In a new book alleging a campaign of slander and intimidation orchestrated chiefly by Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Willey points a finger of suspicion at the former first couple for the death of her husband, who was believed to have killed himself.
Willey, who claims she was groped by President Clinton in the White House, acknowledged in an interview with WND today that she stands by the speculation she poses about her husband’s demise in “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” set for release this week by World Ahead Publishing, WND Books’ partner.
Asked if she suspects her husband Ed, a lawyer and son of a prominent Virginia lawmaker, was murdered, Willey replied, “Most definitely.”
“I’m having someone with a forensics background look at this, and I intend to pursue this further, now that these questions have been raised,” she told WND, pointing to alleged discrepancies in the autopsy report.
Does she believe the Clintons were involved?
“I do have suspicions,” Willey said, “yes.”
It is official. The 2008 election is now underway.
I am off to a conference, have a good week!
Even at the height of my Clintonophobia and susceptibility to rightwing spin I NEVER thought They were going around murdering people. Its a good example of “The Big Lie” which is so outlandish some people will buy it.
it’s time to institute basic IQ tests for voters. nobody with an IQ less than 70 should be allowed to vote.
It’s true! Bill was piloting the black helicopter and landed on the grassy knoll behind Wiley’s house. Hillary was in her ninja outfit and snuck up on Wiley. She hypnotized him with her secret cobra hypnotizing chant (which she learned from her lesbian sorority sisters at Wellesley) and convinced him to kill himself.
The LA Times knows all this, but they’re sitting on the story.
speaking of which, they never found jonbenet’s killer, did they? hmmmm….
OJ’s still looking for him.
"Fair and Balanced" Dave
Clinton conspiracy theorists are the contemporary equivalent of snake oil salesmen.
David Hunt
You called the sign correct. We’ll know that the campaign’s gone into OVERDRIVE when the ring-wingers start openly saying that Hillary and John Edwards are lesbian lovers.
Tara the anti-social social worker
My favorite Clinton conspiracy theory is the one about the “bullet hole in Ron Brown’s skull” after he died in a plane crash. So, for some nefarious unknown reason, the Clintons had him shot, then crashed the plane to get rid of the witnesses. But if you’re going to crash the plane, WHAT’S THE POINT OF SHOOTING HIM? He can only die once.
Besides, it’s not a proper conspiracy theory without George Soros.
I still like the one about how the Clintons had Princess Diana wacked by the CIA disguised as paparazzi. It’s all connected, people!
Seriously, expect the crazies to really come out in force when Hillary ascends the throne in ’09. If she’s not wingnut sniper bait by the end of her first term, I’ll give everyone on this board a dollar.
Or become president.
The cleavage hypnotizing wiggle isn’t limited to the Wellesley sororities, though. I’ve encountered it at any number of other places, and, um, enjoyed it every time.
As time has gone by, the more convinced I am that people close to the Clintons were murdered by nefarious sorts who wanted to blame it on the Clintons.
Either that or the Bushes and Clintons all drink from the same trough.
grumpy realist
Somehow we’ve got to fit the Bavarian Illuminati and the Freemasons into the above. Oh, and that the moon landings were faked.
Some people should be carefully shepherded onto a desert island, given an axe and a box of tools, and left alone.
OR as Umberto Eco put it, you have to fit the Templars into it in order for the conspiracy to be legitimately nutty. Maybe mentioning the Freemason includes the Templars automatically by reference.
Billy K
This is just about moving the Overton Window. Sadly, it works.
I’m feeling particularly cranky today.
The Other Steve
Wait a minute… those Clintons are fast. They suicided her husband on the same day she supposedly was groped by Bill.
And this is interesting… apparently she was friends with Linda Trip who said she was trying to arrange a hookup with Bill.
Bizarre. I don’t see how her story is possible.
Wiley knows it was the Clinton because before the ninja warrior left, it cackled and it had cankles! Seriously, some guy somewhere posted that he could never vote for a woman with cankles!
Christ on a rutch, will Linda Tripp once again grace our screens? To be honest, I think Mrs. Wiley has a few screws lose, and perhaps her grief over her husband’s death and the seach for someone to blame led her to think that Clinton assaulted her on that very day.
I sort of feel sorry for her..but not for the wingnut/politicos that will use her.
But this crap has some power. Remember Ken Starr investigated the death of Vince Foster. The insanity was from the top down in the GOP.
Paul L.
I suspect that those who are outraged by this book are the same people who celebrated Kitty Kelley’s book on the Bush family.
And knowing how hillary blabbers on it will gain bt the VAST RIGHTWING CONSPERACY as is always going on aginst liberal left-wing demacrats
The people who believe this WND article are seriously nuts. And I don’t mean “supported Bush in 2004” nuts, which is a pretty broad category of people, many of whom were probably just uninformed or misled or had different values (wrong ones, in my view, but not far out enough to qualify as nuts). I don’t even mean “supported the Republican party in 2006” nuts, which also included a lot of people who were sane, just obstinately partisan or ignorant.
No, just nuts, really insane. If someone really believes the Clintons are responsible for the murders they have been accused of despite the evidence and its sources, then they should be taking anti-psychotic medication twice a day in a comfortable and homelike, but secure, hospital environment. If their families can’t afford that, it’s all the more reason to support national health care.
There’s good ol’ Paul L., who seems incapable of judging each case on its merits, in favour of trying to point out someone else who did something he considers similar as a way to approve of the behavior.
Bubblegum Tate
You know how sometimes when you take your clothes out of the dryer, a sock is missing? Bill Clinton’s undercover minions are responsible! Uh-oh, I’ve said too much…if I mysteriously drown in a fire, tell WingNutDaily to tell my story!
Yes, because Kelley’s accusations of assholery and somewhat greater than previously known drug use are equally damning as accusations of multiple murders. And Kelley is just as unreliable a source as Willey; see TOS’s link. And wait a second, that doesn’t even matter: you’re saying, “I suspect that,” so in other words, you’re just making all this up?
I’m surprised you aren’t blaming Clinton for Nifong and the Duke lacrosse team.
Man, I LOVE Birdzilla! Somehow, with no discernable points ever made, no appropriate grammar, no spelling, and no punctuation, the rightwing anger comes through like an hour of Hannity. Best commenter ever!
No no, Cyrus. It’s just like during Bush/Kerry in ’04. Dutifully reporting on the Swift Boat Veterans was a sign of good journalism and integrity (unless you actually investigated their claims). And even if you didn’t like the Swift Boat Vets, you have to admit that claiming Bush went AWOL for a week from his post as Air National Guardsman is SO MUCH WORSE!
Because reading from a 40-year-old photocopy is smearing a Presidential Candidate while blindly promoting a Texas home developer’s pet astroturf group proves you care about the issues.
It’s all the same and yet totally different because LIBERAL ARE WORSTEREST!
Michael D.
Please people. Everyone knows that Vince Foster was the only person the Clintons ever offed!
Tom Hilton
This story is exactly why I think Clinton might be the strongest candidate in the general (not my favorite, but the strongest).
She’s been dealing with the exact same shit for 15 years, and she’s still standing. The upshot is that WingNut Daily can accuse her of murdering both Kennedys, Martin Luther King, and Anna Nicole Smith, and none of it will have any effect on anyone outside the 27 percenters because we’ve heard it all before. Hundreds of times. Thousands.
I think the 15 years of vitriolic hate have done her kind of a favor, by inoculating her against more of the same.
Tom isn’t just vitriolic, it is flat out crazy, irrational hate.
But I agree, she’s has a lot of years to toughen up.
Forget the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, it really should be the 6 Degrees of the Clenis…
Yep, blinded Clinton haters like Sullivan (perfect example) have absolutely no idea how the general public makes decisions to vote. They think their OCD-like focus on her supposed faults (calculating! weird laugh!) and high negativity rating in various polls will translate into people running from Clinton in an election. One more reason to ignore the beltway pundit class.
For one, people don’t follow politics like Sullivan (or even you and I). The more people learn about Hillary, the more they like her (opposite of Guliani, for example). Combined with world events, Republican scandals and their candidate pool and I predict a Clinton landslide.
But seriously, I think it was the Clenis that did the killing. It seems to have a mind of its own.
Tom Hilton
A fair correction–you’re absolutely right.
Can anyone say ‘libel’?
I hope they sue her into the Stone Age
Cyrus, you had a few extra words in your first sentence.
Fixed it for you.
What the extreme right who will doubtless lap this up don’t get is that it actually helps her. It so totally preposterous that most people people roll their eyes and think the Republicans are loosing their minds. So I hope Willey gets lots of exposure with Fox, Matthews and all the usual crowd who suck this up.
monchie b. monchum
IIRC, Willey and/or her supporters insinuated that President Clinton killed her cat.
Or, as they put it, Willey’s cat disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Also, there was an incident where Willey accused a particular Clinton aide of intimidating her near her Richmond, VA home…but it turned out that two hours before this alleged event, the aide in question had made a withdrawal from his bank account using an ATM roughly 3400 miles away at the Embarcadero in San Francisco.
And as a postscript to that event, Pat Buchanan’s lunatic brother (yep, believe it or not, a sibling even crazier than Pat and Bay) showed up at the aide’s home waving a gun and threatening some houseguests before the police showed up.
I’m not sure whether right wingnuts are crazier when the people they support are in power or out of power.
As always, quoting the comments from Free Republic on such topics is fun. Let’s read a few, shall we?
I don’t know if anything happened to her husband by the Klintons or not….I wasn’t there…
BUT….along with all the other proven things that have been shown since they left the WH…I would believe this Author. I would believe anything said about the Klintons, and yet there are those out there that want another 8 years of slum living in the WH again….I just don’t understand why….
38 posted on 11/06/2007 7:55:45 AM PST by HarleyLady27
This one, though, is the prize winner.
The VERY first moment that I heard of the Kathleen Willey story, I immediately assumed that Clinton had had her husband killed or at least knew that he had been. That is why he wanted so badly to have sex with her. He is so evil that the ultimate aphrodisiac for him would be to have sex with a woman whose husband he had had killed or knew was lying dead, and when she did not even know yet that her husband was dead.
The only coincidence was that Kathleen went to Clinton for help on that day. It was not coincidence that Clinton wanted to have sex with her knowing what he knew that she did not.
As to why the Clinton machine wanted Kathleen’s husband dead, that I cannot say. But it sounds as though he was not very honest, and so he easily could have been sucked up into their criminal enterprise.
27 posted on 11/06/2007 7:50:20 AM PST by Iwo Jima
Good grief.
I went to Wiki to read up on her…and the Wiki Talk page about the article.
This led me to a woman named Julie Hiatt Steele and this to a couple of Salon articles. Apparantly the Clintons aren’t the first people Willey’s accused of killing her husband.
Tom Hilton
What kind of sick fuck could even imagine something like that?
No, don’t tell me–I know. It was a rhetorical question. Sigh.
limbaugh's pilonidal cyst
Well, that would be the end of the republic party…
Chris Andersen
I understand that “Clinton Body Count” emails are starting to make the rounds again. Right-Wing Stepfathers are busy beavers.
I have been giving the “hate Hillary” phenom alot of thought recently. What in the hell are the EXACT reasons that the wingnuts hate her so, so, so much??? I know why people hate gwb, we see the evidence of his actions every day, so the reasons for hate/disapproval/contempt are evident. But, what’s the deal with Hillary? Is it spill-over from Bill? What causes this deep hate for her? I keep hearing TV pundits say that “people either love her or hate her.” That’s ridiculous. They are just perpetuating the myth that half the country hates Hillary. I don’t believe that for a minute. I know so many people who just like her a lot. Someone do some ‘splaining, please.
Flappy McScrotum
With respect to the Vince Foster thing, the insanity ran mighty high. Hell, Rep. Dan Burton investigated the supposed assignation by shooting a pumpkin in his back yard.
Flappy, that’s a great article!
God, what an insane time and why did they get away with it..that’s a rhetorical question, no need to answer.
Anna, they hated her before Bill was even elected. Whne he actually had the temerity to win, they went barking crazy…and stayed that way.
Capelza: But WHY did they hate her before Bill even had the temerity to win? Is it a groundless hate, or are there perceived reasons?
Anna, Hillary-Hating is actually pretty simple.
Every wingnut looney who is pissed off about uppity women, swears fealty to the Sacred Code of Barefoot and Pregnant, or is still pissed off because nobody would date him in High School – has transferred that anger against women in general onto Hillary.
Secretly hate women, but know you can’t admit it? Well, you can just say you hate Hillary – “after all, she had people murdered!” It feels really good to vent all that rage, in a socially-acceptable (among wing nuts) way.
Which is why I think that Hillary – while she gets all kinds of props for standing up against this lunacy – is not our best candidate. There is an awful lot of anger against women in this country – and the name of that anger has become Hillary.
(Hey, nobody ever said wing nuts were logical. )
OK, reality-based. I can accept that explanation. I too believe in the hate/fear of women in this country by men and women who want to hark back to the 50s when women knew their place. When I read the rw blogs, I see comments galore about Hillary’s ambition. Just general ambition. Guess women aren’t supposed to be ambitious. Am going back to bed now and pulling up the covers and staying there…or migrating to Lichtenstein. How will I explain this hate to my granddaughter, and what will I tell her to do with it? (that’s a comment, not an actual question. thanks)
reality-based beat me to it.
I, too, was going to say uppity woman.
She got crap because she went by her maiden name Rodham, instead of Mrs. Clinton..she soon added Clinton to her name.
Full disclosure..I have never adopted my husband’s name, except when I needed to talk to the kid’s teachers etc..then I introduced myslef as Mrs. Capelza.
Did he use a 1/32nd scale Bradlee fighting vehicle ™?
I know you weren’t intending this, but this sounds an awful lot like what anti-semites regularly say about Jews. “Why does every country hate them… must be something they did”. It’s an attempt to at least plant out there the whole “where there’s smoke there’s fire” without taking into account the irrationality of the mob mentality.
Couple that with the right-wing’s entire MO these days (all outrage/2-minute hate, all the time).
JCricket….no, was not intending to imply that where there is smoke, there is fire. I only think there must be definite reasons to hate. Even if the RWers can’t articulate it, there must be reasons deep in their psyche that would explain this hatred of her, even if the explanations only meant sense to themselves. I think “uppity woman” explains the whole phenom. Or, do you have a better explanation….one that doesn’t imply smoke/fire?
The Other Steve
It’s always disappointed me how the Hinckley/Bush conspiracy theory never took off.
Apparently leftists aren’t as gullible as righties.
The Other Steve
Apparently the Bush family is also behind the assassination of John Lennon
And did you know that Neil Bush had dinner with John Hinckley jr’s brother the day before the shooting?
I think we’re seeing a connection here. George Bush had Wiley’s husband assassinated and tried to pin it on Clinton!
The Other Steve
And no conspiracy theory is complete without the Prior of Sion!
And behold! George Bush placed the Prior on the Terrorist watch list
This guy I know said that a friend told him a story about how his brother had heard that Bill Clinton molested me when I was 12.
Nancy Irving
The book–issued by a no-reputation publisher–is already at about #400 on Amazon, and it hasn’t even been released yet.
I’m going to cry. Kathleen Willey is not a very reliable source because she brought this out after no one believed her about sexual harassment.