McCain beats Romney and the Huckster.
Clinton leads Obama.
Erick at Red State rubs Hugh Hewitt’s nose in it.
I pour another Scotch.
This post is in: Politics
McCain beats Romney and the Huckster.
Clinton leads Obama.
Erick at Red State rubs Hugh Hewitt’s nose in it.
I pour another Scotch.
Comments are closed.
Edwards is not doing as well as I expected.
I wonder if Edwards remarks about Hillary’s ‘tears’ hurt him badly. It’s not as if Obama is all that much lower in his share of the vote than projected.
It looks like Hillary maybe got some late switchover votes from the Edwards’ camp.
maxbaer (not the original)
That comment section over at RedState is a real bundle of insanity. There are people talking about the possibility of Rudy or Fred winning it all. I know the Yogi-isms, but really…
How big does that grey piece of pie need to get before CNN gives it a name?
A good host would share.
How is Erick able to still post? The site is falling apart and the libruls won’t fix it for him for free!!
$55K?!? to upgrade? Someone over at RedState needs to pick up a book and learn to code.
Billy K
I am shocked Hillary is doing this well.
She must’ve rigged it, or machine or something. Clintons suck.
sHrillary’s lead is holding up with nearly 1/3 of the precincts reporting.
The Other Steve
Wow, this is closer than I was anticipating. That’s exciting, and keeps this thing going.
I hear some people complaining about Iowa/New Hampshire deciding it all eating a bit of crow in the back of the room.
The Grand Panjandrum
My Predicition for tonight:
1. Hillary edges out Obama.
2. Andrew Sullivan’s head explodes.
3. I’m really drunk right now.
(If I’m right, it just goes to show how little alcohol impairs judgement. If I’m wrong, see #3)
The Other Steve
Yeah, I noticed that. I guess they’re going with the “We only report the top 4” thing. So unless Paul beats Rudy, he doesn’t exist.
The Other Steve
I wonder if McCain can go on to win other states?
I cannot begin to tell you how much I don’t like John McCain. Okay, I already began to tell you, a long time ago. But I plan to do a lot more of it in the days ahead.
They later updated it to 75k, after adding in software costs. AND they want another 25K to finish the job.
That’s right.
Redstate, the $100,000 blog.
That’s an even better example of Republican fiscal conservatism than FL state Rep. Bob Allen offering $20 to give someone a blowjob.
You didn’t think the media was gonna let anyone run away with the election did you?
Can’t have a horse race with only one horse.
I’m not sure I want Hillary to take it all, but I REALLY want to see Andrew Sullivan’s head explode at least for tonight. He is so obsessed with hating Hillary that he practically froths at the mouth.
McCain’s speech? Just assume that he means the exact opposite of what he is saying, and you will be pretty close to understanding him.
Watching McCain say gracias to the stolid Yanks of the Live Free or Die state. I know it might be because of his melanoma (and I wouldn’t want to be unsympathetic to the cancer-ridden … but …) he looks like a too ripe pomengrante. Now I can’t recall seeing a pomengrante (granite? the granite state?), so this simile is ridiculous, but like others on the net tonight, i’se been drinking.
Anyhoo, the point is, if Obama does win what seems to be a renewed race with Hillary, imagine the debates between the Obama and McCain. Energy v. enervation, freshness v. staleness. And experience?
I had fears about McCain before watching his dirge tonight, but they’ve been deflated a bit. This guy is stale Wonder bread: kind of palatable but unsubstantial and, in the long run, deleterious to your health.
Gads, e’en the MSNBC sandbox denizens are hammering him for this.
Anne Laurie
She must’ve rigged it, or machine or something. Clintons suck. /Sullivan
If only the male Clinton *would* suck, consider how differently Sullivan’s interpretation of the last 15 years…
Things are tightening up.
No, you dick, the media histrionics over the tears pissed people off big time.
Bob In Pacifica
This can’t be. Women are never frontrunners!
I think they screwed up going for her the way they did (the press/Edwards). I would vote for HRC if she is the final candidate, but she’s always been my third pick. But, the crap they’ve been flinging at her the last week gets my back up, and if they hate her *that* much, she must be doing something right.
I hope she wins tonight. Then I hope Obama gets his head on straight and runs a wonky campaign instead of a cult of personality one.
I think Edwards is out. Not all his fault, talk about ignored by the media, but he blew it with his ugly crying chick attack.
B4B continues to have the best coverage and predictions on the 2008 race in the blogosphere. We’ll be covering it all night, so come on by!
I predict a single-digit Obama victory, followed by a Clinton declaration of “victory” because of her amazing comeback.
The Other Steve
John S.
At least Sully is honest:
Translation: I am a full of shit Clagina hater.
The Other Steve
I think that’s what the exit polls are showing. With such a close margin, we have to wait to see.
The Other Steve
Wait! Fred Thompson finally woke up from his nap. He’s surging in at 1%.
McCain is smiling so big he looks like that dude from Poltergeist II
The stuff at the Democratic Underground is pretty nutty too.
that’s two junior-level programmers for a full year. WTF?
I polished off a bottle of cognac for Iowa when Obama won. Now I think I’m finally starting to feel the hangover.
Perry Como
If you have enough faith, the site will fix itself.
The Clagina’s lead seems to be holding up with nearly 1/2 the votes reported. Obama is still sniffing her ass with The Breck Girl waaaay behind both of them.
But JohnE is nearly 10,000 votes ahead of pHuckabee.
These are the same people insisting that Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson were the ones about to be indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald (when in fact it was the other way around).
Even the “goodbye” message by that RedState guy recently was hilarious in its non-hewing-to-reality.
And I third, fourth, and fifth the suggestion that Sully’s head will explode and it will be a good time for all.
Blogs for Brownback has the BESTEST coverage, evah?
That’s pretty damn funny. Good one.
Splitting Image
“I cannot begin to tell you how much I don’t like John McCain. Okay, I already began to tell you, a long time ago. But I plan to do a lot more of it in the days ahead.”
I like John McCain.
I just happen to like Edwards, Obama, Dodd, Paul, Kucinich, Chuck Hagel and Ralph Nader better.
Mike Huckabee, too, some of the time.
Hillary’s up 4 points on Obama. ouch.
i guess it’s an actual race after all.
I like Mike too, but as a co-worker or a neighbor. I wouldn’t vote for him for anything more than city council.
But Mike’s son, I wouldn’t want him living in my neighborhood. We have pets.
Over half the votes counted and the Clagina is clinging to a 3500 vote lead.
The Other Steve
It’s back down to 39/37 now with 53% reporting.
I’m almost wondering if it’s been called too soon on the Republican side. According to TPM, only 50% of the vote is in, and McCain is only leading Romney by 5%. Stranger things have happened. And right now it’s Clinton 39% to Obama’s 37%, with 51% reporting.
Crazy-close on both sides, really.
Baby steps.
If I understand Erick’s plea to the masses, RedState is the thin red line between The American Way and Demofascism. If RedState goes down, our lives will become a non-stop gay Islamic abortion parties.
Snark Based Reality
Good ol’ Wes Clark just dropped the “comeback” bomb while kissing her ass on MSNBC.
According to my calculations, there are about 222,000 registered Democrats in NH and with about half the votes counted there have been over 130,000 votes cast for Democrat candidates.
Independents can vote for either party, but with typical turnout rates that means massive numbers of them are going with the donkey party.
Thirded, Mary and Steve. I’m willing to overlook the blatant phoniness of the moment (I don’t mean she was faking it, necessarily, just that she has total control over that release valve–I guarantee you every single one of the candidates, except maybe Obama, wants to cry at this point) since she exposed a lot of assholes for who they are.
The Clintons, man. It’s like they slip their opponents overreaction mickeys or something; nobody can take them on without losing their shit. And then the fight.
And why did “Clagina” catch on? Some blogger coined “Clintoris” a while back and I haven’t seen it since. No offense to the regulars, I’m just saying you have better options.
56% reporting
Clinton 57,458 39%
Obama 53,935 37%
Edwards 24,515 17%
Richardson 6,865 5%
Kucinich 2,118 1%
Biden 334 0%
Gravel 196 0%
Dodd 108 0%
That was awesome dude, hilarious. Faith based systems administration :-)
Excuse me, BWAHAHAHA!-er, but I did call the GOP winners this time around and I did call the Iowa winners. So shut your stupid trap. Thanks in advance.
55% reporting
McCain 44,472 37%
Romney 38,014 31%
Huckabee 13,549 11%
Giuliani 10,428 9%
Paul 9,442 8%
Thompson 1,418 1%
Hunter 617 1%
Bob In Pacifica
You know, I don’t watch Tweety (I was fed up with his SF Examiner columns fifteen, twenty years ago). I don’t watch much of the cable or network news. So maybe I missed the bullcrap directed at Clinton. After all, I only heard the Madrassas stuff third-hand after the fact, and the Mr. Coiffed Hair thing rolled off my back.
But when I saw Steinem’s NYT op-ed (second-hand, via TalkLeft) I knew a manipulation was in play. If sexism is an issue, it’s one created by the media, not the candidates. Steinem has done this repeatedly. That’s her job. A woman who talks about women’s rights and goes to bed (or at least parties) with Henry Kissinger does not really give a damn about women’s rights. Kissinger is a mass-murderer. He’s killed women too.
The guy in the crowd with the “Iron my shirt” sign might as well have been handing out flyers for the Fair Play For Cuba Committee.
Strangely, I find myself cheering Hillary if anything to see Sully’s head explode and to see the collective look of chagrin on the press’s face. I mean Obama can live on to fight another primary. This is probably the most exciting primary evah!
Wow, that was hard. I mean, none of the polls predicted the Pugs race correctly… excerpt for like 90% of them.
If Edwards taps out he supports…Obama?
Become? If your life isn’t already like that, please turn in your Liberofascist membership card to the nearest enforcer.
I’m thinking I’m going to be drinking a lot soon.
Because they called her husband the “Clenis”
Looks like Clinton is widening her lead.
I just want Paul to beat Giuliani.
John Cole
Or, as we like to call it at Balloon Juice HQ (after a liter of scotch and a quart of hola fruta), FRIDAY.
Oh fuck, I just had a bad thought.
Will Lieberman claim credit for Johnny Mac’s win?
Anne Laurie
The guy in the crowd with the “Iron my shirt” sign might as well have been handing out flyers for the Fair Play For Cuba Committee.
According to the local news, the “Iron My Shirt” guy was an arsehole from a Boston-area talk radio stunt. Apparently the Massholes are annoyed that the New Hampsters are hogging all the media attention in the arsehole category.
McCain/Lieberman? WOohoo! I hope they do it!
mmm.. Hola Fruit.
Address? The real one, not the IP.
Snark Based Reality
MSNBC is covering the “The Media Was Too Mean To Hillary” reason for her winning so far…
In public? No.
In private? Oh, you betcha. I’m sure the call is going through right now, “So, John, I get to be VP right? You OWE me this win. Right? Right? Right?”
The Other Steve
Republicans have been doing interesting lit drops in New Hampshire.
Smith 2008 flyer
Apparently it’s Randall Terry’s group, and they’re primarily targeting Rudy using this racist flyer.
Billy K
Did one of you guys write in to Sully?
I pour another Woodford Reserve to (1) toast Romney’s loss, and (2) inure myself to a possible Obama loss.
What can I say? More of a bourbon man.
Michael D.
People went to the polls intending to vote for Obama. Then they thought about it.
If Hillary could flip the script on the media that would be really interesting.
If the meaner they treated her, the better she did at the polls, that would cause the kewl kids a real dilemma.
Somehow, I just can’t picture good results from combining those two items in those quantities.
Both are ugly as hell. Using them is uglier.
At least the Clenis made sense. Still, ugly.
Well, I was wrong, I listened to the pollsters and am very surprised. I was hoping we could finally put the Bush – Clinton axis behind us, but I guess not. I think Obama’s people may have gotten lazy and not worked to get out their voters. In any event, I wish Edwards would stop his silly pursuit (and I like Edwards) and back Obama.
Chris Johnson
Like I said, if Hillary can beat Obama I’m down with that. I just hope there are enough people who can hold her feet to the fire, because she’s LIKE LBJ- a fucking political hack. She can get stuff done, but what, exactly?
If Clinton becomes President, it means a lot of work for progressives to force her to actually be ANY different from Bush. She’s capable of it but I don’t believe she’s intending to do a damned thing but try and protect the USA’s self-interest at home and abroad. And there are more important things. Hell, our founding principles ARE more important than our ‘protection’, and I do not believe she sees it that way.
So yay for yet another Democrat who could kick ass on the Republican field, but I’m still very frustrated.
I always thought Bill was a handsome guy.
And I mean that as a flaming heterosexual.
He does make more sense than she does though.
How about clunt?
CNN keeps waiting on those Colleges For Obama, and Hillary’s lead just keeps growing… now around 4800.
The Other Steve
Reading the exit polling out of New Hampshire, Hillary is wining the key demographics to call the nomination in her favor.
Well, we’ll see after the next states.
Now that’s just rude and crude!
Hillary is kicking Obama’s butt in New Hampshire’s two largest cities…
With 55% of precinct reporting in Nashua, Hillary is up 48% to Obama’s 31%
With 75% of precinct reporting in Manchester, Hillary is up 45% to Obama’s 31%.
Obama’s inability to score a solid victory over Hillary, and McCain’s substantial victory suggests that the independents that had been looking at Obama when the McCain candidacy had been declared moribund (i.e. republican leaning voters who looked at the rest of the GOP field, got nausea, and went looking for a Democrat to support) had gone back to McCain.
The good news is that Hillary “exceeded expectations” even if she doesn’t win — not because Hillary is such a great candidate, but because we won’t listen to nearly as much “Hillary is doomed” crap from the pundits.
Snark Based Reality
MSNBC calls it for Hillary.
The Grand Panjandrum
MSNBC declares HRC the winner.
But what does Diebold say?
God, I’m getting very ill. Bush Clinton Bush Clinton – just shoot me. I am so ashamed of the American people, they really do have rocks in their heads.
Like I said, if Hillary can beat Obama I’m down with that. I just hope there are enough people who can hold her feet to the fire, because she’s LIKE LBJ- a fucking political hack. She can get stuff done, but what, exactly?
are you asking about her agenda? While all candidates make more promises than they keep, her #2-#6 priorities are likely to be health care reform, get us out of Iraq, beginning to restore fiscal sanity, begin to restore America’s reputation in the world, and restore the integrity of our government.
Number #1 priority, of course, will be getting re-elected.
MSNBC, AP,, call the Dems for Clinton:
65% Reporting
Clinton ….. 39% … 67,828
Obama ……. 36% … 62,736
Edwards ….. 17% … 29,126
Richardson .. 05% …. 8,212
Kucinich …. 02% …. 2,478
Biden …….. 0% …… 386
Gravel ……. 0% …… 240
Dodd ……… 0% …… 119
63% Reporting
McCain …… 37% … 52,142
Romney …… 31% … 43,920
Huckabee …. 11% … 16,233
Giuliani ….. 9% … 12,146
Paul ……… 8% … 11,157
Thompson ….. 1% …. 1,696
Hunter ……. 1% …… 723
I want to die inside.
What happened to the Obama Blowout?
What will the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism do now?
All their scripts say HRC is DOA, and the writers are on strike!
Poor LBJ, he really did do a lot during his Presidency. He passed the Civil Rights Act. He lauched his “War on Poverty” that started programs like Food Stamps, and Head Start. He started Medicare. I know a lot of people here may think that these were bad changes, but they were tremendous changes. LBJ really did shape the world we live in today.
Dude, are you serious? Maybe you are letting your rhetoric swing a little wide, eh?
What Democratic candidate couldn’t be better than GW Bush??? Clinton would have to purposefully put people in positions of power in every department of the federal government who couldn’t find their butt with both hands. Yeah, Clinton (or Obama, or any Democrat) is going to be shoveling all the shit of the Aegean stables for the first two years (all the while Republicans will be screaming about how the stables aren’t getting a new paint job).
Moreover, she is going to have to raise taxes on the wealthy. Now, she may have a lot of corporate support, but you can bet there’s going to be hellfire, brimstone, howling and gnashing of teeth to deal with the day after she is elected. Even so, the folks who value competence in government over crony welfare are going to be partying like it’s 1999.
I just want the new DoJ to start throwing some of those crony crooks in jail, and I’m not sure either Clinton or Obama have the brass-covered reproductive organs to make sure those folks never hold public office again.
In New Hampshire there are always up around 40 people on the ballot for each party in the primary. If I recall correctly all you need is the $2000.00 fee and you can run for president. There are always nutty people running in both parties in NH that most people will never hear about.
The Other Steve
At least this time people know which Clinton they are voting for.
Back in 2000 a lot of people thought they were voting for his father.
The Other Steve
Well, GW Bush is going to be looking for work come January 20, 2009. I guess we could give him a job in the mail room or something.
Snark Based Reality
Did Brokaw just say “Cuntan”? Haha.
The AP is calling NH for Hillary.
The Grand Panjandrum
The Bradley Effect?
The Other Steve
Maybe I should jump off the Obama bandwagon and back onto the Clinton one?
6200+ votes up and CNN still refuses to call it, although the number gets larger with every update.
All those polls… all those pundits… all those so-called highly-paid experts…
69% of the votes in and it’s back to 40/36
This is so skewed by gender and age cohort that I doubt the Bradley effect. This feels like a massive, persistent sampling error.
The Other Steve
I think we have a case where voters who decided at the last minute broke for Hillary based on the stupid news the last couple of days.
They pay them?
grumpy realist
Well, I guess we can say the following:
Democratic candidate: Obama-Clinton horserace. I think Edwards’s ship is sinking pretty low in the water. He’s going to have to come out first in at least one of the states soon if he wants to remain a viable candidate.
Republican candidate: McCain whacks Romney in the trousers. Giuliani is crater, crater, crater. (hot damn!) Ol’ Fred: snooze. Might as well take his marbles and go home. Ron Paul: who he?
MSNBC declares HRC the winner.
thank god. Not because I like Hillary (prefer Edwards), but because all the idiot pundits and reporters who have been telling us she was doomed have been proven wrong.
Plus, I think Obama would be a disaster as president — if he didn’t implode during the general election.
(give him eight years, I’ll support him. But he doesn’t know crap about how the government really works, and he’s lived a completely charmed life as a politician (his one loss in 2004 — to a popular entrenched democratic US House incumbent in a primary , was probably aimed more at getting him name recognition in Cook County for his 2004 US Senate run. Both times he faced credible opposition (the Senate primary, and general election) his opponent got caught in a big sex scandal. (He got his state senate seat running unopposed in a Democratic primary for an open seat — in one of the most Democratic districts in the country. HOW OFTEN do you see open, safe Democratic seats with no primary contests?)
oops…the above should read, “his one loss in 2000” not 2004.
I second (or third or tenth) the call that the best part of Hillary winning is Andrew Sullivan will shit himself. Oh, CNN calls it for Hillary.
CNN calls it for the Clagina
Democratic candidate: Obama-Clinton horserace. I think Edwards’s ship is sinking pretty low in the water. He’s going to have to come out first in at least one of the states soon if he wants to remain a viable candidate.
what he has to do is tell the DNC to screw themselves, and go campaign in Florida. It won’t get him any delegates, but he can say that the reason he is doing it is because the media is so obsessed with Hillbama that he is getting ignored, and he can prove in Florida that when people do hear his message, they vote for him. Otherwise, he’s toast.
CNN calls it finally, and Fox doesn’t take five seconds to follow suit. Right as Obama was taking the stage. You’d almost swear this was all orchestrated… naahhhhhhh!
Lets see if B. Hussein Obama is as prepared to loose as he was to win.
Paul still trails Rudy by about 1300 votes
With 22 delegates up for grabs, Hillary nabbed a ten or so, Obama probably gets about 8, and Edwards gets four. Roughly.
Let’s not call it prematurely. Unlike the pundits, who get it WRONG over and over and overe
Ha ha. Osama just said “nude erection!” What a perv.
My wife got a kick out of them playing a Chuck Berry tune at McCain’s HQ before or after (I can’t remember) his acceptance speech. Kind of reminded me of a clip I remembered of Bob Dole’s campaign playing Bill Haley and the Comets’ Rock Around the Clock to try to fire up their campaign in the waning hours of the ’96 campaign. Might as well put a sign around his neck saying “I’m old.” Disclaimer: I love Chuck Berry, but I’m old.
Snark Based Reality
Haha nice. Obama indirectly dissing Rudy.
Barack says “yes we can” over and over while the DemocRATS prove “no we can’t.” What a crock.
Congrats to McCain and Hitlery. Thank the Lord that Mittens bit the dust again. Drop out, Willard.
Weren’t some of the Obama-Osama supporters chanting “Tax and spend! Yes we can! Tax and Spend! Yes we can!”
Why am I not surprised?
Three cheers for Executive Hemogony. I just wish Amy Carter would run.
Not just Rudy, Obama’s 9-11 reference also a swipe at Hillary in one of her earlier statements.
Our political system is now like England’s circa the mid-1500s. Instead of the Houses of York and Lancaster, it is the Houses of Bush and Clinton. God help us.
Somewhat late, but: lawl, so true.
Great speech from Hitlery. I’m impressed. But she’s still a socialist.
geez, where did all the Clinton Derangement Syndrome sufferers come from all of the sudden?
I’m too tired to play Whack-a-Troll, so: I like pie!
The sewers probably.
BTW – The don’t suffer from it, they make us suffer.
So what do you suppose her definintion of the “Priviledged Few” is? Is she in it?
You are proof of the failure of the American education system to instill a sense of decency into the souls of our citizens. Or, you’re a fucking immigrant opening his damned mouth where he shouldn’t be.
One is a state and congressional senator, lecturer with a JD, and civil worker.
and the other is a psycho busy dry humping sand dunes and strapping bombs to teenagers (also happened to kill 3 grand of our guys, in case you forgot)
Can’t you just say “I don’t like Obama” without being a complete fucking disgrace to this country?
And that’s proof of the failure of the education system to tell you what the fuck was wrong with Italy and Germany in the 1930’s and 1940’s (fascism), and what the fuck was wrong with Russia in most of the 20th century (socialism).
Kill yourself.
Unless you’re 12, which is likely. In that case, pick up a history textbook before you have to work at McDonald’s for the rest of your life.
Awww, why did ya go and do that? Didn’t you see the “Please Don’t Feed the Trolls” sign?
There’s this blog called “The Daily Dish”. Usually good, but the host there has a strong dislike for professional politicians. Something to do with being British; Thatcher… I dunno.
But, look at your blockquote! It’s invisible text!
When the kid goes to eat it, he’ll get no satisfaction out of it!
Or, I’m drunk and can’t read. What is it with BJ readers and drinking on an election night? Is it an emotional trauma issue?
/honestly, I do have a line, and it’s usually when a bad joke is said without the expected laugh track, or worse, expected to be taken for substance. Sorry.
Chris: Do you know the meaning of the term irony?
Hint: Saying it’s like goldy or silvery, but made out or iron is incorrect.
Naw, I didn’t want to throw them any scraps by repeating what you wrote.
Trolls are like cockroaches, even nuclear radiation doesn’t kill them.
But they feed on attention, so ignore them.
Sully’s being pretty gracious.
I wish there were some half-way bright trolls here in the middle of the night. I suffer from insomnia and that’s when I would really enjoy putting the boots to ’em.
But apparently they all work the graveyard shift at Denny’s.
Ned R.
Shifting gears a bit, something really funny went up over at RedState just a little while ago:
Republican activism 2.0!
mmmm. Pie. I’d love some sour cream rum raisin. [drool].
Damn dieting sucks.
Aww, come on, you can’t think of how to turn that into torture?
1.) Get liquored up before you go. It’s Dennys, so it’s a requirement
2.) Order half the menu. Should cost you $4.
3.) Chastise your targeted troll/waiter for not bringing your food out in under 10 minutes.
4.) Criticize the food. After all, it’s not actually food. Probably playdoh.
5.) Demand the waiter taste test your
foodthings for arsenic. BONUS: add arsenic before they eat it.6.) Eat the food; Yak all over the table before you leave. Step (1) is a moderating factor in this.
7.) Leave without paying the check. When stopped, claim racism to the manager.
/Not a big fan
Oh good god, where do I start…
JC, please make this a thread for tomorrow!
Watching the far-right whine for maternal help while in the midst of claiming moral authority and chastising other ninny help-seekers is
Wow, what a racist. What do you have against Norweigans?
Ralph Dosser
OK, something odd’s going on with me and Redstate. I posted a comment they didn’t like, they clobbered my account. I re-registered and posted a second comment on the thread, and now when I attempt to visit any URL on the site I get a blank page. I’ve cleared my cookies and still, blank pages.
I realize it’s probably safer to assume stupidity than malice, especially with that crowd, but I can’t help but feel this is the equivalent of them stuffing their fingers in their ears and humming loudly.
A rather odd posting at K. Lo’s House of Crazy. Especially that last sentence, “Hillary as insurgent against the liberal MSM—you go, girl!”.
Even K-Yoda had to respond to that one with a WTF?…
They blocked you on your IP address, likely. It’s the most effective way, even if 0.1% of the people it nails are innocent.
Those of you who are irritated with this win. Cheer up and watch:
South Park
We prefer Swedes
Especially members of the Bikini Team.
disrepectful-to-immigrant does not equal racist. Races are international, immigrants are national. fail.
B-b-but only 73% reporting! ‘bama can still win!
//clings to teddy bear
Thanks for the link.
F. Frederson
Conservative diversity at its finest.
dr. luba
You’re right. The independent NHers are NOT coming out for the Republicans. The breakdown by party registration in NH is:
26% Democratic
30% Republican
44% Independent
and the vote totals are (my quick calculations from CNN #s):
Dem 246,000
Rep 213,000
Dems are a minority in the state, but got a majority of the vote. According to Newsday, “Six in 10 independent voters chose to vote in the Democratic contest,” which sounds about right.
We saw similar results in Iowa. A portent of things to come? Have the Reagan Republicans finally come to their senses…and come home to the party that actually mirrors their values?
Eh, no. They’re angry at their partners and are spending the night at the neighbor’s house. Whether they kiss and make up, or end up filing for divorce is something that will play out over the next 4-8 years (this will take more than just this one election cycle to reconcile itself). But Reaganism itself is dead. Bush the Elder never believed in it (“voodoo economics”) and Bush the Lesser (“compassionate” conservatism) has pretty much stamped out the last embers of it. The Shining City on the Hill has gone dark, permanently.
The “Grumpy Old Men” ticket?
Snark Based Reality Says:
Haha nice. Obama indirectly dissing Rudy.
No, he was directly dissing Hillary who played the, “Who would you want if there was another 9/11?” card this week, an untested Obamba or a battle hardened battle-axe?
Nah, we Massholes are more than happy to let the good folks of Cow Hampshire deal with all the politicians, staffers and newsers while we sit back and channel-surf away from all the political advertisements clogging the airwaves. Besides, most of the voters in southern NH are former Massachusetts residents anyway, so it’s almost like we get to vote twice.
Dreading another Clinton presidency isn’t CDS – I’ll still vote for Hillary rather than any of the Republican pukes – it’s simply a recognition that the country needs to get away from the Bush-Clinton stranglehold on the country that seems to suggest you’re elected because of your name. I also happen to think that Hillary’s “experience” argument is very lame. She has 7 years in the Senate, that’s it. Her “experiences” as First Lady (of Arkansas then the US) are not building blocks for the Presidency. She’s a smart capable woman, but if she were a senator named Hillary Jones, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
grumpy realist
From an ex-upstate NYer: Also ya gotta admit that being a Senator from NY gives, well, a rather weird type of “experience”, what with the NYC/rest-of-the-state split. Plus we’ve got our totally dysfunctional set of bozos up in Albany, which seems to emit a stupid field that clobbers anyone who moves up there (witness Spitzer’s nuttiness over the last year.)
(We’ve also got our own mess here in Illinois right now, where the dimwits down state are still squabbling over the budget while Chicago looks on in frustration and counts the days down before it’s going to have to axe sizeable chunks of its public transportation. And we’re going to put in a bid for the Olympics? Riiight.)