Atrios calls it “huckenfreude.”
Following an entertaining discussion in our comments, an artist’s conception of the rampaging Huckernaut:
Note to the GOP: better throw a temper tantrum and smash the Huckabee campaign to bits. There’s no way that won’t work.
A moment of silence for Hugh Hewitt’s credibility, even if it already died more deaths than Jason Voorhees.
Huck smash!
dougie smooth
Huckabee. Ye gods.
I’m sorry, but I find that phenomenally frightening to think that THAT many people think that Huckabee should lead your country. Brrr….
Conservatively Liberal
I can hear the RedState heads exploding now. This is sooooo funny on soooooo many levels. I think the religious right have had enough and are moving to take over the party for themselves.
Karma man, karma. No more lip service to the religious nuts.
Jon H
Teri Schiavo is laughing.
The Grand Panjandrum
Jesus Sweating Christ! I just turned MSNBC on and Tim Russert gifuckinggantic head appeared. Holy Mother of Christmas Past is that guy on steroids? Dayamn.
The Grand Panjandrum
Dodd is out.
dougie smooth
So, what’s the betting line on the Clinton campaign hammering on the vote-swapping story for the rest of the week? I think it was a little shady and the story might get legs, but Clinton’s going to have to drive it because, well, the lolmedia do not like.
Help, help! I’m pinned down here. The exploding heads of the neo/bu/def-cons in DC have already taken out most of K Street!
calling all toasters
This would never have happened if Karl Rove were still alive.
Let the Massive Free-For-All Killing Spree of the GOP tent begin.
Pray for complete casualties.
Des Moines TV saying Biden is out.
Its the Iowa caucus. There technically aren’t that many people voting. And if you look at the percentages when you add the Democrats in (I’m sure it wasn’t split exactly 50-50 but go with me on this) that means that Huckabee got only 16% of those participating. Not what I would consider a large number of people.
I’m hoping that the Republican primary season about to become a campaign of choke and awww…
I personally am a bit horrified that Dodd got zero percent. Shouldn’t standing up to the Bushies and the telecoms garner him at least 2 percent? Sigh.
As for the GOP side, please note Ron Paul did better than Rudy (10 percent to 4 percent). Please call FAUX news and inform them that Ron Paul should replace Rudy on the NH debate.
I am surprised Thompson got third place at 13 percent. And to think, he practically slept through the damn thing.
Oh, and one other thing: this is just one frickin state out of 50, and 49 states now won’t be voting for Dodd or Biden if they drop out. So much for voters’ right to choose, ya? Frickin front-loaden primary system…
HGH! Jagah bombz!!
Dem turnout was over twice the GOP turnout, so the huckster got about 13% of all votes.
Me too. I might think that Osama had his jihadis also carrying a secret stupid virus on the 9/11 planes to infect the country, but since we already had Bush as president that shoots that theory.
Earlier today I picked the winners. But I didn’t think Huck would be almost 10 points over Romney. Romney’s in trouble. McCain too since he’s coming in fourth just ahead of Paul. If McCain doesn’t win NH, he’s going to have look even deeper under those sofa cushions for money.
Hint: Dem caucus revotes after assessing viability and supporters of candidates under 15% must revote for one of the viable candidates.
Daniel DiRito
To see a tongue-in-cheek review of the Iowa primary in pictures…link here:
That’s what I thought too. But if you look at the Iowa SecState site it shows Richardson with 2% of the delegate totals and Biden at 1% with 99% of the precincts reporting. Maybe they’ll be zeroed out later?
null pointer exception
Shorter Huckabee: Those who do not follow my brand of fundamentalist Christianity are not really christians
according to TPM, the Dems drew nearly twice as many people as the Reps: 220K to 115K.
No, the viability threshold is per caucus site, so biden and richardson got over 15% at a few sites, and so they get those delegates.
Huckabee #1, Clinton #3. A change is in the wind.
If that wind is an Iowa wind, it is either exceptionally cold or it smells like poop.
Yes, Psicko, a change is in the wind, and it’s a change for the better. For the first time in my lifetime, the Democrats have such a strong field that a candidate who could win going away came in third to two other candidates who could also win the presidency going away. Meanwhile, the Republicans are currently trying to give their nom to an unordained “ordained” minister who forced the state parole board to release a multiple murderer. Yeah, baby — that’s a winning candidate!
We’re looking at a tectonic shift in the power base in America, one which will drive you and yours back under the rocks you slithered out from. Thanks to you, America will no longer be a Christian nation, but will quickly become a nation of unbelievers.
From Red State:
Um…Edwards did get second, WTF are you talking about?
Democrats. Still. Worse.
Tim (the other one)
So I guess Jesus really DID ride dinosaur horses !
Silky Pony’s speech was unhinged. Bye bye, Dodd & Biden.
Shouldn’t Gravel and Kookspinach drop out? The two of them together got zero votes. LOL!
So Psyche, does it gnaw on you any that your original heartthrob was such a premature cut and runner? If he could have held his load, it could have been him up there praising Jesus.
Oh well. So do you now have a heart-on for Huck?
Jon H
We need a blog poll:
Which of the Republicans gave their speech with a dildo up their ass an wearing rubber underwear?
(Giuliani is disqualified. We all know he was ‘feeling pretty’ tonight.)
A bit. But he’s not my heartthrob. I’m not a gay homosexual like you apparently are. Gaylord.
Um, why are you such a disgusting buboe? “Held his load?” Do you mean “carry that weight?” And in any case, Brownback is praising Christ as much as Huckabee, so I don’t really get your meaning.
I’m not sure I like the tone of your comment. I like Huckabee better than Romney or Ghouliani, if that’s what you mean. Why are you leftists such incurable assholes?
Being right all the time makes us smug.
Wow, are you like 6 years old?
Irony, meet meter.
i have a picture of the winners at skippy.
Helena Montana
For the Huckabee model in literature, see Greg Stillson in Stephen King’s The Dead Zone.
Anne Laurie
For the original Huckabee model, see Elmer Gantry. I would say “Roger Dinsdale” but the Rev. Dinsdale was far better educated than the Repubs’ recycled Man from Hope.
Ahahahahaha! I love it! The Republican presidential lead candidate is tied to a bed in the upstairs bedroom and the Repub pundits are frantically flinging holy water at it while shouting “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!” But it’s just…not…working.
The Repub presidential hopeful’s head is spinning 360 degrees and it’s spitting up pea soup and shouting “Abortion! Gay marriage! Flag-burning! Abolish the division between church and state!’ And suddenly one of the Repub pundits gets catapulted out the window and down 500 flights of stone stairs to the street, where onlookers gape at his mangled body…
Anne Laurie
That should be “Arthur Dimmsdale”, according to Wikipedia. It’s been a long time since I was in the tenth grade…
Huckabee’s got balls, I think. When the establishment Republicans come after him, he’ll fight back – the establishment already blinked.
Obama is going to get smeared like…well, like a brown person with a Muslim name running for President in the middle of the war against brown people with Muslim names. I love the guy and intend to vote for him but can’t help picturing him like Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles – with Huckabee as Slim Pickens.
pHUCKabee! This will really pHUCK with the GOP’s minds.
But if he wins next Novemeber, we’re all pHUCKed
That is, like, such a total misstatement of Fundamentalist beliefs!
They never claimed Jeebus rode a dinosaur! Quit spreading such malicious lies.
Everyone knows that the dinosaurs died in the Great Flood. Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs, not Jeebus.
John S.
Well, let’s see if he can come up with a Candygram to take care of Mongo.
Nobody but the talking heads ever thought Hillary was the anointed choice. Huckabee represents at least 40% of Republicans, so not much of a surprise there. If you are going to be a god botherer, why wouldn’t you vote for a real one, instead of a fake one. And do I hear a shout out for Ron Paul? I think somebody dropped him down the well.
No, it wasn’t just the pundits. I had a friend who told me to get in line behind Hillary before it was too late. Which was really weird. It’s not like I want to be sec of state, so what’s with the “too late”? I never understood the inevitability argument. How is that a good thing, that would make me want to vote for someone?
But it’s all moot becuase it’s OVER! YAY!
Wilfred, in case you don’t recall, Sheriff Bart WON and Slim Pickens came out of the closet to Headly Lamarr.
Sensitive Pony Tailed Girly Man
It warms the cockles of my heart to see my main man Willard M. go down in flames. The goofy bastid spent millions of his own dollars, well dollars he stole for himself anyway, so that Iowans would get to know him. But he forgot the downside of that strategery – they got to know him. He was never going to win NH either, no matter what any early Poll said. Granite Staters already know him and were just setting him up.
Please let Willard M. stay in the race long enough to give MA voters another crack at him. Puh-lease!
Oh, and go Washington Crybaby Johnnies!
Missed the whole damn thang, thanks to KU drubbing a sorry-ass VaTech team. Seems like Milkshake and earth-is-really-only-53-years-old won, eh?
Where did Gravel finish?
de la Casa Psycheout:
Nothing in that was directly gay-themed, dude. Maybe “held his load” was generally sexual, but that’s nothing to blush over. “heart-on” sounds like something two middle-school best friends have for each other. Don’t know where you’re getting “gay” from.
You’ve got a lot of inner issues stalking you it seems. They’re quite evident.
Milkshake brought the boys to the yard.
Geez, Psyche, no need to get all steamed up in your wet suit. Not an attractive look. Oh, I forgot, you’re a Republican socon.
Your ranting made the baby Jesus cry. Bad Psyche.
I am sooo happy! Yay, Obama! And Yay for Ron Paul stickin’ it to Fox!
And Huckabee, Hee! Hee! I love it!! The GOP masters thought their voter zombies would follow the call of the pundits, as they always had, but Huck waved the shining Jesus in front of them, and they follow him now. Oh where is our resident Zombie when we need him!