A new poll suggests Mitt Romney is the candidate most people would like to beat the hell out of in a bar fight. Most voters would like to kick the shit out of John Edwards, too, just not in a bar.
Related: Just heard on Wolf Blitzer’s, The Situation Room: “The most important thing for candidates in Iowa is for voters to show up.” If I didn’t watch CNN, I would know nothing.
I think the Wolf Blitzer comment is funnier than the Onion story.
I’d love to sucker punch 9iu11ani if I weren’t scared that he’d order a few of New York’s Finest to stick a plunger up my ass in retaliation. After they got through walking his dog, of course.
Did anyone else catch Wolfie talking to Huckabee about the Dumond case? I thought Huckabee was somewhat incoherent (saying Clinton had commuted the sentence before Huck was governor and then later saying he himself had refused to commute the sentence twice – huh?), though he did get a little good old-fashioned Clenis-bashing in.
It’s wasn’t Wolf’s fault. The daily instructions from Avignor Liebermann were late and garbled in transmission.
I didn’t see it but I have heard the Huckster was quoted as saying:
“No one could have predicted this man would do this again”.
Sounds awfully similar to:
“No one could have predicted that terrorists would use planes as missiles.”
Complete with warnings sent to Huckabee about this person. The real shiv in this one though is the fact that the guys was released because of CDS.
grumpy realist
Actually, I’m wondering whether that “no one could have predicted….” isn’t going to be the shark-jumping bit.
The question is to see if TDS, SNL, or any of the others manages to do a riff on it.
I don’t understand why this murderer had so many backers in right wing radio that he would feel pressured to release him from prison. Morever, were these so called backers hung out to dry for their support of this guy? Seems like someone should get bitch slapped.
So, right wing radio gets listened to by lots of people with too much money and waaaaaay to much free time. People with too much money and time provide a great deal of political capital. Governors of Arkansas like political capital and try to accrue it. The convict in question murdered a distant relative of Bill Clinton, and that’s the Republican political equivalent of dropping a grenade into a bucket full of napalm.
Raping and murdering poor women ain’t so bad when you stack it up against causing the Demoncratic President of the United States to cry. The only regret Drumond backers had at the end of this debacle was that Drumond didn’t kill another Clinton relative.
Cindrella Ferret
Well now we know why Wolf went into Journalism, and not rocket science.
Mike Huckabee? Dead. Done. Finito. Stick a fork in him. When this Dumond thing gets more light he is going to make Dukakis look like a law and order conservative. Reverend Huckabee has a lot of splainin to do. Murray Waas has a great post on the Dumond case and also wrote about an ex-aide for Huckabee who claims the Reverend is lying… Read both pieces and the articles he links to at the bottom.
I went to the library today and got a copy of Huckabee’s campaign book. Read it, in particular the section on this case and judge for yourself how disingenuous and self-serving Reverend Huckabee portrays his role in this case. It is truly breathtaking. We expect better judgment from a school principal.
Since Huckabee is obviously stupid enough to believe drunken Steve Dunleavy at The New York Post, he didn’t think that Dumond was capable of committing rape after Dumond was freed.
And BTW – it was obviously Bill and Hillary who were the masked men in that story. I’m suprised Dunleavy just didn’t come out and say it.
Tomorrow on the Situation Room Wolf Blizer will discuss whether or not he’d still have his beard if he shaved and determine that it will depend on how many blades are in his razor.
not until they get back from strike, which probably won’t be any time soon (unless i’ve missed something in the past couple days). and when they do get back, it’ll be old news.
Andy K
And if no voters show up the delegates are divvied up accordin’ to the results of a “Iowa Death Cage Battle Royale”, right?
I’ll put $5 down on Hillary in the Dem’s cage match. And I’m in fer $10 on Bob Dornan on the GOP side. I heard he’s hangin’ around Cedar Rapids prayin’ that no one casts a vote.
Chad N. Freude
When do you think he’ll begin to practice it?
Doubting Thomas
Just a friendly reminder that you don’t speak for most voters… hell, you’re Canadian after all!
It might have been more appropriate to have replaced “most voters” with “I”.
Tom Hilton
Didn’t Woody Allen say something like 90% of life is just showing up?
Yes, but not because of the Wayne Dumond story in itself. The story is suddenly getting a lot of play now (after being common knowledge for, what, forever or so?) because the ‘free-market’ fundamentalists are terrified of having a Republican candidate who’s only 99.9% anti-tax. They’re the ones who will make sure Huckabee doesn’t come close to having a shot at the nomination (which, realistically, he doesn’t anyway–even if he won in Iowa, he doesn’t have the organization to take advantage of it), and it won’t be just Wayne Dumond that they use to do it.
I’d like to beat the shit out of Giuliani in a bar fight,but I don’t look good in a dress.Could I beat the shit out of him at an IHOP or a Yankees game instead?
Cindrella Ferret
That is a given for anything that happened in recorded history with no other “logical” explanation. I suspect it was Vince Foster plus an accomplice and THAT is why Hillary had to have him bumped off. Much more plausible don’t you think?
Please do! Make sure its on PPV so I can watch.
Touche! Practice being the operative point here! Thanks for helping me clear that one up.
Excellent point. No return to Hope, as it were.
yet another jeff
Yeah, and whether or not to kill yourself is one of the most important decisions a person can make.
This reminds me of Bill Clinton’s response when someone asked him what Hillary needed to do to win – “Get the most votes.”
In other news, it was reported on ESPN that a new study showed teams that score the most points tend to win their games.
Wolf Blitzer meet John Madden. John Madden, Wolf Blitzer.
jcricket nailed it: Blitzer is to news what Madden is to sports.
The Other Steve
Christ, just what we need.
Wolf Blitzers News 2008, now from EA Games!
wasabi gasp
Hillary Clinton is the candidate most people would like to kick in the nuts.
Robert Johnston
And I always thought that Mitt Romney was the candidate most people would like to lock naked, in a cage, on the roof of their car, while driving.
Well, I don’t know about Bill, but what do you want to bet that it was Hitlery that sliced off Dumond’s nuts, hmmm? And probably with a wicked grin & cackle while she did it.
The Repugs better lock up their peckers if they go up against her. Guiliani tried that for NY-Sen, and just look what she did to his prostate. If it weren’t for Viagra, the poor shlub would still be wearing dresses and impotently hanging (& not banging) with wife #2.
This will be your blogswarm tomorrow:
Dan Bartlett
Conservative Blaghistan should be a fun read.
wasabi gasp
Kucinich is the candidate most Martians want to ring up when their bag runs dry.
How about taking a baseball bat to him in a dark alley?
As for whether Hillary was one of the “masked men,” if she were I think she’d have the election locked up right now.
You’d think that’d be a given, but after the last couple of elections…?
And now the most important question: which two candidates would you want to see in a nude mud-wrestling match?
Johnny Pez
Is Wolf auditioning for Madden’s spot now?
Sensitive Pony Tailed Girly Man
My main man Willard M. is going to take 45 minutes to discuss his faith. That’s plenty of time to be for Mormonism, then against it, uncertain about the whole thing, and then for it again. Don’t worry, whatever your position is, Willard will have something for you.
God Bless Amerika!
It’s a logical impossibility, but every Republican candidate is worse than all the others. Maybe they could borrow Vladimir Putin, who at least has a winning track record and an excellent soul.
Maybe they could have M.C. Escher design a polling chart?
yet another jeff
Don’t forget Quayle’s “If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure.”
Actually, just having voters show up is not the most important thing for candidates in Iowa. The most important thing is for *voters who are your supporters* to show up.