Col. Boylan certainly makes a lot of news:
A U.S. Army officer was attacked at knifepoint by three Korean males Sunday night outside Yongsan Garrison in Seoul and sustained a minor stab wound.
U.S. military authorities declined to release the officer’s name, but Stars and Stripes has learned he is Army Lt. Col. Steven Boylan, chief spokesman for 8th U.S. Army.
Boylan was treated for a stab wound and bruises at the 121 General Hospital on Yongsan, then released.
“The three suspects were cursing him in English,” said Army Maj. Holly Pierce, an 8th Army spokeswoman.
The suspects ran off after the attack, which began around 8:40 p.m. in a pedestrian underpass just outside Gate 3, along the east perimeter of the Yongsan installation, near a stretch of Highway 31, Pierce said.
Korean National Police and U.S. Army military police were investigating the attack, Pierce said.
The attack came only one day after a massive anti-American demonstration in Seoul in which tens of thousands denounced the acquittal last month of two U.S. soldiers in a roadside accident in which two teenage South Korean girls were struck and killed by a 45-ton U.S. Army armored vehicle June 13.
Boylan has been the Army’s principal spokesman on the case, going before South Korean and other news media regularly to represent the U.S. military’s side of the controversy.
Interesting is what I find that.
*** Update ***
I apologize in advance to all the wingnuts for not posting the entire news story. Since I do not want to be accused of HIDING THE GREATER TRUTHS, SELECTIVE EDITING AND MISLEADING MY REMAINING RIGHT-WING READERSHIP, I will remind you stupid bastards that the entire story can be found by clicking the hyperlink featured above, before the quote, and once again right here:

*** Update ***
More here (wingnuts click ‘here’ for the whole story, what follows is my ‘selective editing,’ or, as we in the business call it, editing):
Lt. Col. Steven Boylan’s combat patch comes from flying helicopters in El Salvador, but his parents think his Purple Heart should come from walking the streets of Seoul.
That became clear one night last month when three Korean men cornered him in a tunnel on his way home. ”They started cussing me in English, ‘G.I. get out, G.I. go home,’ ” the colonel, a 41-year-old Wisconsin native, recalled today. ”They attacked me, and I made a defensive maneuver. It was only when I made it back to post that I saw I had been stabbed.”
As Bob Owens told us yesterday, “The knives are being swung at the back of our soldiers comes from the hand of Franklin Foer.”
Does anyone know if Franklin Foer was in Korea in the past few years? Someone email the Weekly Standard. We might be on to something.
How big of a promotion does he get if Greenwald stabs him?
wingnuts to iraq
not only that, he’s also a liar.
So what kind of vehicle is 45-tons?
John Cole
Better break out the sand table and scale models!
Tax Analyst
That really seems to cap off a pretty bizarre confluence of events.
Does this make Boylan an unquestionable US Army American Hero? When will Hasbro start making him in action-figure form?
I feel terrible for laughing, but my thoughts exactly.
Let me be the first to say, ‘DAMN YOU, Scott Beauchamp.. and your little Korean friends, too!!’
protected static
This is from 2002… (and the girls were apparently killed by an AVLM that was about a meter too wide for the road it was on.)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!! the update.
protected static
(not to be pedantic or anything…)
No thanks, I fell for that one twice over at Sadly, No!
“I was just tap dancing in the stall and these guys started demanding money,” Boylan is quoted as saying,
Peter Johnson
I wonder how Glenn feels about smearing him now. Is there any news of there being a connection between this attack and what transpired between he and Greenwald earlier this week.
Peter Johnson
“The three suspects were cursing him in English,”
This makes me suspicious of a connection with Greenwald.
PJ, you have now officially jumped the shark.
I think it’s in the Army TOE that there must always be a LTC/ Col. Boylan on active duty. In fact, I bet a cursory review would show that there has been one at all times in American military history and, more importantly, said Boylans have always been assholes. Moreover, I bet in the lives of most American men there has been a Mr. Boylan – a shop or gym teacher, a fuckhead at motor vehicle or a building superintendent who made some guy’s life miserable just because he could. Just a hunch.
Peter Johnson
The coincidence doesn’t strike you as strange, that a few days after a high profile dust-up with a well-known blogger that he’s attacked by three men speaking English? And the fact they’re coming from an anti-American demonstration?
Does anyone know what kind of readership Greenwald has in Korea?
Elvis Elvisberg
Typical leftist bullshit, John, hiding the story behind some confusing red and white icon, that you have to scroll down to even see.
What are you hiding?
Elvis Elvisberg
Well, holy shit, here comes Peter Johnson. Life imitates satire, vol. eleventy billion.
I don’t know John. If I had my head jammed so far up my ass I looked at the world through my nipples I might not see that link.
How did Greenwald smear Boylan? Are you aware the Korean attack took place in 2002?
protected static
And time machines. Don’t forget the time machines. Back to 2002.
And yes, we did notice the horrible pun.
Probably Korean. It’s all starting starting to add up.
John Cole
Thank you. It isn’t as easy as it looks, you know.
man, am i glad that you left the crazy right, john, because you’ve been on fire since you went indy.
seriously, it feels like a friday today.
and what the hell happened to friday beer blogging, anyways? what the shit is up with that?
James F. Elliott
That Bookworm link is great: He refers to Beauchamp as TNR’s “roving Iraq correspondent.” Looks like the grammar nazi needs some reading comprehension lessons!
oh, and peter johnson – you are officially the dumbest guy, ever.
Jay B.
Boylan later asserted that he wasn’t stabbed but that his ass had been stolen in Vermont, so it was probably that guy who bled his blood in the Korean attack.
John, great work! And now to watch this baby ricochet through the right-wing blogosphere as proof of the nefarious connections between the lefties and al-Qaeda, the Illuminati, Kim Jong Il, the Fall of Rome…
A better joke
Boylan said that since he was stabbed in the back, he’s pretty sure Korean journalists were involved in the attack.
He gets really quiet when he’s proven totally wrong.
I was holding out hope that PJ was an actual wingnut. Unfortunately, Sir, you have reached too far into the silliness with these comments, and have exposed yourself for the spoof you are.
Sigh. Yet another of life’s little hopes dashed. Good luck with the new pseudonym.
Scott Beauchamp’s Korean friends have time traveling powers?!
Cinderella Ferret
Godammit! Bill Clinton made me hit that damn submit button to fast. You liberal, commie, terrorist sympathizers have got me so pissed off I can’t think straight! Oh Jesus! Is that Larry Craig in my bathroom?
It should be obvious Greenwald has plenty of readers in Korea! North Korea. Of course, we need a Time Machine, but I think they have one that new show Journeyman. Yea, that explains how it happened that way. You see first Glenn has a dust up with the Colonel, then they go back in time 5 years, incites a riot, THEN jump the Colonel. Of course, it took three hippies to take on the Great American Hero. Boy, you liberals sure aren’t very smart, are you?
That really isn’t too big a leap? Have you heard anyone from NBC deny they have a time machine?
maxbaer (not the original)
I don’t think the colonel is so good at the public relations thing. At least those Koreans had the decency to curse him in English, tho.
Cinderella Ferret
But, I still don’t understand what this has to do with Puerto Rico?
(OK, I’ll stop now. Look I’m just practicing in case Wingnuttia is contagious.)
Isn’t this the same Col.Steven A. Boylan telling Glenn Greenwald how it “really” is in Iraq?
And the Asshat is in South Korea !!??
Maybe Glenn should send him a link to a map.
Maybe, just maybe, we can steal NBC’s time machine, send Aahnold back in time, and he can waterboard the dirty, Glenn & Beauchamp man-loving hippies until the leave true hero Colonel alone!
Lord I hope TEH STUPID isn’t contagious. My ear’s are bleeding from watching “>this video from Atlas Shrugged. (Bonus includes Michelle Malkin idiot cheerleader video too).
So Boylan didn’t even notice he’d been “stabbed” until AFTER he got back to post? Must not have been more than a shaving-type of nick, then. Certainly not Purple Heart deserving. At least, that’s the opinion of those who were judging war injuries in the last election… does anyone know if Boylan has presidential aspirations 30 years from now? We really need to investigate this more closely. Just to clear the record, of course.
Johnson Peter
Your use of a near-fatal attack on a member of the U.S. military for the purpose of spoofing right-minded patriots just shows how much you liberals hate the troops.
Boylan’s promotion to full bird colonel didn’t come as a result of the flap in Korea. During his first assignment in Iraq, after that, he was still a light colonel.
When he was Petraeus’s flack at Leavenworth, then he was a bird colonel. Apparently the promotion came as a result of the first Iraq assignment. I wonder if he was already Petraeus’s flack there.
wingnuts to iraq
so should we send Boylan purple heart band aids? That sounds like the classy thing to do.
OMG am I now an “Official” Malkanite for NOT reading the LINK first?
Does anyone know if Franklin Foer was in Korea in the past few years?
Oh. My. God. Franklin Foer has stabbed Col. Steve Boylan!
You just knew this was going to happen! Alert the media!
Break out the Drudge Siren!
It doesn’t matter that this news is over 5 years old – full speed ahead! Breaking! Breaking!
Has anyone e-mailed Michelle Malkin?
Overwrought I am.
I’m astonished that the Korean blade made it through both wetsuits.
Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner?
Major Asshole: I did sir. He’s my cousin.
Dark Helmet: Who is he?
Colonel Sandurz: He’s an asshole sir.
Dark Helmet: I know that! What’s his name?
Colonel Sandurz: That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole!
Dark Helmet: And his cousin?
Colonel Sandurz: He’s an asshole too sir. Gunner’s mate First Class Philip Asshole!
blockquote is the most evil tag in all of HTML. And a href is of course the sneakiest tag. I’m ambivalent about the rest, but I suspect they’re all un-American.
Had the dread pundit asked for a copy of your news story yet?
god, the parodies just write themselves, don’t they? i expect the “korean stabbers for truth” to come out soon asserting that boylan actually stabbed himself to get out of work. no, really, this korean woman who goes by “stabbitha” who was totally there told me so.
haven’t gotten the kerning quite right yet.
Cinderella Ferret
This is OT, but it looks like Christmas got here early this year.
The Cheney Confederate Hunting Club.
Can we all just form a circle, hold hands, (nah, just kiddin’. What? You think we’re a bunch a queers or sompin’?) and whistle Dixie?
Not OT at all. Col. Boylan has been e-mailing to Confederate Yankee, and getting his e-mails — attacking Scott Beauchamp — posted there.
Cinderella Ferret
OK I may have jumped the gun a bit. It looks like that loud mouth Al Sharpton has got his perm in a knot over this as well. Jesus! That kind of spoils the fun for me.
You lying moonbat. When I clicked the above (which I’ve bolded) there was no link to the story. What am I supposed to just take your block quote as is an accept it? Hell no you lying scumbag.
Why do you hate America John? Is it because you’d prefer to wear a burka? Is it because you think Hitler was right? I thought so traitor
Bruce Moomaw
They were probably mad at him for stealing their E-mail addresses.
Ah, Double Dong, I think you got your pricks out of order there.
Speaking of pricks, seems Boylan has a real gift at winning friends and influencing people. Yep, he’s a Public Affairs natural.
Peter Johnson
It’s hard to believe that even you here would think this is funny. An officer is targeted for attack and you all you yuk it up. Aren’t you even the slightest bit disturbed by this pattern? First, a group steals Boylan’s identity. Then, another, possibly related group, attacks him on the street.
I’m not saying that these attacks are definitely related. Nor am I claiming with any certainty that Greenwald was involved with either, but it’s quite a chain of coincidences. And it’s anything but funny.
Crap, broken link above.
Here’s the HORROR that is a Republican attempt at a funny song.
The bonus is the Malkin video also included that most have seen before.
Peter Johnson
Oh, wait, that story is dated 2002.
Never mind….
OK, we can now definitively say that PJ is a spoof. The whole “Then” part is just hilarious, if you can’t read. Or 2002 comes after 2007 in your book.
Goddamn John you get funnier and funnier!
I hope they don’t mistake the target for an ad for Target stores. Rampant protective stupidity among the ‘nutters makes this a possibility.
Peter Johnson
I didn’t check the date on the article, jcricket. Mea culpa. Next time I’ll be more careful.
I still think this is all strange, though.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Too late, toolbox.
Always in motion, the past.
Double Dong, not only have you got your pricks mixed up, but also the sequence of events. Boylan’s Korean thing came before he didn’t send email to Greenwald from his computer.
Click the BIG RED TARGET. Hidden at the top of the Stars and Stripes story in plain sight is the date, almost five years ago. Maybe together with Bookworm you could figure it out. I got faith.
I don’t know what’s funnier. The fact that Peter prattled endless without even reading the linked article…
Or that he KEPT prattling on about the time-travelling connection even after several people pointed the date out to him.
Thank you, Peter. That one I’ll cherish for days to come.
It doesn’t matter what they say, or if what they say is even true. All that matters is that someone is saying what other people want to hear someone say. Its how opinion is validated. Its why right wing radio is so popular.
More proof that reality has a liberal bias, eh, PJ?
Two things I would never do in SE Asia:
1. Wear a military uniform, especially not of the US.
2. Go into a tunnel at night.
Spiiderwebs: Korea is in NE Asia
But yeah, quite a few citizens there are not too happy to be hosting us these days.
kid bitzer
i understand what the korean kids really said was:
“what’s the frequency, boylan?”
You know, people keep bringing up the fact that this guy is a Colonel, as if that bestows some instant credibility on him, and it’s so unbelievable to think someone like that could write such a petulant email. Well, quite simply, Colonel is the highest rank you can achieve if are a lifer or near-lifer in the Army, and someone has determined that you are just not fit in some way to become a General. It can be a sign of your limitations, as well as your resolve.
I moved down to DC in 1995, and my first job was with a military contractor in the Tysons Corner area. My first project manager there had been a Colonel in the Army Rangers. Nice enough guy, good with number crunching, great with personnel projections and such. But, the guy’s favorite phrase when things got stressful was, “My life was so much easier when I was just blowing up Panamanians.”
He would follow this up by pantomiming hitting a “clicker” three times.
I could absolutely see this guy writing exactly the kind of email that Greenwald received. In fact, I heard him put forth many similar opinions back during the Clinton/Dole election run-up. Granted, he was not a PAO, and no one would have dreamed of actually letting this guy talk to the public in an official capacity. But, simply reaching the rank of Colonel does not necessarily bestow anything upon your character.
So it’s too dangerous for Boylan to hang out in a beautiful city like Seoul, which is actually a very nice, modern place with lots and lots to do, and very friendly people if you haven’t managed to annoy the hell out of them. (I know, I’ve been there.) And in order to stay safe he has to go to Iraq which our reliable, trustworthy, incorruptible, and competent government has blown into little bits, thus making us the most hated nation on earth.
No wonder Stevie’s in a bad mood and finds himself taking his frustration out by sending nasty emails to bloggers who annoy him. Then when they bite back, he gets all scared and goes into denial. Glenn must remind him of those mean Koreans who gave him that bad scare. I’ll bet Stevie is suffering from PTSD. We’ve got his email addy. What say we flood his inbox with ecards saying . . . . oh, whatever.
Peter Johnson
Good thing that those at the rank of Colonel are bestowing safety and freedom on the rest of us, though. And I don’t think it’s so easy to reach that rank as you claim. It’s a high rank.
Slightly OT, but a couple more gems from the Steve Boylan archives:
Oh God, I actually did laugh out loud on that one.
Funny, I thought it was the Constitution and those sworn to defend it who bestowed freedom on us. I never knew Col. Boylan, the Freedom Fairy, came to sprinkle it to me in the night.
So Boylan’s in the 101st Fighting Keyboardists. First we’ve heard they actually had an officer in country.
Truer words were never written.
Jazuz, that there is a target link. Guess that one will only be missed by a few.
It be a hard, hard fight.
More nuggets from Col. Steve:
Of course I didn’t bother with the atrocious spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Franklin Foer? Why, I loved his novel “Everything Is Illuminated”! I had no idea he was also so busy working to get troops killed. I guess that must be the literary side of his nature. Those litterateurs just love to make trouble.
Traitorous, traitorous traitors with their weird “democracy” and “justice” hang-ups!
They probably change their names just to hide from the furriner-hating forces of good.
It can also be a sign that you know how to fry chicken with 11 secret herbs and spices.
Here’s an reenactment.
Thats too bad he did,nt know some martial arts are sent three cowards to the hostital with some nasty marks all over them
Warren Terra
… you can get a combat patch for service in El Salvador?
I thought we were just supposed to have provided advisors and training? Who authorized participation in combat?
First off the 45 ton vehical in question was a mine sweper if I am not mistaken.
Second, while this is a bit odd to say the least, it is not that suprising. Around teh same time I had someone threaten me with a knife due to the pissed off fealings regarding that incident. I was also probably physically threatened more then 5 times. My roommmate who actually looked like he was in military got hassled way mroe then I did.