GlaxoSmithKline may be onto something big:
GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s drug Tykerb, in an unexpected finding, cut the number of breast cancer stem cells by half in 30 patients, and two-thirds were cancer free after follow-up treatment with other therapies.
The finding, reported today at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in Texas, supports the newest theory in cancer, that a tiny number of stem cells lurking within tumors are the driving force that fuels their growth. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston said the finding may be a first step toward changing the way cancer is treated.
Excellent news. There is, however, still no cure for modern Republicanism.
Yes there is. Wholesale executions.
Robert Johnston
I say we waterboard all Republicans until they confess to being pro-choice commie atheist muslim-sympathizers who listen to the Dixie Chicks, plan to write in Keith Olbermann for President in 2008, think Ann Coulter is a skanky whore, and want to roast christian children over an open fire. It wouldn’t cure their Republicanism, but it would be really funny.
Actually, the Democratic Party has already found the treatment that will eliminate the Republican Party. It is called open borders and unlimited immigration. Eventually the Republicans will be buried under a demographic avalanche of Hispanic and black voters.
Of course, of the the side effects of the Democratic Party’s plan is that the U.S. will be a one party state where almost all elections and good part of our current political system will be meaningless.
Notorious P.A.T.
Noooooo! Those stem cells are alive! They could one day be people! They have DNA! We must let those tumors alone! Sorry, cancer victims : (
So what? It’s just a theory. I’ll believe it when someone builds a device that can turn a cancer into a cat.
The Other Steve
Once again President Bush is vindicated for his foresight in preventing research with stem cells.
This proves that stem cells kill, rather than help.
Strange when you consider those clowns act like they’ve got something pressing on the speech centers of their brains.
And speaking of virulent diseases, I see it only took an hour for stupordestroyer to troll into the blog and announce that the Democrats aren’t playing fair because their party appeals to brown people.
At least they’re not using genetically modified versions of the measles virus
There is no money in curing diseases. The market has spoken.
Am I the only one that has seen I Am Legend and finds the timing of this just a bit freaky?
like the latest theory on cancer, i believe modern republicanism is fueled by a tiny number of stem-nuts lurking within american society which are the driving force that fuels their growth. if we could only treat this small group with, say, high doses of olbermann and bill maher monologues, perhaps therein lies the cure. unfortunately, their resistance to treatment, thusfar, remains incredible.
…that glows in the dark.
Does this treatment involve any actual science? If so, it will never fly. Bring on the snake handlers.
I’m afraid the cancer there is so deep only a radical masectomy will do.
Chris Johnson
Very well, if you are so snarky about it, when will YOU give it up?
Person of Choler
I see that this is still the BDS ward of the internet loony bin.
yet another jeff
I dunno, but I did watch Omega Man…is Will Smith going to do a remake of Soylent Green as well?
Good news on the cancer front, though…esp since I just found out my mom has breast cancer…small tumor, detected very early…but still scary.
Notorious P.A.T.
Haha, no you’re not. Good movie, by the way, for anyone looking to be creeped out.
Notorious P.A.T.
Oh, I know. The country really suffered back when Democrats had a chokehold on our country’s political system.
Defeating the Axis powers, overcoming the great depression, a booming economy, rebuilding Europe, Social Security, civil rights. . . what a nightmare.
wow, actually, “a first step toward changing the way (breast)cancer is treated” would be to remove carcinogens from shampoos, cosmetics, hair coloring, etc. A first step would be to closely monitor and regulate the shameless corporate culture that gleefully thrives from their toxic practices. A first step would entail sufficient funding for the FDA and EPA, while cleansing these agencies of their business yes-men.
oh, but then, the GlaxoSmithKline board of trustees would certainly fret over the performance of their stock…
Don’t be sure about that. My cousin Judy had a brain tumor and was treated for it and went into remission, and then she went to work as an aide to Jesse Helms. Coincidence? I think not!
I disagress. They’re dicks more than boobs so a different kind of remov-ectomy is called for.