From the Bradrocket:
But seriously: there are times when I want to throw up my hands and say “Screw it!” and vote for a Ron Paul-Kucinich Kucinich-Paul Unity ‘08 ticket. Because while each one of them is, respectively, a wee bit flaky or crazy, I’m pretty sure they’re both sincere. Face it, folks: people who claim to have seen UFOs and who want to return America to the gold standard aren’t trying to deceive the American public by telling them what they want to hear.
He has a point.
I was expecting you to say something about this.
Cindrella Ferret
Res ipsa loquitur, eh?
Hey, wait a second. Kucinich said he saw a flying object that had not been identified. What’s so daring about that? Where the balls comes in is with people who want to pretend Kucinich was talking about a flying saucer.
I also like to think that Paul’s Libertarian nuttiness and Kucinich’s government-can-solve-everything nuttiness would cancel each other out, leaving us with sane and rational policies on the aggregate.
At the very least, Paul would insist Kucinich pass a Constitutional Amendment every time Kucinich wanted to institute a new social program. And Kucinich would be the little angel on Paul’s shoulder, reminding Paul to curb his Libertarian policies so they wouldn’t make him come off as a giant dick.
If I saw a joint ticket on the ballot, I’d be sorely tempted to vote for it. But I just don’t see anyone else doing it too.
For what it’s worth, a guy’s views on UFOs is likely to have less impact on policy than another’s view on the gold standard.
He does have a point. I’m beginning to think that if a Democrat is elected president and the Democratic majority in Congress continues, the mess in Mesopotamia is more likely to continue. The Dems would be afraid of the Pubs being mad at them and calling them names if they did otherwise.
Of course even if that happened, the Pubs would still be screaming they’re victimized in the minority. Welcome to American politics.
I don’t think so. I’ve heard enough people praise Jesse Helms, in his heyday, for just the same kind of sincerity. Okay, not the same kind: evil rather than crazy sincerity.
Vote for the crazies. Because what has voting for “sensible” candidates gotten us, anyhow?
– Badtux the Snarky Penguin
And we’ve already seen what happens when someone who regularly chats with God gets in the Oval Office. I’m at least ready to give the UFO dude a chance.
Exactly. See current Dem congress.
Other highlights of the Unity Ticket:
* a FLILF (I’m not a lesbian, I just like the Daily Show)
*a Department of Peace and Isolationism
*elimination of pesky meat inspections (because it ain’t the government’s business/we should be vegans anyway)
*elimination of pesky drug inspections (it ain’t the government’s business/we should use echinacea anyway)
*possible cabinet position for Ross Perot
*no one would be named Bush or Clinton
Dennis - SGMM
Would a Democratic majority in Congress oppose wrong-headed or downright stupid initiatives from a Democratic President. I’m thinking NAFTA, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, for openers.
Seems to me that nominating doomed-to-fail Hillary while cementing veto-proof majorities in both houses of Congress is the hot ticket. The next president will have to deal with the aftermath of the Worst President Ever. Better to let one of Them take the heat.
Libby Spencer
Dennis, that’s the first good reason I’ve seen to support Hillary. I’ve been worrying about another one party gov myself. I don’t trust the Dems much more than I do the GOPers with absolute power.
Libby Spencer
I must also confess that I find the idea of a Kucinich-Paul ticket oddly compelling. They really might just balance each other out…
John's Minions
You know what’s interesting about that last comment? No one seems to be able to agree on what’s coming in 2008. Is Hillary inevitable? Doomed? Giuliani? Romney? Obama? Everyone’s pessimistic, but we say; after 8 years of predictable evil, give us the unknown any day.
Crimminy, even if a democratic president and congress seem hellbent on keeping the troops in Iraq, who’s to say that republican minority won’t scream for pulling them out to save us from a “disaster brought on by incompetent democrats?”
I wouldn’t bet against republicans always opposing democrats, no matter what, it’s all they have left.
John's Minions
By “I” we mean “we” of course. Crap, how do the editors keep that straight?
Mike S
That’s our Queen of Perpetual Outrage for ya.
It would be like voting for two elves. They both look like elves. I’m almost to the point where I could go for that.
Speaking of words that have a “C” and a “N” in them do you ever wonder if the fRighties, deep down in their hearts, feel any shame for wasting oxygen every time they inhale?
What’s her point? Seung-Hi Cho sent tapes to a network with a “N” a “B” and a “C” in it and I’ve yet to figure out the massive Librul Media conspiracy revealed by that one.
Or maybe she’s just miffed because loons never give her a ring.
Chuck Butcher
Dennis and Ron, wouldn’t you love to be the fly on the wall at a policy discussion?
But it must be proof he’s a Democrat! A Republican would have called Fox!
Since our media trys to find the truth by giving equal weight to each point of view, no matter how insane, this seems like a sensible compromise.
I’d even canvas for them.
Lemme guess – CSPAN?
I’m imagining them sitting in the Oval Office, both of them furiously flipping through their dog-eared pocket constitutions with yellow highlighters in their hands, debating the reach of the Commerce Clause and the literalism of “among” as opposed to the modern interpretation of “amongst.”
Actually, that image makes me want to weep when I compare it to the constitutional debates that take place in the Oval Office now (e.g., “See? It says cruel and unusual: if we’re torturing all the time, it’s not “unusual,” now is it?” “Huh! I guess you’re right, Dick . . . .”).
Anyone considering voting for either Paulunatic or Kookspinach should do the world a favor and stab themselves with a rusty fork until everything goes dark.
And if you don’t, make sure to vote in the special election on November 5th, 2008 which falls on Wednesday, hump day. You guys like humping, right? Won’t that be fun? Be unique and sheik while avoiding the crowds when you make your intelligent voice heard.
“Be unique and “sheik” while avoiding the crowds when you make your intelligent voice heard.”
Umm…Psycheout, I believe the word you were trying for is “chic.” Now, what was all that yapping you were doing about intelligent voices? Oh, yeah…that you don’t have one.
Paulunatic and Kookspinach. Oh, my aching sides. Did your grade-school age kids come up with those?
grumpy realist
“Cthulhu for President–why vote for the lesser of the two evils?”
I’d like to see a Paul/Kucinich ticket simply for the brain explosions on both the right and the left.
Splitting Image
I was tempted to vote for the Family Coalition party in the last Ontario election when I found out they mass-produced their signs and wrote the candidates’ names in on them in felt marker. I voted for the Greens when their guys were getting less support than independents, and my interest in basic fairness has made me alternate between our two Communist parties in the most recent federal elections.
Voting for a Paul/Kucinich ticket doesn’t seem odd to me at all.