Which one of you jackasses is responsible for signing me up for a TownHall.com account?
by John Cole| 47 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance, General Stupidity
Which one of you jackasses is responsible for signing me up for a TownHall.com account?
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the Pale Scot
I am Spartacus
I am Spartacus!
I didn't know about town hall
Wow! So this is where Hillary has posted her hidden agenda. Fiendishly clever of her.
This sounds like a pass, fail question.
Jim Henley
I’m thinking it was that little Graeme Frost prick.
I am Sparklepuss.
Damn U Scott Beauchamp!
Libby Spencer
I am asking myself why I started clicking in here six times a day and I just realized it’s because it’s the only place in Blogtopia that makes me laugh anymore. That is VERY FUNNY.
By the way, I am Spartacus too.
It’s the same guy who’s been spoofing Boylan’s email messages.
Tim F.
What’s a townhall.com?
I am not Spartacus. I think I’m Kirk Douglas.
So, when are you going to post over there?
I am Spartacular.
I am Spartacustard.
Better crank up that spam filter.
I am Sparta. Obsolete.
Nice site here. I got here by way of ThinkProgress to Greenwald to here. Some funny stuff. A blogger who drinks and then blogs, nice, I won’t have to go to Althouse anymore.hahaha
Hey John when is your drunken Vblog going up?
trevor, you’re making the grave assumption that John watches American Idol and likes it.
Please back off before you get hurt. Seriously.
Cinderella Ferret
I am the Thracian slave formerly known as Spartacus.
i am spartan
(no caps on my keyboard)
The Other Steve
Althouse? That’s that feminazi blog that talks about boobies all the time, right?
I am Antoninus [smooths hair].
Our buddy Psycheout got called out on Olbermann the other night.
I am Lentulus Batiatus. Spartacus, bring me some wine and kill someone while you do it…
You’re right, John…that IS very funny.
John, I signed up for Townhall to get their latest updates; it is great blog fodder. Don’t look an asshole’s gift in the, uh, orifice.
Townhall? That’s some nice digs.
Abe Froman
John Cole
How did the wedding go?
It was beautiful and perfect and fun and totally stress-free. :)
Great weather (the rain held off, thank goodness), and it was SO pretty over at Bow Bridge. On the way there, our cab got in a fender bender at 60th and Central Park West, so we had to walk 12 blocks, but it was a nice day, so I didn’t care (besides, I then had the fun of having all of these random strangers congratulating us). We had a really fun time (the photographer stayed an extra half-hour for no charge ’cause he was enjoying himself so much with us). We were just all really relaxed and easygoing and happy — it was exactly the way I’d hoped it would be.
(And can I just be self-congratulatory for a moment about how non-Bridezilla I was?) It took me less than an hour to get ready. I was grooving to Barry White and drinking a beer while putting on my mascara.
Anyhoo, be a sport and add me on your Facebook already and you’ll be able to see the pictures once I post them.
the Pale Scot
would you like some mollusks with that wine?
calling pz….
Krista: Congratulations! May you have many happy years together.
Congratulations again, Krista. Glad it went great for you. :-)
Woo-hoo Krista! Hope you had a wonderful time. (And wasn’t it nice having a mighty dollar to bring down there?)
Yes, mollusks will do fine Spartacus. Bring me some grapes and a woman to feed me them for dessert too. While you are doing that, go ahead and kill someone else, for I am bored and in need of amusement.
Congrats Krista! Bridezilla eh? I married a bridezilla over twenty years ago. She eventually calmed down… ;)
So, it was you?
Congrats, Krista
Damn you Steely McBeaM!!
Congratulations, Krista! I’m so glad it was fun rather than stressful.
I did something similar preparing for my wedding, only it was numerous glasses of wine people kept handing me, because I did momentarily turn into Bridezilla (tried to plan everything myself–NOT recommended). Long story short, I ended up having to make my march down a steep flagstone staircase (garden wedding) in high heels, totally tipsy, with everyone watching and wondering if I was going to end up cartwheeling down the landscaped terraces…all ended well though (although my new MIL finished off the cake before I had any, and the groom ended up too drunk to properly consummate the event). Those were some fun times…
Oh, by the way, I AM SPARTAPUSSY!
Johnny Pez
I am Biggus Dickus!
I mean, I am Peter Johnson!
No, wait . . .
You are A. Incognito Johnson…
I think it was Cindy Sheehan.
Libby Spencer
Well I’m too new here to know you but congrats anyway Krista. Like your style. My first marriage was in 1972 so needless to say I wasn’t drinking beer but I was on my ass stoned on some really great pot. It was so obvious in the photos that the family burned them rather than show them to their friends.
I’m Brian, and so’s my wife!
And congratulations, Krista! Good on you for being a relaxed bride! That’s when people have fun.
Krista…congrats. It sounds like a fun wedding. You’ll have a great marriage.
Why does that remind me of the question: “Alright which one of you fuckers put novocaine in the vaseline?”
Tax Analyst
I guess “Once more, with feeling” was out of the question at that point.
OH…yeah, congrats to the max, Krista.