Just wanted to wish you all a terrific night. Drive safely. Hope you have a wonderful November, 2008!
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Just wanted to wish you all a terrific night. Drive safely. Hope you have a wonderful November, 2008!
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Thanks Mike. Good cheer, a safe and prosperous New Year to you and yours!
Drive? I ain’t even going outside.
Of course, according to Dung Jay, I’m only 13.
Happy New Year, Prospero Ano Nuevo, and Gung hei faat choi to everybody, including the spoofs and trolls (and you know who you are)
Johnny Pez
I’ll be spending New Year’s Eve at work, dealing with inebriated partygoers.
The fun looks a lot different from the other side.
I’ve bounced on a couple of New Years, so I commiserate.
Q: What’s the difference between a bartender and a proctologist?
A: Proctologists see assholes one at a time.
Happy New years to all. But take a Taxi… or Public Transit. Seriously. But do have some fun!
West Coast libertarian
On New Year’s Eve, 1970 I asked a co-worker, friend, if he had any plans for the evening. His reply which is as sound today as it was then was “I get to drink 364 days a year. One night a year I like to leave to the amateurs”
Happy New Year everyone
No driving involved, as it’s been storming all day. Again. For the 4th day since Christmas. And it’s supposed to storm again tomorrow evening. Do you miss living in the Maritimes, Michael?
So, my New Year’s involves the couch, some Brie, some black pepper Triscuits, and more wine than is good for me.
Since I bought my house, I have spent New Year’s Eve with a couple of good friends and the garden hose at the ready. My neighbors go crazy with fireworks. After about 1:00 a.m., I spend my time calming down the pups.
I wish you all a Safe and Happy New Year!
Tom G
Happy New Year to Michael, Tim, and John.
I’m glad you guys keep this blog going.
2008 ought to be both fun and scary. At the same time !
Happy New Year to you too, Michael, and to all the bunch around here.
We’re spending the evening at home, with too much food and some movies to watch. We’re working on the too much champagne part, but it’s early yet.
Baby, it’s cold outside…