A poll- “Which is More Pathetic?”
a.) Duncan Hunter staging a press conference to announce he is still running for President.
b.) Red State begging for cash because there are no conservative programmers.
“Both” is not an acceptable answer.
This post is in: Republican Stupidity
A poll- “Which is More Pathetic?”
a.) Duncan Hunter staging a press conference to announce he is still running for President.
b.) Red State begging for cash because there are no conservative programmers.
“Both” is not an acceptable answer.
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[…] John Cole. Sphere: Related Content Filed under: Computer Junk, Blogging || […]
[…] John Cole. Sphere: Related Content Filed under: Computer Junk, Blogging || […]
[…] Partially inspired by this comment, but in large part because I think it is time for a change, I think I am open to the idea of one of you (or a collaboration of you) re-designing the site. […]
[…] I was commenting on another thread, and I took the time to research how bad the Republican Party’s record on electing African Americans really was. It’s far worse than I thought. In the last 110 years (in other words Post Reconstruction), there have been 4 elected black Republicans in Congress (5 if you count the non voting member of the US Virgin Islands). There are now 93 African American Republicans elected to office at all levels of government, from School Board Vice President to Mayor or State Senator. On the plus side, that’s up from 57 (I think) last time I checked. On the other hand, there are still so few African Americans representing the GOP’s elected preference that Red State would be able to treat every one of them to a steak dinner with their own bottle of Caymus (a restaurant will charge 2-3 times that by the way) for the amount of money they are asking. […]
I’m going for “b”.
It cannot get any worse than that Red State post.
Not close.
Red State aren’t just begging for cash, they are blaming the free-speech-hating left for their problems, like it’s my fault they can’t run their site.
b) by a wide margin.
I don’t view Duncan Hunter as pathetic. He’s someone who is clearly trying to run on principles, even though those principles are well into the minority view.
Red State begging for money though. That’s more odd than anything else. You’d think hardcore conservative heavy hitters would have money from their massive financial portfolios. What, had their billion-dollar hedge fund get hit by the subprime meltdown? Or are they just scamming their readers so they can get more cold cash to fuel their speedboats?
Fe E
Yeah, I’m gonna have to go with “b” because, well, it’s redstate.
Because apparently you don’t have to be a computer programmer to be a dumbfuck NeoCon, but you do have to be a dumbfuck NeoCon to be a computer programmer.
I would like to make redstate’s paranoid fantasies come true. Let’s see… okay, done.
I’ve modified their web platform code with a lot of
if (website == “ConservatarianToonTown”) then redirectTo(“dailykos.com”);
Another vote for B.
Hunter’s patheticness is just the usual cry for attention that we see in most elections from a candidate who never should have been in the race in the first place. And why hasn’t Hunter been indicted yet?
The Red State whine is just unbelievable, though. Literally. I mean, no conservative programmers? I can why the Libertarians might be abandoning RS over its treatment of Ron Paul, but they’re hardly liberals.
stinky mcgee
Yeah, B. But because the “pull yourself up by your own boostraps crowd” is out there begging for money. And because they think that they are the only force in the universe that can prevent a Democratic win in ’08.
Now that’s pathetic.
John S.
Another B here.
That is truly the most pathetic lament I have seen coming from that quarter, and that is saying a LOT.
bad link for redstate. Just thought you’d want to know. Apparently, you forgot the “h” in “http”.
Amusing that you broke the FDL link in the post. Firefox don’t know the “ttp” protocol ;)
I will also go for B. For the reasons above as well as the fact (pointed out on FDL) that they are already sucking on the wingnut welfare tit.
Billy K
This is complete bullshit. All the Redstaters need to do is pray harder and God will fix their website.
See, liberals NEED programmers because they have no God.
The more I think it over, I bet that’s where RedState’s problems are coming from. Lots of libertarian programmers out there. I can see them telling RedState to fuck off in protest over RS’s anti-Ron Paul vendetta.
Dude, definitely B, I mean yeah Hunter is funny but we knew what was happening with him. Redstate has long tried to say they meant something, much like some temporary puddle of water in the middle of the desert. Now they’re just all dried up.
By far, B – I read that earlier and was just floored by it – because it was just so damned pathetic.
Does the Red State “plea” sort of remind anyone of Oral Roberts being “called home” if he didn’t get 8 million dollars?
I think there should be option C: Hillary shedding tears on the trail today to (over)compensate for her righteous indignation on Saturday night.
Dug Jay
Option C: Absolutely anything to do with Andrew Sullivan.
those lazy Red State cocksuckers ought to grab themselves a PHP manual and a case of Mt Dew – get ‘er done!
I think you are very unfairly ignoring the Great Liberal Conspiracy to base computer programs on logic.
Everyone knows, logic has a well known liberal bias. Poor Sen. Stevens – at least he tried to expose the conspiracy. It was the voice of Cassandra, standing on a Bridge to Nowhere, calling out “Toobz” Toobz toobz oobz zzz
I mean this is so pathetic that it compelled John Cole to link to the Jane Hamshers of the left at a time when that group included the actual Jane Hamsher. Mein Got!
I’m going with “B” because everyone else is.
That is so NOT pathetic.
Johnny Pez
I was going to say A due to the inherent pathos of someone who’s trying to become the leader of the most powerful nation in the world having to call a press conference just to remind everyone that he still exists.
But you guys have convinced me. Erick blaming the free-speech-hatin’ liberals for his own technical incompetence wins the prize.
Nope Option C:
Hillary Clinton: Vote for me or die
Fix the link to FDL in your post please.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“A poll- āWhich is More Pathetic?ā
Typo – surely “Which is more amusing”
Johnny Pez
Btw, there’s a recommended diary at Daily Kos on Erick’s beg-a-thon post. The Death Star graphic alone is worth a look.
Mark Gisleson
B is simply false, and stupid, whereas Duncan Hunter is pathetic (and stupid).
Yesterday Obama alluded to how Hillary’s campaign was backing up a dump truck to unload everything they could. And he was right, my god they;ve gone from tears to fears in just a few hours. They are trying EVERYTHING!
If only Duncan Hunter were begging for cash to protect Red State from the liebrul 133+ computer hackers that keep taking down his posts.
I could easily vote for that.
Otherwise, I’m going with B) because who the hell is Duncan Hunter?
Isn’t this just a case of the “invisible hand” of the free market clearing away the economically unfeasable methods of Redstate so that a better and more sucessful competitor can move into its place?
Okay, I’m just being snarky, but given the choice between helping Redstate stick around or seeing LGF becoming dominate… err. Lesser of two evils, eh?
‘B’ by a wide margin (..and not because it is the consensus. I can program in a couple of different languages. Its not that hard.). I mean they are sitting around all day in their Mom’s basements… can’t they put down the Mountain Dew and pick up a book on programming? I’m sure they could find one at the public library, communist mecca that it is.
Yeah no joke, makes me believe even more that the tears were poll tested.
Billy K
Little Green Footballs? Do they still do…whatever it is they do? Never hear a peep outta those guys anymore.
Isn’t it part of that whole personal responsibility thing? Hell I grabbed the Mtn. Dew and a book on programming and taught myself while working shit jobs only to have a carreer in the field now. Maybe they should start doing what they just talk about.
Who the hell is Duncan Hunter? And where is this place called “Red State?” I can’t find it in my atlas.
that DKos thread is hilarious. love this pic
B, easily.
Don’t you know? Personal responsibility is only for the poor or the poorly connected. They shouldn’t have to actually compete with that riff raff!
Faux News
I have to vote “B” by a long shot. Perhaps if Red State hadn’t become such a right wing circle jerk where fellow Republicans and Independents hadn’t been banned and purged for merely disagreeing with Mr. Liberal Genocide, Thomas (I wish them and their families dead), they may have had someone to help them with their website issues.
That or they are simply too stupid and too cheap to run an effective interactive website.
Seriously, he starts his post off with “The bad news: our liberal āfriendsā ā you know, the ones who believe so strongly in free speech and open debate ā have done what they can to prevent us from making these improvements, so that our influence will be minimized just as we head into the 2008 presidential primary season.” only to explain that he didn’t know how to use a relatively mindless tool and didn’t feel like learning how.
I’ll bet George Soros is behind this.
(b.) by leagues and leagues
Are you fucking kidding me? Politically preferred programming libraries?
What the fuck is that? Would that be when every call to
prepends the string with"Michael Moore is Always Right! -- "
It’s just like those far-right assholes to blame their own failures on a imaginary left-wing conspiracy. They’ve must have had a good life if they’ve never had to own up or go broke.
Some Guy Named Matt
Ummmmmm. B
Did anybody click on Eriks “Fight On” linky? Where they say
That’s it? That’s there mission statement? to fight the left… Am i missing something?
Interesting thinking over there by the Redstaters. Hey guys, let’s make a website! Here’s my plan:
1. Learn nothing about web traffic, server loads, maintenance, etc.
2. Choose an open-source, GNU public license CMS.
3. See increase in traffic due to healthy online demand for crazy bullshit (bonus, attract attention of wingnut welfare benefactors!)
4. Realize you don’t have anyone on staff who understands evil liberal voodoo computer magic enough to deal with site maintenance.
5. Blame liberals. Beg for money.
If you want support for your website, you have to pay for it, you supply-side morons! The fact that your readership is too busy listening to Limbaugh to learn to write a Perl script is not part of the liberal conspiracy.
Limbaugh, say what you will about him, at least isn’t on the air asking his listeners for help because evil liberals won’t fix his transmitters.
This is the funniest thing I think I’ve ever seen. Is it working? Because if so I’d like to try this version:
Dear RedState reader,
I would like to install a new kitchen in my house, with imported Italian tile, stained glass and a really pretty skylight, framed in hand-carved wood by a highly-sought, revered Macedonian artist.
The bad news: our liberal “friends” have conspired to make it impossible for me to revamp my kitchen in such a manner, just so I won’t be able to make dinners for people who I can then sway over mealtime conversation into supporting the Republican ticket. You know, the same liberals who believe in housing help for Katrina victims. Those hypocrites!
Let me explain ā¦ (*Crosses fingers, pauses to DVR-review the “monorail song” from the Simpsons for inspiration*)
When we bought our house, a few years ago, it was a POS. And the more we lived in it and used things and invited people over, the more stuff wore out and broke down! Go figure!
Now, if we’d been LIBERALS, we would have been able to fix the house quickly and cheaply, because, uh, all the builders out there are ALSO liberals! And they work for each other for free, or sometimes in exchange for gay marriage certificates! To keep us conservatives down! Doesn’t that make you ANGRY!? Doesn’t it stop you from wondering why we can’t find our own free labor, or even pay for it? Grrrr! We’re not being disingenuous, we’re being a persecuted minority! We’re definitely not implying you’re all too stupid to fix our house for us! Raaaah! Oooh, those LIBERALS. Hey, look over there! Isn’t that Michael Moore?! I bet HE has a nice kitchen!
Please send giant gobs of money ASAP, so we can get the kitchen we deserve. The one the LIBERALS don’t want us to have.
Or maybe it’s Clinton saying that MLK didn’t achieve civil rights, a president did
Good lord.
B, definitely. Both are batshit crazy, but Red State’s screed about liberals hogging the programmers is just ugly and dressed funny.
Why don’t they just do as their WSJ/RNC counterparts, and hire someone in India for cheap??
B. Definitely B. Ha ha ha ha ha B. Are they frickin kidding me B. Oh heeeeeeee heeee heeeee heeee B.
What is wrong with these people? Snort.
Absolutely B.
php has a liberal bias apparently.
Yes, yes, Dreggas. Clinton is running for President, badly. We gotcha. Now please move aside so we can continue mocking Red State.
HRC is dead. gone. Not a single black vote will go to her, and she lost most of the eutopic civil-rights hippies.
It’s “Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday”, not “Lyndon B. Johnson’s” birthday.
Mr. Cole, call your office and update your questionaire. Thank you.
I think they meant “in West Virginia”. There’s not a whole lot of anyone in that cesspool.
If RudeState wanted to survive, maybe they could get DKos’ programmers on their case. That shit NEVER crashes, and they get 100K peeps or something per day.
“Mrs. Clinton. I’m just writing to inform you that you have less credibility than RedState. In a head-to-head competition, it was determined that you have no credibility to lose, while RedState still has some.
Please quit while you’re still human.”
Billy K
So, uh…what kind of counter are you thinking of putting in there? Just wondering is all…
I’d say A because its so pathetic this guy is still trying. But then again, I find it funny that Red State is asking for handouts. So I’ll flip-flop and say B. Damn socialists, they want Internet welfare checks.
Bubblegum Tate
There’s such a density of stupid in that RedState post, it’s kind of astounding. Demanding ideological purity among programmers? Realizing that you can’t afford to do something and then just doing it anyway (aka GOP economics in a nutshell)? Begging for handouts so that you can keep your web site that bitches about how handouts are un-American alive? Blaming everything on imaginary “leftists?” The list goes on and on….
But dude this shit is funny, it’s like watching max headroom meltdown or something.
Good eyes, good eyes!
I’m gonna get in trouble for rolling around on the floor laughing at work.
B, hands down. Nothing says “We believe in the capitalist system” like “We’re too stupid to do something ourselves but it’s the servants’ day off.”
Fe E
Where can a person go to compare traffic among the various political blogs? And if you can see traffic trends that would be a total bonus.
THen we also have:
the head of CATO bitching about Huckabee, a monster they helped create
Though reading his “health” ideas Huckabee strikes me as the equivalent of richard simmons with a bible.
This reminds me of Jon Swifts takedown of the right-bloggers trashing the gang-rape victim:
The Other Steve
I would recommend Vermont Soapstone.
Holy shit. HRC is choking in the clutch. You would think she would know when to STFU, but no. Apparently her internal censor died last Thursday night.
The only thing left for her to do, other than concede, is to call Obama an uppity Negro.
maxbaer (not the original)
Since everyone else went with B. Besides, Hunter has an excuse. Everyone thinks he’s Tom Tancredo, and Tancredo dropped out.
She’s already been calling him “Uppity”.
If you want pathetic (and hilarious) go over to C&L and catch the clip of insHannity running down the street being chased by Paultards.
Where can a person go to compare traffic among the various political blogs? And if you can see traffic trends that would be a total bonus.
Here you go.
Both running Scoop. See any slight traffic differences? And which one can’t manage to run without crashing?
I gotta say, for Hillary’s sake, I hope that LBJ comment doesn’t get a whole lotta play. That’s just straight up DUMB.
You know, I have a hard time imagining going into a competition game without a gameplan, but that appears to be exactly what HRC did.
So why the fuck are you paying your team, if they’re not gaming for you, Hill?
Or is it that you told them to make a game plan, and got embezzled?
Went from tears, to pulling a cheney, to saying it was a white guy who gave everyone civil rights in the span of 8 hours…man that’s a record I think.
Red State, hands down.
So many interfolding, concentric layers of irony and dumbassitude.
Step 1. Announce “I am Hillary Rodham-Clinton and I am running for president!”
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Become President!
If I knew Scoop I’d help RedState fix their site. I’d charge them “what the market will bear” (translation: every penny I could squeeze them for) to do it, but the irony would be too good too pass up.
Well, its the only thing that unites the base. They disagree on all kinds of issues but one thing that unites them is hatred of imaginary stereotypes.
In RedState circles, we don’t talk about our counters. We fully expect our fellow RedStaters to sneak up to our windows and take pictures of our counters, then write about them on their blogs.
But since you insist, I was thinking a sort of “counter sandwich” made of stainless steel wrapped in granite wrapped in marble stolen from the floors of the Vatican.
I’m not sure how you guys at BJ feel about Arianna, but she has a pretty good breakdown of all the crazy-ass things Hillary has attacked Obama with in the last 24 hours. Lots of bat-shit crazy.
But where do underpants come into the equation?
Can we rename it InTheRed State?
“B” is more pathetic, hands down. Scoop is open source, so if the nut jobs over at Red State had the ability to fix their website, they could.
The sad part is that they are probably just missing some DB index, and it’s slowing their site down. There are larger sites running with Scoop, but why take responsibility for your computer problems when you can just blame it on “thuh liburuls”?
It’s Al Gore’s fault I cannot read an instruction manual, bo-hoo. Why can’t some liberal programmer come and fix my site for free?
B-b-but, all the LIEBruls are helping KOS!
Which, as someone else noted, sounds like the free market at work to me.
Yes, there is a clear difference between the two.
A. Stupid, and anyone who responds favorably is pathetic.
B. Pathetic, and anyone who responds favorably is stupid.
In all fairness RedState isn’t asking for handouts from the government, just other like-minded citizens… who apprently can’t write good code.
ATTN: Erick Erickson
1 Massachusetts Ave, NW
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Not saying anybody should do anything silly with this info, just that it was posted on RedState.com.
You know, it occurred to me that open source code and programming manuals are usually written by people who have been (at least partly) educated at universities. Thus, they’ve been brainwashed to be liberal elitists. Because liberalism is contagious, they are afraid that by seeking the knowledge to actually take care of their website, they might be transformed into latte swilling, stem-cell research supporting, evolution and global warming believing, literature reading elitists.
The best part of it, apparently \Kos did offer to help share the technologyat some point. (http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2008/1/7/104733/5912/451#c451)
So… um, hole’s been dug. Go ahead and lie down RedStaters.
You can go to alexa, although there are some systemic issues in how the traffic is measured there (so it’s useful as a quick heuristic, just don’t rely on it when serious money is on the line).
You can also look at technorati statistics (search for dailykos, then click on the authority, and you’ll see on its info page a rank; DailyKos is ranked by technorati as the 12th most popular, while redstate is 473).
Whoo, ha ha ha haa!!
[Sniff] First the libs hoarded all the attactive women and converted them to haughty lesbians and now they won’t share the computer jockeys.
This is better than CY’s whinge for a new grill. At least he just said “I wanna new grill.” He didn’t claim it was knocked over by islibruhomofascists.
Not to mention, Open Source is free-love and communism!
If Reagan were alive, he’d fight the source that is Iron Source and bring down the wall that keeps honest and humble sites like RedState from their syntactical brethren on the other side!
Face’s branding wins.
I’ll take a guess that their DB is Microsoft Jet, hence the speed issues (or for that matter, they could be using MSDE with its whopping 5 connection capacity since it was a free download)
damn. fixed.
need to go home; get sleep
Converting women in lesbians seems to be my specialty.
Regardless of the so-called “site maintenance” problem, if Al Gore had not invented the internet, no one at RS would have to read an instruction manual.
But seriously –
… Have refused to fix our computer problems for free.
Here’s an idea for Redstate – maybe they should call the ACLU and have them send a technician down. Morons.
I don’t know which is crazier, HRC or her supporters. Look at this from one of the comments:
Dear Arianna, you will be faced with lots of cynics in November when your hand picked candidate loses the best chance we Democrats have to recapture the White House along with both houses of Congress. This MTV generation exuberance for a candidate who has no experience whatsoever is going to doom the Democrats to another loss for the presidency and may even result in losing the tenuous hold we now have in Congress. When it comes to Obama, I have one question: Where’s the beef? Obama 2008 = Nader 2000.
Obama = Nader? Seriously?
Also saw him being compared to Mondale and how dems would lose every state… Unbelievable.
Something just occured to me. The timing is amazingly bad for this. Right now politically active people of all stripes are putting thier resources towards their favorite campaigns. And it’s *now* that RedState is asking for financial help?
The only thing I can figure is that the site is overloaded to the point where they honestly fear that they cannot withstand the expected increase in traffic that the presidential election will bring. The plea for help is much more desperate than they are letting on.
How the heck did they let that happen?
Yeah, there are some Democrats who have been hiding in an attic for too long.
Or maybe they figure there are a lot of Wingers out there who have been eager to write a check but can’t figure out who the hell they should write it to!
“Romney? No, he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the wall! McCain? No, he’s practically dead! Huckabee? Only if they shoot me first! A-HA! I’ll donate to RedState! Yes, that makes sense!”
Or at least thats what I imagine the thought process looks like.
I think we found the guy who suggested dissing MLK to HRC.
B) Redstate.
Hunter is irrelevant. Redstate is irrelevant too, but there’s more of it (and thus scores higher on the pathetic scale).
Charles Giacometti
B in a landslide.
Who is Duncan Hunter?
Well, RedState just put in the extra effort to claim the prize.
Currently, one post below the top of the page is Duncan Hunter Cries Wolf, Beclowns Self. A post noting how pathetic Duncan Hunter is.
The post just above that, now at the top of the page, is Why I need your wallet. In which Erick notes they had a budget for the site transformation, but they went against expert advice and blew it. You just canāt get any more Republican than that.
Seems like thereās a whole lot of beclowning going on at the RedState in addition to the pathetic.
Yet another sign that the trickle-down economy isn’t working.
I don’t prefer a one party state, so the republicans really need to get their shit together.
Don’t worry. The Broderites are assembling in Oklahoma. Should the Republican Party fall, a Unity/Centrist/Reasonable/Serious-People Party will rise up to take its place. This Party may look i-fucking-dentical to the Republican Party, but I assure you it is not. For instance, it will not be called the “Republican Party” and it will support indefinite stays in Iraq, more tax cuts, no universal health care, and an assortment of free-money-for-rich-people scams for completely different reasons.
They asked Lieberman for advice on how to run a website?
Or they went with what Grover Norquist said and made the server so small that they could drown it in a washbowl? And then they actually tried to drown it?
How has “Sadly, no” not given this the treatment yet?
Pooh, how could they improve on it?
I had to check out the people who were actually giving money for this intelligence-insulting pitch:
I believe this translates to, “I know you’re feeding me a steaming load of crap! Here’s $25 so I can continue to suck down as much as you can dish out!”
The mind, it boggles.
so why post it here?
I’m gonna go with Thymezone.
You give some money to these corporate welfare queens and they just ask for another check!
heh, it’s redstate.
Robert Johnston
I’m going with a), because it implies the existence of c), the poor schlub stuck with the job of attending and reporting on a Duncan Hunter press conference. Now that’s pathetic.
… I hope “in” s/b “to.”
The answer is B ***plus*** the fact they are begging for money while also riding the Rush Limbaugh is Conservative Man of the Year bandwagon.
Well. I had this theory that redstate is powered on assrockets ass-fumes. So much for that theory.
B) all the way
That’s what I originally intended, but now I’m intrigued by the implications of the uncorrected statement.
Anne Laurie
But where do underpants come into the equation?
Boxers, or briefs?
Off topic, but I gotta say it’s really satisfying to see Giuliani’s support plummet in the NH polls. It makes me feel less pessimistic about humanity…
The Other Steve
Mike Huckabee is putting the Mental back in Fundamental!
And when he uses this as an excuse to mention NinEleven(TM)(R) you’ll be too annoyed to feel pessimistic.
The Other Steve
It’s actually a liberal conspiracy. The Liberals refuse to give money and votes to Rudy, and they are causing him to plummet in the polls.
Depends on the conservative.
Dey Tuk’r Blogs!
The Other Steve
Sean Hannity get’s attacked by angry Paultards
Is there any other kind of Paultard?
B) Because it breaks a new space/time continuum for pathetic whiny victim-hood. From the same crowd that who manages to demonize any actual victims from like hurricanes or cancer and shit.
What a bunch of little bitches.
B) If only because anyone with the cajones to run for office should get a bye.
I suppose it shouldn’t be a news flash that conservatives can’t use logic. And it would have to be a liberal conspiracy that they can’t get by without doing so. If 1s and 0s are too much to handle, they should host their site on an analog computer. Analog computers come up with answers really fast. It’s almost as if they use their guts instead of their brains. They don’t always come up with the same output when given repeated input, but heck, that might be a feature for redstate.
All I can say is that RedState is completely missing the point of a blog. Their latest post says that their parent has already put $55,000 towards their cause and they still need $25,000 more. Blogs are a simple thing and are visited often because they are simple. It doesn’t matter how much money they sink into their site, it will not increase their readership. They suck and will always suck.
I am a professional programmer and a semi professional graphic designer, and I can tell you that I don’t come to balloon juice for either of those reasons(sorry John, I like to think its part of the sites ‘charm’), yet Balloon Juice, for the posts and the comments, is the blog I enjoy reading the most.
I also know from the comments that there are some tech savvy commenters here that are always willing to help in a crunch. I am sure that RedState has some techy readers also, it is only the will that is lacking at RedState. If they aren’t even making enough money to cover a somewhat modest $25,000 then they don’t have the readership to justify it anyway.
I think the most pathetic is Sean Hannity using his blondie porn star/producer to ride shotgun through a Ron Paul mob out to lynch or tar and feather him.
Sean Hannity being chased down by a mob of American Flag waving conservatives chanting “Fox News Sux” is the funniest thing I’ve seen all decade.
Good point. A lot of people spend money putting all kinds of bells and whistles on their blog. But it’s all about the content and the community. Besides, I find RedState has way too cluttered a look to it. Look at some of the great sites like Sadly, No! Nice and clean, uncluttered, you can find what you’re looking for easily. Same as this site. You don’t feel like you have to know where to look, or else risk missing something.
What they don’t want to admit is that Red State needs the money to buy p*ssy. They don’t want to die virgins.
Well, all I can say is that better be some high quality shit (at $25,000) and must include the coke.
No. Stop. I just walked past the living room and the Bar du Pathetique has been raised: Miss America wannabes discussing gay marriage.
Kill. Me. Now.
Time to call this thing for B. If this were live we’d be stamping the risers in unison.
And who the hell came up with “beclowned?” Wingers were all using that on Henley over the Steyn thing, and it’s a really wack neologism. It’s like a word Jon Lovitz’s “Tales of Ribaldry” narrator would use.
Just to reiterate – atrios and digby have two of the blandest looking sites this side of the intertubes and I don’t think it hurts their readership that much. That’s despite the fact that hospital blue and (fill in the blank) yellow aren’t necessarily the best color-theme choices in my opinion. There has to be something else there to attract readership, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Though to be fair, if you want to create a community platform rather than a personal or group blog, you probably need a scoop-like infrastructure.
I was all set to rant about how sucky RedState is, and then Krista had to go and harsh my mellow.
She’s right: site design like SadNo, Balloon-Juice, and (sob) the recently-assimilated TBogg, are far better to look at than some whizbang-crap-laden page (like, say, RedState, or (sob) Firedoglake).
But back to our fine Confederate friends at Redstate. Those fucking chumps banned all Ron Paul posters (not supporters, remember, just people sticking up for him) sometime last fall. And now, in January, despite their
wingnut welfareEagle Foundation support, they can’t manage to find $50 large to re-engineer theircircle jerkideologically coherent niche website. Gosh, that seems like a short-sighted decision this week, doesn’t it?What happened? Did the fine folks at
Wingnut Welfare R UsThe Eagle Foundation read webtraffic charts? Did they realize somehow that Leon Wolf and Erick Whoosits are nothing more than Confederate Reconstructionists with three dozen readers?Nah. Couldn’t be.
Wait, they’re planning to drop $80k on a blog? Are you freak’n kidding me? Suddenly, pissing away a couple billion a month in Iraq on 31 flavors of failure makes a little more sense to me, from a conservative point of view.
I wonder if they’re purchasing their servers through Halliburton?
That’s right, they DID ban all the RP people–and those probably constitute the vast majority of the techies on that site.
Oh… my heart.
Some on the Kos thread have suggested sending $1.01 – the penny to show it came from kossacks. Other kossacks are just sending the penny.
This Red State whine is hilarious. I did learn something new, though, Narajanistan is another name for the Great Orange Satan.
Oh, and you say āmyiq2xu.ā The money is for wet suits and dildos. And those backdoor cherries were popped long ago.
I would give them money, but as a liberal employed in the interactive industry, I know for a concrete fact that all developers are liberal, libertarian, or of this mysterious faith that does not permit the rendering of technical services in exchange for “money”.
So what would be the point?
That’s what I was thinking! Am I missing something? Do you really need $80K (or even the $55K of wingnut welfare already given to them) to re-design a web community blog?
I have a feeling there’s some crony capitalism going on here, only on a smaller scale than Halliburton.
Either that or they blew the cash on Cheetos, Mountain Dew and 976 sex chat lines.
lolz! Yep, when you insist on ideological purity, you usually end up with a pretty small tent.
I look forward to RedState blaming its demise on the vast left-wing conspiracy to completely deprive them of traffic by not visiting them.
Atrios is running for Prez?!?!? Wow.
Oh, wait, Duncan Hunter not Duncan Black. My bad. Who is Duncan Hunter?
I didn’t know Scott Beauchamp was a scoop programmer.
When every available republican programmer is either selling out to the highest bidder or desperately scrubbing subpoenaed presidential records, is it any wonder that RedState can’t find one?
Sensitive Pony Tailed Girly Man
Reminds me of that old Jon Lovitz SNL impersonation of Mike Dukakis, who turns to the camera and says “I can’t believe I’m losing to this guy”. Granted things are supposedly looking up, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
Cassius Chaerea
RedState is such a scream.
One of the Drupal developers showed up in the comment thread, and, in that polite way one uses to talk to total idiots, first reamed them out for not bothering to even ask for help in the Drupal forums and then went on to explain how they had incorrectly configured their system – for instance, Redstate is using the _debugging_ configuration in production (so, of course, it’s slow)!
IIRC, Erick is the only salaried employee of the ‘community’. Sounds like that plea for money is his payday.
Don’t see that comment. Get ripped off of there already?
B, by far.
Whuuuut…? Maybe they don’t need to replace Drupal; maybe they need to replace their sub-competent IT guy (I’d give him 4 out of 5 stars on the heckuvajobBrownie scale).
grumpy realist
Even funnier, Erick has been frothing at the mouth about taking “all the information” provided him by PayPal about the $0.01 payers and doing something with it.
Hee. Quite of a few of Kossites have grabbed his comments and forwarded them on to PayPal. I don’t think PayPal is going to be very happy with dear Erick and/or RedState. Putting up what could be construed as threats to commit Identity Theft or spamming of email addresses using information provided by PayPal?
He’ll probably try to claim Free Speech and “I was only joking.”
Jeff Eaton
That was me. ;-) Comment’s still up as far as I can see The thread makes it a bit clearer what’s going on — it sounds like they had some volunteers who rebuilt the site initially in 2006 on Drupal. There were a number of features they wanted but didn’t have the time/knowledge to roll out at the time, which is certainly not uncommon, but then as time the volunteers burnt out or drifted off. Again, not uncommon.
Now, as they’re trying to relaunch, fix bugs, and so on they don’t have any in-house volunteers who are familiar with Drupal and the volunteers who ARE jumping on board want to use a different CMS package instead. So, the site’s being rewritten. From the comments made by one of those devs, it seems like a pretty common case of “I want to work with the framework I like, and I don’t want to volunteer my time to learn one I dislike.” No biggie there, it’s just regrettable that they couldn’t make it work for them.
I don’t blame them for running into performance and feature-building issues if they don’t have any in-house experience with Drupal, it’s just sad that they never asked for any help. Ten minutes of configuration and a few pointers could have resolved most of the problems I heard them discussing in that thread. Calling it part of a liberal plot to silence RedState is… well. Yeah, I’ll just let that stand on its own. Without the Howard Dean campaign, which used Drupal for its DeanSpace platform in ’04, I’m willing to bet that RedState never would’ve made the conversion in the first place. THAT, friends, is irony. ;-)
>Duncan Hunter staging a press conference to announce he is still running for President.
Dang. I wanted to vote for duncan black for prez.
Grumpy Code Monkey
By a wide margin. Because Jesus…
Although, what’s actually pathetic is that a substantial fraction of their readership will buy that steaming pile as is, instead of realizing that RS is being grossly manipulative. “We can’t find conservative developers?” Give me a fucking break.
Gah! Flashbacks. One product I worked on used Jet as the database engine, and it caused us no end of grief. However, it did help us find one uncommitted transaction. The main loop would do a query on a jobs pending table, and if there were entries present, it would commit the transaction and process the entries. If the table were empty, though, the transaction would not be committed.
Therefore, if there were no jobs to process for a long enough period, the transaction log would eventually grow to the point where it filled up the disk and crashed the system. That remains my all-time favorite bug; taking down a server by not doing anything.
Jeff Eaton
Nah, their speed issues aren’t relate to Jet. Since they’re running Drupal they’re on a traditional Linux/Apache/MySQL setup. They’re using a 2.5 year old version of Drupal, though, and haven’t taken some basic steps to optimize their configuration or updated to newer versions that have useful performance enhancements. It sounds like the developers who built it for them back in ’06 have moved on, and the new guys who’ve volunteered dislike PHP and want to rewrite it in Python rather than doing the work of upgrading it or optimizing things.
I work on Drupal a lot, so it’s a bit of a poke to my professional pride to hear the new devs talking about ‘how horrible’ Drupal is and how ‘no one liked it.’ That’s life, though. Underneath all the liberal/conservative puffery it’s a pretty normal story of one group of volunteers building something in *their* favorite tool, the ‘users’ not knowing how to maintain it, and the next group of volunteers blaming the tool and claiming that *their* favorite will solve all the problems.