And the Young Earth crowd thinks they have the GOP by the balls:
As the only Huck-supporting Redstate contributor, I thought it would be appropriate for me to offer a few thoughts on tonight’s victory.
First, Governor Huckabee’s win in Iowa sends a message to the GOP establishment that SoCons are not going to sit back and allow the party to be hijacked by those who don’t have our interests at heart. We are still the heart and soul of the party, and we’re not going anywhere. If you want the nomination, you’re going to have to deal with us and our concerns (i.e., “Culture of Life” issues).
“It’s our party now, bitches!”
And it is JUST what the GOP deserves. Look, all you establishment Republicans, I know you weren’t serious about Terri Schiavo. That is why it was so depressing watching you throw the concept of federalism out the window to pander to these guys. But they were deadly serious. The same with all the anti-gay stuff. I know a number of the Republicans I grew up with could not care less about the current ant-gay marriage jihad some want to wage. I know most of my republican friends really aren’t homophobes. But you had to bend over to the religious right, and this was an easy way to get their support. besides, who were the log Cabin Republicans going to vote for anyway? The same with stem cells, abstinence only, etc. Whatever you have to do keep ’em quiet and keep ’em voting- you will accept a certain amount of ignorance, religious hokum, and bigotry, just so long as the votes keep coming.
So, with Huckabee, you are getting EXACTLY what you deserved. And it was not hard to predict- I think as early as April I was pointing out how likable the guy is, and that he was going to do well.
Enjoy it. It is your party now, and you made it.
Sleep with dogs. wake up with fleas.
I heard Barack rocked da house. My man Edwards didn’t do too shabby either, inspite of a media blackout.
And like a heart we’re going to run at an alarming rate, cause massive system failure and Kill You Dead. [insert arteries clogged with fat imagery if you like].
The republicans I know are LITERALLY squirming. They squirm even more when I do my Redneck impression and call him “Mike Hucklesbee.” It’s been a glorious morning.
hopefully, Huck doesn’t burn out before he’s had enough time to really scorch the fuck out of the GOP structure. he needs enough time in front to be able to seriously damage the GOP – crack that foundation, crumble that frame, fill the air with acrid black smoke.
if he gets doused before the thumpers get a good taste of power, the GOP might be able to repair the damage. worst-case, they stamp him out quickly and give the thumpers an establishment candidate to learn to love.
Bubblegum Tate
I really enjoy watching Ron Paul give goopers conniptions, but Huckenfreude could prove to be just as much fun.
You meant “Flat Earth” didn’t you?
Luddites Rule!
Michael D.
Heh: Stephen Green is having a aneurysm!
Love. It.
Honestly, for all the heat put on Huckabee about being a religious wacko, I don’t think he’d have been as bad as the Decidenator. Were this any other election, I might even be curious to find out what HuckAmerica would look like (assuming I was observing from a safe distance).
As it stands right now, his ascendency is purely about the Huckenfraude.
I will be laughing my ass off if Huck wins the nomination and we get to see all the Broderites slowly start backing away from their beloved “reasonable and fair minded” party. But I’m actually kinda dreading the Corporate Con / Neo-Con exodus back over to the Democratic Party. Expect all the hard core Republicans to suddenly become Republican Lite Democrats. With Pelosi and Reid stalwartly defending the “middle ground” by ceding turf to every crappy Republican Resolution (or ‘moderate’ Democrat suggestion) that hits the floor, it won’t be hard to see how this could go sour in time.
damn those elitist
liberalsconservatives!The Grand Panjandrum
Nope. I’m pretty sure he meant Young Earth, as in the people who believe the Earth was created a thousand years AFTER the Sumerians invented ink.
Man, that’s hilarious. I can picture them weeping hot tears of rage as they squirm on their hand-made beds of nails.
I suppose it’s too much to hope some FauxSnoozer will go on a similar rant. Tantrums on the internons is all very good but we’ll never get a real Bu/Def-Con v. So/Theo-Con death match until the We H8 cHuckabee message goes out to a wider audience.
Michael D.
Shorter Michelle Malkin:
Whatever, Michelle. Everyone knows Iowans causused for the white half! :-)
Ha ha, what a moron. Ever hear of Herbert Hoover? Warren G. Harding? George W. Bush?
Mmm… your tears are like candy. I want to eat them all up.
Tom Hilton
It gets better: if the anti-Huckabee vote divides between McCain and Romney (and we know Romney isn’t dropping out anytime soon), Huckabee could actually win the nomination. That would be hilarious.
That’s what you call lowering the bar.
Mr Furious
Exactly John. The fundies are sick of DC sending this year’s GOP model down to them to make empty promises, they are sending their guy up.
Pass the fucking popcorn.
Tim F.
Funny thing is that the GOP decided to make the religious right into their version of the black vote: a guaranteed voting bloc that you could keep in line with occasional pandering because you knew that they would never defect.
Then a funny thing happened. The Democratic black constituency and the Republican equivalent of the Democratic black constituency won in Iowa. Yet I don’t see any Democrats freaking out about it. Weird.
Hmmm. I like ’em young AND flat, how about you?
There are black people in Iowa?
I thought Iowa stood for It’s Only Whites Allowed
The Grand Panjandrum
My only requirement is slow. In case they try to run away.
He believes that wives should be subservient to their husbands. Guarantees the women’s vote.
He believes that gays belong in the same category as pedophilia and necrophilia. That ought to win the vote of
progressives in general.
He supports abstinence only education and is anti-choice. Which will satisfy those who like their teens barefoot and pregnant.
He didn’t know anything about the recently released intelligence report. This should definitely comfort those concerned with foreign policy.
Sounds like the ideal candidate.
I can’t see anywhere in the video where Huckabee says he doesn’t believe in Evolution OR that he believes the Earth was created in 7 days. He says he doesn’t know how God did it or when. Guess that was just somebody making crap up, or is it just the fact that he believes in God that you guys can’t stand?
I think the Sumerians invented clay. Although I have it on good authority (looking skyward) that the Old Testament Hebrew god gave Adam and Eve clay and little styluses when he expelled them from the garden.
Billy K
Oh, I believe he will! I mean, Giuliani is done, Fred is tired, Romney is imploding, and despite the fact the old guard thinks McCain is gonna rush in and win the nomination, he has no actual popular support.
Huckabee in ’08!
P.S. I had a morning meeting with several co-workers, none of whom are political junkies. They may watch CNN now and then for headlines, but that’s it. They are totally aploitical, yet they already know about how “Huckabee wants to put HIV-positive people in camps.” Their words, not mine. I actually corrected them, because I thought he wasn’t getting a fair shake. “Not camps, just quarrantined!”
The dude will never win.
In my head, Hillary Clinton is the Grinch Who Stole Christmas on Christmas morning, as the Whos down in Whoville begin singing christmas carols anyway.
“It came without blacks, hispanics, or gays! It came without establishment, push-polling, or 527s! And she puzzled three hours, till her puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something she hadn’t before! “Maybe Obama,” she thought, “isn’t quite such a bore.” “Maybe Obama…perhaps…means a little bit more!”
But that’s just in my head…
Actually Tim… I think the “Official” Black Liberals are supporting Clinton, not Obama.
PotP (Post of the Primary)
The Google is your friend — Mike Huckabee raising his hand on the question “who doesn’t believe in evolution”.
Yes, I know he “explained” that vote (see by saying that with God, even evolution is possible — but he certainly did pander to the Young Earth crowd there, didn’t he?
Jon H
“Hebrew god gave Adam and Eve clay and little styluses”
In fact he gave Adam a “little stylus” and made Eve out of clay.
Pat Buchannon of all people said something last night during Hardball regarding McCain. When Tweety asked everybody at the table (Feinman of Newsweek, Maddow of Air America, Buchannon of Wingnut America and Eugene Robinson of the Washington ComPost), about who would win the general if nominated, then tossed out McCain’s name, they all sounded like a Greek chorus:
“Everybody beats McCain.” Buchannon added “a McCain nomination would completely fracture the party.”
Interesting given the source.
Why does the republican establishment not like Huckabee? I cannot figure this out? He is pro life, pro death penalty, anti-gay, anti evolution ie everything which the party has been supportiong directly or indirectly over the years. He is socially conservative and I am sure will cave in before long and become the mindless tax cutter that they want him to be. He has alreadly gone back on some of the pro-immigration stuff that he was bleating about earlier. Dammit! These are their core issues! They finally get a chance to turn us into a god fearing christian nation, and they want to pass! Why?
No wonder Adam only needed a lil’ ole fig leaf to cover his naughty bits.
The things I learn in blogs.
Yep, they spread their cheeks for them. And now some are squealing “But we really didn’t mean for you to stick it in.”
Yep. While I’m certainly against the notion being flirty and dressing provocatively justifies ass rape, this just might be that exception to the rule kind of thing.
As much comedy as this provides, I still don’t see Huck winning the nomination.
I think there is a run-off part of the vote that will prevent this. But it is a fun notion.
As much as the diversity appears greater on the Dem side, it sections off better on the Repub side. I could tolerate pretty much any Dem winning, but the Repubs (inc Paul) vary more in what they represent and therefore draw more narrowly.
OK, that’s actually funny.
Because they would have to get all the brochures reprinted with new demonizing memes and, heck, that’s work!
Incertus (Brian)
I’m going to make a prediction here–if Huckabee finishes second in New Hampshire, or even closes up so it’s a close third, Michael Bloomberg will annouce he’s getting into the race as an independent.
I feel compelled to point out this excellent bit of wordsmiting:
Well played.
All Huck has to do is get 12% in NH to “beat expectations”, he then takes SC easily, and has the momentum going into Fl and then takes a chunk of the South on Feb. 5.
Popcorn vendors are going to be making record profits around the time of the GOP convention.
Randolph Fritz
Well…but do the rest of us deserve it?
Horselover Fat
Don’t read too much into Huck not KNOWING how old the Earth is.
Good luck trying to get a straight answer to what he BELIEVES.
Gotta watch the language parsing, no?
The Other Steve
In all honesty, out of the entire field of candidates the GOP has. Huckabee is their best candidate.
That is more of a condemnation of the rest of the candidates, than high praise for Huckabee.
The Other Steve
Not surprising. Obama is an empowering figure. With Obama, there would be a realization that blacks don’t need “Official” Black Liberals to guide them.
The Other Steve
I’m opening up a Scuba shop.
The Other Steve
Iowa stands for Idiots Out Wandering Around
everybody knows that.
Strangely enough, Huckabee seems to be proving that Democracy still exists in America – in even the worst spots – whether the political machine wants it to or not.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Tellingly, Blogs 4 Brownback is endorsing Huckabee now. Now that the whackjob/spoofer wing of the GOP has hitched their wagon to the theocon dark horse, the sky’s the limit for the Huckster.
I noticed this too. The reality is that both political parties have lots of hypocrisy and pandering. The difference is that Republicans are FUCKING INSANE.
So when someone decided to “call them on their shit” and get them to do what they say, you get young earth creationism as science, abstinence education, non-stop war, and tax cuts uber alles. Freaks the normal people out.
If anyone ever calls the Democrats “bluff” you’ll get progressive taxation, better funding for public schools, international cooperations, environmental improvements, etc.
All things being equal, this is why Democrats will win out in the long-run. Republicans can only win if they hold together an untenable combination of special interests by hiding their true beliefs or lying about their effects (see misleading stats about tax cuts and abstinence education).
Mark Foley?
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Everybody from Nebraska.
Billy K
Well played, Sir. Well played…
Did anyone else catch this turn of phrase? It’s a big deal. If the wingnuts really see their party as the party of evangelical stupidity ™, then people like John Cole, Andrew Sullivan, Radley Balko, etc. are never coming back.
I think we might have reached the Tipping Point ™.
Why Mike Huckabee Should Never, Ever Be President: He Gets Owned By Canadians
Better yet…a Brokered convention with Mitt, McCain and the Huckster fighting it out on the floor of the Convention with them bringing in St. Rudy to save them all, pissing off the evangelical base…
Yeeeeaaaarghhhh indeed….
It’s big, it’s square, there’s corn, everywhere. Nebraska.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Well, compared to an East Coast state, maybe.
Well, sort of trapezoidal, if you drew the trapezoid while you were drunk.
True dat.
A direct refutation of those who deny the existence of Hell on Earth.
Billy K
Forgive my ignorance, but is SoCon “Southern Conservative?” If so, I’ve never heard them break themselves out like PaleoCon, TheoCon, etc.
Pb – Ever hear of Herbert Hoover? Warren G. Harding? George W. Bush?
Strictly speaking, Dumbya isn’t a twentieth-century president. He may be why that “twentieth century” dodge was inserted.
SoCon = Social Conservative.
TheoCons and PaleoCons are subsets of the Social Conservative, who also troubles himself with such things as Communism being taught in public schools and the moral degradation of our culture caused by hooligons wearing backwards hats and listening to the rock and/or roll.
Billy K – Forgive my ignorance, but is SoCon “Southern Conservative?”
I’m guessing Social Conservative.
Tony J
Maybe because they think he might actually believe what he says, and in a presidential election those beliefs would kill the GOP stone-dead with most of the electorate. Remember, GOP candidates are only supposed to pretend to hold these beliefs in order to suck up the so-con vote, then laugh about them behind their backs. Facing the prospect of a true-believer as their standard bearer in 2008 scares the crap out of them.
Plus, he looks like Kevin Spacey’s dad. Which is kind of creepy.
I keep wondering why this isn’t showing up on CNN. When he was first mentioned as a possible candidate, I knew that the Rick Mercer interview was a ticking time bomb.
Although ignorance about other countries does kinda play with his demographic, doesn’t it?
These are actually all of the lyrics to a punk rock song I heard years ago. In Iowa.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I think those two states are locked in some kind of endless rivalry and mutual antipathy nobody else in the rest of the country even knows about. Sort of like Vermont-New Hampshire, Delaware-southern New Jersey, New York-northern New Jersey, or New Mexico-Texas.
Except that Foxnews says that Jesse Jackson endorsed Obama back in March and other sites say that Sharpton hasn’t endorsed any yet.
Google is Everybody’s Friend!
Billy K
Wait…wha? I think a majority of Texans forgot there even IS a NEW Mexico.
Seriously – there is no rivalry between Texas and anywhere else. Especially New Mexico. If anything, Oklahoma has a rivalry with us, but that’s because they don’t realize they lost 100 years ago.
Let’s not forget Oklahoma-Texas and the Red River Shootout (or is that one already well-known?).
Billy K
“Google,” huh? [writing it down]. Why this could change everything! If people start using this, we could eliminate teh stupid! How long has this been around, and why isn’t everyone using it?!
As I recall, Oklahoma still retains the land south of the summer path of the Red River, and regularly wins over the University of Texas. I know it hurts to place second to a state like Oklahoma, but suck it up, man!
Good point, but then again, if he’s apparently ignorant of the first 50 years of the 20th century, then I suppose it’s fair to include the first 50 years of the 21st century as well… also, Carter was 100% right on energy policy (and therefore also related foreign policy), and I do wonder how history will end up judging that.
Billy K
That’s a rivalry between football teams who are generally evenly matched. There is no rivalry between Texas and Oklahoma. That’s like a PT boat vs. a Battleship.
Billy K
Come and get it, Okies. :D
I suppose now’s not a good time to mention how Bush got a higher percentage of the Oklahoma vote in 2004 than he got in Texas? In fact, forget I mentioned it.
To steal a quote from Rude Pundit…
Churchy wanna get PAID!!!
Sorry, repubs. The pandering bill has come due.
gypsy howell
I predict once the MoneyCons and the NeoCons get over their hyperventilating and take a few deep breaths into the paper bag, they are going to realize that Hucksterbee wants to be president bad enough that he’ll be like putty in their hands. Along with all his soothing Jeebus-talk, he’ll be spouting tax cuts and ‘Iraq Forever’ soon enough.
The scary thing is, I think he might win in the general election. We’re talking about a country that elected Bush not once, but twice. I don’t think many voters are going to scratch below the honey-coated surface to figure out that he’s dangerous. Which is what makes him dangerous.
And they worship He Who Walks Behind the Rows.
Peter Johnson
Fuck Huck. He would have no chance in the general. None. Not even against Hillary.
Luckily, now that Special Olympics portion of the race is over, we’ll have real voters — not brain-dead cornsuckers — voting next week in NH.
That should spell the end of Huckabee.
Huckleberry’s sending seismic panic waves thru the other two legs of the Modern Republican Party notwithstanding, Iowans have a wonderful track record at this. Think back to 88, hmmmmmm.
1st Place: Bob Dole
2nd Place: Pat FREEKING Robertson
3rd Place: Former national title holder in the Gutless Pandering Division, George Bush Sr.
Who became preznit? Willard and the rest of the Rethugs can take hope in the IA results after all.
If the GOPer Establishment can’t stop pHuckabee, they’ll try to co-opt him.
Suddenly he’ll get money and “experts” coming to his aid. Neocons like John Bolton and Bloody Bill Kristol to “help” him with foreign policy, BizCons like Greenspan to “help” with economic policy, etc., etc. And of course, campaign advice from somebody who recently became available – “Turdblossom.”
You’ll know for sure that he’s been made a member of the club when Disgusting Pigboy starts pimping him on the radio.
Of course, if he gets elected, who will be filling out his cabinet? All his brand new friends.
The GOP motto – If ya can’t beat ’em, buy ’em!
“Luckily, now that Special Olympics portion of the race is over, we’ll have real voters—not brain-dead cornsuckers—voting next week in NH.”
Real voters who thought Pat Buchanan should be President of the United States.
I think these caucuses have proven why Iowa deserves to be at the front of the line in picking Presidents. You can’t bitch about it being too white and too rural when a black guy named Barack Obama can win, and I defy anyone to point to a bigger, more populous state where a guy can be outspent 20 to 1 and still win like the Huckster.
It’s too bad the GOP doesn’t realize that Huck is the best frickin’ option they got right now. They were planning to run George Allen as another GWBush-type empty suit, but he macaca-ed himself out of the race. Now they’ve got a Ken doll flip-flopper, a libertarian who wants to go back to the gold standard, a guy who’s qualifications consist on being on LAW AND ORDER, a morally corrupt liberal who mutters “9/11” over and over and a legitimate candidate who’s been demonized to Republican voters for 8 years for the unpardonable sin of interrupting the coronation of George W. Bush in 200.
Every Big 12 team that won its bowl game, raise your hand.
Ok, I’ve got Kansas and Texas and Tech and… oh, oh? Where are the Sooners? My goodness, did they go down like a pack of chumps to West Virginia? By gosh and golly, I do believe they did.
Suck it, Billy K.
Billy was taking the position against Oklahoma. I belive that I was your intended target.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I think there’s a rivalry between Texas and everywhere else. But when I lived in New Mexico, the hatred of Texans was especially pronounced. They’re still pissed at you guys over Glorietta Pass and the whole “trying to add the entire Southwest to the Confederacy” thing.
I’m not as confident as Peter Johnson, but I’m not as worried as you either. As for Bush’s second election, well, has the incumbent ever lost during a war? And Huckabee is very similar to GWB in 2000 – but this isn’t 2000. Huckabee is explicitly religious while Bush spoke in code, but after Schiavo and with the anti-gay amendments already passed, that doesn’t help as much. Huckabee supports the war; it’s unpopular. And people can see that compassionate conservatism is just pork paid for by deficit spending instead of taxes. (I’m not saying people will remember, unfortunately, but people can see it right now at least.) Charisma will help him, sure, but there’s only so much lipstick you can put on the GOPig.
Duely noted. Thank you.
Billy K, my apologizes.
Dslak, left nut or right?
Johnny Pez
John, your fellow ex-Republican at the Great Orange Satan seems to agree with you.
Blacks already know we don’t need anyone to guide us. Too bad the MSM hasn’t bought a clue.
Jaayzus. That link to redstate and the comments therein are just amazing. The Fear Of Teh Huck is palpable, I can almost smell it over the intertubes.
The smug-ass christianer-than-thou sanctimony of Huckabee’s drones directed at the other redstaters is just too wonderful to miss, as is the redstaters’ bullyragging, bellowing and bleating about the Huckersters “gettting with the program” and being a team player. Bwaahaahaa!
One redstate commenter whines:
Dumbass never thought the intolerant religious nuts they pulled out of Pandora’s box would be unwilling to make compromises. Thought a few sops thrown their way, like marriage amendments and gay bashing and Terri Schiavo, would keep ’em tame and pliant. Damn, these people are truly stupid.
Other gems of stupidity and sundry exhibitions of the conservative inability of self-awareness:
Gosh how unfair when the shoe is on the other foot! So sad, so sorry.
Wow, pander to them for decades and then scratch your head over what happens? Now is that stoopit, just damn stoopit or damn stoopit and clueless? You decide.
Bwaahaahaahahahaha! Dude is only about 30 years too late.
O Sweet Jesus Theocon Christ. I just loved hearing the Goper wingnut wailing and lamentations as their own chickens come home to roost. Suck it down, twits!
Bubblegum Tate
Mark Noonan made the exact same argument right away:
I’ll let you all ponder the delicious stupidity of that statement for a while.
Billy K
As an ex-Arizonan, transplanted Texan, I see it thusly: Everybody wants a piece of Texas. Texas doesn’t really consider any state up to their level. I gotta mostly agree. So these “rivalries” between New Mexico/Texas and Oklahoma/Texas…I don’t think most Texans are even aware they exist in New Mexican and Okies’ heads. We really don’t think much about any other states, except California and New York. Texans have an odd fascination with New York (mostly NYC, really), and some kind of jealousy of California.
Again, just my non-native observations. And I don’t give a crap about any college football in any state. All I know is during the Red River Shootout, or whatever it’s called, there are a bunch more people pissing on my car and throwing beer bottles outside my window (I live in a “cultural” part of town.)
If the Alamo had a back door, you’d all be Mexican.
Just saying.
Phoenix Woman
Piggybacking on Michael D.’s quote of VodkaPundit’s monumental kiss-off to Iowans, the fine folks at Sadly, No! remind us of when the folks in Team Bush were sending mash notes (probably written after consuming sour mash) to the heartland and its sturdy, wholesome denizens.
Billy K
I don’t see how slaughtering everyone more quickly would’ve changed anything. Do you mean they would’ve swept past the Alamo and moved on quicker? Even so, the arc of history was on Tejas’ side.
/forehead slap
Billy K
One of us is not getting what the other is saying. Or one of us is just dumb.
Tom Tancredo says that if we’re not careful, we will all turn into Mexicans. Just like those nice folks down in Miami before Reconquista made it secede from the union and became a Third World Country.
Ah! Mexicans!
Conservatively Liberal
Piggybacking on Michael D’s solid gold Riverdance comment when referring to the mens room at the Repub convention, I heard that the repubs were going to hire Michael Flatley to choreograph the traffic in the mens room stalls this convention.
Reading the comments at RedState has been a pleasure. What a way to start the new year! Wingnut moonies at each others throats, who could ask for more?! Heck, if RedState was an actual location with actual people in it, it would be tempting to drop off a few cases of hand grenades there and then stand back and watch the fun.
I am happy to see that Obama and Edwards got the top two spots in Iowa, and that the inevitable Hillary! express has been partially derailed. Now if it would only develop into a full blown train wreck. Her demographic? The over 65 crowd. It just don’t get any funnier than that.
Watching the Wolf Blitzer interview with the Repub party head, I thought it was interesting that in his first response, he ‘congratulated’ Obama by deliberately using his full name, placing special emphasis on the middle name “Hussein” in his speaking.
Gotta rally the troops against them there muslim terrorists! Where is that damn dog whistle?
Grumpy Code Monkey
Of course this isn’t going to last; Huck is simply the speed bump that McCain was during the 2000
coronationelection. But damn this’ll be fun for a while.Grandpa Fred finished third, and I’ll bet real money he winds up with the nomination. But not before Flipper exhausts most of his money and all of his dignity.
Here’s hoping Richardson sticks around for a while.
Nah, Fred was the Great White Hope for the right wing netroots and a handful of insider Repubs who were underwhelmed by the then-current line up.
But it’s going to be McCain or Mittens, and my money is still on Romney to grab the GOP by the back of the hair and drag it kicking and screaming into his corner of the ring. Romney has all the money and he was the establishment pick before he started saying stupid things within listening range. McCain just had the good fortune to not be standing close enough to a mic when he said his slew of stupid things. I have no doubt that – in a fair and impartial election – Huckabee would will with popular support. But I’ll bet dollars to donuts that by South Carolina the amount of political dirty trickery, mud slinging, and flat out cheating will have derailed Huck as the nominee.
This may be the funniest thing I’ve read all week. Does this mean we will become Mexicans, or simply bump into them around a blind corner?
Nah. They’re gonna love their FrankenHuck. Recall that after the GOP sewed the creature’s fundie body parts together, they called on the bible thumpers to animate the thing. South Carolina’ll just re-engergize the creature.
The Populist
My republican friends are loving that Hilary lost BUT they are very concerned about Obama. Most of them are closet racists but will tell you that they fear he could win in between making cracks about slavery and Osama Bin Laden.
Watch Reaper Online
I also believe that Iowa sent a great message for this generation! Kudos.
Is that like turning Japanese?
Go Teke Brother, Mike Huckabee!!!
How long will it take before we start seeing bumper-stickers declaring:
Republicans: Suck on Huck.
Scruffy, as chairman of the “Keep Nebraska for Nebraskans” committee, I hereby present you with our fifth annual “Furthering the Cause” award. Past recipients have included the guy who printed the poster of the cross-country skiier skiing through a corn field, and the “Rocky Mountain News”, which regularly reprints said poster, usually right before a Nebraska-Colorado football game. We applaud your efforts.
grumpy realist
I gotta say I have a soft spot in my heart for Nebraska. Lived there for a year-and-a-half after a similar amount of time in London, and what really sticks in my mind is the amount of *sunshine* that we got to see each day, even in the winter. After two winters in London (it’s grey and cloudy, it rains, the sky gets marginally less dark at 9 AM, more grey, more clouds, did I mention it rains, it gets dark again at 4pm) the sunshine of Nebraska was definitely appreciated.
Oh, and I’ll match the boringness of Nebraska interstates anytime with that section of I-88 west of Chicago between Aurora and the Quad cities.
W. Kiernan
If Huckabee wins the nomination then George Will will endorse him. Wanna bet?