I am beginning to really understand why people like Apples.
They are easy.
I plugged in my old Sony camera, and iPhotos popped up. I picked the pictures on the camera I wanted to import, and it imported them. I then edited them slightly in photoshop, and I was done. No screaming. No chest pains. No spending 45 minutes downloading drivers so it would recognize my camera. Just plug it in, and it works. At any rate, some pictures of Tunch:
Tunch letting me know who is boss.
Sleeping on my Steelers gear that I had put out the night before the game. Nothing is sacred.
At any rate, this is so easy, expect more pictures of Tunch.
Assimilation complete.
John- You know that you should be very honored to share everything you own with a cat! You and your possesions constitute his territory, and he’ll never get why cat hair covering all you have drives you nuts.
And no doubt dreaming of mauling Steely McBeam into little shreds of bright yellow foam.
Since you’re now a Libislmocommiefascist I’m sure you took the appropriate action if Tunch was still napping on game day:
and still, there are a fair number of PC users who love to piss all over Mac users.
I like to think of it as a manifestation of pure envy. I have two Apple stickers on my car and not infrequently I see other cars around town who have done likewise… proud to be part of the tribe! How many Windows/PC users love their computers so much they’ll put a Windows sticker on their car?
gypsy howell
Ummm…. you laid out your Steelers gear the night before the game?
Huh. Somehow I pictured you being older than 5.
The Other Steve
What I love about PCs, is the keyboard. I type, and words appear on the screen. No flicking switches, no problems with hammer and chisel. It just works.
Quite unlike the Apple, which doesn’t even have a keyboard.
The Other Steve
Take her now, you prancing pony!
I plug my Nikon into my PC and poof! The PC recognizes the flash drive. No drivers required. I pull the pictures to my hard drive in one easy motion, then edit them slightly in Paint Shop Pro (though I could use Photoshop if I wanted to).
Easy peezy, no assimilation required. And I can still play WoW or Civ IV without rebooting or switching machines.
Anyway, nice cat!
having had both types of comps in the house…it will always be Mac for me.
I’d put an Apple sticker on my car, but it would clash with my Beaver (go OSU) sticker.
My cat is black and white…there is no article of clothing she can’t cover. When she lays on the dark clothes she only releases the white hair…when she lays on light clothing, it is only the black hair…it’s uncanny.
That pussy’s got some stray brown on him….off to Gitmo!
OK, so a fire in Malibu and San Diego has, according to the news, cost almost a billion smacks in damage. There, it burned, like, what….only 8 houses or so?
TanKKKredo wants to know why these fires never hit South Central instead.
Billy K
TOS just can’t help but shit all over any kind of Apple appreciation.
Dude, I still believe you’re better than this, but you’re trying really hard to prove me wrong.
Your indoctrination is now complete. Please note that Apple’s logo is a rainbow colored apple. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
I just got a MacBook Pro for work. I love it and squeeze it and call it George.
You’re rooming with Casey Hampton? What’s he like?
Billy K — If you want real, vile, horrid Apple-hatred, you should read *my* blog.
Both of which are available as Mac applications.
Assimilation can continue …
Bugs Bunny called. He wants his royalties.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“Please note that Apple’s logo is a rainbow colored apple. Coincidence? I don’t think so!”
Urban legend has it that the logo was chosen in memory of Alan Turing’s suicide method. Given why Turing offed himself, maybe the rainbow colors are appropriate.
gypsy howell
Shouldn’t that be “iTunch Blogging?”
Billy K
Sorry, blogspot is blocked at work. Besides, I’ve got plenty of pure, vituperative Apple loathing in my life. Any more would probably just be overflow and go unnoticed.
‘Twere it not for the healing power of Apple and Lord Jobs, I might even be hurt by all the negativity!
Billy K
Steinbeck called and he wants his roy…no, no he just wants to be left alone.
Billy K
Never heard that one. The original logo is probably a pretty accurate indicator of their inspiration. It’s a drawing of Newton sitting under an apple tree.
This should be fun… Scott Beauchamp, it turns out, WAS a fabulist. Oh, the fun for the next 48 hours… the right crowing and the left sputtering, “but, but, but…”
Now that’s a cute little fat kitteh. I would give him kisses on those brown spots right by his ears…omg /melts
Ryan S.
OT but, Just wait till November.
D-chance…. a premptive post here.
The “Left” or at least the “John Coles of the Left” ;) had a problem with the obseesion with it…right down to the sandbox reenactments of the Tonka bradley running over the Lego dog.
Tax Analyst
Someplace, somewhere there is a 50+year-old picture of one of our old family pets, “Snowball”, a pure white cat, sleeping inside of our old clothes dryer. There was a box of “Tide” Laundry Detergent sitting on the floor right next to the open dryer door. My Mom seriously thought about sending it to Proctor & Gamble or whoever made Tide back then for consideration in their advertising.
Tunch reminds me quite a bit of old Snowball, except for the little brownish ridges between Tunch’s ears and the back of his head. Well…I must note that Tunch is quite a bit more buff than Snowball, not much of a surprise really, since Snowball was a female.
John Harrold
If you like iPhoto, you should give Aperture a try (or Lightroom if you like Adobe stuff). Both have nondistructive editing, so your original photos are never touched. I’m not familiar with all of the feature of Lightroom, but aperture has nifty stuff like the ability to move your master files to external drives and keeping previews local — handy if you have a laptop with limited hard drive capacity.
Oh did they finally get around to putting some decent games out for Macs? That’s good to know, even if it’s behind the curve.
Ha! I actually don’t hate Macs, I just don’t think they’re all that. Windows used to be very bad (I’ve been using it since 3.0, which sucked sucked sucked), but it really isn’t any more.
The Other Steve
I despise preconceived points of view which are wrong. If I point out you are stupid, don’t blame me.
Johnny Pez
Is it Friday already?
Holy shit is that funny.
So not only is Turkey invading Iraq, but they’re invading Bahstahn, too?
Billy K
That makes no sense, but I appreciate your typing.
Or better yet, don’t. The guiding principle behind Lightroom appears to have been “Hey! I know! We’ll package up some basic basic Photoshop functionality in a UI designed by a dyslexic schizophrenic, then bloat it up to the point where it’s virtually unuseable. And then we’ll sell it to people for $299 a pop!”
Libby Spencer
Sweet cat. Give him a skritch for me.
As for Apples, I would get one in a minute and be proud of it, if only I was a famous blogger making tons of money and could afford one.
Billy K
That’s Adobe’s mantra with everything now. (So. Sick. of. Adobe.)
Of course they’re easy, when they work. That’s just how my PC works too. Good luck when they don’t work because even fewer people know what settings to look at.
No Santorum(that’s shit to neophytes) champ!!
The Japanese had this stuff like 12 years ago.
Tunch is not amused.
Me too. I like most of the tweaks they made to core apps like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign in CS3, but I wish I could just get the apps I need without 1) useless shitware like Bridge & VersionCue and 2) pain-in-the-ass activation schemes.
At least they haven’t managed to ruin Dreamweaver or Flash. Yet.
Actually I think it’s easier to get help on the Mac side of things – lower signal-to-noise ratio since it’s largely an enthusiast community.
Tunch is one smart cat. Never leave it to a mere human to decide which garments will look better with a healthy dose of white cat hair.
LMAO I love the look on his face in the first picture.
Give them time, tBone. I have great faith in Adobe…there’s nothing they touch which doesn’t turn into merde…
Damned at Random
Tunch has nearly the same markings as my Sugar! Sugar is white with a black tail, two black spots on his head and a little black Hitler mustache. Everyone who sees him laughs.
Bu-bu-but . . . look at what a great job they did with PageMaker when they bought it from Aldus! In 2015 or so, after years of neglect, Adobe can unceremoniously dump DW and Flash for new products that no one really wanted. They could call them something like “GoLive” and “LiveMotion.”
Thanks to John’s constant i-yi-yi-ing I now read the title of this post as iTunch Blogging.
The Truffle
Awwww, look at the pooty!
Blizzard is a sensible company, jnfr, and does simultaneous cross-platform releases. WoW and all its expansions are Mac-playable from the day they hit the streets.