Same as it’s been all week: Obama leading on the Dem side, McCain and Romney fighting it out on the Pugs side.
There seems to be a consensus that Clinton will finish second. If a strong turnout pulls more undelcared voters into the Democratic primaries, that may help Edwards as well as Obama, which could lead to a third place finish for Clinton. If that happens, it will probably be the big news of the night.
There’s also a lot of speculation that Democrats could pull enough of the independent vote to prevent a McCain win on the Republican side. Frankly, I don’t see that happening, but that’s as much bias on my part than anything the polls are saying – in my opinionm, Romney just comes across as too MBA-like and too crassly pandering to get a winning vote total in NH. Huckabee will come in third. Giuliani is battling Paul for fourth. Thompson will be dead last, and lucky to get 2%.
Results will start being reported at 7, when the polls close. Expect Obama to be called as the Democratic winner by 9, with McCain announced as the Republican winner by 10 or 11.
Fred Thompson on Hannity: Uhhhh uhhh uhhhh
I’m having visions of a Fred Thompson/Fred Barnes dialogue…it works out something like that Bunk/McNulty 1-word scene from The Wire:
“Uhhh uhh.”
“Uhh, uhhh uhhh. UHH!”
Sinister eyebrow
I thought the polls closed at 8 pm EST.
I’m betting Obama 1, tossup between Edwards and Clinton for 2nd. Republicans, I bet McCain 1, Romney 2, Huckster distant 3.
I’ll also bet the democratic turnout is 50-75% larger than the Republican turnout, which is a more telling sign of things to come in November.
Sinister eyebrow
More importantly, I hope things go on long enough to see Hannity chased through the streets again by the angry Ron Paul villagers.
Olberman could barely contain his glee last night on Countdown.
John S.
More importantly, I hope things go on long enough to see Hannity chased through the streets again by the angry Ron Paul villagers.
If they could turn that into some sort of weekly show, I’d watch it.
Other than massive turn-out, what is the word?
There’s a writer’s strike, John. What are you trying to do? Get us all sued?
Yeah yeah, and O’reilly was upholding the constitution.
I really hope that the Rpublicans don’t get a clear winner anytime soon, the sputtering and gasbagging is just too much fun.
Speaking of Paul… I just talked to someone who lives in Massachusetts about 15 miles from the New Hampshire border and apparently all morning there was a small plane dragging a Ron Paul banner flying around near her house. In Massachusetts.
I really thought in equal parts charming and pathetic it was a nice bit of symbolism for the whole Ron Paul clusterfuck.
The Other Steve
I’m betting Huckabee pulls an upset and comes in 1st!
My word is: “poontang”
My word is: “poontang”
Your thoughts are relevant to my interests and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
The New Republic dug up some of the Ron Paul newsletters. Not a very nice read.
Right wing blogs seem to have forgotten that The New Republic published all those lies by Scott Thomas Beauchamp and therefor can’t be trusted at all, since they are more than happy to report on the story.
The Other Steve
Oops. According to Redstate, the Democrats are bussing in voters from Vermont, Maryland and Canada! It’s massive voter fraud, and the GOP needs to prepare for this in November.
See, this is what Obama does. He busses in homeless people from across the world to vote for him! Cause otherwise, there’s just no way he could ever win.
I’m betting Huckabee pulls an upset and comes in 1st!
In New Hampshire?
I hope that was a small bet with long odds. Not enough fundies in New England for Huck to win any of those states.
The sad (or funny) thing is though that so many Repbulican ‘centrists’ are abandoning the party this time around, that Huckabee is going to be competitive in states that haven’t been historically considered especially fundamentalist: for example, I bet he does Huckabee does well in Ohio.
The Other Steve
Oh, and this one is a classic:
Clinton will do anything and use any tactic to stop Obama between now and the convention. The Democratic Party very well may be in shreds at the end of the process.
Neither party has a clue who their nominee will be, but while the Republican Establishment would hate to see Huckabee or Paul as the nominee it wouldn’t self-immolate over it. Clinton and the Democratic establishment are one and the same and holding a match and fuel.
The Democratic party is going to implode over Obama!
Obama will crush Clinton. It’s the all important undeclared/independent vote in NH. And the undeclared/independent voters who vote democrat instead of republican will only hurt McCain. This might be the perfect scenario for the dems. Obama wins big and takes the role as the future party nominee while the republicans end up with a large group still fighting over who is the front runner heading into Super Tuesday.
The New Republic dug up some of the Ron Paul newsletters. Not a very nice read.
Right wing blogs seem to have forgotten that The New Republic published all those lies by Scott Thomas Beauchamp and therefor can’t be trusted at all, since they are more than happy to report on the story.
I’m no Paultard, but it seems Ron Paul has already come out and said, “Those ain’t mine, yo!”
The Other Steve
I hope that was a small bet with long odds.
I always bet on the long shot. I once won $100 on a $2 bet at the track. :-)
I just don’t understand how ANYONE in the Democratic party who wants to win in 2008 can look at Hillary’s unfavorables nationwide and then look at how Obama polls among Independents and moderate Republicans and not say, “Well duuuuhh.”
The polls close at 8 ET, and given that they are announcing exit polls that say that 45% of the voters in the Dem primary are independents, my guess is that they announce Obama the winner by 8:15 ET at the latest (8:01 ET is a distinct possibility). McCain wins by 3% over Romney, with the Huckster a distant third.
Dee Dee Myers just said that Hillary was never the prohibitive favorite as the Democratic nominee a year ago. That woman is CRACKED. Chris Matthews nearly lost his mind.
The Other Steve
Another classic!
Say it loud, say it proud by Darin H
Say it often:
The economy was just fine until the Democrats took over congress.
To which someone replied:
And what piece of economic legislation by notdeadyetkc
shall we point to as the blame? President Bush owned this economy when it was going well. He will still own it next year if it tanks.
Not to be deterred by facts…
Raised minimum wage by Adam C
and unemployment went up. That’s called “demand slopes downward.” It’s Econ 101. Although the whole rise in unemployment is probably not b/c of the minimum wage increase. However, on the margin, raising the min wage increases unemployment.
LOL! These guys make dishonest hacks look bad.
The Other Steve
e Dee Myers just said that Hillary was never the prohibitive favorite as the Democratic nominee a year ago. That woman is CRACKED. Chris Matthews nearly lost his mind.
That’s impossible. Chris Matthews has no mind to lose.
That’s impossible. Chris Matthews has no mind to lose.
Touche. Shall we say fire nearly flew from his ears and his lasers were charging?
The Fountainhead:
Perhaps you should take it easy on Ms. Myers. I watched her as well and checked Rasmussen’s polling back to January 2007. She was more correct than Matthews. Their first weekly average poll for January 2007 showed Hillary and Obama both in the low 20s, and at 21% and it wasn’t until late May 2007 that Hillary consistently led by at least 8 points (for the week of May 22, 2007 she only had a 2% lead 35%-33%). I’d say Matthews was the one off base, but then given his Clinton hatred is always on full display.
There are reports that Hillary will be calling in some of Bills old political operatives after tonight.
Perhaps you should take it easy on Ms. Myers. I watched her as well and checked Rasmussen’s polling back to January 2007. She was more correct than Matthews. Their first weekly average poll for January 2007 showed Hillary and Obama both in the low 20s, and at 21% and it wasn’t until late May 2007 that Hillary consistently led by at least 8 points (for the week of May 22, 2007 she only had a 2% lead 35%-33%). I’d say Matthews was the one off base, but then given his Clinton hatred is always on full display.
That wasn’t at all what she was saying though. She was attempting to suggest that among the Democratic leaders and the media, Hillary was never the obvious nominee. That’s false on every level. Of course her polling wasn’t great in January of 2007, but everyone who matters was sure she was going to be the frontrunner since long before then. I’m not a fan of Chris Matthews or anything, but he was totally justified, as was Keith Olberman a few moments later, at being flabbergasted by Myers’ assertion.
Wow!! a triple.. Sorry about that. I’m blaming it all on Bill Gates and vista.
I blame it on programmers boycotting the site. Please send money.
Speaking of botched comments, it was hilarious when myiq2xu (I believe) somehow posted the entire comment thread as a comment to the thread. Then ran away before Cole noticed it.
Speaking of botched comments, it was hilarious when myiq2xu (I believe) somehow posted the entire comment thread as a comment to the thread. Then ran away before Cole noticed it.
I like pie
I always bet on the long shot. I once won $100 on a $2 bet at the track.
Heh, me too. Funnier, it was a bet I placed by accident (I’d intended to bet for a different horse).
The New Republic dug up some of the Ron Paul newsletters. Not a very nice read.
Right wing blogs seem to have forgotten that The New Republic published all those lies by Scott Thomas Beauchamp and therefor can’t be trusted at all, since they are more than happy to report on the story.
Hard to dismiss “proof” in the form of the scanned images. Are you saying that the scanned images of the Ron Paul newsletters are fakes like the Rathergate memos?
The left should be outraged. The GOP is swiftboating Ron Paul!!!!!!
Funny….Redstate’s site is down. I thought they were all technologically brilliant ‘n’ stuff.
Must be them evil libruls, withholding tech support in fear of RedState reporting the huge turnout for Republicans…
Also…Kristol is a tool. Next thing you know he’ll be saying the surge puts some bounce in our step and gives us fresh breath in the morning.
With 11% reporting, Clinton leads Obama 38.4 to 35.9. I know it’s only 11% and anything can happen from here, but those numbers scare me.
Bill Kristol credits Petraeus and the surge since McCain was a supporter.
Just reading that made me stupider.
Raw vote count is around 36K Dem, 20K Repub… about a 9:5 ratio.
CNN is also bringing up the surge as big plus for McCain.
JGabriel (@ 5:50pm):
Results will start being reported at 7, when the polls close. Expect Obama to be called as the Democratic winner by 9, with McCain announced as the Republican winner by 10 or 11.
Ok, that prediction is blown.
CNN is calling the *Dem* race too close to call, and McCain for the Republicans.
Seems ridiculously early to be calling it for McCain already, but given that McCain’s been leading in most of the polls, they’ll probably be right.
Looks like McCain by 8 to 10 points.
Is Mitt finished?
OK, this is from Fox News, so take it with a *mountain* of salt, but Fox is calling the Dem race for: Clinton.
I don’t know how long the close results will hold, but I expect it to be a squeaker, with Obama getting it by 5 points or less. A lot of yesterday’s polls had 2 digit margins in his favour, but today’s poll margins were much smaller.
I think the media idiocy over Clinton’s “crying” may have inspired enough sympathy for her to make it competitive tonight.
Seems ridiculously early to be calling it for McCain already,
OK, this is from Fox News, so take it with a mountain of salt, but Fox is calling the Dem race for: Clinton.
Please, God, No.
It seems a tad earlier to be calling it on the Democratic side.
Pretty good coverage over at Brave New Films. You can leave it on in the background while checking other sites, the coverage is more like radio anyway:
Amusingly, as I traipse among the various sites for news or laughs or both, RedState seems to have gone down, or at least isn’t working for me. They must have run out of money.
I’m not 100% on this, but I’m pretty sure NH isn’t a Diebold state.
What’s the word? Hard to beat the old-school favorite:
I’ll bet ten quatloos that Obama carries NH; that Hillary fires Mark Penn; and that — for all the good it will do him — McCain wins the GOP side. Let’s see what happens when he gets to SC again. Oh, wait: we’ve already seen what happens, back in 2000. I wonder how many dollars the Huckabee campaign will save by re-using Bush’s robocall recordings about that “black love child” of McCain’s…
dslak Says:
Bill Kristol credits Petraeus and the surge since McCain was a supporter.
Just reading that made me stupider.
Reminds me of the old saying “If you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.”
With 11% reporting, Clinton leads Obama 38.4 to 35.9. I know it’s only 11% and anything can happen from here, but those numbers scare me.
She was up on him by a few percentage points after a small segment of the Iowa precincts were in. But that didn’t last for long. Look for the same thing to happen here.
I’ll bet ten quatloos that Obama carries NH; that Hillary fires Mark Penn
If Clinton loses by less than double digits, I expect she’ll claim a comeback.
It turns out everyone is gay.
False report repeated by me above, Fox News apparently has NOT called the contest for Clinton yet (or they changed their mind, not clear which).
If Clinton loses by less than double digits, I expect she’ll claim a comeback.
Oh you know it.
I wonder how many dollars the Huckabee campaign will save by re-using Bush’s robocall recordings about that “black love child” of McCain’s…
The hot rumor this time around is that Obama fathered two black children.
I’m not 100% on this, but I’m pretty sure NH isn’t a Diebold state.
LHS Associates. It’s a Diebold Accu-Vote optical scanner.
Thanks, CDB. Didn’t know on that.
OK, this is from Fox News, so take it with a mountain of salt, but Fox is calling the Dem race for: Clinton.
No they haven’t.
MSNBC, Fox, ABC, as well as CNN, all calling NH Pug Primary for McCain.
Stay up with B4B tonight. We’re not asking questions like BJ is. We’re answering them!
With 15% reporting:
1. McCain 37%
2. Romney 28%
3. Huckabee 12%
1. Clinton 40%
2. Obama 36%
3. Edwards 17%
Go McCain! Go away, Mittens!
myiq2xu, don’t be too sure about that. Fox could still call the Democratic primary for George Bush.
Funny….Redstate’s site is down. I thought they were all technologically brilliant ‘n’ stuff.
RedState has banned more IPs than the People’s Republic of China. But you can always translate them from the original wingnut.
I especially like how Erickson keeps editing, justifying and defending his original bonehead “libruls ate my lunch money” post.
It appears the white guyMethusaleh won in the GOP primary.
On the Democratic side it’s a close race between the “Aging Shrill Bitch” and that Negro Muslim, Hussein-Whats-his-Face. Plus there’s a white guy from the south who’s too good-looking (if you know what I mean) in third.
Oh, and the computer science program at all universities is liberal indoctrination, judging by how poorly the right-wing sites function.
BTW, if it’s McCain-Clinton expect Sully to lay-it-on-thick as he retroactively takes back anything he’s said about not voting Republican.
His man crush on McCain is as heavy as his Clinton derangement syndrome is thick. Which also describes Sully’s belly and brain (respectively).
Oh, and the computer science program at all universities is liberal indoctrination, judging by how poorly the right-wing sites function.
New thread at top, y’all.
Anne Laurie
Never misunderestimate NH’S bi-partisan Ornery Party. Remember, that’s where King Bush I’s “Most Unsatisfactory Supreme Court Pick” (Souter) was born & bred. Current voting tallies would seem to indicate vast crossover reserves of “Eff You, Media Village” voters among Dems, Repubs, and Independents…
You know they showed Obamaś grandmother on huffington post in Kenya and I can help but wonder if they shouldnt get the hell out of there if Obama becomes president. I mean I see some great opportunities for a ransom.
[Sully’s] man crush on McCain is as heavy as his Clinton derangement syndrome is thick.
the bird.
Billy K
oh and ron paul will probably beat everyone… if rioting in the streets is any indication
um… whrilybird
Fred Thompson on Hannity: Uhhhh uhhh uhhhh
What’s the word?
Same as it’s been all week: Obama leading on the Dem side, McCain and Romney fighting it out on the Pugs side.
There seems to be a consensus that Clinton will finish second. If a strong turnout pulls more undelcared voters into the Democratic primaries, that may help Edwards as well as Obama, which could lead to a third place finish for Clinton. If that happens, it will probably be the big news of the night.
There’s also a lot of speculation that Democrats could pull enough of the independent vote to prevent a McCain win on the Republican side. Frankly, I don’t see that happening, but that’s as much bias on my part than anything the polls are saying – in my opinionm, Romney just comes across as too MBA-like and too crassly pandering to get a winning vote total in NH. Huckabee will come in third. Giuliani is battling Paul for fourth. Thompson will be dead last, and lucky to get 2%.
Results will start being reported at 7, when the polls close. Expect Obama to be called as the Democratic winner by 9, with McCain announced as the Republican winner by 10 or 11.
I’m having visions of a Fred Thompson/Fred Barnes dialogue…it works out something like that Bunk/McNulty 1-word scene from The Wire:
“Uhhh uhh.”
“Uhh, uhhh uhhh. UHH!”
Sinister eyebrow
I thought the polls closed at 8 pm EST.
I’m betting Obama 1, tossup between Edwards and Clinton for 2nd. Republicans, I bet McCain 1, Romney 2, Huckster distant 3.
I’ll also bet the democratic turnout is 50-75% larger than the Republican turnout, which is a more telling sign of things to come in November.
Sinister eyebrow
More importantly, I hope things go on long enough to see Hannity chased through the streets again by the angry Ron Paul villagers.
Olberman could barely contain his glee last night on Countdown.
John S.
If they could turn that into some sort of weekly show, I’d watch it.
There’s a writer’s strike, John. What are you trying to do? Get us all sued?
Hey! Hannity said he just went out to say hello to the PaulPods. All those libs were wrong about what happened. Duh.
May as well use this as the predictions thread:
NH Predictions
Obama 40
Clinton 29
Edwards 26
Richardson 4.5
Kucinich .4
Gravel .1
McCain 37
Romney 26
Huckabee 15
Paul 11
Giuliani 9
Thompson 2
Yeah yeah, and O’reilly was upholding the constitution.
I really hope that the Rpublicans don’t get a clear winner anytime soon, the sputtering and gasbagging is just too much fun.
Speaking of Paul… I just talked to someone who lives in Massachusetts about 15 miles from the New Hampshire border and apparently all morning there was a small plane dragging a Ron Paul banner flying around near her house. In Massachusetts.
I really thought in equal parts charming and pathetic it was a nice bit of symbolism for the whole Ron Paul clusterfuck.
The Other Steve
I’m betting Huckabee pulls an upset and comes in 1st!
My word is: “poontang”
Your thoughts are relevant to my interests and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
The New Republic dug up some of the Ron Paul newsletters. Not a very nice read.
Right wing blogs seem to have forgotten that The New Republic published all those lies by Scott Thomas Beauchamp and therefor can’t be trusted at all, since they are more than happy to report on the story.
The Other Steve
Oops. According to Redstate, the Democrats are bussing in voters from Vermont, Maryland and Canada! It’s massive voter fraud, and the GOP needs to prepare for this in November.
See, this is what Obama does. He busses in homeless people from across the world to vote for him! Cause otherwise, there’s just no way he could ever win.
In New Hampshire?
I hope that was a small bet with long odds. Not enough fundies in New England for Huck to win any of those states.
The sad (or funny) thing is though that so many Repbulican ‘centrists’ are abandoning the party this time around, that Huckabee is going to be competitive in states that haven’t been historically considered especially fundamentalist: for example, I bet he does Huckabee does well in Ohio.
The Other Steve
Oh, and this one is a classic:
The Democratic party is going to implode over Obama!
Obama will crush Clinton. It’s the all important undeclared/independent vote in NH. And the undeclared/independent voters who vote democrat instead of republican will only hurt McCain. This might be the perfect scenario for the dems. Obama wins big and takes the role as the future party nominee while the republicans end up with a large group still fighting over who is the front runner heading into Super Tuesday.
I’m no Paultard, but it seems Ron Paul has already come out and said, “Those ain’t mine, yo!”
The Other Steve
I always bet on the long shot. I once won $100 on a $2 bet at the track. :-)
I just don’t understand how ANYONE in the Democratic party who wants to win in 2008 can look at Hillary’s unfavorables nationwide and then look at how Obama polls among Independents and moderate Republicans and not say, “Well duuuuhh.”
The polls close at 8 ET, and given that they are announcing exit polls that say that 45% of the voters in the Dem primary are independents, my guess is that they announce Obama the winner by 8:15 ET at the latest (8:01 ET is a distinct possibility). McCain wins by 3% over Romney, with the Huckster a distant third.
Dee Dee Myers just said that Hillary was never the prohibitive favorite as the Democratic nominee a year ago. That woman is CRACKED. Chris Matthews nearly lost his mind.
The Other Steve
Another classic!
To which someone replied:
Not to be deterred by facts…
LOL! These guys make dishonest hacks look bad.
The Other Steve
That’s impossible. Chris Matthews has no mind to lose.
Touche. Shall we say fire nearly flew from his ears and his lasers were charging?
The Fountainhead:
Perhaps you should take it easy on Ms. Myers. I watched her as well and checked Rasmussen’s polling back to January 2007. She was more correct than Matthews. Their first weekly average poll for January 2007 showed Hillary and Obama both in the low 20s, and at 21% and it wasn’t until late May 2007 that Hillary consistently led by at least 8 points (for the week of May 22, 2007 she only had a 2% lead 35%-33%). I’d say Matthews was the one off base, but then given his Clinton hatred is always on full display.
There are reports that Hillary will be calling in some of Bills old political operatives after tonight.
That wasn’t at all what she was saying though. She was attempting to suggest that among the Democratic leaders and the media, Hillary was never the obvious nominee. That’s false on every level. Of course her polling wasn’t great in January of 2007, but everyone who matters was sure she was going to be the frontrunner since long before then. I’m not a fan of Chris Matthews or anything, but he was totally justified, as was Keith Olberman a few moments later, at being flabbergasted by Myers’ assertion.
The Grand Panjandrum
Early return results here.
I blame it on programmers boycotting the site. Please send money.
Speaking of botched comments, it was hilarious when myiq2xu (I believe) somehow posted the entire comment thread as a comment to the thread. Then ran away before Cole noticed it.
I like pie
Heh, me too. Funnier, it was a bet I placed by accident (I’d intended to bet for a different horse).
For you junkies stuck at work:
Live feed from MSNBC
TPM for results:
Obama by 10
McCain by 4
Smooth call, Jim.
So far, Clinton has the lead by 2% points. It would be very interesting if she won NH.
Funny….Redstate’s site is down. I thought they were all technologically brilliant ‘n’ stuff.
Paul L.
Hard to dismiss “proof” in the form of the scanned images. Are you saying that the scanned images of the Ron Paul newsletters are fakes like the Rathergate memos?
The left should be outraged. The GOP is swiftboating Ron Paul!!!!!!
Must be them evil libruls, withholding tech support in fear of RedState reporting the huge turnout for Republicans…
Oh, wait, not that huge. Hmm.
The Grand Panjandrum
Ice cream?
MSNBC calls it for McCain.
CNN just called it… Edwards to finish third.
Fox projects for McCain to win Repub side. Bill Kristol credits Petraeus and the surge since McCain was a supporter.
CNN as well.
What do ya’ll think about that?
John Marshall is saying that it might be too close to call on TPM. In another freedom unit we’ll be able to determine where we are.
Also…Kristol is a tool. Next thing you know he’ll be saying the surge puts some bounce in our step and gives us fresh breath in the morning.
With 11% reporting, Clinton leads Obama 38.4 to 35.9. I know it’s only 11% and anything can happen from here, but those numbers scare me.
Just reading that made me stupider.
Raw vote count is around 36K Dem, 20K Repub… about a 9:5 ratio.
CNN is also bringing up the surge as big plus for McCain.
JGabriel (@ 5:50pm):
Ok, that prediction is blown.
CNN is calling the *Dem* race too close to call, and McCain for the Republicans.
Seems ridiculously early to be calling it for McCain already, but given that McCain’s been leading in most of the polls, they’ll probably be right.
Looks like McCain by 8 to 10 points.
Is Mitt finished?
OK, this is from Fox News, so take it with a *mountain* of salt, but Fox is calling the Dem race for: Clinton.
I don’t know how long the close results will hold, but I expect it to be a squeaker, with Obama getting it by 5 points or less. A lot of yesterday’s polls had 2 digit margins in his favour, but today’s poll margins were much smaller.
I think the media idiocy over Clinton’s “crying” may have inspired enough sympathy for her to make it competitive tonight.
Please, God, No.
It seems a tad earlier to be calling it on the Democratic side.
Pretty good coverage over at Brave New Films. You can leave it on in the background while checking other sites, the coverage is more like radio anyway:
If McCain runs on supporting the war in the general election, he’s toast.
Ned R.
Amusingly, as I traipse among the various sites for news or laughs or both, RedState seems to have gone down, or at least isn’t working for me. They must have run out of money.
I’m not 100% on this, but I’m pretty sure NH isn’t a Diebold state.
What’s the word? Hard to beat the old-school favorite:
I’ll bet ten quatloos that Obama carries NH; that Hillary fires Mark Penn; and that — for all the good it will do him — McCain wins the GOP side. Let’s see what happens when he gets to SC again. Oh, wait: we’ve already seen what happens, back in 2000. I wonder how many dollars the Huckabee campaign will save by re-using Bush’s robocall recordings about that “black love child” of McCain’s…
Reminds me of the old saying “If you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.”
She was up on him by a few percentage points after a small segment of the Iowa precincts were in. But that didn’t last for long. Look for the same thing to happen here.
If Clinton loses by less than double digits, I expect she’ll claim a comeback.
It turns out everyone is gay.
False report repeated by me above, Fox News apparently has NOT called the contest for Clinton yet (or they changed their mind, not clear which).
Oh you know it.
The hot rumor this time around is that Obama fathered two black children.
LHS Associates. It’s a Diebold Accu-Vote optical scanner.
Thanks, CDB. Didn’t know on that.
No they haven’t.
MSNBC, Fox, ABC, as well as CNN, all calling NH Pug Primary for McCain.
NP, I was just kidding though
The Grand Panjandrum
Nora O’Donnell… and she’s very bright.
Three words I just heard a lot:
Yeah, MJ, you’re right. I’ve already corrected that in a later post than the one you’re referring to.
It appears the white guy won in the GOP primary. Although it’s still too close to call, it looks like the Democrat will win the other race.
Any questions?
myiq2xu, don’t be too sure about that. Fox could still call the Democratic primary for George Bush.
RedState has banned more IPs than the People’s Republic of China. But you can always translate them from the original wingnut.
I especially like how Erickson keeps editing, justifying and defending his original bonehead “libruls ate my lunch money” post.
On the Democratic side it’s a close race between the “Aging Shrill Bitch” and that Negro Muslim, Hussein-Whats-his-Face. Plus there’s a white guy from the south who’s too good-looking (if you know what I mean) in third.
Oh, and the computer science program at all universities is liberal indoctrination, judging by how poorly the right-wing sites function.
BTW, if it’s McCain-Clinton expect Sully to lay-it-on-thick as he retroactively takes back anything he’s said about not voting Republican.
His man crush on McCain is as heavy as his Clinton derangement syndrome is thick. Which also describes Sully’s belly and brain (respectively).
New thread at top, y’all.
Anne Laurie
Never misunderestimate NH’S bi-partisan Ornery Party. Remember, that’s where King Bush I’s “Most Unsatisfactory Supreme Court Pick” (Souter) was born & bred. Current voting tallies would seem to indicate vast crossover reserves of “Eff You, Media Village” voters among Dems, Repubs, and Independents…
You know they showed Obamaś grandmother on huffington post in Kenya and I can help but wonder if they shouldnt get the hell out of there if Obama becomes president. I mean I see some great opportunities for a ransom.
Give this man a cigar!
NBC and AP are calling it for Hillary.