He said he saw an unidentified flying object. That means there was something flying up in the air he could not identify. It does not mean he thinks he saw an alien.
Jeebus. The way you all are talking, you act like he is saying something really crazy, like the world was created six thousand years ago and it was created by some all-knowing, all-seeing, omnipotent diety that no one can prove exists but we are all supposed to worship or else.
And someone tell Tim that the real fun part of the Weblog Awards will be the inevitable freak-out and the chaos we can create during the voting. I really don’t care who is “conservative” or who isn’t. They can have the title. I am just hoping we can distract them with these weblog awards long enough to finish the brainwashing scheme we have going with Nickelodeon.
Consider this an open thread.
*** Update ***
I am not sure what Jules Crittenden thinks he is proving here. I’m still not a lefty. I’m just not a Republican anymore. Deal with it.
And since he will publish it anyway, I e-mailed him:
Feel free to keep your post about me up, it just makes you look silly that you can not understand the difference between not being a lefty and not being a republican. In fact, I encourage you to keep saying and posting dumb things.
But please take down my email address. That is not the one featured on my website, I don’t want it out there for spam bots to pick it up. Really- try to have some common sense and display some etiquette.
I eagerly await his response. And notice, it took him one day to start publishing my work information, something I have only once discussed and regretted (the original place it appeared no longer exists). I would appreciate it if he took that down, but he probably won’t, even though my politics and my work never intersect. Search and destroy. Welcome to the GOP of 2007.
*** Update ***
Jules has removed the relevant information, and I appreciate that. Thank you, Jules.
*** Update #3 ***
The Instapundit:
So let me repeat what I said before: “But note that no longer being a member of the Libertarian Party is hardly the same thing as not being a libertarian. If it were, there would be precious few libertarians left.” Anyone who can’t understand the difference between libertarian ideas and the Libertarian Party probably isn’t smart enough to be blogging, and certainly shouldn’t have his page topped with the words “Of no party or clique.”
I only point this out because twelve hours earlier, the Instapundit was linking to the Crittenden post discussed above in which Jules pretended to not understand the difference between not being a lefty and joining the Democratic party.
Shit I’ve seen numerous UFO’s. Hell they’ve even reported them on the evening news here in CA.
Open thread? Does that mean that I can moan about the hand wringing over whether waterboarding is torture or not? The nominee for AG can’t say that he thinks it is torture because then we’d have to acknowledge the illegal practices that have occurred and some folk might actual have to take responsibility for their actions? God Bless America!
p.s. Many call Kucinich a crackpot as they too call Ron Paul and Ralph Nadar but cast your mind back to that last presidential election and what position each candidate took on Iraq? Who was correct? Why Nadar of course.
Incertus (Brian)
It wasn’t the seeing of the UFO that got me with Kucinich–it was the idea that it was sending messages and that he was picking them up that made me chuckle.
Dude he published your private info? What’s he trying to do score a date with Malkin or something? That’s just fucking ridiculous.
Look, if seeing UFOs could get me hooked up with someone like Mrs. Kucinich, I’m heading to Roswell this weekend.
John S.
Wow, Jules already has some other ex-BJ fules hanging on his every word: namely Don Surber and Tall Dave.
Right Blogiastan really doesn’t like the taste of your pee in their kool-aid, John.
Crittenden thinks “Say Hello to the Newest Member of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy” is a serious statement of political position?
Churchill started as a Tory. Then he became a Liberal. Then the Liberals faded out and got supplanted by Labour and, to be fair, a cabinet level post opened up on the Tory side to sweeten the deal. So Churchill switched back. He never actually changed any of his attitudes or opinions, but the man took one hell of a beating for choosing treason to his party over treason to his principles.
Be firm like Churchill, John! Firm like Churchill!
John Cole
That is seriously scuzzy that he did that. I wish I could say it surprises me, but it doesn’t. And I wish I could give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did it unwittingly…but nobody who runs a blog can be that ignorant of privacy issues, can they?
john, better go outside and check the shrubbery out front just to be sure.
I think that is the email address shown at your Amazon donation site, so maybe he’s sent you money too.
BTW, everyone, given that post-Darrell and less ppGaz Balloon-Juice has gotten to be quite entertaining now, you might think of donating if you end up back here as many times a day as I do now.
That he is an idiot? In that respect, he makes a compelling argument.
EA Poe
Jules just wants your wetsuits. And faux-cock with condom. Maybe that’s why he published your contact info. Who is he currently smearing (besides John)?
And, for his benefit (and to highlight his straw men), “fuck, shit, bitches, WTF, asshole, damn, kick in the balls.”
Main Entry: fa·ce·tious
Pronunciation: \fə-ˈsē-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia
Date: 1599
1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish
2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious
John S.
Did you know there was a similarly-named political cartoonist working just to the north of you in PA?
His stuff isn’t too bad, either.
John Cole
I don’t think spambots can pick that up.
I have it on good authority that John’s office desk has a granite top on it.
Libby Spencer
I think you better pre-emptively post photos of your kitchen along with detailed specs on the composition of the counters. It will drive them crazy not to have that to hold over your head.
Nothing wrong with seeing something you can’t identify. However, there are reports out there from Shirley MacLaine that Mr. K heard messages in his head as well.
So while there’s nothing wrong with seeing things, identifying them as space aliens shows a lack of of critical thinking skills, and getting messages is just too far over the nut line.
Yeah, I know how credible Shirley MacLaine is. But she is part of our conspiracy.
Bruce Schneier has a good roundup on bedwetting overreactions.
Bubblegum Tate
I have it on even better authority that since John’s self-proclaimed conversion to the most radical, wild-eyed leftism imaginable, his countertops are now made of blasphemed communion wafers.
Ooookay, so you get a D-card and then jump right on the Kucinich UFO express, huh? Is there some transformation thing that goes on in the registration process to Dem? Moonbeams illuminating where to sign? Patchouli spritzes?
LOL, just kidding. I see what you’re doing, you’re just hoping Kucinich’s wife has an even hotter sister.
You’re acting mighty suspicious there KC.
Billy K
I’ve seen a UFO. Most people I know have seen a UFO and/or a ghost. How is this relvent? Doesn’t this just mean Kucinich is “normal?” Wouldn’t that make him a better President?
I’m so sick of this crap – the facades candidates put on. And it’s part of our society now, too. No one – NO ONE – is perfect. Christians are supposed to be the ones who understand this the best. Yet to listen to people talk in public, you’d think no one ever drank a beer or smoked a joint. We had a local newscaster here melt down because the city of Dallas can’t get enough cops on the streets, and they’re going to allow candidates who have tried drugs in the past.
Hello!? I don’t know ANYONE who hasn’t at least tried some kind of drug. Half my friends were coke heads in the 80s and/or 90s. Yet to hear them talk in public, you’d think these people were sainted shortly after birth!
People have hang up and kinks. All people. Can we just get over this self-righteousness I thought we’d buried in the 70s? I’m so sick of the grip Fundies have on this country’s conscience.
Sorry – second rant veering off-topic today on th’ Juice.
The Populist
Yep, I noticed that too. When he corrected the questioner and stated he saw an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT, I laughed. I understood what he meant. Problem is that it comes off as crazy because the idiots in the world assume he’s talking about an ALIEN UFO.
He was also dead on about questioning the Preznit’s mental health.
“I think you better pre-emptively post photos of your kitchen along with detailed specs on the composition of the counters. It will drive them crazy not to have that to hold over your head.”
The Populist
These people love their party more than they love America and the Constitution. Flaps like this only continue to back my points up. I’ve told many friends and colleagues this for years and gotten laughed at. Lately, I hear THEM saying it.
I am a former Republican. If that makes me a “liberal” so be it. I looked the word up in the dictionary and it sure isn’t such a bad thing. Too bad these folks try to make LIBERAL into something evil.
One can be a LIBERAL Republican which is what Goldwater pretty much would be today if he were still alive. It’s scary how far right they’ve gone since Reagan (who would also be viewed as a liberal Republican today if he were alive and didn’t suffer alzheimers).
They use the L word on everyone that is slightly left of them. It’s almost like they use it the way racists threw epithets at those they discriminated against.
I dunno…guess I’m just a liberal (LOL).
The Other Steve
The Other Steve
I’ve seen UFOs before, in the very general sense. There are a number of objects that I have seen in my life that I could not identify and that were in mid-air. I have never seen a ghost, and I certainly haven’t met anyone I could credibly believe has seen a ghost.
That said, Kucinich keeps used teabags in his pockets, alongside rare and expensive baseball cards. I would offically call that “not normal”. He is also a sitting US Congressman. Once again, that falls deeply into the “not normal” category. Kucinich’s “normalcy” isn’t in question here, its his sanity. And the wingnuts love highlighting other people as “crazy”, particularly when they disagree on policy issues that deal with potential economic windfalls for Republican donors. Kucinich took a stand on public utilities and other shared assets as mayor of Cleveland. As a Congressman he’s been an avid anti-war vocalist the day the tanks started rolling towards Bagdad, and an avid anti-corruption candidate since long before. He’s the Republicans’ worst nightmare, so they’ve got to paint him as a crazy midget with delusions of paranoia before any sane and intelligent ideas he has to share with the public ever catch on.
I honestly don’t care two flips whether Kucinich thinks he saw a flying saucer rather than a funny shaped hot air balloon. I care whether he’ll balance the budget, cut off the graft and pork, and bring our troops home.
Billy K
He said as much before he died.
I heard it put well yesterday (on this blog) – Hillary is the truest “Conservative” in the race. Let someone else (Dodd?) run as the Liberal.
John, I think you are far too charitable in giving Kucinich the benefit of the doubt on his response. Saying he saw a UFO is absolutely crazy. In that forum, such thinly veiled equivocation can be read as “I saw an alien craft”. I won’t even get into his evasion of the hearing voices part of the question, which Kucinich is smart enough and skilled enough to deny if it wasn’t true.
Personally, I think believing in UFOs is a lot like believing in Jesus — naive, if not crazy. Even so, I wouldn’t withhold a vote on either count. However, saying you actually saw a UFO is like saying you saw Jesus’s face in your snot rag (which is more or less how Bush professes to doing all his decidering). It’s willful self-deception that crosses the line, and it has lost him any further consideration of his candidacy on my part.
The Populist
I agree. Is Dodd really that liberal? He seems like a common sense, middle of the road candidate. He seems to have a lot of opinions that average Americans can support.
I agree Hilary is the Con and we can throw Biden in there too.
I see Kucinich as the true liberal in the Dem race.
Heywood Jablomy
John, Crittenden et al. still think the word conservative is a compliment and not a tag for cheetos-munching asshats, political criminals and cheney-bush lickspittles. It’s the word that has been misappropriated, not the inner philosophy.
Anyway, please keep in mind that Crittenden has only one interest – counting hits, getting linked to malkin and hearing the pajamas tip jar jingle. You’re his latest cash cow. (I’d stop mooing because when your readers click over there is just means more dough for him.) You just have to keep shaking off the fleas.
I always lived in my Oregon bubble..that time when the two GOP Senators were Packwood and Hatfield. A state where the GOP governor saw the passing of the first “Bottle Bill” in the country. I knew different Republicans than the current crop.
Something happened…and the GOP became crazy, religious and overbearing to the extreme..and whiny sore winners.
I’m still pissed at Packwood for his grab-ass ways, because he was also a great supporter of women’s rights and I really miss Mark Hatfield. Now there was a pro-life Republican, but consistently so..anti-abortiion, anti-death penalty and anti-war. I disagreed with him on economic issues, but when I’d write (pre-email days) it was his office that would send a letter, sometimes a couple of pages, explainging to me personally why he was voting a certain way.
The “Contract with America” crowd was already gunning for Hatfield (something about voting against the first Gulf War) then he retired and Packwood had to fall on his sword. I have to laugh when McCain gets called a “maverick”, that word does not mean what he thinks it means.
John Cole…are you familiar with Wayne Morse? A Republican who turned Democrat?
I’m feeling mopey today, sorry for the meandering about lost times. You know the world is topsy-turvy when Goldwater is remembered fondly..by me as well.
As for Kucinich and the UFO’s. That’s rich, from a country where a large percentage of the people think the world is less than 10,000 years old and think science is a Liberal plot to..do what I don’t know.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Nadar? Isn’t that the ability to determine whether there is another consumer advocate in the room?
I’m quoting myslef because I want to expand on this.
This country, where 68% of the GOP don’t believe in evolution and a frightening number of Democrats, too..question it. This country where some invisible sky god talks to the President and it doesn’t make enough people squirm at the very least. This country where idiots will post the violent parts of the Koran as proof that Islam is evil, but yet when portions of the Bible are also quoted to show the exact same thing…that is somehow “different”..and oh yeah, the Beatitudes and the words of Jesus are mere “suggestions”, but the OT is LAW (I had someone on Redstate actually say that to me).
And yet, this country will roll it’s eyes because someone said something about a UFO..because that’s..that’s just crazy talk!
I don’t think Kucinich is nuts, and John is right, he said he saw something. Big deal.I see aliens all day long. Granted, they are the right wing aliens that I see on TV every day, but aliens nonetheless.
Linda Ellerbee is a commiepinkonutbagmoonbat, and she even brainwashed me into letting the kids watch her news shows on Nick. She is that all powerful. Even now, though she lets me post here, I can feel her pulling the strings she has tied to my children.
For some reason though, the kids have not noticed the strings yet. Dumb kids. Neither of them have protested anything except when the internet connection goes down for whatever reason. Then they are hellions to deal with, and that is the fault of Nickelodeon.
Damn you Scott Beauchamp!
Capazela, Hatfield was great (nice marine science center name after him on the coast too!), but what could we expect with a repub named Pack-Wood. Shit, the name said it all! ;)
I want Elizabeth Kucinich for first lady, but only as long as I get to be president! That babe is hot!
John, whatever the fuck it is you are currently thinking about this prick, he certainly is different than the other assholes out there, natch. Word to yah muttah, bitches.
By the way, WTF is this guy talking about, anyway?
I know! I worked there for some years. Loved my job. But then I’m an evil liebral and think science is a good thing.
Yeah Packwood…what a gomer. Did I say I was still pissed at him about that?
Billy K
Agreed. I had a hard time coming up with a (real) Liberal contestant. At first I was gonna say Obama. But he’s not that Liberal. Then I was gonna say Edwards. But is he really that Liberal? I went with Dodd because he’s kind of the favorite of the Libs now for standing up against Telecom Immunity. I didn’t even think of Kucinich, because he’s just not really a real candidate. I mean I love the guy, but I have a better shot at getting elected.
And yes, Dodd is really more of a common-sense, MOR candidate. But that’s just considered “Liberal” these days.
Imagine Kucinich having said, “Maybe they were angels.” That would have made everything okay again.
Not to cause any more trouble, but I assumed it was common knowlege about your place of employment. A quick check of the IRS website tells everyone that you’ve been happily employed at GayImmigrantFacist & FetalChopShop Mart for years. In charge of Mexican anal dildo selection and pricing on the dry/mostly wet vacuum cleaners?
Oops…did I say too much?
You are ok Punchy, you didn’t mention that John also works weekends at the SCUBA Shop, fitting preachers for double layer dive suits…
Blood, plasma, or semen? I gots lots of all of ’em.
Happy lunchtime, bitches.
Linda Ellerbee had Ann Fucking Coulter on to discuss the amount of “hate” in politics fuck her and the horse she was birthed from.
One of the funniest bits ever on “The Colbert Report”. I thought Kucinich pulled that gag off brilliantly. I think he even surprised Colbert with a couple of the items he had.
The Other Steve
Guys. Kucnich prior to 2004 when he decided to run for President was a consistent vote against abortion, and for banning flag burning crap.
he’s not that liberal. He’s just insane.
Oh crap..I saw that and laughed my ass off (I wish)…when he pulled out the mini Rosetta Stone I had tears in my eyes.
Normal…what exactly is that?
Go with the semen. The Navy needs all the sailors it can find.
Kucinich has a very hot wife, he’s getting my vote :)
The Populist
Don’t forget Conservative (Con for short, LOL) also means to be a closeted sexual deviant while lying to the public.
The Populist
Kucinich is an old school eccentric. But if some are gonna label him strange or crazy he’s still much more sane than the idiot in the White House.
You know, I disagree with all this. I think rare nutty beliefs are much nuttier than common nutty beliefs. Nobody can carefully examine everything, but it’s much easier with some ideas than with others.
For example, given a choice between voting for a [liberal] Christian and voting for a transhumanist or Scientologist, all else being equal, I’d pick the Christian in a second. The Christian was probably raised in his belief, is surrounded by people like him, faces no significant challenges to it in the Western Hemisphere, realizes that it’s a matter of personal belief rather than evidence, etc. A transhumanist or Scientologist, on the other hand, probably found their nutty belief in adulthood when they should have known better, chose it after thinking about it for a while, and sticks with it despite plenty of valid opposition. Which thought process demonstrates a bigger failure of critical thinking?
Johnny Pez
Nitpick: desecrated communion wafers.
And you forgot to mention the autographed 8×10 glossies of Amadinejad and Michael Moore in John’s den.
Heywood Jablomy
His wife has a tongue stud – yes – his wife has a tongue stud. I am old-fashioned about these things. I do not want a first lady with a tongue stud.
… now a first gentleman with a tongue stud …
Dude. Have you read his platforms? He’s freak’n liberal. Seriously. He wants to restart Johnson’s War on Poverty (hence the wiping out poverty and 30 years speech), return taxes and spending to 1960s levels, offer full single payer universal health insurance, and more. He is a classic liberal, in the mold of Roosevelt. And on many things I think Edwards goes too far. That said, I think he would be the best possible counterweight to the twelve years of hell we’ve gone through under Republican Slash-and-Burn conservative politics.
Shorter Kucinich (pun intended): The truth is out there.
Billy K
Hey – I like Edwards. He has been my favorite most of the year (though I’m starting to warm up to Dodd) and he was my front-runner in 2004. But my question wasn’t so much “is his platform Liberal?” as a quesiton of if he really believes in those things. Maybe I’m letting the Right Wing Noise Machine influence me here, but it’s really starting to look like he will say anything to get elected. And that makes me question his beliefs and thereby his “Liberal” platform.
I thought that she was talking about Dennis when she said that she had a tongue stud.
Cyrus…I see what you are saying about “cults” jopined in adulthood. But I won’t agree with the “not facing significant challenges” to the Creationist Young Earth anti-evolution strain that runs so thickly on the ground in this country.
Or that it’s more rabid adherents try to change science textbooks to reflect their beliefs..science to be damned. It is a willful thing.
There is a regression in this country…it isn’t simply part of the culture, but a dliberate attempt to deny science. From the richest and supposedly most educated country on earth. If memory serves, only Turkey, of the “western” nations believes in Creationism more than we do.
But hey! Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO! Crazy weido.
Uncle Kvetch
Jeebus. The way you all are talking, you act like he is saying something really crazy, like the world was created six thousand years ago and it was created by some all-knowing, all-seeing, omnipotent diety that no one can prove exists but we are all supposed to worship or else.
Every day I love this blog a little more.
Golf clap, Mr. Cole, and golf clap again.
I want to defend Dennis, and for that matter his woman in the next life, Shirley Maclaine. I see outer space beings everyday here in New Mexico. I know, Roswell,, yadda yadda. But they have no doubt colonized that part of southeast New Mexico we lovingly call “Little Texas”. They are hiding in plain sight there and have multiplied to significant numbers and are spreading slowly outward like the Green Slime. They have even taken to calling themselves by a well known epithet in order to blend in, to do whatever it is their doing. You would recognize their adopted moniker as Republican. Although, if you ask them they will tell you the real aliens are Dhimmi Libruls or some such, but don’t be fooled. As evidence of their otherwordly predilections, I give you one Steve Pearce, their elected rep to the US congress. If you have ever seen this Pearce guy speak, you would instantly agree he is an Alien of the first degree.
If you still are not convinced, then try this one on. Did you know that “Little Texas” New Mexico has the largest per capita numbers of bathroom stalls in America, maybe even the world. How do I know this. I read it on a blog that I wrote, so it comes from a source I know well. Me.
Bob In Pacifica
I saw a half dozen UFOs flying in a formation when I was fourteen or fifteen and lived on the Jersey Shore. That would have been in the mid-sixties, when Bruce Springsteen was still playing high school dances. What were the UFOs? Beats the hell out of me. Seeing lights moving around in the sky at night doesn’t mean much more than that. Thousands of people have seen UFOs since the late 1940s.
Seeing a UFO doesn’t mean seeing a “space being.”
However, if we are tossing theories around, I doubt that they are from outer space. That’s just too much of an investment in energy and time to get from there to here to look at us. I’d rather go with the “foo fighter” theory (the German flying devices in the last months of WWII). Since it’s known that the U.S. military imported German missile scientists into Huntsville (that’s where Hans von Spakovsky’s folks came when they escaped the Nazis IN THE EARLY 1950s), why couldn’t the government bring in the German scientists who worked on the “foo fighters”? I think it’s telling that Colonel Corso, whose book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL (I think that was the title) described the discovery of a flying saucer in Roswell, was not so terribly cornholed as someone who just sees them in the sky. Read up about Corso. He’s discussed in Burton Hersh’s THE OLD BOYS. He’s been around military intelligence circles since WWII, I think he was part of that Pseudo Knights of Malta (Shinshickey?Shickshinny?) and other reactionary folks.
So Corso’s tale is either true or false. I’m saying false and I haven’t heard anyone in the mainstream say it was true. So why hasn’t Corso been reamed a hundred times as much as Kucinich? If we go with “false,” Corso is either a complete loon (who nevertheless was invited to book signings on military bases when the book came out) or is handing out bullshit on someone else’s behalf.
Your choice. But I suspect who’s behind Corso’s wacky tale has the answer to those funny lights in the sky.
Notorious P.A.T.
He said he saw an unidentified flying object. That means there was something flying up in the air he could not identify. It does not mean he thinks he saw an alien.
Thank you.
This means George Bush sees lots of unidentified flying objects.
I saw UFOs 3 times. The last time, about 15 years ago right hovering over lower midtown Manhattan, a huge craft obscured by what seemed to be an artificial cloud. About 30 people saw it, including 4 cops. For about 5 minutes.
I don’t know if it was from another world, but I do know that if it was ours, it was super-top secret. Nothing that the public had ever been told about.
If Giuliani had said this it might be OK, but everyone already knows Kucinich is a moonbat, so of course they mock him.
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
there are no UFOs…
Earth is the only planet
that has life worth anything
John has ‘changed from something he never was’? Whoo boy John, see what you get for deciding not to carry water anymore? ;)
That is ok, I hear that Rush has picked up the slack. He likes being the water boy.
Chuck Adkins
You mean to tell me, that there’s someone else in here using the handle “The Populist”. Oh great. that what I was calling myself too. yikes!
That’s not me! for those wondering… I just use my name now, less cornfusion. :D
cynical Jim
I just figured it out.
I want to establish the Superman party. That’s because Superman stood for “Truth, Justice, and the American Way”
Truth: From our administration on why we might need to go to war.
Justice: In the form of the Constitution, and particularly without any HINT of torture being legal.
The American Way: Well, we all know what that is, don’t we? The Rule of Law, not of men.
Be like Superman. Save the planet. Stand up for justice. Protect the helpless. Fuck Lois until she passes out from the pleasure. (or something like that…)
Teh International Sammich Caliphate
Damn! I missed the info. We were going to show up at your place of work and force you, at salami point, to eat a Corned Beef Reuben.
Now if I could just find that Jared guy’s number…