This is a bad camera phone pic, but this is how my roommate’s dog sleeps.
He’s Buddy, and he’s a good dog.
This post is in: Dog Blogging
This is a bad camera phone pic, but this is how my roommate’s dog sleeps.
He’s Buddy, and he’s a good dog.
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That is a dog who knows he is loved, completely safe and protected. A dog is a wonderful thing.
Anne Laurie
Around our house that position is known as the Full Roadkill.
We knew the five-year-old rescue we’d adopted was “acclimating” when he crawled into the bed between us, wriggled into a Full Roadkill, and fell asleep with a sigh of contentment.
When I depart this life and my many failings are weighed in the balance, at least I’ll be able to count on a word in my favor from Zevon and the other “surplus animals” I’ve been able to provide a home for over the years…
Michael D.
Anne: I love you just for that comment. :-)
Both of my cats sleep that way when they sense their latest crime against humanity requires an extra shot of aw-dorable.
That is a happy dog! Sometimes my cat Fido lies on his back with all his paws in the air. I can’t decide what that means. I choose to believe it means he is super comfortable.
He wont feel loved and protected when someone accidentally steps on his nads.
Remember folks, protect your junk at all times, even when sleeping.
Exposed-Junk Awareness Commitee
Notorious P.A.T.
Actually that’s the clearest camera phone picture I’ve ever seen.
Cute doggie )
Voice of Reason
We always called that the Dead Dog pose, but Full Roadkill is just such a better term that I’m appropriating it immediately, with no promise of remuneration.
I sleep that same way. I’d post a picture, but the site isn’t set up for that.
My Lab/Golden mix sleeps that way all the time too!
I’ve always thought it was his way of saying “I can’t believe you cut those off of me!”.
Dogs are such a joy. One I often think we don’t deserve.
Johnny Pez
This is Buddy’s way of saying, “Don’t even think of trying to pass by without rubbing my belly. You will rub the belly.
While my chow-mix Tam sleeps like that, I know my pointer is seriously happy when her head hangs off the couch (she never sleeps on the floor).
I found four little puppies that had been dumped today. Since I can’t put a pic in the comments here, feel free to stop by my humble blog to see them — also, name suggestions are very welcome although I haven’t had them long enough to get a sense of their personalities yet . . . well except that two were unafraid enough that I caught them quickly, the other two took more work and time to catch.
Heh. Dreyf used to sleep like that sometimes. Then he’d wake up and start waving his front and back paws in the air, while making growling and schnuffing noises (we called it, “Dreyf doing his aerobics.”)
Seeing a happy doggie always makes me happy. :)
incontrolados, that is so kind of you. One thing I don’t like about living in a college town is the fact I can’t knock the snot out of the college kids who think nothing of dumping their pets every summer.
Our rescued feral cat has just managed to pull the stunt for which I think he lives — he snuck into our bedroom, dodged a determined human, and took an eight foot leap through the air onto our bed. He seems to have decided that’s a safe spot, because he’s put his ears up and is surveying the room with a distinctly self-satisfied air.
We called that the “dying cockroach.”
Exactly how many tequila shooters did you give him, anyway?
Thanks, Jake, but uhm, it’s something I worry about. I have a couple of trusted friends who have agreed to do an intervention if should ever even come close to over-doing it. I don’t want to be the crazy lady on teevee with hundreds of pets. As it stands now, I have a new feral cat living in the backyard whom I’ve yet to trap because the local spay/neuter place is closed for the holidays. Before the little pups today, I was at 10, which is pushing the limit. (But I can never say no, so the intervention squad will apply the pressure soon.)
Perry Como
4 months and growing.
Michael D.
Perry, that is such a CUTE dog!!
My blue pit bull sleeps the same way…got a few photos like that (got a great one over the holidays of him like on a quilt with his head on a pillow).
My Lab/Spaniel(ish?) mix sleeps like this sometimes, too. I don’t think there’s anything particularly strange about it.
Buddy looks like a good dog. Give him a collar scratch from me :)
I have a yellow lab who sleeps the exact same way — but she’s usually on the couch when she does it.
Kujo was a good dog too. Until, y’know.
– Badtux the Helpful Penguin
MD…I think this SOP for Labs and Goldens and any mix thereof. I got a Golden for my daughter who’s now (the dog) five months old, and this is his favorite position. He loves to show off his balls, which makes me think of the proud parent’s line in Fellini’s Amarcord, “Such balls as to fuck all of Italy!”