How exciting! Via Kevin Drum, the story that never mattered but was the biggest thing since Dan Rather in Greater Wingnuttia is back, and apparently Franklin Foer is worse than Hitler. Or something.
I would tell you what I thought of the leaked documents if the links at Drudge worked. From Kevin’s snippet, it appears that the latest transcript show that Beauchamp basically told everyone to piss off, that he just wanted everything to go away. Or, precisely what anyone with a brain would have predicted he would do (note the date I wrote that- 10 September) once the nutters had the brass jumping down his throat.
The Instapundit senses a conspiracy, though, as “Scott Thomas” can not be found on the TNR’s brand new website. Alas, no searches work, the good professor later finds out. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, FRANKLIN FOER, WITH YOUR CRAFTY NEW FAULTY SEARCH FEATURES?
As a side note, it is amazing how quick this shit goes viral with the right- I worked for a little bit, came back, refreshed the browser and saw Kevin talking about it, and immediately noted that every 24%er in the blogosphere already had an opinion up at memeorandum.
*** Update ***
And now Drudge appears to have pulled everything.
*** Update #2 ***
Fourteen pages of Beauchamp refusing to talk about the story (again, who would have guessed that would happen?). That sure clinches it!
Now- on to the speculation as to why Drudge pulled the story. Was there identifying data on the fax that would let us know who leaked the documents (assuming they are legit?). Someone in the military, perhaps? Did TNR make it all up to screw with Drudge?
And finally- how many of you knew who Franklin Foer was before this whole thing? Or had read any of Beauchamp’s dispatches?
Curse you Graeme Frost!
Whoops, got my cue cards mixed up.
You know…I’d donate to a fund for Beauchamp…if we could get enough people to donate..he could continue writing his stuff..and draw off the wingnuts for good.
It would be a sacrifice for him I am sure, but a whole new catagory could be added and Malkin and her screeching harpies and CY and everyone else could just be automatically be filed under Beauchamp.
Then everyone else could get back to business.
Though I have a fabulous idea for testing Bush’s veracity using playdough and red licorice twists..
imagine if beauchamp were a 12-year old kid from baltimore.
my god, the resulting right-wing dustup could irradiate half the surface of the earth.
What is it with you and Drum not being able to get the links at Drudge to work? It’s a PDF file! Could it be that maybe you 76 percenters don’t want to read something that shows what a bunch of dolts you are?
John Cole
Yeah. Clearly a problem on my end.
Nor is there any mention of the story on the front page of Drudge. I can see how this is my fault.
Uh, the direct links are in John’s post above. Try ’em out and see if they work for you, Sparky. Me, I’m just getting 404s.
Okay, looks like Drudge has taken it down for now. I read it earlier in the day and assumed it was still there.
Drudge took it down…ooops.
Better get the crack journalists on the right on THAT…what’s Drudge got to hide?
John Cole
I sense a conspiracy. I think we are going to achieve wingnut nirvana, and it will be proven that a conspiracy composed of George Soros, Valerie Plame, Beauchamp, Graeme Frost, Michael Schiavo, Dan Rather, and Darth Maul leaked fake documents to Drudge to discredit him.
Peter Johnson
There’s no comparison between this and the stuff with the Frost family. Clearly, Malkin and others were out of line with Frost — they took it too far, as I’ve said all along.
But TNR never should have run the Beauchamp article. That’s just bad journalism. It’s like Steven Glass all over again.
John Cole
Yes. It is exactly the same. Except for the fact that Steven Glass was supposed to be a reporter, and the Beauchamp diaries were just color pieces from some guy serving in Iraq.
You can do better than this, DougJ. You really can. I know, when there is shit like this flooding into the intertrons every day that spoofing gets harder and harder, but you are the maestro. I have faith in you, and I need you to really kick it up a notch.
Peter Johnson
Can we all agree that Horowitz is crazy, John Cole? He was crazy when he was a Marxist and he’s crazy now as a whatever it is that he is now. What does that prove?
Tom Hilton
I did read the transcript earlier (before they were taken down), and I have to say that Brainster’s conclusion that Foer and Scoblic are the ones making ‘veiled threats’ is…counterintuitive.
To be extremely generous.
Drudge doesn’t happen to mention that two of Beauchamp’s superiors were present while he was on the call (which was on speakerphone). That does rather change the nature of what he says during the call.
If you want to read the transcripts, they are here:
Don’t know why Drudge took them down.
you know, i (and lots of other left-leaners) really didn’t care at all about what beauchamp had written. common sense dictates that the stuff he wrote about happens every day. big deal.
what really made my week was watching the RW freak the fuck out about the whole thing. like the entire RW blog community all got a collective case of the vapors over this one dude.
its like the graeme frost thing. 5 days and countless posts chock-full of self-righteous indignation later and they slowly turn around to see everyone pointing at them and laughing.
Tom Hilton
And another thing: in the scheme of things, if someone in the Army selectively leaked confidential documents to right-wing sources to further a political agenda, isn’t that a much bigger scandal than whatever Beauchamp or TNR are accused of?
Drudge polls this nonsense all the time. His website has about as much integrity as he does.
That’s right. I went there.
Agree Tom Hilton. How did Drudge get the transcripts..and again why did he take them down.
You just know that Cy was ALL OVER THIS.
Love this comment on his post:
Just another example of your pre-9/11 thinking.
Why do you hate America?
Transcripts are here:
My read of the transcripts is “So what?” TNR is trying to cover their asses (asking Beauchamp not to talk to other media outlets, trying to get hold of various sworn statements–which might actually be interesting, asking him whether he’ll stand by his stories), while Beauchamp is saying, “Sorry, sorry, but I’m not going to say anything, but I love and respect my fellow soldiers,” with other Army guys in the room on his end. This is surprising?
P.S. Bob Owens had a FOIA request in for these same docs which was supposedly approved, so I’m not certain they were ‘confidential’ or even leaked. They look like mil transcripts (John might know more)
John Cole
I have no clue if they are official or not. From what it sounds to me, after reading the transcripts (and this is if they are even legit), it sounds like they couldn’t get the interview for a month, the military was pressuring him to have interviews with two other papers to show he was not being ‘censored,’ and Beauchamp decided it is in his best interest to not say a fucking thing until he is out of the Army. Which makes perfect sense to me, and I fail to see how this is some scathing indictment of TNR.
RSA it’s pretty obvious that Scott was just ‘saying whatever it took to make this go away’ but it’s also obvious that at least one of the three incidents was COMPLETELY disproven (the girl one), and the other two incidents were found to be completely unfounded. Take of the investigation, what you will, but I’m sure any of the people who were questioned were offered immunity, and if there was truth to this, they’da just nailed his butt to the wall. As it is, this ‘Memo of Concern’ is getting off pretty light, although what else could they do sides discharge? He’d already been busted down as low as one can get busted in rank.
The big question. Has drudge buried this story? Or is it a simple matter of bandwidth for the documents?
That’s because you hate America. If you were a patriot you’d understand just how important it was to prove that Beauchamp lied. Or, at least, to prove that he would claim that he lied with the brass looking over his shoulder. Now that that’s accomplished, we can get back to winning the War on Terror.
Buddy you need to illustrate this with Barbie and a butane lighter or you’re just blowing smoke. Don’t forget to post his wedding registry, too.
John Cole
I would disagree on the grounds that disproven and not confirmed to be true are not the same thing.
Which gets us back to the nut of the whole thing- WHO FUCKING CARES? Some guys may or may not have run over stray dogs. Some guy fooled with some bones. Some guys made a rude comment to someone in a mess hall.
This was what everyone flipped their shit over? This was what was SMEARING THE HONOR AND INTEGRITY OF EVERY SOLDIER? Give me a fucking break.
Thanks for reminding me, tBone. I sometimes forget.
Let the kerning begin!
Tax Analyst
After all, they’re probably just “phony soldiers” anyway, right?
Otherwise they’d probably be out building schools or replacing damaged power lines 24/7 – instead of skulking around posting un-patriotic lies on the InterNet.
You know, “Real Soldier” stuff.
You could wear an upside-down American flag lapel pin to help you remember, you know.
I like Capelza’s idea, Everyone should sign up at Winguttia sites as Scott Beauchamp and say bad things about hamster hating soldiers. It could be an “I’m Malcom X!” moment. In fact, that will be my screen name – Malcolm X Beauchamp, or Scott Frost, or Frosty the Beauchamp.
Wilfred…Spartacus Beauchamp.
And the most pathetic thing of all..they are soooo proud of taking down a pro-war mag…because someone informed them that once upon a time it was liberal. It’s the crazy I tell you.
“Which gets us back to the nut of the whole thing- WHO FUCKING CARES?”
TNR cared enough to publish the stories. You cared enough to write at least 10 different posts on the stories. You don’t care now because you were wrong and the “wingnuts” were right.
brainster..if you bothered to read the 10 different posts you’d realise that John is still right. What was he wrong about? That wingnuttia went stupendously apeshit over this?
Yep, he’s still right. And it’s obvious you never read his posts.
John Cole
Every post I wrote about this was one mocking the nutters for freaking out about this. Never once did I say that Beauchamp’s stories were true. What I mocked was the notion that they were disproven with assertions that “soldiers don’t mock people” or sand table exercises with scale models of Bradley’s.
In fact, I think I have stated repeatedly that it is quite possible Beauchamp is lying about everything. Now get to work showing where I was “wrong.”
Jay B.
The stories were little slices of life in a war everyone hates — they aren’t earth shattering, but they do/could/may serve to give people a little texture to the larger issues of death, terminal stupidity, hubris and epic incompetence that gird our administration’s reactions and responses to the war they foisted on our soldiers, our nation and the Iraqis.
What is obvious though is that, in the grand scheme of things (the life, death, etc.) they don’t REALLY matter, anymore than stories about the World Series or feature stories about kids with defects REALLY matter. They provide a different perspective to the lives we live and the world around us.
The wingnutosphere with its hyperbole and complete overreaction to these stories aren’t ‘right’. They remain hysterical over a small scheme story in a big scheme war.
Unfortunately, after checking dozens of online stores, I can’t find a single one that sells upside-down flag lapel pins. It’s obviously a conspiracy against self-expression.
“Add to it that I have always maintained it is entirely possible that he is a fabulist- it would not be the first time. What I disagree with is the notion that everything has been proven false- everything he has written is entirely plausible, and more than likely, the military will have no way of proving things one way or another, and this whole story will disappear.”
Wrong, except for the part about it being entirely possible that he’s a fabulist.
But I am pleased to see you admit that this was nothing more than a handy club with which to beat the right-o-sphere with.
Prof Cole,
I suggest you Read the Quran!!
“ When the infidels gather to speak together, goest amongst them as if thou werest one of them. However, when they riseth to speaketh, thou shalt taketh turns to remove yourself from the group for purposes of goingeth to the bathroom to partake of Number One. Verily, thou shalt fighteth the infidel with all weapons – sword, lance, bow, and pee-pee – until they submit to the rule of those who urinate righteously!
“By Allah were eyes made to see the truth, but the infidel speaks not truthfully. Verily, if thou cannotst avoideth listening to the words of the infidel, then resist them with the weapon of thine eyes and rolleth them while at the infidel while he speaks his falsehood. Truely, Allah hath given us eyes with which to wage Jihad!!”
Stop ignoring the threat of the Islamofascists. Today they are rolling their eyes but tomorrow they will trying to take off your burqa so they can ass-rape you.
You left out the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, and the Knights Templar.
You mean the one where Beauchamp got the location wrong?
Oh yeah, that clenches it…
Tom Hilton
There are sites that sell upside-down flag lapel pins, but you have to flip your monitor over to get to them.
“Verily, the believers are those who, when God’s name is mentioned, their bladders open in fear; and when His signs are rehearsed to them they increase them in faith; who are steadfast in regular bodily elimination, and of what we have bestowed, upon them give in alms; these are in truth believers; to them are degrees with their Lord, and forgiveness, and a very wide stance.”
“ He sent down upon you from the heavens yellow-water to purify you withal, and to take away from you the plague of Satan, and to tie up your hearts and to make firm your footsteps.”
“O ye who believe! when ye meet those who misbelieve in swarms, turn not to them your hinder parts; for he who turns to them that day his hinder parts. save turning to fight or rallying to a troop, brings down upon himself wrath from God, and his resort is hell, and an ill journey shall it be! Nay! Turn to them your foreparts and righteously release the waters of Jihad!!“
There’s got to be some Holy Trinity of Batshitcraziness involved here:
Shiavo goes thirsty, stemming from all the money allotted to pay for her Gatorade instead went to Rich Kid Frost. Who faked his injury, or course, becuase it’s unpossible to get hurt in a crash when you’re rolling in a Benz. This so angered Beauchamp that he joined to Army to fight all the Brown Frosts across the pond. But only ended up producing more Brown Shiavos. Then he went gay, and decided to make shit up so as to be sent home and make love to Larry Craig.
I want to know why Drudge took the transcripts down…
I’m hoping that the transcripts were faked, just for the pure irony of it.
I suspect, however, that TNR already started legal action against Drudge, since its illegal to tap phone calls without the agreement of both parties, AND probably illegal to release legally recorded (by the military) transcripts of recorded calls.
To me, the BIG question is…. if the military isn’t interested in censoring Beauchamp, why would they be monitoring AND TRANSCRIBING his phone calls?
wingnuts to iraq
i was just wondering if Peter Johnson was in Iraq yet, since he’s such a big tough guy.
Peter Johnson
I was never that gung ho about the war in Iraq. But that doesn’t mean that TNR should be running bogus dispatches about what’s going on over there, does it?
John S.
Stop cowering in fear before a relatively small number of people that simply lack the capacity to do serious harm to our nation, you fucking pussy.
That’s right – I said it. All you right-wingers trembling before the fearsome ISLAMOFASCISTS are a bunch of cowardly pussies who are scared of their own shadows.
This country faced down Hitler and the Soviet Union which were far graver threats. Stop being a little bitch and grow a pair.
Peter Johnson
Have you ever read the Q’uran, John S.? If you did, I’m not sure you’d be quite so sanguine about the threats of which we speak,
Peter Johnson Says:
Have you ever read the Q’uran, John S.? If you did, I’m not sure you’d be quite so sanguine about the threats of which we speak,
First, try the Old Testament, if you want some scary stuff, with lotsa smitings, genocide, stonings, what have you.
Or how about — mote, meet beam.
I am only vaguely aware of the whole kerfuffle, my takeaway is this:
I really don’t care whether Beauchamp was spinning tall tales or not. That’s inside baseball for the blog geeks.
It doesn’t change the fact that horrible things happen in a war. Innocents are butchered, often accidentally and unintentionally, sometimes on purpose. Women get raped. Lives are destroyed.
The fact that the soldiers in question are Americans, doesn’t change that basic fact. Neither does wingnuts proving (with or without the air quotes) that Beauchamp fabricated his story.
Peter Johnson
None of which makes the Q’uran any less scary, of course. But don’t bother addressing my actual point. Bring up something unrelated, by all means.
Well, I just read the transcripts, and its pretty obvious that he wasn’t recanting at all. His primary expresed concern was in not causing any more problems for his unit — but the easiest way to accomplish that would be to say that the stories weren’t true. So why didn’t he?
My guess is that the stories were based on true events, but embellished and exaggerated. Admitting that would only lead to more questions about the unit, and what it had done.
For instance, the investigation report that accompanies the transcript states that Beauchamp admitted that he did not witness first hand the chasing down stray dogs…but does so in a way that clearly implies that Beauchamp had been told about it, and that is what he wrote about.
BUt anyone who things that the transcripts represent a recanting suffers from a serious failure in reading comprehension.
Perry Como
You know what else is scary? Clowns.
Jay B.
None of which makes the Q’uran any less scary, of course. But don’t bother addressing my actual point. Bring up something unrelated, by all means.
How is comparing the craziness of a vengeful God in the Bible with the craziness of a vengeful God in the Q’ran unrelated? One, they are the same God. Two, men kill because of it.
Bush thinks he’s the agent of God and as a result has killed hundred of thousands of Iraqis. Osama thinks he is the agent of God and killed thousands of Americans. Same delusion. One, however, is armed to the teeth with nukes.
They’d be even scarier if they were from outer space.
The Other Andrew
Peter–I’m all for fighting (not to be confused with “waging war against”) religious fundamentalism abroad. But it’s hard for me to take you seriously when you think that the homegrown ones are perfectly fine.
The Other Andrew..our murderous Semetic God is okay..their Murderous Semetic God is not. Don’t you get that?
Sadly I discovered not only who he is but also what he looks like when he hosted Afterwords on C-SPAN a few weeks ago in a shirt with no tie and no undershirt. I found his display of chest hair distasteful. I thought about emailing Brian Lamb (who ALWAYS wears a suit and tie) to suggest he counsel interviewers about their dress. Oh, and Foer’s questions were lame, too.
John Cole
That is kinda the other thing- “teh left” really doesn’t give a hoot about TNR or Foer.
At least the mooslims in Egypt learned from Torquemada and now know how to properly waterboard and rape the people we send them.
Wow, this story just will not die. The “special” forces in the Wingnuttian Brigades keep giving mouth to mouth to the bones. Beauchamp too.
Of course, seeing it was resurrected, I just knew the current definitive word on Beauchamp would be at Redstate. I was not disappointed. Emmanuelle, their resident embed, the self-certified non-homophobe, astute homophobe detector has it firmly by the balls. Complete with critical analysis backed up by links to his personal blog and to Drudge’s 404 docs.
To be fair and balanced, in a Red Hot, Emmanuelle noted the docs were no longer linked at Drudge. But before that happened he got a peek at them. He knew them to be true. Because one of them listed the name of a specialist in a PAO. A name he recognized, but of course no one else would or could have known it. Public Affairs Offices are sneaky places like that.
Yes, throughout Emanuel’s crafty analysis you can see he’s directly plugged into the big picture. Like this example…
There you have it, Cole. Even though that was not in your posts nor what clearly appeared to be your thinking on the story, the Emanuels out there clearly know what you meant, therefore it is. Deny it if you wish, but they know the truth.
These guys crack me up. If what you write, say, or do doesn’t fit their narrative, no way in hell will the narrative change. You change to fit their story. They’re reality makers like that.
John Cole
Although I was attacking them- for being idiots. I do like how Sullivan gets a link, but I don’t- presumably because there is nothing to link to…
You know what’s scarier than alien clowns?
Insane clowns.
Or operatic. That’s why I always carry cherry Binaca.
John S gets p’nked by failing to read past the first sentence.
JohnS. – reread my “quotes” and see if I was serious :p.
Peter Johnson wrote,
That has to be the stupidest statement I’ve read all day.
I really think we need to have a Scott Beauchamp Awareness Week at college campuses across this country to alert our impressionable youth about the significant threat from The New Republic.
Jay B. wrote,
From “Mistranslated Myths Of Nomadic Desert Shepherd Tribe Taken At Face Value”:
You mean the rah-rah Iraq invasion support the TNR did or the Beauchamp story?
Of course not. But if Beauchamp had been touting the heroics of his unit, and found to be embellishing or fabricating the tale… you don’t think “teh left” would be as wild-eyed outrageous over TNR as teh right currently is? Heck, they refer to Yon and Totten as as couple of Walter Mittys living out their Ernie Pyle fantasies… I doubt they’d give Beauchamp and his publisher any less flak.
Ah, the “Democrats Are Just As Bad!” ploy. That one never gets old.
Libby Spencer
They’re still obsessing about Beauchamp? I thought Michelle declared open season on Asians who donate to Hillary today. And does this mean they won’t have a War on Christmas this year? I so look forward to that one.
On TNR’s reputation as a leftwing publication, I was entertained to read this snippet from Arthur Schlesinger’s journal:
The TNR comment was a nice bonus to the Krauthammer observation. Schlesinger had his number in 1986, over 20 years ago.
Oh, didn’t the Weekly Standard say that Beauchamp had signed a written recant?
Stick around. Depending on your local time zone and Peter Hugh Johnson’s bed time, you may have to add a “second” or “third” between “the” and “stupidest.”
“I would tell you what I thought of the leaked documents if the links at Drudge worked.”
How about if links to other sites work?
Taken from Drudge.
I’d really be interested in something more than “this story doesn’t matter.” Specifically, I’d be interested in your reaction to the editors telling Beauchamp that they would have to retract if he didn’t stand by his story. Which he didn’t — yet instead of retracting, they have stonewalled.
For weeks.
Regardless of the content of the story, that is an issue of media integrity that matters — at least if anyone is going to take this magazine seriously.
Plus combined with the counter-factual example pulled out of his ass. A two-fer!
I especially love this bit–the total lack of perspective is astounding, and yet utterly routine for this bunch…
Oh, wait–I’d better explain for Peter Johnson and his fellow travelers: the Beauchamp issue is trivial; Abu Ghraib and the continuing criminal incompetence of our foreign policy is not. Beauchamp is the diversion–not Abu Ghraib and its fallout. Kind of like how Sandy Berger’s bad behavior is trivial in the greater scheme of things and Gonzales’s is not. It’s about real life consequences, not partisan politics. Get it? No, probably not…
I know you’ve comment on Beauchamp’s comments. But what about what the editors say?
Bruce Moomaw
Let’s all keep the most important point in mind, shall we? Namely, that Beauchamp’s very first story for TNR ( ) concerned a Iraqi boy who supposedly got his tongue cut out by evil insurgents for befriending US troops, but continued to befriend them anyway. Which, of course, confirms that — whether he’s a liar or not — neither he nor TNR have been setting out to Discredit Our Boys. (By the way, there are some odd aspects to that story, too — “…his lower torso swallowed by one of Little Venice’s excrement canals”? — but we didn’t hear a peep about them from the Fighting Keyboarders until he wrote that other story actually saying some negative things about US troops. Wonder why?)
Bruce Moomaw
P.S.: I hope I haven’t just blown up John’s site yet again by accidentally including that URL address. *sigh*
I’ve never read any of Beauchamp’s dispatches, and I still don’t know who Franklin Foer is.
Since when is TNR worth taking seriously? Protip: it’s not any more popular on the left than it is on the right. But good luck with the “Shameless Lefties Defend Scandal-Plagued TNR!” angle.
This story just gets weirder and weirder. Who gave Drudge those documents? And why did he pull them?
By the way, Drum has copies of them at his original post that John links to above, in case you’re interested in reading them. Which I was, and it sure is hard for me to believe that Beauchamp was being fully open and honest on that phone call seeing as there were two other people in the room with him, and one of them was his squad leader. His whole tone is strange. I can see why, if he’s lying about several things, he wouldn’t want to talk about the story anymore. But I can also see why he wouldn’t want to talk about things anymore if he was in a lot of trouble from his superiors and comrades for doing so.
So once again to me it’s Army vs. TNR, and frankly I’m inclined to trust actual journalists more…but that’s probably just because I’m not infected with right-wing hatred towards the MSM for their failure to talk about all the good stories in Iraq.
And by the way, in the Kurtz story that Drum links to, Foer says Beauchamp stood by his story in another later conversation with “no superiors present.” So, Beauchamp won’t stick by his story with a superior in the room…and then he will when one isn’t. To me that doesn’t definitively prove that he’s a liar…but see above comment about MSM hatred.
Patterico, see my comment above.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
But Brawndo has what plants crave. Brawndo has electrolytes.
Beef Supreme, is that you?
No it’s not. It’s Army being dragged into it by the imbecilic Malkinettes/Redstater types who just haven’t gotten the full orgasm yet they crave from their massive circle jerk on this. My guess would be the few in uniform told to spend any time on it have probably been rolling their eyes and shaking their heads at the stupidity. You can pretty much see that in the way Army has handled it to date. They got other things to do than to attend to the delicate sensibilities of our known truthers.
But before it ends, I’m sure the burning question all America wants to know, what the fuck kind of countertops does Beauchamp’s wife have?! Get on it, Malkin and Emanuel. We need photos.
Well, I would imagine that the “Army” is not quite as reluctant as you would imagine, when someone in uniform most likely leaked those documents to Drudge.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Unfortunately, no. I’m Frito. Now, go away! ‘Batin!