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[…] That would make me a felon in NYC. As noted in the comments: […]
by John Cole| 43 Comments
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[…] That would make me a felon in NYC. As noted in the comments: […]
Bob In Pacifica
Pervez took off his uniform. Does that take the hurt away from the 1999 military coup and everything that happened since?
yet another jeff
According to the Pakastani opposition, he can strip naked and dance through the streets of Karachi for all they care. So long as he’s sitting as a Diebold elected President with a hand-picked Supreme Court and Military command, he’s still a dirty little dictator.
John Cole
I always used to wonder how coups worked in the modern age. I was under the impression that if a coup happened, people would just go ballistic, and the guns would come out and it would be very, very messy, but eventually the duly elected leadership would be reinstalled through popular will.
That was until I met the current incarnation of the democratic leadership. if a coup were to happen, they would urge calm while writing stern letters of condemnation, all the while calling for criminal action against anyone who actually tried to fight the coup.
yet another jeff
Hey! That’s not a nice thing to…oh…right…carry on.
Abe Froman
wasn’t he taller then Jon Stewart? I thought JS was the cut off for calling people short or little.
yet another jeff
I don’t think JS can be the standard…is he shorter than Napoleon?
You forgot the part where David Broder and Tim Russert bemoan the Democrats’ hyperpartisanship.
Garrigus Carraig
Some would argue a coup did happen. In 2000. If a coup were to happen in a country like ours, it would happen like that: within the shell of the current system, involving lots of lawyers. Even in Germany, IIRC, the Nazis took over via a distortion, not a revolution, of the Weimar system.
Everyone shut up and listen to me!!
I want attention.
Libby Spencer
And Joe Klein will explain why it’s really not what we think it is, but he’s not really sure what it is because he doesn’t have time to figure it out but the GOP assures him there’s nothing to worry about so we should all STFU and stop mocking him.
The Times reports that New York police are setting up sting operations in which they leave a purse unattended, wait for someone to pick it up and not turn it in to a nearby police officer, and then arrest the presumed thief for grand larceny (they’ve salted the purses with credit cards). It’s a twofer: you discourage good Samaratans (who might actually try to return the purses) while at the same time promoting a view of the police as a sneaky organization out to get you.
From Zhuangzi
In taking precautions against thieves who cut open satchels, search bags, and break open boxes, people are sure to cord and fasten them well, and to employ strong bonds and clasps; and in this they are ordinarily said to show their wisdom. When a great thief comes, however, he shoulders the box, lifts up the satchel, carries off the bag, and runs away with them, afraid only that the cords, bonds, and clasps may not be secure; and in this case what was called the wisdom (of the owners) proves to be nothing but a collecting of the things for the great thief.
… So it was; but yet one morning, Tian Cheng-zi killed the ruler of Qi, and stole his state. And was it only the state that he stole? Along with it he stole also the regulations of the sages and wise men (observed in it). And so, though he got the name of being a thief and a robber, yet he himself continued to live as securely as Yao and Shun had done. Small states did not dare to find fault with him; great states did not dare to take him off; for twelve generations (his descendants) have possessed the state of Qi. Thus do we not have a case in which not only did (the party) steal the state of Qi, but at the same time the regulations of its sages and wise men, which thereby served to guard the person of him, thief and robber as he was? …
Ed Drone
“So long as he’s sitting as a Diebold elected President with a hand-picked Supreme Court and Military command, he’s still a dirty little dictator.”
You are describing Musharaf, aren’t you? That description fits someone a lot closer to home (about 15 miles, in my case) than I’d like.
Wow, I should think the defense attorneys would have a good entrapment defense with that. Have these been successfully prosecuted?
That was written ~500BC.
There is nothing entirely new or “modern” in politics.
Dug Jay
Don’t you just love Balloon Juice, the new home of the paranoid tinfoil hat wearing crowd?
Michael D.
Somebody’s been watching Steel Magnolias!
You people are the people I’m going to meet in hell!!
And holy Joe Lieberman excoriates anyone who makes a peep for not being patriotic enough by speaking out against dear leader in a “time of war”.
This will be on my christmas list!
For anyone still interested in the housing market Dr. Housing Bubble has a great article detailing exactly how screwed we are.
Time the fuck out. I live outside of DC and ride the Metro every day. That means that since the Madrid bombings, I hear, at least four times a day, a little PSA encouraging me to run to the nearest station manager if I see an unattended bag, box, etc, etc. Because there might be a bomb inside.
So the cops of a city that got thumped by the terrists are strewing bags all over the place to catch thieves who take advantage of people who are dumb enough to leave their crap in a NYC subway station which will also get people used to the idea that a bag might belong to a cop. Which means someone in the NYPD really fucking stupid.
On the upside it must mean the Big Apple’s crime rate must be -105% if the cops have time for this crap.
For some reason I am afraid to click on this link…
what? Are you implying I wouldn’t want anything pure and savory?
(it is work safe just as an FYI)
You have, perhaps?
But the colors will leave those little spots swimming on your eyelids….ouch…
That is true, the site was a bit harsh on the eyes.
Cinderella Ferret
If the Facts fit, you must admit. To the truth. In a previous thread it was noted that many of the more extreme accusations made against the former Cheerleader and his gang of War Criminals are coming true. Things that seemed utterly ridiculous appear to be, in fact, now plausible.
And I wear my tin foil hat with great pride! I don’t know about you, but I look damn good in the Heavy Duty foil. It makes me feel real manly. Kinda like Jonah Goldberg, but with a set of cojones. You know what I mean, right?
John Cole
I fail to see how the phrase “Some would argue a coup did happen” falls under tinfoil hat nuttery.
Some WOULD argue that. Others would not.
BTW, why don’t you take a moment and jeer all those folks who argued from day one this was all about oil and forming permanent bases in Iraq. You know- the OTHER tinfoil hat conspiracy that turned out to be true.
yet another jeff
It’s the new rhetoric…”some people say” means “all Democrats and anyone less than 62 degrees right of center believe this” nowadays.
I am gladly donning a tinfoil hat now, hell I was wearing a tinfoil visor for a while but knowing the whole permanent base thing is a reality I am going for the full coverage of a hat.
Oh and did you know that It was the mean old congress that pushed bush into the iraq war?
lurking as usual
anything nice. doh!
LOL. Probably true.
Now if they were particularly incensed and outraged, they just might try to seek consensus to issue a Sense of the Disbanded Senate resolution expressing their reservations.
Wow. Cognizance. Meet Dissonance. You guys have fun.
Call me when you put on your second tin-foil wet-suit. Until then, you’re not protected enough.
I myself, not a tin-foil hatter. Was I disappointed by the whole Bush-Gore 2000 outcome? Yes – thought it was a “bad court decision”, but not some kind of real coup. And while I think there’s plenty of evidence Republicans are trying to suppress minority votes (voter ID laws) and don’t care if the electronic voting system is hackable, I don’t think they’re actually in cahoots with the voting machine people to actively steal (read: reprogram) votes through the installation of hacked machines.
The point is that it’s not an either-or proposition.
For example, you don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist/nutter to think that a bunch of messianic, misguided neocons are taking us all for a ride straight into hell b/c they have too much power and too little brains. It’s all right there out in the open. You don’t have to believe the war was all about oil to believe that Bush lied to us in order to get us there.
The dirty-fucking-hippies were right about a lot, but what they were wrong about was that it was all part of some master plan. It’s a lot of incompetence, grandiose thinking (we can re-shape the world), plain-old corruption and moralizing hypocrisy and straight-up deception by special interests (think Norquist) that got us where we are.
Is there any thing the Republicans don’t want to ban by constitutional amendment?
Romney Supports Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion
It would have been funnier had it had “bad mood sayings” like “I have a headache” or other stereotypically stupid things, not unlike Jeff Dunham doing his bit with the ventriloquist dummy “Walter”. However that was a bit out there. Just another dumb novelty gift idea.
Well that’s because Huckabee is for it, remember Romney was all states’ rights when Giuliani was ahead, now it’s “we must have an amendment” after the Huckster gave an interview calling for an amendment.
Oh not at all! I’m sure you keep all of your toys clean.
Now please stop brandishing that TENs unit.