‘Tis the season to be furious.
Update: I will be spending the day shopping for my Polish neighbors’ two dogs and two cats. for the past few years, I’ve really enjoyed the Polish Christmas Eve tradition of Wigilia (pronounced vig-EEL-ya.) Traditionally, this is a 12-course meatless meal (that includes fish, which makes it meatful, in my opinion) that breaks a fast as you wait for the birth of Jesus. For me, it’s just a late dinner that starts as the first star becomes visible in the sky. After the meal, you exchange your gifts – pets are included as important participants in the feast.
Oh, and there’s vodka. Plenty.
Merry Christmas. Be like Mike Huckabee and use the occassion to find Christ. In Miami, they’re making “finding Christ” much easier this year.
I travelled for a week through Poland a few years ago and stayed in downtown Krakow for a few days. I went to a basement bar in the old town and had a few beers and soaked up the smokey atmosphere. There were a bunch of people down there, whole families actualy, dressed in traditional dress, pounding beers, eating kiebasa and dancing to the live polka band. I definitely got the feeling that this wasn’t a tourist put on or a special occasion: this is how some Poles spent their Friday nights.
Can’t beat that with a stick.
Compare that with a typical DC area Friday night out: Fratboys with a Coors Light in one hand, a tequila shot in the other with a pseudo-ironic Gamecock hat with a fishhook stuck in the bill.
He’s lost? Jesus Christ! Who was supposed to watching him?
I can’t help you look cuz I’m helping OJ find the “real killers.”
From the NY Observer:
I would have thought Charmin or Angel Soft would have been more appropriate publishers.
The Other Steve
For Christmas this year we are making traditional Russian beef stew in a clay pot. Not that it has anything to do with Christmas, I just told my girlfriend it’s bloody delicious and I want more.
I found Christ. He was hiding out in an old warehouse, where he was working furiously on a massive steel tentacled apparatus that would attach to his back, allowing him to commit crimes, dominate the world, and at long last defeat that odious web-spinning Spider Man.
Other Steve, please print the russian beef stew recipe, or Jesus is coming for you next.
Obligatory seasonal humor:
Q: Why is Santa so jolly?
A: Because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
The Air Force Academy – training missionaries one recruit at a time
as an update to the above, the article also mentions Fort Jackson, where I went for BCT back in the 90’s. There was no religious indoctrination etc. now they have GOD’S BASIC TRAINING? WTF?
Californians – support health insurance for everyone just as long as THEY don’t have to pay for it
Unreal. Sure let’s tax those who smoke (hiking the cost 2 dollars a pack) and raise a few other taxes (negligible compared to cig taxes) to support insurance for the uninsured but when asked if they would support a 1 cent increase in the state sales tax for the same purpose the majority says hell no.
And we wonder why this state has issues.
When I went to basic training at Ft. McClellan back in the 70’s we were taught THE DRILL SERGEANT IS GOD!
Best. Cover. Evah! H/t sully
Heh, yeah that was pretty much what we thought too.
But Musharraf is our BFF fighting the terrorists…eh not so much
The new tack against Huckabee….he’s seeking earthly power which the great Jaysus warned against!
The Other Steve
I’ll see if I can get it. The key is the little clay pot. It comes out without much liquid, so in a way it’s more like maybe a pot roast. But it’s really tasty.
Call me crazy, but doesn’t this somehow imply “Atheists for President”?
The mental gymnastics these people go through in order to make sense of it should be an olympic sport. To have to basically contort ones mind into the shape of a pretzel takes real talent, or the ability to paint oneself into a corner that leaves no room to move whatsoever. You know, like the not-so-fundie right did by courting the fundies.
“Yeah, slow down guys. Let’s not go dragging religion into politics. That would be crazy. And, btw, totally different from what Bush did in ’00 and ’04.”
How does that guy talk with all the bullshit spewing out of his mouth?
You will be baked, then there will be cake.
I hear cats taste lovely with the right sauce.
See my response above, then again maybe he’s a good ventriloquist.
Logical pretzels imply a certain degree of consistency. Sure the path is mangled, but you can still get from point A to point B if you follow the 143 step upside-down pattern.
But they’ve stepped beyond that some time ago. Republicans don’t have any hard and fast beliefs anymore, it’s just “Say Anything To Get Elected”. Deficit Spending is the quintessential example. They won’t raise taxes to pay for tax cuts, they won’t raise taxes to pay for wars, they won’t cut subsidies to big industries (because that would be “raising taxes”), they won’t stop spending money on pet projects, and yet they STILL won’t stop talking about fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget. There’s no pretzel here. Some of these positions are wholly irreconcilable.
With Huckabee as the nominee, neo-cons and corp-cons have turned their eyes on religion to start postulating mutually exclusive stances. The separation between Church and State will suddenly be a wedge against Baptist Minister Mike Huckabee that Mormon Bishop Mittens Romney will freely employee. Lines will be drawn in the sand about political correctness, then freely crossed when political opportunism dictates.
And, in the end, I don’t think Mitt will be doing himself any favors. Theo-cons might turn to the Weekly Standard for their pants-shitting Middle East policies, but they turn to the alter for their pants-shitting Jesus policies. No one reads the Washington Post for a daily dose of theology, much less to Peter Wehner for lessons on religious litmus tests. The neo-cons will be preaching to the big-money choir, but Romney already has that crowd locked up. Diatribes against Huckabee being too religious won’t win Mitt any eleventh hour converts. Mormonism is already “suspect”, Mitt’s “I believe in Jesus” speech didn’t settle anyone’s doubts (the real reason that set it apart from JFK’s), and playing the “let’s not get to Christian” card isn’t going to appeal to any evangelical I’ve ever met.
I just have no idea what these people are doing anymore.
Scott H
@myiq2xu: I noticed where Karl Rove had to settle for a step down even from vanity press for his blockbuster book from the very center of the Bush Administration: charity press from Mary Matalin.
Bonus, Alberto Gonzales is having trouble booking speaking gigs to fund his legal defense. Apparently, not so many are innarested in anything a former US Attorney General has to say. [WaPo blog link]
Happy Holidays.
Maybe he should just write a book “If I did it”. Oh wait…
Me either, I am just watching and laughing. Perhaps this is just what is needed though, a great unravelling of the christian bullshit in this country. You have the liberal side of religion, you know the part where that hippy Jesus came into being, then you have the old testament bible thumpers that handle snakes and speak gibberish that only an infant would understand, now the Mormons are getting in on it representing nothing more than the various takeoffs we have in this country on the whole christian faith.
We have all of them getting ready for a battle royale on the right (and to a lesser extent on the left). In the end maybe they’ll eat each other and the rest of the country can see once and for all just how batshit insane they all are.
Michael D.
MNPundit: I actually changed that sentence before I published it. It originally read: Pets are an important part of the feast. I thought “participants” was more appropriate.
The GOP looked reasonably sane when they were the permanent minority party and acted as a check on Democratic excess. But their rise to power coincided with the lunatics taking over the asylum. Gingrinch, Delay, Lott and Armey were corrupt before they got power, and got worse afterwards.
They sold their party’s soul to the nut-job right and the holy-rolling Jesus freaks while they sold our nation to the “malefactors of great wealth.” Well, the chickens have come home to roost.
Cluck, cluck motherfuckers! Cluck, cluck!
From the “You just can’t make this shit up department”
I worked in the Mortgage industry, we had forms in multiple languages and a large number of spanish speakers working for us, this is BS.
Via Sadly, No, this “gem” of a personal ad from a conservative. You’d think it was an onion parody, but sadly, no.
Hey, dude, we had that down in the late Middle ages — Dante’s flatterers had it down (literally) in the eighth circle of Hell…
And, for what it is worth, _Inferno_ ought to be required reading for all ambitious political actors. It’s not *just* an allegory of a trip through Hell, it’s also a very sharp discussion of the evils of politics badly pursued. In a sense, it’s the book to which _The Prince_ is the mirror.
Yep, I agree.
John S.
It’s more like moebius logic. You travel along the same path but then somewhere along the way you end up on the opposite side. And as long as you keep moving along the same path, you’ll end up flipping sides an infinite number of times…or will you?
Chuck Norris is a plant his real name is CARLOS! He’s just a part of the immigrant-liberal-fascist plot to get Mike Huckabee the nomination! Or something like that.
From Daniel Kurtzman at HuffPost-
Best Fodder for the Late-Night Comedians:
Senator Larry Craig (R-estroom) gave “new meaning to the word caucusing” (David Letterman) when he was caught playing footsie in the men’s room with his infamous “wide stance.” Craig announced his resignation, then later reversed his decision after “talking it over with guy in stall number 3” (Conan O’Brien), angering his Republican colleagues, some of whom “stopped having sex with him” (Jimmy Kimmel). The staunchly anti-gay lawmaker denied being a hypocrite, saying, “Hey, I wasn’t trying to marry the cop in the bathroom” (O’Brien). Later, he was inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame — not the entire hall, “just the men’s room” (Jay Leno).
There’s more if you’re interested.
The hospital emergency rooms in her area are overflowing with people suffering severe cases of Spanish poisoning.
Some people just don’t realize how offensive they sound.
Here’s my question: Since most of those messages start with “For English, press one,” why is she still listening by the time they get to Spanish? Is she waiting to find out what number to press for German?
Well, English is one of those “liberal” subjects, so she’s waiting for “wingnut” or “Republican” as an option.
chihuahua cutlets with poodle sauce. Mmm. Mm good!
I prefer fried rice poodles in a Chow sauce
The only way I can read it is that she’s offended that Spanish is an option at all.
Well, OK. I can pretend she’s right that “Everything is in Spanish” and it’s actually “Para inglés, pulse uno”, and that after you press 1 the speech given is still in Spanish. I find this possibility somewhat unlikely.
Isn’t that where someone points out, “Welcome to Capitalism”? Supply and demand, and whatnot? They going to deport all the illegal immigrants or go whole hog and deport everyone who speaks Spanish, period?
People in this country need to grow a pair if this is the biggest thing they have to complain about. Greatest Generation my swollen left nut.