Contest for the gnostics! Find the 10 mystical secrets hidden in this page. Calculus and/or graph theory may be required.
Everyone else talk about whatever. Or, you know, look like you’re talking about whatever.
by Tim F| 49 Comments
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Contest for the gnostics! Find the 10 mystical secrets hidden in this page. Calculus and/or graph theory may be required.
Everyone else talk about whatever. Or, you know, look like you’re talking about whatever.
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Paul L.
The Reich wing is undermining the judiciary by “swiftboating” a former Democrat judge.
Some good advice for Democrats from Glenn Greenwald
Oh, and unlike Hillary, the more people get to know Rudy, I think the less they will like him
Looks like Romney was trying to swiftboat….romney?!?
Ok, how about this…
If you add the numbers in the tag
November 21, 2007 at 11:46 am
you get 24, which is 6 6 6 6 !!! Even eviler than 666!
I saw Tim F. speakin’ with the devil!
Um, yeah, Paul. It is swiftboating when the link is dead, you know.
In which sane people allow flagrant assholes to make them do crazy shit.
I suppose I should start by saying how tragic it is that this girl took her life but if that doesn’t go without saying, fuck it. Thank God Alberto GoneZo is no longer AG or we’d be looking at a federal law about this.
Fine Mayor Fogarty, and when your kiddies recieve a visit from the police for sending nasty-grams through the tubes we won’t snicker a little bit.
Here’s my (failed) effort: Take all the text on the current page; strip out non-alphabetic characters; strip out “stop words”; count unique word occurrences; order results. Now make sense of it:
just 17; times 15; like 15; filed 15; comments 15; john 12; president 11; things 11; bush 10; house 10; people 10; new 10; homosexuality 9; pages 9; cells 9; scott 9; iraq 9; war 9; good 9; little 9; want 9; tim 8; stem 7; dont 7; f 7; pm 7; blogs 6; mcclellan 6; ny 6; policy 6; open 6; baghdad 6; republican 6; hope 6; work 6; news 6; media 6; stupidity 6; michael 6; cole 6; know 6; page 6; press 5; vice 5; cell 5; story 5; surge 5; read 5; white 5; administration 5; support 5; vick 5; say 5; politics 5; probably 5; general 5; doesnt 5; society 5; said 5; red 5; did 5; hit 5; attention 5; foreign 5; conservapedia 4; book 4; therapy 4; hear 4; malkin 4; political 4; talk 4; goes 4; administrations 4; iraqi 4; secretary 4; rice 4; american 4; aka 4; thread 4; report 4; violence 4; troops 4; time 4; tom 4; point 4; right 4; mad 4; update 4; mtv 4; doubt 4; d 4; ive 4; great 4; im 4; flavor 4; head 4; reads 4; beer 4; getting 4; gay 3; bad 3; dean 3; cheney 3; skin 3; gene 3; science 3; ptsd 3; says 3; finally 3; yes 3; deaths 3; note 3; bias 3; bit 3; informed 3; iraqis 3; security 3; state 3; world 3; military 3; york 3; reported 3; mind 3; imperial 3; success 3; union 3; global 3; thinking 3; particularly 3; powell 3; drum 3; liberal 3; friedman 3; think 3; terror 3; lets 3; weeks 3; united 3; states 3; jail 3; human 3; watch 3; november 3; reports 3; ferguson 3; public 3; wilson 3; home 3; middle 3; content 3; day 3; beauchamp 3; play 3; promised 3; stuff 3; better 3; look 3; feel 3; site 3; way 3; million 3; lives 3; left 3; main 3; crescent 3; yesterday 3; disaster 3; daily 2; matt 2; balloon 2; juice 2; talking 2; window 2; statistics 2; viewed 2; winner 2; sell 2; wrote 2; mcclellans 2; bushcheney 2; rove 2; libby 2; scheme 2; attack 2; revealed 2; hugh 2; hewitt 2; makes 2; using 2; earthquake 2; strikes 2; kevin 2; technique 2; mark 2; patient 2; details 2; tech 2; virus 2; supporting 2; bonuses 2; serve 2; crazy 2; fit 2; print 2; wankosphere 2; captain 2; ed 2; kinda 2; piece 2; got 2; overdrive 2; thousands 2; thats 2; nytimes 2; milbloggers 2; try 2; concept 2; reporting 2; congress 2; mr 2; leaders 2; dan 2; drezner 2; managed 2; following 2; fled 2; recent 2; bds 2; blogospheric 2; navelgazing 2; huckabee 2; ad 2; insanely 2; insane 2; loud 2; important 2; necessary 2; given 2; bushs 2; outside 2; limited 2; admitted 2; problem 2; held 2; order 2; soviet 2; historical 2; study 2; hard 2; dreams 2; empire 2; making 2; count 2; central 2; worse 2; members 2; view 2; dismissed 2; colin 2; needed 2; boys 2; going 2; understand 2; let 2; bubble 2; kind 2; crime 2; syndicate 2; admin 2; drop 2; mean 2; folks 2; slight 2; hell 2; gone 2; maintenance 2; poor 2; guy 2; return 2; star 2; va 2; scheduled 2; sentenced 2; henry 2; served 2; according 2; year 2; months 2; prison 2; football 2; gets 2; yeah 2; popular 2; reid 2; moderate 2; democrats 2; years 2; old 2; district 2; gave 2; nrcc 2; faces 2; designed 2; republicans 2; bet 2; punishment 2; guys 2; translate 2; figure 2; michelle 2; act 2; wants 2; itll 2; conservatives 2; caving 2; wont 2; possible 2; sadly 2; points 2; went 2; past 2; monty 2; pythons 2; holy 2; grail 2; th 2; thing 2; wouldnt 2; vacation 2; drink 2; really 2; pretty 2; unfortunately 2; english 2; isnt 2; start 2; flat 2; terms 2; theres 2; disagree 2; bits 2; lasts 2; killed 2; week 2; clear 2; cyclone 2; winds 2; official 2; children 2; international 2; cross 2; estimated 2; compared 2; make 2; collective 2; affairs 2.
Sorry, it’s just nonsense.
Good grief, is it just me or has PaulL sunk to a level of pathetic lame spoofalicious trolling that is so low, it is actually subterranean?
Man, how the mighty have fallen. From “We Won, Get Over It” of 2004 to “Hey look, a former obscure nobody Democrat might have gotten a sweet land deal or something!”
PaulL, don’t you have a Salvation Army bucket to set up somewhere this morning?
That Romney thing was just weird. And it wasn’t really swift-boating. It was more like McCain’ing (after the robocalls Rove made asserting McCain fathered a black child out of wed lock). Swiftboating requires a book, or a web site or something.
What are Republicans gonna do when Huckabee wins Iowa? I know Rudy’s already trying to play the “Iowa and NH don’t matter” card.
That requires empathy, selflessness and a desire to help others. Paul’s more likely to be robbing the bucket than setting it up.
What does this mean?
Bombadil — unfortunately, I couldn’t follow the link, but the sentence seemed to indicate that Robert Reich and his Cabal were digging into the pecuniations of a judge who specialized in judging Democrats.
Typical corrupt Publican, I thought. But I couldn’t find out, because the link is borked.
I think it can be translated as: “Democrats, who are all Nazis, are undermining their attempts to subvert America through the judicial process, by criticizing one of the nazis (judges) they previously supported”.
Doesn’t make any more sense in English than it does in wingnutese.
That *is* some pretty lame trolling. I couldn’t figure what the heck the point of that was — in addition to the three branches of government, control of the media, and an expansive definition of the bagel, the liberals want to adversely possess other people’s land…bwahaha…if I remember my property law right it only takes about 20 years, look out 2027!
Paul L.
RTA. Well-connected Democrat claimed 1/3 of his neighbor’s property with the help of judges he used to work with because he had a habit of trespassing on it.
But it shows your usual grasp of the facts ThymeZone
Oh noes! Teh Velvet Mafiah tried to kill Jerry Falwell!
Initiate Code Brown, Level EleventyOne!
And all of that has what to do with Reich or Swift-boating?
I think nothing short of inserting a plank in the Republican party platform to revise by statute the doctrine of adverse possession, a known tool of extremely patient district judges in Boulder, Colorado, will suffice to quell the outrage here.
Have you tried submitting it to Malkin? I think the War on Thanksgiving has run its course.
And my question was addressed to PaulL, of course.
Quick, better waterboard Tinkie Winkie to find out what he (?) knows!
John S.
But how does this relate to the Duke lacrosse players?
Your game is off today, Paul.
If he put up some toilet stalls, would that make you feel better?
Paul L.
Just mocking progressive platitudes.
The Reich wing = Non-progressives who progressives view as bad as Nazi’s
undermining the judiciary = criticizing a judge’s decision that progressives agree with.
“swiftboating” = bringing up inconvenient facts about a progressive/Democrat.
Maybe I just do not like it when people in authority abuse their power such as this guy and his judicial colleagues and Mike Nifong.
Wow, he *did* tie it to Duke Lacrosse!
I’mona let you in on a little secret…the President of the United States is in a higher position of authority than former district court judges in Boulder, Colorado, I don’t care how many square feet of land they slowly….slowly….adversely possessed….
It is hard to satirize these folks, yes? I don’t think I have ever satirized the right wing as well as they unintentionally satirize themselves every time they speak. And I’m *damn* witty. :)
But the stem cells! Won’t someone think of the stem cells?
Why do you hate zygotes PaulEll?
Jen — be nice to Paul. He’s…for want of a better word, he’s domesticated. And he can tie *anything* to the Duke Lacrosse players. It’s really not as surprising as all that — he’s had a lot of practice.
And I bet the Duke Lacrosse players would let him!
Nah, my heart’s not in it. I’ve already conceded defeat.
grumpy realist
I’ve been following the Romney push-polling thing over at Talking Points and it looks to be a hoot.
Can’t figure out WHO yet did the attempt at the reverse-double-axel that looks to end with at least one party spattered all over the ice.
Pass the popcorn.
You really do live in your own private Idaho, don’t you?
Thanks, Paul. Many of us are keeping a list of things you like and don’t like, and this helps us keep the lists up to date.
There are no words to describe this…just wow…
It’s a well established fact that tapping your foot on a banana peel is a signal for sex with an orangutan.
I was trying so hard to think of a way to work this into the entire narrative…thank you TZ, that helped a lot. I also owe you a beer when I get out to Phoenix (well permanently, am leaving for there tonight).
You are welcome. Sooner or later, every story dovetails into every other story, I think.
Well, if your mind is twisted like mine is.
Anyway, enjoy your stay in Arizona this weekend. It should be cooling off, we have had a warm November so far.
It’s not global warming … according to our legislature, it’s the heat of hades, brought closer by the fact that we have a gay governor. Just a little warming shot across the bow, if you will.
Actually strike that…new question for the Republican Presidential candidates…
“How many orangutans would you shave and have sex with to prevent a terrorist attack?”
See this is why I plan to move there. You need all the help they can get…
So far I really have like what I have seen of Phoenix, still haven’t ventured far beyond there but looking forward to getting out and seeing more of the state.
I think the average answer would be three, as long as they were same-sex orangutans.
Are you sure orangutans care whether I shave?
I don’t really know that much about orangutan etiquette.
Ryan S.
They named it Pony… Somewhere a little girl is crying.
Are you sure you want a Pony for Christmas.
Gives a whole new meaning to, “Wanna ride my pony?”
ok, I’m done.
Talk about getting a piece of “Horses ass”.
Of course the whole turning around, bending over, and gyrating suddenly puts that damn song “My Humps” in my head and makes me want to both scream and laugh at the same time.
I don’t know TZ, but the question was how many you would shave, and have sex with not whether or not you would shave. This does make me wonder whether you have considered it…LOL.
Ryan S.
Something tells me that Orangutan sex isn’t something you plan it just sort of happens. Like you’re walking through the rain forest one day and one climbs down, and shakes her ‘humps’ and your like “why not”.
Or, your walking through Jakarta one fine spring day, and some guy comes up to you and says, “Orangutan love you long time, two dollar”. And your like, “sounds dangerous, only two dollars?, I’m game”.
Wow, I think a part of my soul just died….
or you are sitting in a bathroom stall tapping your foot one day…
I know. Only two dollars?
Really cheap monkey business if you ask me…
Ryan S.
There’s a good survey question, “How much would you pay for third world animal sex?”
Also what kind of protection should you use for that kind of thing, I mean seriously, hookers in a “developing country” aren’t dangerous enough. What brand do you use for a well used, shaved orangutan with possible venereal disease? That is possibly the most disturbing thing I can think of, other than Giuliani as president.
In an ideal world…well shit like this wouldn’t happen. But in a slightly less than ideal but still much nicer than this one world, the orang would have ripped a john’s head off.
Yeah, that’s just wrong ™, but unsurprising. Isn’t everyone here old enough to remember the donkey in the Tom Hanks classic “Bachelor Party”?
It wasn’t there for the LULZ.