This is starting to turn into a ritual:
Dissatisfied with the debate here Wednesday that drew widespread scorn, Iowa Republicans will discuss on Friday the possibility of holding another forum before the January 3rd caucuses.
The debate this week, sponsored by the Des Moines Register and Iowa Public Television, was to have been the final gathering of the GOP contenders, but one well-placed Iowa Republican said tonight that they were interested in getting the candidates back together
“We’d prefer if the Register debate did not leave a bad taste,” said this source, who requested anonymity. “Iowa deserves a little better than that.”
At some point, maybe after a few more debates, they are going to realize the problem is not the debate format, or the moderator, or the youtube videos, or the “drive-by media,” or whatever else they will come up with to fool themselves. The problem is that the candidates suck.
At any rate, I agree- Iowa does deserve better. So does the rest of the country. Which is why I am not voting Republican next year.
heh. These people are the definitive “whiny ass titty babies.”
I wouldn’t bet on it.
Notorious P.A.T.
How about this: they get their debate do-over if America as a whole gets an election 2000 do-over.
Could this be because Ron Paul made a strong showing in the last debate? I’m sure that left a bad taste in their mouths.
Ah, I’ve figured out why you guys are ignoring my Ron Paul blimp breaking news. Pro-hot-air-balloon prejudice. You’re biased against libertarian blimps.
If they do it in Baghdad…outside the green zone.
I wouldn’t bet on it.
If you mean that people won’t catch the clue, I agree. I think the Republicans should have ten more Iowa debates, just to be sure “none of the above” really gets some traction.
Dennis - SGMM
According to the linked article, the candidates were upset that Iraq and immigration were preemptively taken off the table. Well, there went 3/4 of their talking points. With no chance to breast-beat over Iraq or posture on immigration there was actually a chance that they’d have to talk about health care, or education or the economy – and we can’t have that. Not with this crowd of tin men.
Does this mean we get to see more Alen Keys?
There hasn’t been a republican candidate for president worth a damn since Eisenhower and he doesn’t really count as BOTH parties wanted him to run. Pretty much all the country’s troubles have been caused by greedy republicans. Every “liberal” program in the twentieth century has been undermined by republicans NOT doing the jobs they have been assigned, regardless of law. You don’t really think any republican in the department of Health, Education and Welfare gives a shit about health, education or welfare, do you?
Cindrella Ferret
The Republican Party is in turmoil and searching for its ideological soul. Traditional conservatism and compassionate conservatism are not true allies. Hardcore social conservatives, or at least most of them, are not secularists. They are also, obviously, not fiscal conservatives. This flies directly in the face of traditional small government conservative values. The social conservatives have no problem with government interference in the lives of average citizens if it furthers their theocratic/anti-science vision of America. (Refer to John’s list above) Democrats are frequently blamed for being Nanny Staters. Obviously, the current version of the Republican Party is the party for Daddy Staters.
Maybe its time for a new party. The New Federalists, as it were. I do believe the Federal Government has a place beyond national defense, but the Democrats and most especially the Republicans have over-reached.
What say you? Is it time for a new party?
Let the Big Government Conservatives like Reverend Huckabee and his ilk figure out where they fit in. (If, indeed they do.)
NEWSFLASH for the Huckabee crowd: The Earth was not created a thousand years after the Sumerians invented glue. Jesus didn’t walk with the dinosaurs. And, yes, your distant ancestors did rise up from the primordial soup. Sorry, but them is the facts, and its about time you grew up and accepted them.
Libby Spencer
I missed your scoop Jen, but I’m all over it. Paul just went up ten points in my polling. I’m thinking of selling my support for a ride on the thing. It’s a lifelong dream to fly in one of those puppies.
The Republicans will be perfectly happy with a debate it just requires the correct conditions:
1. In a private, well-guarded home.
2. Everyone in the audience has been subjected to a complete check of their political pedigree.
3. Bildo Reilly is the moderator.
4. There is no audio or visual recording or transcript of the debate.
5. Top conservative blaghers will issue talking points after the debate.
It isn’t that the GOP hopefuls suck, its that everyone can see they suck. If there were a way to say the suck is nothing more than a librul lie, they’d be just dandy.
Eh, my breaking news was just that I saw it, over Raleigh. They liked it on Sadly, No.
Libby Spencer
You SAW it? I’m so jealous and hey we’re practically neighbors. I live not far outside the Triangle. I was running out to my deck every five minutes to see if it was flying over on the way to Greensboro, but no luck. I think I’m too far north of the flight path.
it’s in Raleigh??
a quick look out the window… nope, it’s not over south-eastern Cary at the moment.
whiny ass blimpy babies?
Hello, Neighbor! Yeah, it’s eventually headed to Charlotte to bed down for the night so I expect it’s on a generally southernly path.
Cary probably has a “no-blimp” ordinance, Cleek.
Libby Spencer
Hey yourself neighbor and cool hat tip at S/N.
If a candidate wanted to score a some voters in Iowa, s/he’d promise to find the Hawks a new offensive coordinator and some decent b-ballers….
6. Loyalty oaths.
Can’t forget the loyalty oaths.
Ignore this if you automatically assumed that was part of #2.
John-you’re a yellow dog democrat!!
Chuck Butcher
Oh man, I’m such a fan of the libertainism slogan,
“Screw you, I got mine,”
that I can barely stand missing some more lighter than air.
What makes me walk in circles talking to myself is when it’s espoused by their first victims.
LOL! Four words: Teh Ron Paul Blimp. Oh, the inananity!
They should save their “do-over” until next November. It still won’t do any good, but they’ll really want it bad then.
They can do this 10 times and it still won’t change the outcome. They won’t get the mythical Republican presidential candidate that they say they want. This is what they got based on the party they have wanted/allowed over the last 20+ years.