place?
Would it be “playing God” to revoke a brain-dead woman’s health insurance?
The Other Steve
Actually the fundamental problem with the Laffer curve is the belief that a 90% tax rate will encourage people to work and earn less. That’s not true.
They’ll just try to avoid paying the tax by accepting pay in cash, or laundered through an offshore bank account.
It’s been said before that “freedom isn’t free”. How much do you think it will cost to spread democracy to the rest of the world?
Mayor Giuliani, unlike the rest of the candidates you have actually commanded troops in the war against terrorism; I refer to your brilliant campaign against panhandlers and squeegee men, the so-called “Spritzkrieg”. You won. Is The War Against Terror different?
TOS – in terms of tax revenue though it can have a similar effect. That’s why I’m willing to accept that there’s some validity to the idea. However once the rates get down to the 30s and people are talking about minor tweaks, it’s hard to imagine it making that much of a difference.
Then again, the last time I got in an argument with a Laffer fan, he conveniently ignored the effects of inflation so…
How would you interrogate a Mime?
Actually, you can always count on National Review to ask the real questions. This article poses the question, “Why, then, does everyone fret about the burden of the uninsured, but not that of the overinsured?” Those damn irresponsible insured people going to doctors for kicks, when they should just suck up their minor aches and pains and wait for a disaster to strike them. Let’s make it harder for them to get health care!
I only wish I were making this up…
wasabi gasp
How many alimony checks does the sanctity of marriage cost?
It also has to be that everyone is taxed at that 90% rate. As someone pointed out at Kevin Drum’s blog, someone not earning enough to be taxed at that rate will step in and do the job to earn the income if the rich person bows out.
The example they gave was “suppose Reagan has already earned enough as an actor to be in the 90% bracket. He might just not to that next film, figuring $10k out of a $100k paycheck isn’t worth it. But someone who is only in the 40% tax bracket will just step in and take on the role”.
Again, even assuming the Laffer curve is nominally true, there are far too many nuances to taxation to make it a useful tool. Not to mention Laffer himself never articulated the numbers on the graph (and no one has convincingly since). It’s been reduced to the a more general statement, which Laffer himself did not support, that reducing taxes automatically, invariably increases revenue through increased economic activity. That’s just wishful thinking and easily disproven.
If Terry Schiavo knew where the ticking time bomb was, what would you do to get it out of her?
If you were on a sinking ship with Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, and Edward Kennedy, and there were only three life vests between the four of you, how would you make sure the all three of of them drowned?
Follow-up: When you returned to shore, how would you see about the elimination of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?
It’s hilarious, until you realize that the entire Republican frame of the healthcare debate now is that people have too much health insurance and that the cost isn’t passed directly onto consumers, like it is when you buy gas, or a Nintendo.
All the “solutions” (used loosely) proposed by Republican candidates are to increase deductibles, require people to pay for things up front and reduce required coverage levels.
Sure, there would be some people that over-use completely comprehensive care that’s provided at a nominal out-of-pocket charge. But there’s no evidence of that being anywhere near the kind of problem that people face when they go without healthcare, or choose to avoid preventative checkups because they can’t afford out of pocket costs. The only instance I can think of is that Japanese people overuse prescription medication because it’s cheaper to over-prescribe than it is to see a doctor again. That’s not a hard fix.
Again, much like the Laffer curve, Republicans posit an extreme situation that might be possible “healthcare can be so free and accessible that people will over use it” and then wrongly assume we’re already at that point.
To Fred:
Did your wife drink Purple Passion or Boone’s Farm at her 5-year high-school reunion last month?
Would you be willing to be waterboarded on live television to demonstrate to the effeminate liberal elite that this is not torture?
A runaway trolley car is hurtling down a track. In its path is a frozen embryo, which will definitely be destroyed unless you, a bystander, flip a switch which will divert it on to another track, where it run over five illegal immigrants. Should you flip the switch immediately, or wait and see if you get a chance to push Michael Moore onto the tracks first?
That is so wrong! You would first hit the elephants on the back of the turtle.
wasabi gasp
The GOP has been accused of not caring about African American voters when many republican candidates chose to not participate in the Tavis Smiley debate. Being one of the absentees, Senator McCain, how does your black baby feel about this?
Pratchett rocks
I’ve probably asked these before, but for what it’s worth:
Are there any conceivable circumstances under which you’d advocate raising taxes? What would those circumstances be?
If you believe abortion should be illegal, how much jail time should women receiving an illegal abortion receive? Should prosecution be retroactive?
I thought it was turtles all the way down.
Will you as president institute a special huntin’ season for terr’ists and them illegal aliens?
terr’ist season
illegal alien season
Perfect time to bring out the old Emo Phillips routine:
dr z
Will you act to remove G.W. Bush and R. Cheney from office if that’s the only way to stop the terrorists from winning?
For Mitt,
IF it would prevent another terrorist attack, would you tell your sons they have to fight in Iraq or be disinherited/disowned?
Love, Mostest
Back on topic… I have a multi-part question for the candidates.
Do your balls hang low? Do they wobble to and fro’? Can you tie ’em in a knot, can you tie ’em in a bow? Can you throw ’em o’er your shoulder like a continental soldier?
And one follow-up:
Do your balls hang low?
AMEN that was classic!
Since you’ve taken a strong stand against socialized health care, would you also like to take this opportunity to oppose socialized interstate highways?
What lessons can we draw from the successful War on Drugs for a concerted government campaign against masturbation?
Can a known adulterer effectively promote abstinence education?
Anonymous Liberal
If a law, such as those proposed by Democrats, that mandates that all people have health insurance is properly labeled “socialized medicine,” does that mean that existing laws that mandate that all home owners have home owner’s insurance and all drivers have car insurance is also “socialism”? Would you get rid of such laws?
If government-funded health care is “socialized medicine,” does that mean we have a “socialized” educational system in this country? Would you do away with public schools?
Jaron Rush
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor! It’s time you answered the question that’s on the tip of every Health Care Professionals tongue: Paxil or Lithium, which did you stop taking?
If a 12-year old Jesus was covered by SCHIP, which of your favorite right-wing bloggers do you think could carry out the most destructive smear campaign against Joseph and Mary?
No, no. That’s not the right question. It should be “Would you allow yourself to be sodomized by a man to stop a terrorist attack?” Make is clear that they can’t be the top in this encounter, only the bottom.
Bruce Reynolds
Another question:
If you have to be God fearing to be a Republican, does that mean you worship a sadist?
A question for all of the candidates:
Would you let someone torture you to stop the threat of a terrorist attack?
Wouldn’t work – they all got convinced by Rush that torture is merely like hazing. Or, even if they do get waterboarded (like that reporter), they know the torture is going to stop, so it’s bearable.
Would you have traveled back in time and alllowed hitler to keep all of europe and had him negotaiat a deal with churchill to allow a invasion of england.would to travel back in time to encourage the pilgrims to have a vagan thanksgiving
Enlightened Layperson
Oh, but of course, the obvious. To Guiliani: How would skull fucking a kitten stop terrorist attacks anyhow?
For all candidates,
Do you agree with less regulations on guns and gun ownership and with concealed weapons for protection. That they reduce crime?
If yes,
Then is it so different and terrible for world countries that do not possess nuclear weapons to attain nukes for their own protection from other countries that do have nukes ?
Conservative Republicans have voted against the Employee Free Choice act. It has been history that many republicans are less friendly to labor as they are to corporate.
Is it wise to handcuff unions while at the same time you belong to the “GOP Union” and write protection laws for yourselves that other unions do enjoy ?
To the candidates that hold political office;
Which of you will show leadership by refusing the health care that tax payers provide you?
How guilty do you feel by accepting said tax payer funded, socialized, Hillary health care for you and your family knowing many tax payers cannot afford their own health care?
Which of you candidates if President, would strip tax payer funded socialized health care to all Government Congressmen, Senators, White House Adm officials, Supreme Court Justices and all their families ?
To all GOP Candidates, Especially to Romney ?
Who is your biggest fan in regards to donating to your campaign ?
Peter Paul
Follow up Rapture questions. Experts claim that during the Rapture the righteous will be wisked bodily to Heaven, naked. Are you concerned that malicious liberals will video the nude, flabby bodies of the righteous, as they soar Heavenward, sans clothing, including close up shots of their comical facial expressions and shriveled (and equally comical) private parts, and sell the videos on the Internets? And what if any laws would you enact to forbid the online hawking of such videos? And even if it were possible to make liberals promise not to video the Rapture, how would you prevent the pointing and laughing that would inevitably take place when the nude heavenward traveling bodies of the righteous accidently collided and rubbed together in regretable ways that would be of course totally innocent but nonetheless sexually suggestive to dirty minded liberals?
(“Face “)
“Rudi, if your plane leaves NYC and travels WSW at 400 mph, and Romney’s bus leaves Madison and travels SW at 65 mpg, who gets to pander and flip-flop in Iowa first?”
Did Rudi pre check at the airport?
Did he have gator aide or tooth paste at check in?
How many dogs does Romney have on the roof of his auto?
How many stops does Mitt make to hose down his loving pet?
Hey, it was one strong expresso-OK,
Question for all GOP candidates;
Do you agree that Gay and Lez marriage is a “Slippery slope” ?
Do you know this for a fact by:
a) Personal experience.
b) Sen Larry Craig told you in a public restroom.
C) You need to speak to your lawyer first.
D) Only when using to much lubricant.
Heh! I like #3. Stephen Fry (Who played Jeeves in the series Wooster & Jeeves) wrote a novel about “What would happen if someone went back in time and aborted Hitler?” Fry’s answer was that history would have happened in more or less the same way and has a smarter and more devious character take Hitler’s place. The point being that history is more complex than the history of discrete individuals.
So, if we went back in time and aborted bin Laden, we might end up with more or less the same history.
Of course, as far as Republicans are concerned, the question sets up an immovable object vs an irresistible force. “Do I prevent 9-11 or do I preserve ‘life’ at all costs?”
If Dobson and Robertson pray for peace in the Mid East and peace engulfs the Middle East next week.
Who gets the credit. God, Republicans, Dobson’s God, Dobson, Roberson, Robertson’s God & Robertson?
The current administration has repeatedly warned us that terrorists are funding themselves through the illicit drug trade. Why aren’t patriotic entrepreneurial Americans building enough grow ops and meth labs to ensure we have a secure domestic supply?
With the tide of corporations becoming multi national corps. and some open up status in the Caymen Islands to avoid taxes.
Should the U.S. tax payer continue to have his tax dollars spent in defending these multi national corps business interests via the U.S. Government?
Should our U.S. foreign relations etc drop any discussion issues that directly relates to corporations business rights or business protections (such as logos). Does this Government protection of business foriegn interests hamper the “free market” ?
The pyramids were built by a civilization with diminishing goals.
There is a CNN Youtube Debate. You should post these questions on Youtube for the debate.