An unexpected heat wave in West Virginia, and I am actually wearing shorts.
It is a good thing, too, because my office is so damned hot I am sweating. To give you an idea how hot it is, the older secretaries, who generally wear sweaters in August, are bitching about the heat and opening their windows.
Factor in that I like to keep my house about 62 degrees, and you have an idea how miserable I am right now.
Have you considered that after Saturday night you died and went to Hell?
Oh Noes!!! It’s DA GLOBUL WURMING!!!
there’s a week of warm weather the beginning of every January. – as long as i can remember.
Porco Rosso
Is this how a transition from political blogging to a career in porn begins?
Wore shorts to work this morning myself. I think it is supposed to push 70 degrees here in Northeast Georgia today and I love it.
Had a couple of days of lows in the mid-teens last week and I just don’t see how folks put up with a lot of that. A couple of days of winter is about all I can stand.
I live in California – what’s this “winter” thing y’all are talking about?
Billy K
Same thing here in North Texas. It was in the mid-70s all weekend (and today). Now, 70s is not normally a big deal for Texans, but I spent most of the weekend in various entertainment establishments and restaurants – none of which wanted to turn the AC on, so I’ve been miserable for the last three days. I too prefer my home to be a meat locker.
The weather here has been crappy all season. One week of 50/30 followed by a week of 70/60. Repeat. Usually by the end of December it’s settled into just plain cold all the time, but not this year. I freakin’ hate it, and it’s got me considering a move to somewhere it actually gets – and stays – COLD.
Dr. Lecter?
Some Guy Named Matt
As much as I dislike teh Global warming. Man does it ever feel good.
It’s quite mild up here too — not shorts weather by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s about 8 degrees Celsius, so it’s mild enough for just a light coat, and I’ve been able to forgo the long underwear, mittens, scarf and hat. I’d forgotten how nice it is to not have to put on all that stuff before leaving the house.
I’m just happy that all this damn snow is melting.
I can just see it….
Prof. Cole: “Now ladies, your final exam in this course on female sexuality will be 50% oral and 50% anal..”
Bow chicka bow bow!!!
this is fucking hilarious. what a bunch of pussies
What constitutes a “heat wave” in West Virginia?
Hot? Hot you say?
Knock it off or I’ll start calling you The Penguin. It can not possibly be warmer in the hills of W(BG)VA than it is up here and it is just pushing “pleasant.” Do you sit in your fridge from June – September?
John Cole
I sweat in a meat locker.
Seriously. I have not turned the heat on in my apt. yet because the heat from the other apartments around me keeps my place at around 62, which is right around where I like it. In the summer, I have fans on me from three directions in my computer chair and the ac set on 70.
And I have always been like that for whatever reason. Even as a kid my father used to get furious that I was going to burn the house down running fans all night long, but I had to because I was so damned hot.
Shorter RedState: We can operate a keyboard and a mouse, but beyond that, well, we have to pay someone. And the Libruls have kidnapped all the smart people.
The Grand Panjandrum
Looks like Fox News pantload Sean Hannity ran into a heat waveof Ron Paul supporters in Hew Hampshire. Of course, K-Lo is calling for civility in politics.
Sorry John, The Wire may be good TV, as far as series TV goes, but this real life political theater is so fucking entertaining I can’t find time for the fictional stuff right now. Fair and Balanced, indeed!
Older secretaries?
They will like that observation….
Global Warming is a lie bitches!
Damn, you guys have got to check this out: Sadly No! takes down Adam Yoshida, who deserves every ounce of the bile, and more. My favorite quote from the Yoshida piece is this:
Now, let’s be very clear – I’m not saying that Adam Yoshida likes to fornicate with pigs while engaging in Satanic rituals. But, on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. These things are, after all, unfalsifiable by their very nature.
Something for your amusement…
A graph of the 2008 Presidential candidates net worth in which a picture of each candidate is sized relative to their wealth.
Don‘t miss the rant that follows the pics and links
By the way, that Yoshida quote is preceded by speculation that Obama will not be able to resist the siren call to sympathize with and follow in his father’s Muslim footsteps.
Which lends itself to all kinds of similiar constructions:
Or how about:
I’m sure y’all get the picture. Is this where the Republicans really want to go today?
Who the fuck is adam yoshiba and why would any one give a fuck what he says?
Okay, I’ve done some research and adam yosiba appears to be a body double for jonah goldberg.
If mid 60’s is too hot fer ya, I recommend you become an Ice Road Trucker. You’d be perfect–bitchy, swearing, not hot, awake almost the entire nite, and a considerable distance away from all the crazy whiskey-tango idiots in Iowa.
Silver Owl
Here in Michigan, SE that is, our snow is gone from New Year’s. My furnace is not kicking on, the screen door is open, the cat is happy to have a window open and the Malamutes are whining at being so horribly ripped off.
anyone know who Hannity is pimping this year for the R nommy? If I hadda guess, I’d say Gules, simply b/c Rudi is the biggest Islmafascistphobe to match that of Hannity. Anyone heard him say his pref?
Tim (the other one)
Hannity’s been on the Rudy wagon from the jump but he’s been squirming lately since things aren’t looking so peachy for 911 Boy. It’s been a fun listen.
I don’t think that word means what he thinks it means.
Tim (the other one)
I zeroed in on that line too ! I don’t even think that word knows what it means.
My hands groan with anticipation
Friday morning I woke up and discovered that our heat pump had gone out, on a night when the temperatures dipped into the 20s. Our living room was down to 50 degrees before the repair guy was able to get everything up and running again. Today it reached 70.
Christy Hardin Smith
It’s going to be 70 degrees tomorrow. It keeps this up, my tulip bulbs will start popping up. Especially weird given how cold it was here last week, eh?
I’m officially jealous. I was feeling good this morning when it was 5º–a definite improvement over the last few days. You had to go and spoil it–I wanna go where it’s warm!
Bob In Pacifica
From Northern Cali:
Rain/snow, etc., are on the way. Enjoy. No need to thank us.
Dear Sir,
There is no way in hell I’m clicking that link.
Jake G.
C’mon Bob, you live 20 minutes (5 hours at rush hour) from Frisco! It only snows there in July!
Btw, I’m currently in fuckin’ Fargo ND and it was 35 out today. In mid-January. In FARGO.
The reason it was warm is becuase AL GORE must have been there with GREENPEACE and they were spreading their HOT AIR
Chuck Butcher
We’ve had snow on the ground since mid-Nov and today it’s snowing pretty good, so its warm, 30F. NE OR, 3500ft elv. in the valley.
I live in LA too, and we do so have seasons: fire, flood, the Oscars, and escrow.