When you are reading your email, and in the background you hear Wolf Blitzer say “Is Victoria’s Secret involved in sweatshop labor” and your head snaps to the television.
Consider this an open thread.
by John Cole| 26 Comments
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When you are reading your email, and in the background you hear Wolf Blitzer say “Is Victoria’s Secret involved in sweatshop labor” and your head snaps to the television.
Consider this an open thread.
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[…] You Know You are a Pervert […]
Grumpy Code Monkey
Victoria’s Secret. Sweatshop labor.
Wolf Blitzer.
Yeah. Just stay where I can see you, Bubba.
You know your a pervert when you set the TV alarm for the Dallas Cowboy cheerleader documentry, and your wife discovers it, for the second time.
You must have *amazing* email if there’s any notion in your mind that you shouldn’t look at the stock footage of lingerie-clad models.
But you might be a pervert if it’s Wolf Blitzer that you’re turning to see.
You have changed. Now if you were still Republican, or at least the typical one, you would have gotten whiplash if Wolf had said “Is Abercrombie and Fitch involved…”
Victoria has no clothes! She’s been disrobed and exposed!
Can’t ya see the headlines now?
And no John, you are far from a pervert on that one.
I have it on good authority John skull fucks kittens for spite (not even gonna tell you what he does for fun).
In other perverted news, seems the prez candidates can all just go home now. All but one. God and Jesus thanks them all for coming, but they’ve chosen Huckabee.
An excited Falwell does the reporting from Liberty U. Not only did Huckabee wow him with identifying the threat to America from “fanatic religious zealotry” (no, not the threat from our SoCon zealots), Huck dropped the news of the Big Guy in his corner…
So to the rest of you, thanks for playing. God and Chuck Norris have chosen.
I just can’t stop laughing at this
Idiots Guide to Understanding Intelligent Design
And this guy is writing about Lebanon?
Via Sullivan, the doughy pantload drops another bomb:
Wow – basically Jonah’s saying both that it’s not ok to elect (even nominate) non-Christians, Christianity don’t include Mormonism and that Mormons are bad people.
With these people “supporting” the Republican party, who even needs opposition research?
Via digby, in the Sunday Times:
WTF? This is American exceptionalism taken too far, because no one can seriously believe that this is a reciprocal agreement.
A pervert would have eagerly clicked on the link that accompanied this quote.
And speaking of perversions:
So if another country’s highest court sanctions blowing up US embassies because they harbor trouble makers that will be just fine.
Got it.
maxbaer (not the original)
No chance of that because, who knows, the Brits might get the silly notion that Bush and Cheney et al committed war crimes.
I’ve got to agree.
And I’d like to add, you know you’re too into politics when the first thought that crosses your mind is “is it one of those sweatshops in the Marianas Islands that Abramoff and DeLay kept open?”
Wow, turns out the whole “statistics are a liberal plot to destroy conservatism” meme is spreading
(emphasis added). Note that the study Luskin refers to sampled 8,000 familes (well over the minimum threshold for statistical validity, which is something like 1,000 or so).
Jon H
“When you are reading your email, and in the background you hear Wolf Blitzer say “Is Victoria’s Secret involved in sweatshop labor” and your head snaps to the television.”
Only if it’s because you’re in the process of guiltily slipping into some frilly underthings from VS, and you’re a guy.
Or, for another random example, the Germans might accuse Donald Rumsfeld of war crimes. Hmm. . .
grumpy realist
As pointed out, awfully amusin’ considering that the 1812 war got started because the US got pissed off at the British Navy impressing Americans.
grumpy realist
And thanks for giving me another reason to not buy Victoria’s Secret bras (aside from the fact that they don’t fit well, are made of extremely polyester material, and have the sex appeal of a dead cow)….Is there any clothing out there that I don’t run up on my own sewing machine that hasn’t been made by sweatshop labor?!
Cinderella Ferret
John Cole
I deleted that link and “cleaned up” some of the comments. Please don’t post that garbage. Even I have limits.
Now I’m wildly curious…
No, Jess. No. Trust me.
Go search BoingBoing if you want to know more. But you don’t. You don’t.
You are repeating yourself.
Being attracted to gorgeous women in skimpy outfits does NOT make you pervert (were you raised Catholic?). However I would give you the sidelong glance of suspicion if your thoughts at that moment were “Mmmmm, Wolf Blitzer and lacy silk thongs, TASTY!”